A new team is form.

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On Reach

Y/n,North,South and Tex have arrived at Reach the second most important planet in the UNSC restored to it's former glory. The three former Freelancers were amazed by its beauty and the defense. For Y/n he just smiled a bit since this has been his home for most of his life. How this is where he was trained and soon became a Spartan and how he meet his fellow Spartan brothers and sisters. As he continue to look at it the three former Freelancers looked at Y/n and they can see how he look at the planet like how he has returned home.

North: Now that is a beautiful planet.

South: You can say that again.

Tex: Yeah.

As they drew closer to the ODP a transmission was heard.

"Undentify Pelican your are approaching ODP 3 state your business over"

Y/n got in the comns and replied.

Y/n: This is Spartan-147 requesting permission to dock. Security code Sierra243.

" Code accepted and all is good. Welcome back Spartan. Lord hood is expecting you and your friends at HQ."

Y/n: Understood Sierra 147 out

Then they landed and soon got off and when Y/n got out the Freelancers can see how the marines and personal on the ODP respect him by saluting at him and he return it with a nod and got in the elevator and dropped down to the planet. As they got off and went towards HQ Tex, North and South were taking in the sights and sounds of Reach and it's all to breathtaking. When they arrived and got in the secretary told them where to go and they follow the directions until they were at Lord Hood's door. Y/n inside his helmet took a deep breath and be ready to whatever was waiting. They went in and saw Lord Hood there and he looked at Y/n and his three friends and said.

Hood: You know the truth then Y/n?

Y/n nodded and he just sigh and got up and walked up to him and said.

Hood: Listen Y/n, It wasn't easy for me or your mother to do. All we wanted was for you to live a normal life. When ONI tried to get you we had no choice but to send you away. It broke out hearts. Still it seems it wasn't enough they still found you and turned you into a spartan. I'm sorry for not saying anything sooner.

Y/n: It's alright Father. I understand.

Hood was shock that he called him father even when he though Y/n will respond with sir.

Y/n: Im not mad or anything but I can understand why you did it. Still if I had given a choice then I would still become a Spartan for humanity needs us. One life over billions is a worthy trade. We are after all in the end just soldiers.

Hood nodded in agreement and gave Y/n a hug which after a minute he returned it and he said.

Hood: It's good to have you back home my son. I'm sure your mother will be wanting the first chance to see you.

Y/n: Yeah and to be honest. I can't wait either.

The heart warming event cause Tex and South to tear up a bit while North looked happy for Y/n being able to find what he though was lost. After they broke up from their hug Lord hood got back professionally and Y/n corrected his stance he said.

Hood: So you three are the ones Y/n was able to get back after the crash.

North: Yes sir I'm North and this is South my sister. The one in black armor is Tex.

He nodded and look at Y/n and said.

Hood: Son I want you in the armor bay to remove that armor and get into a new Generation 2 version of MJOLNIR armor.

Y/n: Yes sir.

As Y/n walked out and headed out there and soon it was the four of them and hood took a seat and offer for the other three which they did. There he began.

Hood: Bravo told me everything that has happened over the last three days and I'm sorry for you're losses.

Tex: Thank you sir. We lost a lot during that day. Our friends and even one of our own betrayed us.

Hood: I know how it feels. You know after this highcom are probably want the heads of both the director and the chancellor and any of their associates. They are probably going to send Y/n to deal with them. Still I don't think it'll be enough.

South: Why Y/n is a kickass spartan and why won't it be.

Hood: Because he won't be able to fight alone for long and he needs a team he can trust on and one he's comfortable working with.

North: You mean like other Spartans?

Hood: Well yes. Have you heard of the Spartan V program?

They shook their heads and he replied.

Hood: The Spartan V program is where adults from different branches of the military can become Spartans with the right training and augmentations.

Tex: That's nice and all but I don't think Y/n will work with other Spartans he's unfamiliar with.

Hood: Agree but this is why I've come home with the solution and it's with the little proposition I have to offer.

South:*raised eyebrow* What is it?

Hood: How would you three like to become Spartan Vs.

That got them silent and soon Tex said.

Tex: Are you serious us three becoming Spartans.

Hood nodded and continue on.

Hood: Yes and you'll still be working with Y/n as your team leader. You'll be paid well since Spartans are the best of the best. Also you'll have access to some special weapons and mjolnir armor with some armor abilities. Also from the records Y/n and Bravo got off your records it's really impressive and I have no doubt you three have what it take to become Spartans. So what do you say.

All three of them wonder should they do it. Though it has also given them a chance to get back at those two fuckheads. They huddle and talk to one another for a minute until they came out with a response.

Tex: Lord Hood we accept it and we will prove you right.

Hood shook their hands and told them what they need to know.

3 Years later

Tex, North and South have been training in the Spartan V program and soon they passed the final test and impressed the trainers and everyone else. Then soon go their augmentations and took time to get use to their new body. Then came the next one their new Mjolnir armor and what got them excited for it was being able to have energy shields which their old armor didn't have also they pick their armor abilities and picked up their signature weapons which were made for Spartans. Then there waiting for them when they were seen are ready for the field was Y/n in his new armor and a new weapon he had for a while.

Y/n: Well done Tex ,North and South. You three have become Spartans now that is something you don't see everyday.

North: I know. I never though we would have a chance to become a Spartan.

South: Yeah and it's so awesome being one. Thanks for giving is this chance Y/n.

She gave him a hug while North shook his head while Tex look at her with a little jealousy. Also during the time Bravo and Theta were upgraded and given real AI chips. They were like that for a minute or two until North said.

North: Sis I think you need to stop before people get the wrong idea.

South notice and then let go but under her helmet she started to blush a bit and soon Bravo appear and said.

Bravo: It seems South's temperature and heart rate has increase.

South: Shut it.

Theta then appear and added.

Theta: Also I can detect a little rise in Tex.

That made all of them turn to her and South smirk under her helmet and said.

South: Why Tex you aren't jealous of me getting all the attention of Y/n aren't you.

Tex: N-no South but you did invade his space.

South: Uh hu right.

Before it can go on further Y/n informed them.

Y/n: Anyway I was about to say before that happened. That I found a tracker signal on a planet and it belonged to York.

North: Really?

Bravo: Yes I am sure and I can also inform that Beta is with him.

South: Great let's go pick them up. They may have information about the Director and chancellor's location.

Y/n: Agree and let's get our gear and meet at the pelican.

They nodded and went to the armory and got to the hanger and got on the pelican and set the coordinates to the planet and hopefully meet with York and find answers.

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