Epsilon and the downfall

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From our last chapter we saw Y/n tried to kill the Director but failed but he did recovered a lot of evidence and got most of his friends know the truth and meet him at the coordinates that he ask Bravo to deliver them to Theta. Once he was at the station he didn't need to hold back. He is a soldier of the United Nations Space command Spartan Branch a legendary Spartan II commando. He will not hesitate to kill anyone who stands on his way. As he gone further into the base. As a trail of dead freelancers were there. He didn't feel any pity for them. As some of them were mercenaries and killers or other criminals who have a long record. As be manage to get to power station he got out a timed c-12 explosive device and placed it.

Bravo: Y/n the bomb will go off in 7 minutes.

Y/n: Thank you Bravo for thelling me. Now let's get out of here and meet up with the rest.

Bravo: Understood Y/n but I detect another ship approaching and has landed. Y/n it's Agent Carolina.

Y/n's pov

I only knew it was only a matter of time before she was after me. Still I need to complete my mission and regroup with North, South,Tex. I just wish I don't have to harm you Carolina. Ever since I was here you, North, South, York,Wash and Tex have treated me like more than just a machine. Like how I been for these few years. You all treated me like human something I though I can never recover. Now I gain some understand on what it means to be human and it's all thanks to you all. As I stare off as Bravo appeared on my shoulder.

Bravo: Are you alright Y/n?

Y/n: Yeah it's just..

Bravo: You don't want to harm her do you?

Y/n:*sigh* How can I bring myself to do it. She is much as a victim as they are Bravo. I can't do that to a friend.

Bravo: Friend? But she didn't seem to have the same view.

Y/n: I know that Bravo. I wish it was like before after that whole board Bullshit. We were able to hang out together and not be at each others throats. I can't blame her for it. She wants to show that she is more than what they expected from her that or she is trying to impress someone. Either way I blame it all on those two assholes the Director and the Chancellor.

Bravo:  Agree and it's time to face the music.I wish you good luck Y/n.

Then Bravo disappear and I said to myself.

Y/n: We make our own luck. Still thank you Bravo. Though in the end we are just soldiers following orders.

Third person

As Carolina was out of the pelican and took out her weapon. She started to move but what she saw was something else. There were dead bodies of freelancers that have try to stop Rhode. Then next she saw him appear with his armor covered in blood and holding his weapon ready to fire. She looked at him and said.

Carolina: Rhode, we can make this easy come back with me to the MOI.

Y/n: I'm sorry Carolina but that is one order that I have to refuse. I wish it didn't have to come to this.

Carolina: Me neither Rhode but why did you betray us.

Y/n: Carolina not everything is what it seems. The Director has been lying to you to everyone else.

Carolina: What! You're lying.

Y/n: Carolina I have evidence that proves it. I was assign by the one of the UNSC Highcom members to investigate project freelancer.

Carolina's pov

I can't believe what I'm hearing. Rhode was sent by the UNSC to investigate Project Freelancer. No way, I need to know more. Though before I can ask. I heard a voice said.

??:Kill the demon!

Y/n: Carolina watch out!

He pushed me off and I saw a elite with a energy sword. Then Rhode took his out but it glowed a red fiery effect. The elite try to kill him but he drove the strike and ended him. He put the sword back. He turn to me and said.

Y/n: You need to get out of here before this place explodes.

Carolina: I'm not going to leave without you. Wait explode.

Y/n: I put a C-12 timed explosive. Now you need to leave.

Third person

Before Carolina could say anything else. Y/n walked towards her and rip off his dog tags and put them on her hand.

Y/n: You need to leave now.

Carolina: I'm not going anywhere without you.

Elite: Kill the Demon and the imp.

They heard that and look at saw more of them and Y/n lifted her up as much she tried to protest and got her into one of the escape pods and got her in and when it closed she started to bang on it.

Carolina: Rhode you don't need to this please.

Y/n: I'm sorry Carolina. I won't forgive myself if they hurt you. Also I wish things were different between us and goodbye.

Before she can say anything else the pod shot out and soon the countdown of the bomb read 5 4 3 2 1. Then the whole station exploded and as she saw it. Carolina was slowly falling towards the floor of the pod and took off her helmet and began to cry. For she saw the death of Rhode her friend and the one she push away due to her competitive nature. As she realized that she cried more for being so stupid and wish she could of said she was sorry to him. As she return to. MOI they saw her red eyes and in her hands his dog tags of Agent Rhode Island. Unknown to her he did survive and was falling onto the world by hanging on a piece of metal. Once he landed he had his armor on lock down and soon he woke up and ask Bravo to unlock his armor and walked out the creator slowly. The he heard a voice of Tex.

Tex: Y/n I swear to all that is good. I though your ass was done.

Y/n: Well it's going to take more than that to kill me.

Tex: I hear you. Come on big guy let me help you.

She got to his side and help him to their camp where North,South were waiting and also once they were all reunited the start to come up with a plan.

Tex: Alright we need to save epsilon and we need to come up with a plan.

North: Well we can get in via the pelican we took and go on from there.

South: But you forget brother that we have to fight our former colleagues in there and what do we do about Rhode?

Y/n: South,you and North can stop calling me that. Agent Rhode is dead now I am Y/n-147 spartan II commando. Or just call me Y/n.

South: Y/n that's a nice name.

Y/n: Thanks.

Tex: Alright now,we got that out of the way we need to do this.

South: Why so grouchy Tex is it because am I taking Y/n's attention from you. *inside her Helmet she smirk.*


Then both Theta and Bravo appear.

Theta: My readings say that she is lying.

Bravo: Yes she is.

Tex: I hate you both. Let's get some rest and get into the MOI.I'll deal with Carolina and you guys just get epsilon out.

They nodded and went to rest for their mission.

In the morning

As they all woke up and ate they went to the pelican they used to get here to the MOI. As they were heading towards the MOI via cloaked pelican. They manage to get in as they saw one of the hangars open but the alarms sounded off and soon. They had to fight their way in. As Tex faced off against Carolina. Y/n,North and South got by Cloaking that was in their armor and get into where Epsilon was. When they got in they saw nothing.

Y/n: Were to late Damn it.

Then they felt the ship move unexpected.

North: What the hell was that?

Then Tex came I through the comm.

Tex: The Mother Of Intervention is going down towards the planet's surface.

South: What the fuck! We got to stop it.

Tex: Way ahead of you. Got into the control room but bad news the controls are lock.

Y/n: Guys hold on to something. It's going down fast.

As the frigate got into the planets surface on the snowy weather. North got to hang on to a metal bar. For south she was trying to find something to hold on and though that she was not going to make it until Y/n grabbed her hand and brought her to him as he locked in his armor and his feet to the ground thanks to his magnetic boots. As they stop and see that they stopped. Y/n deactivated his armor lock and magnetic boots. Then let go of South and ask.

Y/n: You alright South?

South: Y-yes I am Y/n. Thank you.

North: Yeah man thank you for saving my sister.

Y/n:*softly smiles* What are friends for.

North nodded in agreement and they left to see Tex as she was fine. They move out and saw something they never expected to. They saw Maine with a struggling Carolina in his hands. Y/n got mad and as soon as Maine threw her down the cliff Y/n was ready to kill the bastard.


Then he was stop by both Tex and South.

Tex: Y/n there is nothing we can do. We need to leave your to injure.

North: She's right Y/n we need to go.

He try to resist but knew they were right. He nodded and they left and boarded a Pelican that has survived the crash. As they got out of the planet they spoke.

North: Man,so it was Maine who was attacking the other freelancers and grabbing their AIs but why?

Y/n: It must be Omega the one that is influencing him.

South: Makes sense. So what's next for us Tex.

Tex: I don't know.

Y/n though about it for a minute then said.

Y/n: You all can come with me to the UNSC.

All three turn to his direction.

Tex: What?

Y/n: Yeah like we all can go there and I'll explain what really happened and don't worry they won't arrest you.

North: Really man.

Y/n: I'm serious I sent Lord Hood who I found out is my father. The data that he needed to know about you three and  he's agree to not press any charges and wanted to ask you three something.

South: Oh right that. Well What is it?

Y/n: I don't know. He told me that he will ask it to you himself when we get to Reach. So what do you guys say?

They all look at each other and though for a minute then replied.

Tex: I'm willing to see what he has to say.

South: Same.

North: Me too also I always wanted to see Reach.

Y/n nodded and imputed the slipspace coordinates to Reach and soon the wormhole opens and they gone in.

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