Spartan (y/n)-147

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(y/n) was a normal kid enjoying his life in his home in harvest until the day came where it would forever change him. He was just 5 years old when he was taken by ONI and replaced with a flash clone. Normally they wouldn't take 5 year olds but there was something special about him. Doc. Halsey went to him and had him guess which side it would land if he won three times then he would get the coin. He accepted the challenge and he got all three times correctly and she was astonished because there was only one other who guess them all correctly and she whispered.

Halsey: He is just like John.

She was went out of her shock and have him the coin and reported her findings. Event though the Spartan II program had the kids went through the augmentations. She was authorized to get him. They did and (y/n) was shock when he knew that he was not I'm his home anymore but he knew that he had to adapt if he wants to see his parents and his home again. So he was inform about the program when they got let him out then started his schooling in military history tactics and other courses. It took 3 years and graduated and went to physical training with Mendez. He was trained vigorously and it was harsh but 4 years later has shown a lot of potential. Then he was to spar with none other than John 117.

John: You are the new recruit?

(y/n):yes sir my name is (y/n) sir.

John: I look forward to call you brother in arms (y/n).

That made (y/n) glad to hear he had heard so much of John and to be honest he inspired him. When he meet him for the first time he can feel honor and courage with him and he cares a lot for those under his command like a true leader. Although he knew that not all the Spartans made it through augmentation and left some crippled it must of hurt them in different ways may of affected John more. He knew that he will have another family here with the other Spartans for the went through the same thing he was going through and they will have another brother. The spar started and (y/n) was holding out okay he was quick to dodge his attacks. and had master CQC and was able to hit John 4 times which surprised not just Mendez but all other Spartans for John stumbled back from the last punch.

John: I'm impressed (y/n).

(y/n): Thank you sir.

John: Time to end this.

John rushed at (y/n) and knee him in the stomach and punched him out and the spar ended and (y/n) went to the hospital. Then when Mendez reported what happened it made the doctors surprise and made Halsey think.

Halsey: He has shown a lot of potential and he might be able to be the same level as John if not greater.

Mendez: Agree with him being younger than the rest of the Spartans he would be invaluable in the future.

Halsey: Once he is fully recovered we will give him his augmentations although this would mean he is the last spartan II ever made.

(y/n) was recovering when he heard a explosion and went to investigate and saw the covenant was attacking the base and with he rest of the Spartans were doing a mission to quell insurrection activities. He went down there and saw a few dead marines and the rest were taking cover. So he went and grabbed the assault rifle and started to shoot at the Grunts and they were gunned down. The rest of the marines were surprised and once (y/n) caught their attention he ordered them to circle around once he has caught their attention. They nodded and he started to open fire on them once again and his plan was working and they were distracted by him and the marines got around and gunned down the rest. They cheered for victory but (y/n) saw a elite getting close to them. He charge and opened fire on the elite and the marines saw the elite and moved out of the way then it charged at (y/n) and he just kept shooting until it's Shields were down and grabbed a combat knife and killed it by stabbing it in the throat. After that battle and when it was reported to the higher ups they couldn't believe that he has shown leadership and was able to kill and elite without augmentation and Spartan armor.

One week later

(y/n) has awaken in the infirmary for he had gone through the augmentations to become a Spartan and survived but now he has scars in his body from the needles then doc Halsey and Mendez walked in.

Halsey: How are you feeling (y/n).

(y/n): Fine ma'am I'm just a bit dizzy.

Halsey: That is normal since you went through the augmentations now here is you mjolnir armor you will be train on how to use it. Also you are Spartan 147.

Mendez: Also due to your great skills displayed in the battle and recommendation by many marines your rank will be Lieutenant Commander.

It made (y/n) be in shock that he received a high rank. But after some time training in the mjolnir armor he was given he was put in Blue team and went to see his fellow Spartan brothers and sisters and when he arrived they look at him and his number 147.

(y/n): Hello blue team.

John and the rest of the Spartans recognize the voice and he was the first to speak.

John: (y/n) is that you?

He took off his helmet and all the Spartans were amazed and saw hi buzz cut in (h/c) and his (e/c) eyes.

(y/n): Yes John seems like I'm going to be your new team member.

John: It's good to have you with us (y/n) we heard much about you my full title is John-117 or Master chief.

(y/n): Likewise

Sam: We heard you killed a Elite by yourself without the augmentations and armor that's awesome.

(y/n):Thanks but who are you?

Sam: I'm Samuel or Sam-034

Kelly: I'm Kelly-087.

Linda: Linda-058.

Fred: And I'm Frederic or Fred-104. He said it with a smile.

There (y/n) could tell that Fred was the more cheerful from the group.

(y/n): Nice to meet you all but can I ask you a question Sir?

John: Just call me John or Chief and what is your question.

(y/n): Are you and Kelly together like you know GF and BF?

That question made the rest of blue team look at the two and Kelly was in shock and John was frozen for he was trying to find a way to respond to it. Then Linda,Sam,and Fred were laughing.

Fred:Hehehe were are going to get along just fine welcome to the family.

Linda: That is so priceless (y/n) just busted you two and they say I'm the only one who notices that.

John and Kelly: We are not together like that!!

(y/n):Sorry just wondering.

After that little part they got to know each other more and went out on a few missions together and their bond grew and started to see each other as family but fate has tried a challenge. Then one day the covenant came and they volunteer to destroy the cruiser. They went in separate waypoints with nuke and killed any covenant and once inside the rest saw Sam's armor was punctured and he stayed behind to hold them off until the nuke detonated and when the nuke went off and it destroys the cruiser with Sam. It was a hard blow for (y/n) and John and the rest of blue team. Then they were sent off to the planet reach were they were separated to fight off the covenant the best they can in different places in Reach. Although they lost reach and many Spartan II were MIA it was just John and (y/n) in the spirit of autumn there chief got his AI partner cortana. They continue to fight against the covenant until a new threat emerged the flood a parasite who can take the knowledge of its host and is a deadly force. After the battle of installation 4 both Spartans managed to destroy the ring. Then after that during the battles (y/n) meet and became close to fellow Spartans Cal-141 and Daisy-023. They became good friends and got to know each other better. Then they were separated and soon it was just (y/n) and Cal but she was called on a mission with a ODST squad to assasinate the Prophet. But she didn't make it back and soon he was alone and also heard the death of Daisy from John. It hurt him that he would not see them again. The ODST squad saw the two of them always together and they felt bad for him since when they saw him at the mess hall. They could see in his eyes that he was hurt and lost like she meant a lot to him. They tried to cheer him up but it was difficult it just confirmed that she did meant a lot to him. So they gave him her dog tags and thanks to their help he was getting there. Also when he arrived to earth for the ceremony with John and Johnson getting ready and with their new MJOLNIR they saw (y/n) with the new armor.

(y/n): Hey Chief, Johnson.

Johnson: You alright Spartan?

Cheif: I know it hurts (y/n), when I saw Daisy I made sure that she was at peace. Also I gotten her dog tags I know that she would want you to have them.

(y/n) Took the dog tag and said.

(y/n): Chief they are both gone Cal and Daisy.

He showed him her dog tags and he just nodded and Johnson understood.

Johnson: Sorry to hear that (y/n) , from what Chief told me those two meant a lot to you didn't they.

He nodded and placed the tags inside the pocket and Johnson gave him a pat on the shoulder to comfort him. They made their way to the ceremony and Hood gave out the awards and (y/n) got his except the prisoner of war.

Hood: Lieutenant Commander,Chief,Johnson, thank you for your service to the UNSC.

He said (y/n)'s rank as a sign of respect the same for chief after that the battle for earth began and they fought and once they were able to repel the attack and went after the prophet of truth and found another halo which they want to set off. After those events 4 more years of bloody battle and meeting the Spartans had with the gravemind and arbiter. Chief was on the ark and returned earth and was found by a squad of marines with Johnson and (y/n). Though they had allied themselves with the elites and the arbiter became good friends with (y/n) and soon after that John also became his friend. The three fought together against the brutes and flood. The discover something about the ark and soon went to search for the key and find it but only for Johnson to be taken by the brutes to the ark to activate it. They fought their way into the ark with the elites and lower the shields and made their way to the control and they saw high charity infected with the flood came crashing down there as the prophet was about to activate it they were force to have an uneasy alliance with the flood to stop the firing of the rings. Then (y/n) saw the prophet of truth kill not just keyes in front of him as he got there ad he kill of any infected form .

Then the gravemind backstabbed them and they fend it off and found cortana within high charity. Went back to the Elite carrier to drop off the dead and went back to finish the fight.Then went to the ark and started the halo ring. But Guilty sparks killed Sargent Johnson and attacked the arbiter and the Spartan IIs and said to both Spartans that they are forerunner and they fought him and John gave the fatal blow which destroyed it. Fire the halo array and went to the ship but only Arbiter and (y/n) made it out but chief was left with cortana.

On earth in the memorial ceremony to remember the fallen in the war.Hood was in front and took of his hat while (y/n) looked at the picture of the fallen and saw 117 written he said.

"For us the storm has passed. The war is over."

"But let us never forget those who journeyed into the howling dark and did not return. "

"For their decision required courage beyond measure..."

"Sacrifice. And unshakable conviction that their fight... Our fight, was elsewhere."

"As we start to rebuild,this hillside will remain barren."

"A memorial to heroes fallen. They ennobled all of us."

"And they shall not be forgotten."

He put his cap on and saluted.

Present arms.

Riflemen fire their battle rifles in the air. Then Lord hood thank the arbiter for standing by the chief and (y/n) in the very end. Before he left the Arbiter gave a gift for (y/n) and said to him.

Arbiter: Spartan I got a gift for you to thank you.

(y/n): What is it?

He pull out a energy sword handle but once he turned it on it was glowing red and had fire like things coming out of the sides of the blades.

(y/n): I don't know what to say do I deserve the energy sword?

Arbiter: Yes for I see no warrior as great and honorable as you to wield this blade.

He accepted it and thanked him for it but before the arbiter left he place his hand on (y/n)'s shoulder and said.

Arbiter: I'm sorry for your loss Spartan.

(y/n): Thank you arbiter.

once the arbiter left (y/n) stayed behind and look at the memorial.

Then lord hood stood next to (y/n) and said.

Hood: Are you alright Lieutenant commander ?

(y/n) was looming at the memorial and though of all the lives that had die in the war. He lost brothers and sisters in arms and probably lost his second family and his friends.

He snapped out of it and responded.

(y/n): I don't sir I lost a lot of people who meant a lot to me. I lost Daisy, Cal.They made me feel human when I got to spend the time we had than a weapon. But when they died I felt like the last bit of my humanity was taken away from me and it hurt a lot that I won't see them again. I don't know if John is alive or any other Spartans II's.

Hood put his hand on (y/n)'s shoulder and said.

Hood: I know it must be very difficult for you. But remember I'm here for you if you need anything. (y/n) let's make a promise to them that we will uphold the peace for as long as we can so that something like this war will never happen again. Not just for the future generations but to honor them for they have pass the torch to us and we will do everything in our power to keep it so.

(y/n) turned to face lord hood as he saluted and said.

(y/n): I will give it my all to fight to keep the peace even if it calls for the ultimate sacrifice for I am a Spartan. The warrior who was trained and enhance to be the protector of humanity and accomplish the mission no mater the cost.

He stopped saluting and lord hood smile and went to help construct the colonies and earth.

After 7 years and 3 months (halo 4 story) (y/n) and John found each other in the infinity were (y/n) was stationed in and (y/n) knew that John is not crazy and went with him disobeying orders to fight with his brother. They chase after the didact had their genes activated by the librarian and faced the Didact on the composer and destroy it with the nuke but chief lost cortana. Lasky was in charge of the infinity. John was down but has cheered up when they reunited with the rest of blue team. They continue to go on missions to catch up. Unknown to (y/n) he was going to be part of something big that will change his life.

Sorry if it wasn't discripted well but I did my best. I caught the idea for this story when watching rvb and halo fall of reach. I hope you guys like it. I know I messed it up a bit but it was to fit in the reader so yep.

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