The match

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It was a bit difficult for (y/n)  to get adjusted to this new environment. Since he was a Spartan II and mostly did a lot of training and exercising in the gym. He did talk to some if the freelancers like to Wash, North,York, South,  and Carolina most. Over the first week. Then it became normal and soon they called him a friend and it was something he did have but lost them in the war. Also he did pick up a few interesting things about the Director like he didn't contact ONI in a long time. That some if these Freelancers were killers and crooks. And also he had a AI. This wasn't enough he needed to get more Intel.

(y/n)'s pov
It has been a long week though it wasn't bad. I got to know the freelancers well. Wash is a guy who follows the book,York has a crush on Carolina,etc. Thou it would seem that he spends most time with her like that one time.

Flash back

Carolina: Hey Rhode, what's up?

(y/n): Nothing much  you?

Carolina: Same here, so (y/n)  since we are friends I would like to know you better. So what type of music you like to listen.

(y/n) stood there confuse so he said.

(y/n): Sorry I didn't listen to a lot of music to know which one I like. Since the great war.

Carolina: Oh right, I got a few tracks I like to listen to. So do you want to hear them to see which knew you like.

(y/n): Sure.

That afternoon they spent their tike listening and occasionally see Carolina sing to the song. It was enjoyable to her and a new thing for him and which he thanked her for.

Flashback ends

I was currently in the gym doing a bit of exercise and lifting their "heaviest" weight but it wasn't that heavy so I was just counting until.


I needed to blend in but not be to soft so I got out and saw the shock faces of North, and a guy in White armor who I never meet. They must of seen me do all 500 lifts.

North: Dude how were you able to lift that much so many times.

??:*growly agrees*

(y/n): Been eating my veggies and why did he growl?

North: Oh right you didn't meet Maine this is Rhode the new freelancer.  As for his growling he was shoot in the neck after a mission to get the artifact.

(y/n): That's impressive that you survived being shoot in the neck Maine.

Maine nodded.

Intercom: All Freelancers please report to the training arena.

(y/n): You guys go ahead I need to clean up.

They left and soon I went for a quick demand put in some deodorant and left for the arena. Once I arrived I saw the rest of the freelancers there and I heard thanks to my enhanced hearing.

North: I'm not lying Rhode lifted the most heaviest weight around 500 times. Even Maine was there.

Wisconsin: How is that even possible even Maine couldn't lift that much so many times. No offense Maine.

Carolina: I agree with you there Wisconsin there is something off with Rhode.

Wash: That or he is really been having a very good healthy life.

They were talking until I arrived and they were silent until Wash spoke.

Wash: Hey, Rhode how is it going?

(y/n): Good thank you for asking so what is this about.

Wash: I don't know.

Then the director came in with Tex. Then all the freelancers saluted.

Director: At ease agents. As you know we have a new Freelancer agent and his name is Rhode Island and he will test his skills against Tex to see his capacity. Agent Rhode Island please come forward.

As I was walking to the arena I can hear some of the say "hell lose badly" and other stuff. I was in position and took a fighting stance. I was thankful for Chief Mendez for training me in all forms of combat even a few CQC Martial arts. Even though he was tough in us Spartans. He wanted to see us win against any obstacle and opponents to do our mission. As Tex was getting ready she said.

Tex: Let's see what you are made off Rhode.

(y/n): Then bring it.

Battle scene

It was quiet for they were ready to see who will make the first move. The two fighters were going in a circle to see who will attack. Tex launched herself at him to go for the face but was blocked. Then (y/n)  grabbed her arm and threw her over him. This has caused many freelancers to gap their mouths open. Then he went to punch her head but she moved out of the way and (y/n) just punched the floor leaving a crack. Then she went to kick him but with no luck for he was dodging them and she continues until she landed one. Then went to hit his head again. (y/n)  dodge it and elbow her in the stomach and she was stunned and gave (y/n)  a chance to end it but she was able to recover,and jump on him and made him land on the floor. Though the position they were in was weird.

Wash: What the fuck.

North: I know how did that happened?

Maine: *growls*

Tex: So, you are good.

(y/n): Same to you,but why are they looking at us like that?

It took a moment for her to realize to see where they were and blush a bit inside her helmet.

Tex: I think it's how we are positioned.

(y/n) took a look and saw what she meant she was on top on him in his waist and he just shrugged and said.

(y/n): Time to end this.

Tex: Wait what?

(y/n) got her off and then jumped up back into position.

Tex: You don't give up do you?

(y/n): Nope, I just keep it up until I'm out.

They went back to fight and they were countering each one of their blows and seemed to not let up and this amazed the whole crew. (y/n)  had to make sure to not use his full strength to not give himself away. Then when Tex went to kick him he caught her leg then used it to bring her to him and punch her straight in the face and win.

Battle end

There was a moment of silence for this was the first time that anyone saw Agent Texas get beaten and now she was defeated by Rhode Island. The ones who were not shock was Carolina and the Director. Carolina wanted to be the one to beat her. Now Rhode did it and she was mad beyond belief. The Director in the other hand was very impressed and wanted to see if there is more than what Rhode let's on and it turns out he was right. Rhode is a great combatant. Rhode went to help Texas up and she accepted it and said.

Tex: I got to say Rhode,you do have skills I'm impressed.

(y/n): Likewise, Tex you have great skills also.

Then they heard clapping and saw the director clapping at them and said.

Director: Well done Rhode. Well display of skills and you even manage to beat Texas is no easy task and yet you prevailed. Now that is done the two of you get clean and relax. Rhode I will have a task for you soon. Freelancer dismiss.

They all left and (y/n)  and Texas left to put their gear away. Once there they started to remove it and (y/n)  saw Tex's face. She had light skin, blond hair and dark blue eyes. He went back to put his stuff away and once Tex was done and got some clothes she saw his body and all the muscle he had was more than she expect. She also notice some scars in some parts of his body. This has made her wonder where he got them. She then notice that (y/n)  was looking at her.

Tex: Sorry Rhode it's just I well. Never seen anyone who had your build.

(y/n): Thanks I just work out a lot to pass time.

Tex: Rhode can I ask you where did you get those scars?

(y/n) Looked and saw the scars she was referring to and they were part of the argumentation procedures and it left a few marks and so he had to improvise.

(y/n): Got them during the great war.

Tex took in the info and accepted it though she sees that there is more than it meets the eye.

Tex: Okay, by the way Rhode do you want to spar together?

(y/n)  though about it for a minute then said.

(y/n): Sure I don't mind.

Tex just smirk and said.

Tex: Good, I'll meet you at the arena once your done with your mission. It's good to have real competition around here.

She left and (y/n)  left to his room to get ready and try to find some more info about what is really going in.

In the Director's office.

Director: It seems that Carolina will let her competitive side make her go against Rhode this will be excellent.

Counselor: Indeed, the worst enemies are those who you trusted to be your friends. This will be interesting. Rhode is a more capable than we though.

Director: I know so how's the AI doing.

Counselor: We are torturing it and it has already started break apart.

The director smiled and said.

Director: Good work and keep on trying to find out who Rhode really is. For I have a feeling that he is more than he let's on.

Counselor: Of course sir.

Once he left the Director sat in his chair and started to initiate his big plan.

(end I hope you enjoy it and sorry for the delay having a hard time getting food schedule for the stories but more chapters will come)

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