The Mission

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It's been 5 years since the events that happened and not a lot has changed.  (y/n) was 25 years old and still the same emotionless Spartan and would only show some emotion to blue team you were glad that they were alright and we're able to catch up for the loss time but it was difficult for you to move on. When blue team heard of what had transpired and why you weren't your cheerful self in the Infinity .

Once they heard the whole story from John. They look at (y/n) worrying​ and Fred came up to you and said.

Fred: You alright (y/n) do you want to talk about it.

(y/n): I'm fine Fred but thank you for asking.

Linda: Know that we are here for you if you need to talk.

Kelly: You are one of us.I don't care if you are younger than us. You are like a little brother that I always wanted.

John: She's right you are one of us (y/n) no matter what happens we will stand with you as you did the same for us.

You felt a smile come across your face as it was a rare thing to see as you look up to them and said.

(y/n): Thank you I really needed that.

Fred walk over to you and put you in a headlock and nuggie you.

Fred: Like Kelly said I also wanted a little brother so I'm going to treat you like one.

As you were struggling to get out of the headlock the rest of blue team were laughing at the scene with John letting out a chuckle. Then after 2 minutes Fred let go as you rub your head and said.

(y/n): I'll get you back for that.

Fred: We'll see little bro. Hehehe

The the ship's A.I Roland came through the speakers.

Roland: Spartan 147 please report to the deck immediately.

Linda: Huh what do you think it's about (y/n).

(y/n): No clue but I intend to find out well I better get going.

With that you were going up to go to the deck and we're going past a few marines and other Spartans IV were in the hall as you heard them whisper.

Marine: Is that 147?

Spartan IV: Yes that's him the legendary Spartan II who has the rank of hyper lethal rank as the Chief.

Marine2: What?

Spartan IV2: He along with chief brought the human covenant war and the war with the flood to an end.

Marine: Awesome but I heard that he is the youngest of the Spartans.

Spartan IV: That's true we don't know his real age only Blue team knows.

(y/n)'s pov

I just ran past the Marines and Spartans that were from the Spartan IV program were talking about me. I never cared for fame or fanfare. All I had to care is to complete the mission and to get as many soldiers out alive as best as I can. Also protect my family Blue Team they are all I got left. I try to find my real parents but it didn't go well.

Flashback 3 years ago

I was in the deck when everyone else was in break for the Infinity was in a station being refueled and resupplied.

(y/n): Roland are you here.

Roland: Why hello (y/n)-147.

(y/n): Hello Roland good to see you.

Roland: Likewise do you require any assistance?

(y/n): Yes can you please help me find my parents?

Roland: You know it's against protocol.

(y/n): I know but I want to have some closure to know if they are alive or died on harvest.

Roland: Alright I'll help you did so much for everyone it's the least I can do for a friend.

I saw him going to work and trying to find my parents and ones he stopped at three people a man named (f/n) and a woman named (m/n) and a little girl who was named (s/n). Then Roland looked down and I could see the worry in his face.

(y/n): What's wrong Roland?

Roland:  your mother and father and your little sister were all killed when the covenant glassed Harvest.

(y/n): I had a little sister?

Roland: Yes she was born after you were taken about 4 years ago. I'm so sorry.

I was in shock to hear all of it. I had hope that they would be alive but I was wrong they were taken away from me. I never got a chance to say goodbye. I was more down when I heard that I had a little sister who I never meet or got to see her grown. I could feel a tear going down my face as I turn around and walk to the door.  Before I left I spoke to Roland.

(y/n):  Thank you Roland for giving me closure.

Roland: Your welcome but are you alright (y/n)?

(y/n): It's just I never got to say goodbye and I wonder if they will be proud of me.

Roland: I'm sure they are (y/n). Over time you show to be the greatest soldier along with chief. Saved humanity multiple times.

(y/n): Yeah but sometimes I feel more machine than Human.

Roland: Your are still a human (y/n).

(y/n): Roland you know I was trained to be the a ultimate soldier to show no humanity or feeling. Then I meet them Roland Cal and Daisy they made me a bit more open and I'm glad they were there but when they died it hurt a lot.

Roland: I know it's difficult for you but know that you are not alone. You got me,the captain,Blue team.

(y/n): I know Roland and thank you for helping me friend. I'll see you later.

I left and Roland A. I form was turned off.
Flashback ends and now to the bridge.

I made my way to the bridge and when I got there I saw Captain Lasky talking with Commander Palmer and Roland talking. I saluted and said.

(y/n): Spartan 147 reporting in sir.

Lasky: At ease Spartan.

I stopped saluting.

Lasky: You have been requested to meet with lord hood for he has mission for you to take. There is a pelican to take you to him in bay 4.

(y/n):Sir yes sir.

I turned around and was walking off before he said.

Lasky: Also (y/n) I know why you were on deck when we were restocking and refueling.

(y/n): I'm sorry sir.

Lasky: It's alright (y/n) you needed to know sooner or later.I'm so sorry for your losses.

(y/n): Thank you sir.

I turn around and left for bay 4 when I got there I went into the pelican and went to see what mission does Lord Hood have for me.

Lasky's pov

After (y/n) left I turned around and Palmer asked me.

Palmer: (y/n) isn't like any other Spartan II?

Lasky: No. He was the last Spartan II  ever made. Even before he has killed an elite all on his own at the age of 12. He even reached the rank of Hyper lethal. Got promoted to the rank of Lieutenant commander.

Palmer: Wow that is one tough Spartan he sounds like Chiefs equal.

Lasky: The thing is he has a very similar trait as John for that's why Halsey got him.

Palmer: And that would be?

Roland: His luck.


Laskey: That's correct it would seem he is lucky as Chief.

(y/n)'s pov arriving to meet Lord Hood

It was a long ride but I made it the heart of the UNSC. I made my way to his office and once I arrived I saluted him.

(y/n): Sir Spartan 147 reporting in as order sir.

Hood: As ease (y/n) please take a seat.

I did and was surprised that the chair was holding up.

Hood: How are you holding up?

(y/n): I'm alright thanks for asking sir.

Hood: Alright let's get started with your mission. I want you to go undercover in a certain project. It's called Project Freelancer.

(y/n): Permission to speak sir?

Hood: Granted.

(y/n): What is this Project Freelancer?

Hood: It's a project that ONI funded to make experimental armor and weapons and to train soldiers to fight the insurrection but it would seem they are not that all they seemed.

(y/n): Shouldn't  be ONI's job to do it and fix it?

Hood: Agree but the rest command is having a hard time trusting them for all they done.

(y/n): I can see but what does it have to do with me sir?

Hood: We can't risk this operation being compromised so we are sending you for you are the best of the best. Also there is something that I want to tell you. You remember when you were through augmentation.

(y/n): Yes sir.

Hood: It would seem that they had made the augmentations two times more powerful than before it also increased the death chance by 80%.

(y/n): What!!!

Hood:You heard correctly. It was mere luck that you live. But it would seem you are as lucky as John. Your body handled the augmentations well and now you are two times more, stronger, faster,alert. Your reaction timing is 600% down making you reaction almost instantly. Your brain can process information 600% more effectively. Your bone density is three times stronger. Halsey knew that you could do it.

(y/n): So did anyone else was given those augmentations sir?

Hood: No for the high risk of death you were the only one who made it and now are the best Spartan like John or better.

I couldn't believe it I was two times more powerful than a normal Spartan II.

(y/n): When does my mission start sir.

Hood: In two days be ready and don't tell your Team about it. It must remain a secret. Also we will send you new Mjolnir armor to blend in better. Also you are (f/n) (favorite name) and find out anything about it if they have committed any crimes and get a ideas on who is in charge and the operatives and gather any important info on the agents. Is that understood Lieutenant commander.

(y/n): Yes sir!

I stood up then saluted him and started to leave his office but he said.

Hood: I'm sorry to hear that you found out that you lost your family.

(y/n): How?

Hood: Lasky told me. I can understand why Halsey had high hopes for you but remember (y/n) you are not ONI's Spartan you are part of the UNSC.

(y/n): Thank you sir. I will always be part of the UNSC and keep fighting to protect all humanity. I still got people who are family to me Blue team.

Hood smile at my response.

Hood: Good to hear it and good luck with the mission Spartan.

(y/n): Sir like John said, we make our own luck.

I left and went back to the infinity.

Lord Hood's pov

After (y/n) left I got out of my chair and saw his pelican fly him back to the Infinity. I stared into the landscape and said.

Hood: I know that you will find the real truth one day. I hope that you can forgive me for not being there for you (y/n) in all these years. All I wanted was to keep you safe but still you were made to be the last Spartan II.  I'm so sorry son for not being able to help you. I always wanted to say to you.
I'm so proud of you my son.

With that the mission is clear will (y/n) be able to blend in will be able to uncover the truth about the freelancer project and of his real family tune till the next chapter.

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