Trouble In Paradise

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"Love is the voice under all silences, the hope which has no opposite in fear, the strength so strong mere force is feebleness, the truth more first than sun, more last than star"



The wedding is fast approaching and Everyone has been busy for the past few days. The house is upside down, everything and everywhere is scattered, not to mention the bare ground outside the house. I have no clue what is happening there.

Aunt Rakiya Wakes up very early these past few days and comes out of the house as early as six. She's been supervising a bunch of men that have been digging the grounds like they are looking for god knows what. I saw her standing in the middle of the men while they tirelessly dug the hard ground with a satisfying look on her face.

She seemed so happy and contented with the job they are doing. Every now and then one of the men who I assume is the leader of the team walks up to Aunt Rakiya and talked with her for a few minutes.

She always seemed amazed by his words. sometime he even showed her stuff he dug up from the ground as if he has made a very important discovery. Her eyes lit up when she examines it. I wonder what's so fascinating about digging holes and examining stuff you've dug up. The last thing he showed her took her breath away, she ran into the house with it and showed it to my mother.

When I took a closer look at the man who has been showing Aunt Rakiya the things he has dug up, I recognized him. It is "Dila" son of the great "Zira". I wonder what this woman is up to, I'm sure she's up to no good. The fact that it involved Dila alone makes it scary. It seems Dila has found a new passion for digging.

Dila and his family are well known, feared and respected in this little town. His father "Zira" was a living human enigma and his body baffled everyone. He is someone who knives and other sharp objects can't penetrate into his skin. He became famous for piercing his body with all kinds of objects such as swords, knives and daggers without getting injured. He could even swallow glass, needles and razor blades.

No one could understand how Zira could do things that would kill any living human being. He earned money by letting people pierce his body with "dagger-like" objects. He performed at market squares, gatherings and special occasions. He let his assistant impale his hypnotized body with knives, swords and rapiers without hurting him.

He claimed to have heard voices from "guardian angels" that told him what to do. Zira also said that he had several strange paranormal experiences as a young boy and that he was telepathic, he could heal people and break charms.

Zira was an extraordinary person, but eventually everything must come to an end. a year ago, he swallowed a very large steel needle and fell into a trance. Just three days later, the "trance" was discovered to be "death," and the case of Zira, age 55 was closed. Cause of death: internal injuries caused by swallowed steel needle, though many of his followers and believers deny that. His son "Dila" aged 23 took over the family's legacy.

Dila once talked to me on my way home, he bought me groundnut and offered to walk me home. I couldn't reject his groundnut neither could I decline his offer, Despite the fact that I know I would be in trouble if my father sees me with him.

He was being nice  and I couldn't figure out why. I was scared out of my wits, he scared me a lot. His eyes were cold, Cold like ice bags in a black hole. I couldn't dare say no to him. so I chose to face my fathers wrath instead of his.

We walked in silence, but he looked at me Avery now and then like a very interesting piece of specimen as we walked. I reached home safely, but we met my father at the gate. I avoided any eye contact with him as I hurriedly walked past him with my eyes on the ground.

Luckily, Dila never came back after the little talk they had with my dad at the gate. I didn't listen to the conversation though, I went straight inside the house as soon as we arrived.

I'm glad Aunt Rakiya has found a new hobby, at list she's not constantly on my tail, making snide remarks about my life's choices.

Marka (my mother's friend) interrupted my line of thoughts when she loudly banged the door making certain noises as she made her way into the house. she was suddenly mute, she got carried away by the Work Aunt Rakiya was supervising.

She had a worried look on her face as she listened attentively to Aunt Rakiyas conversation with dila. She stood near Aunt Rakiya and gawked at Dila with boggled eyes. She was staring at them interrogatively, wondering why they were digging up holes.

What is happening here, Marka said, With her voice like a siren anticipating some tragedy.

There was something buried deep underneath the ground by an evil soul. And we have found that thing. The person who made it would meet his maker by sundown, the person that buried it shall be stricken by a calamity and the hands that buried it would rot and decay, Dila replied. He said those words with violence as if they were a knife cutting up her throat.

She gulped and her face scrunched up. If I wasn't there I could have sworn she's seen a ghost. With shaky voice and hands, she managed to say "I'm here to help with the wedding preparations, but I just remembered I had to be somewhere. Tell Hajiya I would come back later" she told Aunt Rakiya and she quickly exited our house.

Seeing her miserable and judgemental face made me laugh hard. I wonder what's going through that woman's head.

I rushed into the toilet and took a shower. The henna Artist is going to be here soon to decorate my hands and feet with her beautiful henna designs. She is an expert.

I got ready in no time and sat in the sitting room waiting for the henna Artist. Then my brother, came in. Without even sparing him a look, I simply said not here. go to your room and lock yourself there because today I'm sitting here with my guests.

He said "stubborn girl, I'll leave but you have to beg me first, on your knees". Never I replied, I'm not going anywhere, besides I was here first. I stuck out my tongue to annoy him. Then I heard fits of laughter, that was when I realized he wasn't alone. He was with Tanimu and kallamu our family friend who is now living with us. I was so embarrassed.



As soon as we entered Usman's house, I heard the sound of the sweetest voice on earth. Zulai is the owner of the voice, I saw my zulai talking to her brother. I stared at her with amusement. She was mad at him for barging in and disturbing her peace. After a little bit of exchange of words, she stuck out her tongue like a spoilt brat and God, it was so cute and hilarious at the same time. I adore each and every shade of her personality.

She had no idea we were there, not until we bursted our laughing like idiots. That's when we got her attention, she looked up at us embarrassed and then she averted her eyes to the wall.

She looked at me again, and this time, she looked right into my eyes. Our eyes ignited when they met, I stared at her and she stared back at an equal intensity. I melted instantly, My heart was ripping my chest apart, but I had to resist it. I know she could see it in my eyes. I had no control over my feelings, I wish they didn't show that much.

She smiled at me maliciously and played with her veil. God, I hate it when she does that. She looked insanely adorable, like a freaking Greek goddess. There was an innate rhythm beating in my heart and my stomach already twirled. She did one thing that surprised me today, she didn't run away from me. she just sat there looking at me as if she couldn't stop admiring me. I was overjoyed.

She suddenly got Frightened, she stood up from the chair she was sitting in real quick rubbing her eyes several times. She gave me a puzzled look. I quickly moved closer, then I heard something, not more than a whisper coming out of her mouth. "why did you go away? you left me, When did you come back and why are you here?" She asked.

It was as if realization just hit her, Like she had no idea what was going on in her life, like she was consumed by something deadly and had just been released by it.

Her brother quickly moved closer and asked her what was wrong, she just kept quiet and tears started flowing down her cheeks. It broke my heart seeing her like that. He grabbed her hand and led her into the house.

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