The Taste Of Victory

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"Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind. And therefore is winged Cupid, painted blind"



We won the soccer match, we defeated our opponents. I gave an outstanding performance because every time I hit the ball, I imagined I was hitting Alhaji Tankos head (zulai's fiancé). I almost damaged the ball beyond repair. It was worth it because I scored three goals for our team, and we emerged victorious.

After the match, I followed usman home to celebrate our victory, though that was not the real reason why I followed him. I just wanted to see zulai, see if I could get a chance to talk to her even if it's for a second.

As soon as we arrived, Usman yelled out Zulais name and asked her to bring him a cup of water, then he disappeared. I think he left on purpose, He wanted to give us some privacy. I never dared to ask, but I've had this hunch that he sort of kind of knows that I like his sister a lot. Who wouldn't have guessed so, after seeing the way I lost it the day I found out she was engaged.

Few minutes later, I saw the most beautiful view on earth. I saw my zulai, holding a cup of water. She is wearing a long blue gown which is glued to her body exposing all her beautiful curves. She stood there like an angel sent from above to seduce me, holding the cup of water. I can see her bare smooth, perfectly sculpted limbs right in front of me.

I melted like a heated marshmallow when she looked into my eyes, I was burning with desire. Aching with the need to hold her, i couldn't fight what I felt anymore. I moved closer reaching for the cup of water, I made sure my hand casually brushed hers. When she felt it, she lost her balance and almost fell flat on the floor.

I quickly stretched my hands and grabbed her tight by the waist preventing her from falling, my body collided with hers in the process. Her eyes were fixed on my lips and suddenly our breathing became heavier.

I could feel her warm breath fanning my face. She was ready to succumb to the forceful domination of my warm embrace when she suddenly backed away from me. She Turned on her heels and walked away.

I inhaled deeply to ease my nerves. That simple touch sent spirals of ecstasy through my body and I quivered at it's sweet tenderness.

I wondered what she felt in that moment, I wondered if she felt alive, If the adrenaline was rushing through her body, taking control of it. If she got that feeling of sharp tingling goosebumps that seemed to devour me

There was a hint of amusement in her eyes, a sparkle of twisted curiosity and wicked joy before she left.

It doesn't matter if I am perfect or zulai is perfect, as long as we are perfect for each other. And I believe we are perfect for each other.

Zulai have made a place in my heart where I thought there was no room for anything else. She has made flowers grow where I cultivated dust and stones

I went home so happy that evening, I would never forget that moment we shared. I loved the way she reacted to my touch. I have confirmed that I am not alone in this, zulai feels something for me no matter how hard she tries to deny it. I love the taste of victory.

my happiness vanished as soon as I saw Yakubu. I turned around and was about to leave the room when his angry voice stopped me dead in my tracks.

Where do you think you are going to? You miserable bastard.

Anywhere but here, I replied. We need to talk, about the wedding said Yakubu.

I think what you should be worried about right now is her health not a damn wedding that is never going to happen. Let's just hope she survives the night I replied, looking at the ugly scene of Raliyat puking her guts out.

He was startled, taken aback by my words. He just stood there speechless as if his lips have been glued together.



Feeling the softness of my bed, I sighed in contentment and snuggled in my face in the pillow, I was ready to drift in to the dreamless slumber. I untalented myself from the comforter and sat on the bed when I remembered my encounter with tanimu.

If I knew he was the one seating in that room, I wouldn't have gone there. but then again I am I glad was there.

A soon as he saw me, his face lit up. With slow predatory steps, he approached me. My hands trembled and my legs became weak when our eyes met. His eyes glowed with savage inner fire as I watched him Fighting his own battle of personal restraint.

His gaze became even more gentler, soft and drugging, it made my knees weak like over cooked noodles. My legs got weaker as he kept coming closer. He carelessly brushed my hands in an attempt to collect the cup of water. My treacherous body lost it's balance and I nearly fell on the floor.

Before my brain could even register what was happening, I felt a pair of hands on my waist preventing me from falling down.

When I felt his body against mine, I was on fire. Like a lava, melting. I loved the way he made me feel, the way my heart beats when he was near, the electricity i felt at his touch, and the nervous butterflies he always caused in my stomach. I have never felt like this before in my entire life.

All the anger I felt instantly shattered, it all vanished and my emotions whirled and skidded. How can I love and hate a person this much at the same time? I asked myself.

I suddenly felt the need to see him again, to spend more time with him. Whatever this is, I think It needs to stop. I have a fiancé and we would soon be wed.

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Love you All ❤️

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