The mission begins and meeting Carolina

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If you are wondering how Lord Hood has a son the short version is that once he was married and his  wife  gave birth to a boy and they both knew that they wanted to keep you safe from harm cause of ONI's project. So they gave you to a family that you were part of and then the whole Spartan II program began and later when Lord Hood saw him at the ceremony he saw some similarities between him and the Spartan and went to look in his file and saw that he was taken the same day where they reported that the clone died and had the same name.

Two days have passed since your briefing and you had received your new MK7 Mjolnir armor.

(y/n)'s pov

I got in my new Mjolnir armor and it felt good. I can see the knife holster was on my left side of my chest plate and the knife was twice as long and thick a and Sharper on the armor and its color is dark red. I was going to the armory to get equip when I heard Fred say.

Fred: Going on the mission Lord Hood told you about?

(y/n): Yes I don't know how long it will take to complete it.

Then I can see the rest of blue team walking up to us and stopped.

Linda: Stay safe (y/n).

(y/n): I will.

Kelly: Call us for support if you need it and be careful.

(y/n): I will Kelly stop worrying so much.

Kelly: I'm just worry about my little brother.

(y/n):😑 I'm not that little.

They all laughed at my response. Though Chief walked up and told me.

Chief: Give it all (y/n) make us all proud.

(y/n): I will John.

He gave his signature nod and I started to walk towards the Armory. I pass by others in the hall and wonder how long this project was going and how does ONI lost track of they were the ones who funded it.

(y/n):(though) Project Freelancer feels suspicious for they could have dangerous weapons and gear. That can cause a lot of harm in the wrong hands. Well I can get it confirmed once I made it in.

I went to the armory and I gotten a DMR since I might need to pick off targets at a distance than the battle rifle can afford and it does have some impressive stopping power.

Then once I got it with 4 grenades I started to walk towards the rooms and went into mine. There I got to my room and went to get two sidearms. Since I picked up a Auto-mag. Has the same stopping power as the magnum but with a silencer and holds 16 bullets ideal for stealth kills.

Also had a Mauler that picked up during one of her missions and seem to be quiet fond of it. Which is like a mini shotgun and it deals a lot of damage to the enemy and holds 5 rounds.

Then I picked up my energy sword handle I gotten from the arbiter I made a modification to it by having it recharge itself. I placed it on the waist to keep it hidden in case of emergency situations that I might have to use it. Also before I left I grabbed two photos of me and blue team and the other one was with Me,Cal and Daisy.I had their dog tags that I have on with mine to honor them once I finish looking I placed them in the armor pocket so they would be with me .

As I look at it a tear has fallen from my eye to the photo. I said softly.

(y/n): I wish you were here with me. I wanted to hear your sweet voice and see you again. I hope that you are in peace both of you.

After that I put them in my armor pocket and started to walk to the hangar and went to bay 5 where the pelican will drop me off to begin the mission.

Mother Of Intervention in orbit

This is the home of the freelancer project. Where they train soldiers and equip them with power armor that is higher than ODST but not in par with MJOLNIR armor that the Spartans use. The ones who were in charge were the Director and Counselor who were calling in a certain red haired and emerald eyed woman who goes by the name Carolina. She used to be the top of the board until Agent Texas showed up and took the top from her and now she trains to beat her. She arrives the office.

Carolina: You called sir?

Director: Yes we are going to send you to pick up a new agent.

Carolina: Who is it?

Director: A veteran from the Human covenant war and was recommended by ONI.

Carolina:(though) damn he must be good if ONI recommended him.

Director: Although we don't know all about him only that his name is (f/n). I want you to find out anything about him when you meet him understood.

Carolina: Yes sir. *thinking* damn another recruit well let me see what he has to offer if not he can get lost.

She left to pick up the recruit.

Hangar (y/n)'s pov

I arrived at the meeting area and I got a call from Lord Hood. I turned off the speakers of my suit.

(y/n): I'm at the location sir.

Hood: Alright we already got a ONI agent who made you a recruit for the project.

(y/n): Sir I though you didn't trust ONI?

Hood: We trust the ones who don't have a bad record and shown loyalty to the UNSC like Osman. Now that it is all set hold back as much as you can Lieutenant General r for we don't want your cover to be blown and reveal that you are a Spartan. Good luck son.

(y/n): I understand sir thank you. Transmission ends
*thinking* Why did he put much emotion in saying son? I'll figure it out later for I got to focus on the mission.

I saw a pelican landing and once it opened the bay door I saw a figure Walking out wearing a certain color blue armor that resembles MJOLNIR and I can tell that she is a female when she took off her helmet and saw her red hair and emerald color eyes and her face and she was probably around 6.2 feet tall started to walk towards me. I probably stick out since I'm like a 7.3 tall man in armor thanks to the librarian for activating the forerunner genes that I have which I still have no clue what these "gifts" as she put it well only time will reveal the truth.

Carolina's pov

I got off the pelican and took off my helmet to find the recruit and I started to look around until I spotted him. I walked towards him as I got closer I can see him getting taller.

Carolina: *thinking* Damn he is a tall guy I wonder how he can fight?

I stopped I'm front of him and I can see he really is the tallest person I ever seen. I had to look up as he had to look down to see me.

(y/n): May I help you ma'am?

I was in some sort of trance by the way he spoke. It sounded like he has no emotions and has been in the military for a long time by the tone of his voice. I got out of my trance and answered him.

Carolina: Oh yes are you the new recruit that was assigned to Project freelancer?

(y/n): Yes I am ma'am. Let me introduce myself I am (f/n).

Carolina: The names Carolina and please drop the formalities.

(y/n): Understood Ma'am.

Carolina: Another thing please don't call me ma'am it makes me feel old Carolina is just fine.

He nodded in acknowledgement.

Carolina: Let's go to the training room where I can see what you are made off. One round hand to hand.

He nodded again so he is a man with very few words and follow me to the training room where we took off our weapons and from I can see it he has DMR and SOCOM and a weird alien weapon a big knife and a handle that looks like a energy sword handle but in black and 4 grenades. Once he was done we took up positions in the opposite sites of the mat.

Carolina: You ready?

(y/n): Always.

Battle begin

Carolina made the first move by rushing at you and try to get the first hit by aiming for your head. You were able to react by moving your head to the side.

(y/n): *thinking* she's fast but not fast enough though I need to hold back my strength so I wouldn't hurt her to bad.

She kept punching and trying to kick you but you were able to block her kicks and punchers with your gauntlets and it seems to be pissing her off for not being able to land a hit.

Carolina: *though* Damn he is a tough one I can't land a hit on him.*realizes* Wait he's trying to make me waste my energy so he can beat me clever but I think I got a way to hit you.

She went for another hit with her hand but was block with the gauntlets and under her helmet she smirked as she jumped and kicked you in the waist. You were pushed off a bit. Then you realize that you can't be playing with her anymore and waited for her to come to you. As you suspected she came running probably going to try that technique again. Once she try to kick you, you grabbed her leg and brought​ her closer to you then you land a punch in her stomach. Once Carolina was on the floor you went in to do is it but to your surprise she put her hand up to say.

Battle ends

Carolina: That's enough for now this is just a test run and not a real fight.

(y/n): So did I pass your test?

Carolina: Yes you did though I wasn't fighting at full strength. Now we need to go to the mother of intervention to get you set up.

(y/n): Lead the way.*thinking* I can tell she was not at her best but it worked she wasn't suspicious of my true self.

As they were walking after getting the weapons to the pelican Carolina got out a clipboard and handed it to you .

Carolina: You need to pick your agent name if you want to be a full Freelancer agent.

You looked over the names and seemed to be names of the states on Earth but you saw a name that caught your eye.

(y/n): I think I will go with Rhode Island.

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