A unlikely reunion

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On the planet where the signal has been located

When the pelican arrived with Y/n,Tex,North and south has landed in the jungle area where they have their weapons out and scanning the area. Now they go towards the location of York as Bravo said where they might be.

Y/n: Were getting close to where Bravo picked up the signal.

North: Have you tried contacting them?

Then Theta appeared.

Theta: Indeed that would make our search much easier.

Then Bravo appeared on Y/n's shoulder.

Bravo: We tried to but we receive no response from Agent York or Beta. Which is a cause for concern.

Tex: True they might be in trouble.

Y/n: Let's double time it team!

They quicken their steps and soon reach the site which looks like a abandon house and when they get inside. What they find isn't what they hoped for. There in the floor is York not moving in a puddle of his own blood and Beta's AI chip next to him. Y/n went there to check how he died and saw the entry wound and knew what it was. The rest follow and North ask.

North: Y/n do you know what killed him?

Y/n: Sadly yes, A bullet wound right here. The bullet is from a high caliber round from a sniper rifle.

South: Wyoming that crazy mustache brit. He killed York. I swear I'm going to gut that bastard.

Tex: Get in line.

North: I can't believe he would do it. Especially to York.

Y/n: We never truly know a person until it's too late. Still all we can do it's find the bastard and send him to hell.

North agree and picked up Beta and soon he appeared.

Beta: North,South,Tex you're all alright.

North: Yeah we are. It's good to see you again.

Beta: Why do you look different from the last time I saw you.

South: We went to the UNSC and became Spartans 4.

Beta: How?  We are criminals in the UNSC.

Tex: It's because thanks to him Spartan-147 or as you might heard us call him Y/n. Also he is Rhode.

Beta: Rhode Island?

Then Bravo appeared in front.

Bravo: Yes, he's a Spartan II commando and was sent by the UNSC to investigate Project freelancer. As well he tried to save as many as he can who he trusts. I'm sorry we couldn't get here in time.

Beta: It's alright and it's good to see you all again but we can't leave him here?

Y/n: Agree the least we can do for him is give him a funeral he deserves. Still I wish I could've rescued him.

Tex walked up to him and ask.

Tex: It wasn't your fault Y/n. We all know he would of stayed behind to help Carolina. But your right he deserves to be buried like a good person he was.

Then they all detected someone approaching them in their motion tracker. They all turn to the entrance and aim their weapons at whoever approached. Then when the person came in it was Wash.

Wash:I'm here to get the AI back.

Y/n then stepped forward and said.

Y/n: Well we were sent by the UNSC to investigate?

Wash:The UNSC?

He couldn't believe how the UNSC sent Spartans to investigate Project freelancer. Though the other three looked familiar to him. He didn't want to believe it but he had to be sure.

Wash: North,South, Tex is that you?

North: Yeah it's us Wash?

Wash: How and When?

South: Let's just say we got a deal from a higher up in the UNSC we couldn't refused. A chance to get back at the Director and counselor.

Tex: Before you ask no we didn't kill York it was Wyoming.

Wash: Poor guy?

Y/n: Tex, South,North bury York. I'll talk to agent Washington.

Tex: Are you sure?

He nodded and soon they all did what he told then give York a burial. When they were alone he said.

Y/n: It's been a while hasn't it Wash.

Wash: Do I know you?

Y/n:*nods as he takes off his helmet* Yes we used to work together. As I was know as Rhode.

Wash: Rhode your a Spartan II. That could explain a lot.

Y/n: Yes it does. I only wish we meet under better circumstances.

Wash: No kidding. Still was all that all a lie?

Y/n: Some things are but not the bonds I forged with you all. That's why I tried to save you guys but I couldn't not everyone.

Wash: Oh sorry Rhode.

Y/n: It's fine. Still I need to get back with the rest. Before I go. I want to give you this.

He then gave him a small device with two buttons.

Y/n: It's a little communicator. If you need help press this to send a distress signal. The other is a way to talk.

Wash: Wow thanks Rhode. But why give this to me?

Y/n: Wash, I want to help a friend. Also to help you prove your not a criminal that you were played like the rest.

Wash: Rhode thank you. It's good to see you again.

Y/n: Same to you. We you need help.Don't hesitate to use it to call for assistance.

Wash: I will Rhode.

Y/n: Good we need to return.

Wash: I understand Rhode take care.

Y/n: You too Wash.

Once they have departed and Y/n went to pay his final respects to York they headed back to the pelican and continue on their search. While in another part of the galaxy one in a light blue armor has cleared off a warehouse that has prototype weapons. While dangling in her hand is a dog tag that reads.

"Agent Rhode Island Freelancer agent

(sorry if this took long. I needed to find a way to make this story not screwed up or confuse you all I hope you enjoy it and until next time.)

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