Chapter 20

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In the Ironbound correctional facility

High in the rugged mountains, the Ironbound Correctional Facility rises as a steadfast guardian against the forces of villainy. Less daunting than Tartarus but formidable in its own right, Ironbound is designed to hold villains with moderately dangerous Quirks. The prison's imposing outer wall, topped with electrified fencing, surrounds the facility, while guard towers and drones ensure constant surveillance. The main entrance features a blast-proof gate with biometric scanners and Quirk suppression checkpoints, keeping unauthorized individuals at bay. Inside, Ironbound is divided into three wings.

Wing A houses lesser threats, with standard security measures.

Wing B contains villains with more dangerous abilities, protected by reinforced cells and tailored Quirk suppression systems.

Wing C, though not as secure as Tartarus, holds villains whose Quirks demand advanced containment, isolated from the rest of the facility.

The Central Control Room monitors and manages the prison's operations, equipped to handle emergencies with tranquilizing gas and automated defenses.

Ironbound also offers rehabilitation and medical care, aiming to reform inmates and address their health needs. Designed to manage a range of threats from manipulation and physical enhancement Quirks to energy and transformation abilities, Ironbound stands as a crucial part of the hero society's efforts to maintain order and justice.

In Ironbound's Wing C, A certain prisoners cell stands as a high-security enclosure with reinforced steel walls and advanced Quirk suppression technology. The floor is cushioned to absorb impacts, ensuring his immense strength is contained. A guard from outside then knocks on the impact recoil doors. Talking loudly so the prisoner inside his cell could hear him.

Guard: Alexander! Free time! You know the drill!

Alexander O'Hirn AKA: The Rhino. From a young age due to his quirk, he possessed immense strength and a nearly indestructible body, his skin as tough as rhino hide. These natural gifts made him an unstoppable force, bulldozing through anything—and anyone—in his path. Despite his raw power, Alexander grew up longing for the respect and recognition that always seemed just out of reach. Over time, his frustrations and desires led him into a life of crime, where he quickly made a name for himself as one of the most feared enforcers in the underworld. Though his strength is his defining trait, beneath his hardened exterior lies a man wrestling with the simple but powerful desire to be more than just a wrecking ball on legs.

Guard: You know the rules. Quirk cuffs stay on at all times between transfer of prison facility. 6 feet away from guards-

Rhino: Yeah, Yeah and anything I do is being monitored. I will be shot on sight if any attempt is made to escape. Just take me to my free rime room.

The Rhino was the led through multiple security doors Through the halls. 2 guards in front leading and 3 in the back escorting and watching Alexander. Until finally leading to a door that opened up.

Guard: You have 45 minutes too-

Rhino: 45?! What happend to my 1 hour?!

Guard: 15 minute penalty for that prisoner you threw into a wall.

Rhino: ...He made fun of my mama... Aint nobody make fun of my mama.

Guard: ...44 minutes now.

Rhino: ....*sigh*. Alright.

Amid the steel and surveillance, a quirky contrast appears: a small hobby area. Here, The Rhino has an art station with an easel, paints, and brushes, where he channels his energy into painting. His artworks, ranging from abstract to landscapes, decorate the cell walls. A reading nook with books on art and hobbies provides additional diversion, while a minimal exercise setup with resistance bands and a punching bag helps him stay active without causing damage. Despite this unusual hobby space, The Rhino is under constant surveillance, with cameras and sensors ensuring that his confinement remains secure. The irony of his fearsome appearance juxtaposed with his artistic pursuits adds a touch of humor to his high-tech prison cell.

Alexander walks into the room turning around. Letting the guards release him from his quirk cuffs. As they did he stepped back from the door which closed. Leaving Rhino alone in his art room with security cameras under watch. He then sat down at a metal table. On it were multiple colorful sheets of paper with different shades. He opened up a book right next to him that showed pictures step by step of how to make Origami. He then started to follow it. Folding the paper step by step. However as he was half way done suddenly purple mist had shot out in front of the table making his eyes go wide.

Rhino: Uhhh...who farted?

Then walked in Shigaraki. Who merely looked at Rhino with a raised eyebrow as he watched this behemoth of a man....fold origami.

Shigaraki head: Seriously?! THIS is the only person who can break into Oscorps vault to get what we need?! UGH?!

Rhino: I dont think you should be in here?

Shigaraki: Don't worry I'll make this quick. I have a proposition for your Mr. O'Hirn.

The man simply closed his eyes sighing. Going back to folding his paper art.

Rhino: The answers no...

Shigaraki: Oh c'mon. I went through a lot of trouble just to get in here. Finding the right IT guy to bribe in order to give us access to the security camera and doors wasn't easy y'know. At least let me tell you what it is I want and what you can get out of it.

Rhino simply explained though to Shigaraki. Clearly annoyed by his presence but not threatened in the slightest. Continuing to just work on his art project.

Rhino: You want me to break something for you and you wanna pay me money to do it. But aint nothing you could offer me that can make me leave.

Shigaraki cringed hearing Rhino talk. The complete contrast and of image he had of them man was like it was written as a joke.

Shigaraki head: Dont tell me he grew a conscious?! The master told me he was sent here for leveling down every building in a Tokyo district! They didn't even get a complete number on cost of damages he has made in his criminal record and just listed it over 10,000,000 US dollars!

Shigaraki tapped the table with his finger repeatedly. Clearly annoyed at all the trouble he went through just to see a giant man play with paper in his glorified art studio. Until he suddenly had an idea...

Shigaraki: How many years do you have left on your sentence?

Rhino: ....27 years.

Shigaraki: So I'm offering you a way out of this dump and you wanna stay here for the next 27 years making-

Shigaraki started to look around seeing the variety of different art works from paintings, to clay models, to sculptures, and even just metal pipes twisted together to make....what he thought was art.

Shigaraki: ....arts and crafts? What are you five?

The Rhino then slowly stood up from his chair. Easily towering over Shigaraki. Blocking out the light from the UV bulbs in the room.

Rhino: ....Are you...making fun of me?

Shigaraki head: Shit...Master also told me he had an extremely short temper. Still... if he is as powerful as Master saids he is. Then he's not only what we need for this next job. But could also be huge asset to out organization.

Shigaraki: often do they let you out to do your art?

Rhino: Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.

Shigaraki: And they only give you an hour to enjoy your hobby?

Rhino: .....45 minutes now.

The big man had said sadly putting his head down. With Shigaraki continuing to look at the walking human tank with a dead panned expression. Having a hard time believing he is having this conversation.

Shigaraki: Rrright...anyways...What I'm offering you is a chance to bust out of this joint AND you get to do as much art as you want too. We will even buy you supplies. Give you your own space to be creative and everything. All you would have to do is a few jobs here and there.

The Rhino put a finger on his chin....for several minutes where in silence Shigaraki questioned if he was mentally challenged for how long its taking to give a simple answer. Until finally Alexander put a finger up. Almost like raising his hand. To which Shigaraki simply nodded also thinking along the lines of "did he really just raise his hand"?

Rhino: .....Can I ....put my art up for display? So others could see it?

Shigaraki head: cant be that easy right?

Shigaraki: Uhhhh yeah. Yeah you can. we have a deal.

Rhino: ...Ok. I'll take the job. As long as I can keep up with my hobby. You have a deal.

Shigaraki head: ....It really was that easy.

As he finished his deal and agreement with Alexander he got up from the metal table. Another purple mist portal opening up. However as he was about to walk through he heard wood hitting something and looked back to see Alexander picking up some of his art works. Shigaraki and him paused looking at each other.






Shigaraki: What are you doing?

Rhino: ....bringing my art...

Shigaraki: We...we dont exactly have time for-

Rhino: -They dont go...I dont go...

Shigaraki looked at Alexander dead in the eyes. Clearly trying to be threatening however The Rhino doesn't move for anyone. he gave up.

Shigaraki: ......*sigh* ... fine. Be fast about it. We only have maybe 5 more minutes before the security system reboots again and they see us.

He then felt the ground shake as The Rhino with a smirk on his face went into the portal with multiple paintings. Coming back out and grabbing clay pots. Grabbing all his art works he thought were worth saving after all his time in prison. With Shigaraki pinching the bridge of his nose and walking into the portal.

Shigaraki head: ....I'm gonna regret this later. I just know it.

Meanwhile in Izukus room

Izuku Midoryia sits on his bed, the room bright from the sun shining in his window. His phone is in hand, displaying a news article with the headline: "Masked Menace? Spider-Man's Reckless Tactics Endanger Civilians During Bank Robbery." Izuku's brow furrows as he begins to read, his heart sinking with each word.

Izukus head: "During a daring bank robbery attempt by the villian known as Shocker, Spider-Man intervened, leading to a chaotic battle that left the bank's interior severely damaged and several civilians injured.' What? Injured? But I... I made sure everyone was safe! Nobody was killed OR severely injured"

Izuku's eyes dart over the paragraphs, scanning for details, trying to piece together what went wrong. He remembers the fight clearly—how he snuck in without Shocker noticing, rescuing all of the hostages. Distracting him long enough for the civillians to escape. How he was able to save that brown haired girl out of harm's way before taking the fight to the villain. But the article paints a different picture. Izuku kept reading further into the article. His disbelief turning into frustration.

Izukus head: "Though Spider-Man eventually subdued Shocker, witnesses report that his reckless approach caused significant collateral damage. Critics argue that his presence escalated the situation, turning a simple robbery into a destructive showdown". No way... I was trying to stop him! He would've hurt more people if I didn't step in!

Izuku swipes up, his breath quickening as he continues to read, his mind racing. This is the first time he's seeing himself portrayed as the villain. Sure he was getting used to being seen on the media. But never this badly. The article continues, quoting angry bystanders and experts who question Spider-Man's methods, calling him a "masked vigilante" who does more harm than good. His heart sinking reading a quote from a bystander from the bank robbery last week.

Izukus head: "Does the city really need a Spider-Man if his presence only leads to more chaos? Should we be thanking him—or holding him accountable?" I... I thought I was helping. I saved those people, didn't I?

Izukus hand trembles slightly as he lowers the phone, staring blankly at the wall. He's always known that being Spider-Man wouldn't be easy, but he never expected this. The harsh words from the article echo in his mind, planting seeds of doubt he's never felt before. Finally grappling with the reality of being misunderstood for the first time. Izuku places the phone on his bed next to him, the screen going dark as he falls back onto his bed, staring up at the ceiling. The weight of the article lingers, a new challenge he never anticipated—facing a world that might not want him, even if he's trying to help.

Izukus head: Maybe... maybe they're right. Maybe I'm just making things worse... But I can't just stop. My dad always said with great power comes great responsibility. I have to keep going. But... how?

Izuku looked up at his posters of All Might. Thinking of what might his hero say if he were here.

Izukus head: What would All Might do?... Hehe...

He then chuckled to himself re-counting word by word an interview All Might had said once when being asked about under ground heroes and how he feels about them.

Izuku: "A true hero doesn't act for the applause or the praise—they act because they know it's the right thing to do, even when the world misunderstands them. Sometimes, the hardest battles are the ones we fight in the shadows, without recognition. But a hero's resolve isn't measured by public opinion—it's measured by their unwavering commitment to protect those in need, no matter the cost."

Izuku got up from his bed stretching and smiling at his limited edition poster.

Izukus head: All Might is right. I already made a commitment to being a vigilante rather then a pro because of how I got my powers. I cant just hide them and waste what I can do for the world. I have to help where ever I can.

Izuku then hears his phone ring. He picks it off of the bed and looks at the number not recognizing it.

Izuku: Hello?

A woman's voice then spoke back to him.

Phone: Hi! Is this Izuku Midoryia I am speaking to?

Izuku: Yes this is him.

Phone: I'm a administrator for U.A high school. I called about your application to U.A. Support department. For the entrance exams.

Izuku face then lit up with excitement.

Izuku: Oh really?! Does this mean I got accepted finally to take the exams!?

Phone: Well-

Izuku: Man I got really worried there. I was like the first person to turn in my stuff but I haven't heard anything from you guys in over 3 weeks. I was really starting to worry-

Phone: So about that. Unfortunately your application is still being processed.

Izuku: Uhhh....what?

Phone: We had a mix up of paper work and half of your information that was needed in order to register you for the exam is gone. You will have to submit another application form in order to be accepted to take the entrance exam.

Izukus head: WWHHHHAAAATTT?!?!?!?!??!

Izuku had begun to freak out and panic.

Izuku: Why didn't anyone call me earlier?!

Phone: We just now go to your application-


Phone: -So sadly we didn't see that some info was missing until now.

Izuku: W-When's the deadline due?!

Phone: June 30th at 5pm.

Izukus head: THATS TODAY?!?! AND ITS ALREADY 3PM! The U.A. admission office is in Tokyo! That like a 30 minute drive! 20 if I web swing! 10 if I really try my best! 

Phone: So if you could just give me some quick info I can- (This will be funny later)

Izuku then immediately hung up the phone. Quickly stripping out of his clothes grabbing a copy of the blank application-

(just in case something like this happens) ((always have two applications ready to turn in this happens all the time in college)).

-Quickly and neatly filling out all the blank sections. Grabbing his Spidey costume and throwing it on himself along with his web shooters. Stuffing his clothes in his bag along with the paper work he needs to turn in. He then quickly jumped out of his rooms window and started to web swing as fast as he could towards the U.A administrator building. As he just did that moments later his mother comes into his room.

Inko: Honey I'm gonna be out tonight. I'm meeting Mitsuki for some.... dinner?

She looked around his room seeing nobody there.

Inko: Huh? I didn't even hear him leave.

Meanwhile at Oscorp tower

The Oscorp building loomed in the distance, its exterior a chaotic scene of heavy construction. The scars from the recent battle with The Lizard were evident, with streets and sidewalks still being repaired and communal areas marred by damage. Surrounding the building, workers labored tirelessly to mend the destruction, the air filled with the sounds of machinery and the hum of activity. The skyline was noticeably altered; the once-imposing radio towers atop Oscorp were gone, toppled in the fray, and replaced by a forest of cranes and heavy equipment straining to rebuild the shattered crown of the skyscraper. Broken windows lined the side of the structure, remnants of the fierce battle as debris rained down during Spider-Man's confrontation with The Lizard.

Stepping inside the front entrance, the contrast was stark. The chaos outside gave way to a sleek, modern interior. The main hall was grand, almost intimidating in its opulence. Holographic displays hovered in the air, each bearing the Oscorp logo or showcasing the company's latest technological innovations. The futuristic sheen of the hall was accentuated by the glimmering surfaces and the fluid motion of the displays, as if the very air was alive with Oscorp's cutting-edge creations.

In the center of the hall, a pair of escalators ascended gracefully to a second floor, adding to the vertical expanse of the space. Between the escalators, two sleek, minimalist desks faced each other across the floor, creating a channel through which visitors moved. At one of these desks, a receptionist concluded checking in a guest for an important meeting. As she completed the task, she felt a sudden dimming of light around her.

Confused, she looked up, her eyes widening as the sunlight was completely blotted out by a massive figure standing before her desk. The hulking form, so large that it cast a shadow over her entire workstation, loomed ominously. The woman's breath caught in her throat as she craned her neck to meet the gaze of the intimidating visitor, his sheer presence overwhelming the otherwise sterile environment. The light, the technology, the modernity of the hall—all of it seemed to shrink in the shadow of this terrifying intruder.

The receptionist's voice trembled as she forced out a question, her attempt at professionalism faltering under the weight of her fear. 

Receptionist: "Um... c-can I help you, s-sir?" 

She asked, her words stumbling over themselves as she tried—and failed—not to stutter. The man standing before her was draped in a large trench coat, the collar turned up and a wide-brimmed hat pulled low over his face. But the flimsy disguise did little to obscure his identity. Anyone who had ever seen a single photo of Alexander O'Hirn would recognize him instantly. Despite the coat and hat, the hulking mass of muscle, the immense frame, and the unmistakable aura of danger gave him away. It was the Rhino.

With an air of casual indifference, the Rhino leaned over the desk, his size and presence swallowing the space around them. His voice rumbled like distant thunder as he spoke. 

Rhino: Yeah. Can you tell me how to get to the 48th floor? The, uh...

His large, calloused grey skin hided hand disappeared into the deep pocket of his trench coat, emerging with a tiny, crumpled slip of paper. He squinted at the paper, his lips moving as he carefully sounded out the unfamiliar words, the syllables clumsy and forced in his mouth. "Bioadaptive engineering unit," he mumbled, struggling with the pronunciation. 

Rhino: Bio-edap-tive engi-ear-ing unit.

The contrast between the Rhino's imposing figure and his clumsy attempt to read the words was almost surreal, as if the brute force and raw power that defined him were somehow at odds with the mundane task of deciphering a simple label. Yet, for all his difficulties, the menace in his voice was unmistakable, a silent reminder that beneath the coat and hat was a force of destruction barely contained. 

The receptionist's heart raced as she stared up at the towering figure before her, her mind scrambling for a way to stay calm. She forced a smile, though it wavered at the edges, and her fingers, trembling ever so slightly, reached beneath the desk. Hidden from view, she pressed a small, discreet button—a silent alarm to summon security. With her other hand, she clasped the edge of her desk, her knuckles whitening as she struggled to maintain her composure. The air seemed to thicken with tension, the high-tech displays around the room dimming in her peripheral vision as all her focus narrowed on the brute in front of her.

Receptionist: I'm sorry, sir. 

She began, her voice thin and strained. 

Receptionist: But... I'm afraid you're not authorized to access the 48th floor. That area is restricted, and—

The words caught in her throat as Rhino's expression darkened, the simple statement carrying a gravity that threatened to shatter her fragile resolve. She swallowed hard, forcing herself to continue even as she felt the pressure of his gaze bearing down on her. 

Receptionist: I-I can call someone to help you with your query, but you'll need to—

Her voice faltered again as the Rhino's eyes narrowed, his posture shifting subtly, his massive shoulders tensing beneath the coat. The faint sound of her voice seemed to echo in the vast hall, swallowed by the ominous silence that followed. She knew that every second counted, that security would be arriving any moment, but the time between now and then stretched unbearably, each heartbeat a thunderous drum in her ears. The receptionist could feel the danger coiling in the air, ready to strike. Yet, she held her ground, her pulse racing as she clung to the hope that help was on its way, praying that she could keep the situation from spiraling out of control until they arrived. The receptionist's pulse quickened as she heard the heavy footsteps of security approaching, a small wave of relief washing over her. Three guards in sharp, black uniforms appeared, their expressions stern and authoritative. They moved with purpose, spreading out to encircle the Rhino, their hands hovering near the batons and tasers strapped to their belts. One of the guards, a tall man with a no-nonsense demeanor, stepped forward, his voice firm but measured. 

Security guard: Sir, you're in a restricted area. You need to leave immediately. If you have business here, you can make an appointment like everyone else. 

His tone was commanding, intended to assert control over the situation without escalating it. However The Rhino remained unmoved, his massive frame almost comically oversized in the pristine corporate environment. He slowly turned his head, glancing at the guards with an expression of mild annoyance, as if they were nothing more than a minor inconvenience.

Rhino: Appointment, huh? 

Rhino grunted, his voice dripping with disdain.

Rhino: How about I make my OWN appointment?!

In one swift motion, the Rhino reached up and shrugged off his trench coat, letting it fall to the floor with a heavy thud. The sight that greeted the guards and the receptionist was terrifying. His hulking figure was fully revealed—his body covered in thick, gray hide that resembled an impenetrable armor. The skin, tough and battle-scarred, was a grotesque blend of man and beast, with the only remnants of his humanity being his face. From his head jutted a massive, razor-sharp horn, gleaming ominously under the lights, a stark reminder of the raw power he wielded. Before the guards could react, the Rhino moved with shocking speed. His fist shot out, connecting with the first guard's chest in a blur of motion. The impact sent the man flying backward, crashing into a glass wall with a sickening thud and crashing. The glass shattering as he was ragdoll to the ground, unconscious.

The second guard barely had time to draw his baton before the Rhino's backhanded swing caught him across the jaw. The force of the blow lifted the man off his feet, and he crumpled to the floor, his baton clattering uselessly beside him. 

The third guard, eyes wide with fear, managed to take a step back, his hand reaching for his taser baton. He leaped forward stabbing it into the Rhinos back. However it did nothing. The Rhino turned around. Lunging forward, his massive hand catching the guard by the collar. With a flick of his wrist, the Rhino hurled him into a nearby pillar, the guard's body slamming against the marble with a bone-rattling crash. The man collapsed in a heap, the fight knocked out of him in an instant.

The lobby fell into a deafening silence, the once-imposing guards now motionless on the ground. The receptionist, who had instinctively ducked behind her desk during the chaos, peeked out, her breath coming in quick, shallow gasps. Her eyes were wide with terror, her heart pounding so loudly it drowned out everything else.

The Rhino turned back to her, his expression a mix of irritation and amusement. His massive frame cast an even larger shadow now, the sunlight barely filtering through the few remaining intact windows. The sight of his monstrous back, the gray hide flexing with each step, and the sharp horn gleaming atop his head, sent a shiver down her spine. With a voice that barely concealed her fear, the receptionist spoke, her words trembling. 

Receptionist: The stairs... the stairs to the 48th floor are just down the hall... to your right.

She cowered behind the desk, every instinct screaming at her to run, but her legs felt like lead, rooted to the spot by the sheer magnitude of the violence she had just witnessed. As the Rhino lumbered away, his footsteps echoing ominously through the now eerily quiet lobby, the receptionist let out a shaky breath. The full reality of what had just happened crashed down on her, and she muttered under her breath, her voice filled with dread. 

Receptionist: I am so getting fired after this.

The Rhino didn't even glance back, his massive figure disappearing down the hallway, leaving the lobby in a state of shocked silence, the chaos he had unleashed a stark contrast to the sterile, corporate environment.

The Rhino lumbered down the hallway, his massive frame barely fitting between the sleek, polished walls. The building's design, meant for ordinary people, seemed absurdly small around him. He approached a door labeled "Stairwell," clearly not built to accommodate someone of his size. Without even breaking his stride, the Rhino reached for the door handle, turning it with a loud creak. But instead of trying to squeeze through, he simply walked forward, smashing through the door and the surrounding wall as if they were made of cardboard. Plaster and debris rained down, and where there once was a door, now stood a gaping hole in the wall, jagged and uneven, framing the hulking figure as he continued into the stairwell. The Rhino came to a halt and looked up, his gaze following the spiraling tower of stairs that seemed to stretch endlessly above him. His broad shoulders slumped slightly as a heavy sigh escaped him, echoing off the cold, concrete walls. 

Rhino: ...Stairs 

He grumbled under his breath, his deep voice tinged with frustration. 

Rhino: I hate freaking stairs.

For a moment, the imposing villain stood there, his annoyance almost comical as he stared at the narrow, winding steps. The idea of hauling his enormous body up so many flights was clearly not his idea of a good time. But with a resigned grunt, he began the ascent, each step groaning under his weight, the stairwell trembling as he made his way upward, muttering to himself all the while about his disdain for such mundane obstacles. 

Still at Oscorp on the 48th floor "Bioadaptive engineering unit"

On the 48th floor of Oscorp, the atmosphere buzzed with focused intensity. The expansive laboratory was a hub of cutting-edge research, filled with scientists engrossed in their work. Each was clad in a crisp white lab coat, moving with precision and purpose. Some were hunched over intricate machinery, their hands deftly adjusting knobs and analyzing data on glowing screens. Others meticulously mixed chemicals in glass beakers, the faint smell of reagents hanging in the air, while a few carefully examined biological samples under high-powered microscopes, their brows furrowed in concentration as they studied tissues with a sharp, clinical eye.

In the midst of this controlled chaos stood Norman Osborn, the only figure not wearing a lab coat. Dressed sharply in a tailored business suit, he cut a striking figure against the backdrop of sterile white. His presence commanded attention, the crisp lines of his suit a stark contrast to the utilitarian attire of the scientists around him. Norman moved with a calculated calm, his eyes sharp and assessing as he reviewed the various projects underway. His hands rested casually in his pockets as he strolled through the lab, pausing occasionally to observe a particularly interesting experiment or to offer a word of direction. The scientists gave him a wide berth, their respect for him evident in the way they subtly deferred to his authority, their focus unwavering despite the weight of his gaze. Amid the flurry of activity, the quiet hum of machinery and the soft clinking of glassware filled the air, punctuated only by the occasional murmur of discussion or the scribbling of notes. Yet, there was a palpable tension beneath the surface—a sense that something important, perhaps even dangerous, was being pursued here, guided by the vision of the man at its center

Norman Osborn stood at the edge of the lab's main workstation, his gaze fixed intently on the lead scientist, Dr. Otto Octavius. Dr. Octavius was a timid figure with his 5 foot height but large fat body, his lab coat slightly rumpled as he adjusted his glasses, which seemed to slide down his nose with every nervous movement. Despite his nervous demeanor, there was a palpable brilliance in his eyes, a spark that hinted at the depth of his intellect. Norman's eyes gleamed with a mix of curiosity and impatience as he leaned forward, his fingers lightly tapping the polished surface of a nearby counter. 

Norman: Dr. Octavius tell me about the GeneSnap Converter.

He said, his voice carrying an edge of both authority and intrigue. 

Norman: How does this device function?

Dr. Octavius cleared his throat, his hands trembling slightly as he adjusted his glasses and gestured toward the GeneSnap Converter which was a sleek, metallic canister with a futuristic design. It features a smooth, brushed metal surface and a neon green glow emanating from a touch pad on its side. Below the touch pad, a pin pad with illuminated buttons allows for precise control. The device combines high-tech aesthetics with functionality, giving it a striking, sci-fi appearance.

Dr. Otto: The GeneSnap Converter analyzes biological tissue samples and converts them into a digital snapshot of the DNA makeup. It utilizes high-resolution sensors and advanced algorithms to create a comprehensive genetic profile. It represents a significant advancement in genetic analysis and data management.

Norman's gaze remained fixed on the device, his mind already racing through potential applications. 

Norman: Sounds impressive... But let's talk numbers. What's the cost of this technology? How much are we looking at for a single unit?

Dr. Octavius hesitated, his fingers fidgeting with the edge of his lab coat. 

Dr. Otto: The initial production cost is quite high due to the sophisticated components and precision engineering. Currently, we estimate it to be several hundred thousand dollars per unit. However, as we scale production, the cost should er...only a couple thousand dollars. 

Norman's eyes narrowed slightly as he processed the information. 

Norman: And the potential uses? How can we leverage this technology to our advantage?

The scientist's expression brightened, his enthusiasm evident. 

Dr. Otto: The applications are extensive! For instance, it can transform personalized antibiotic medicine by providing detailed genetic profiles for targeted treatments for specific bacteria, fungal, and parasitic infections!  It's also valuable for research, offering deep insights into genetic disorders and potential therapies! Additionally, it can be used in forensic science for precise identification in criminal cases! A use I'm sure the government would pay handsomely for. However if I am to be honest sir...I would hope this technology could do more good in the health aspect. 

Norman nodded, his mind clearly calculating the potential returns on investment. With Otto showing a desperate need to see his work help people. A noble gesture to be noted by Mr. Osborn....but not the priority. 

Norman: What about integration with our existing systems? Can the data be easily merged with our other research databases?

Dr. Otto: Absolutely!  

The scientist assured him. 

Dr. Otto: The data output from the GeneSnap Converter can be seamlessly integrated with our current systems. It's designed to be compatible with various formats and platforms, ensuring that the information is accessible and actionable. 

Norman's lips curled into a satisfied smile. 

Norman: Excellent work doctor. I knew I was right to hire your from Toomes failing company.  Keep me updated on any further developments. I want to ensure that we're at the forefront of this technology and pushing the boundaries of what's possible.

The scientist nodded, a hint of relief in his expression.

Dr. Otto: Of course, Mr. Osborn. We'll continue to refine and enhance the technology to meet our goals. 

Norman Osborn's expression turned serious as he addressed Dr. Otto Octavius, the gravity of recent security breaches weighing heavily on his words. 

Norman: Dr. Octavius .....I need you to ensure that the GeneSnap Converter is kept under the highest level of security. We've had multiple break-ins at Oscorp warehouses and facilities recently. I've invested a substantial amount into this technology, and I can't afford to have it fall into the wrong hands.

Dr. Octavius, visibly anxious, nodded quickly. 

Dr. Otto: Of course, Mr. Osborn. I'll make sure it's secured.

Norman gave a curt nod, his gaze intense. 

Norman: Good. I want it locked away in a high-security vault. We need the best protection available.

With that, Dr. Octavius moved to a corner of the lab where a state-of-the-art security vault stood. The vault's exterior was sleek and unassuming, but it was equipped with the latest in security technology. Dr. Octavius carefully carried the GeneSnap Converter towards it, his movements deliberate and cautious. He began the complex process of securing the vault. 

First, he activated the biometric eye scanner, which emitted a soft blue glow as it scanned his retina. The device beeped affirmatively, granting access. Next, he placed his finger on the fingerprint scanner, which scanned his print and verified his identity with a precise, mechanical click. Dr. Octavius then entered a digital passcode on a sleek, touch-sensitive keypad embedded in the vault's door. The passcode was a series of complex numbers and symbols, known only to a select few. Finally, he presented his badge ID to a card reader, which flashed green and confirmed his authorization. 

As the vault door swung open with a heavy metallic groan, Dr. Octavius carefully placed the GeneSnap Converter inside, ensuring it was securely nestled within the reinforced interior. He then closed the vault door and went through the entire security process once more to lock it securely. 

Norman watched from a distance, his gaze never leaving Dr. Octavius.  

Norman: Make sure to conduct regular security checks and keep an eye on the access logs. I want to be informed immediately of any suspicious activity. 

Dr. Octavius nodded vigorously, his anxiety apparent but his determination clear. 

Dr. Otto: Yes, Mr. Osborn. I'll ensure that the security measures are rigorously maintained. 

As Norman turned to leave, his expression softened slightly, though his demeanor remained authoritative.

Norman: Good. I trust you to keep this valuable asset safe-

Before he could finish, his phone buzzed insistently. With a frustrated sigh, Norman glanced at the screen. The caller ID displayed the name of the lead security officer from his building. Annoyance flared across his features as he answered the call.

Norman: What is it? 

Norman snapped, his tone sharp with irritation. The voice on the other end was urgent and panicked. 

Phone: SIR! We have a break-in! An intruder is heading to your location on the 48th floor! Find safety immediately! The authorities have already been alerted—

The voice was abruptly cut off by a deafening crash. The lab's reinforced wall buckled and exploded inward, sending debris flying as the Rhino charged through, his massive frame tearing through the structure like a battering ram. The room fell into shocked silence, the scientists and security personnel staring in horror at the hulking figure now standing amidst the wreckage. Norman's eyes widened in disbelief as he turned to see the Rhino surveying the room with a predatory gaze. The villain's horn glinted menacingly as he took in his surroundings, his massive bulk looming over the terrified scientists. The Rhino's gaze settled on the vault, and he rumbled with a rough, satisfied tone.

Rhino: Hmmm... The big man said that device I needed to steal would be in a vault. Guess this is it. 

Without hesitation, the Rhino began to lumber toward the vault, his steps shaking the floor. The security officers and guards, who had been caught off-guard, quickly scrambled to action. The room erupted into chaos as they rushed to surround Norman and get him to safety.

Security guard: Get Mr. Osborn out of here!

One of the lead guards shouted, his voice strained as he directed the others. 

Security guard: Form a perimeter! We can't let him get to the vault!

Norman, now visibly enraged and desperate, was hurriedly escorted by several guards toward a safer area. He glanced back, his frustration evident as he shouted, 

Norman: Hold him off! That device is worth more than you can imagine! Use lethal force if you have too! 

The guards sprang into action, deploying high-tech stun weapons and drawing their firearms. But their efforts were in vain. Each stun blast bounced harmlessly off the Rhino's armored hide, and the bullets ricocheted off with little effect. The Rhino barely flinched, his focus solely on the vault. With a snarl, the Rhino grabbed a nearby metal desk, lifting it effortlessly. With a powerful heave, he hurled the desk through the window shattering it. It crashed into the busy street below, scattering pedestrians and sending glass flying.

Security guard: Damn it!

One of the security officers swore, trying in vain to get a clear shot. 

Security guard: He's invulnerable! We need more support!

Despite their best efforts, the Rhino continued his relentless advance toward the vault. As the security team tried to regroup and strategize, Norman, shielded by his guards, watched with a mix of fury and helplessness. The Rhino finally reached the vault, his massive hands reaching for the locking mechanisms, intent on breaching the high-security containment and claiming the GeneSnap Converter for himself. The lab was a battleground of chaos and desperation, the stakes higher than ever as the fight to protect the valuable technology raged on.

Meanwhile in the city of Tokyo 

Izuku Midoriya swung through the city with lightning speed, his movements a blend of graceful parkour and rapid web-slinging. The skyline of Tokyo loomed ahead as he vented his frustration out loud.

Spider-Man: GOD! Why is this my life now! I'm no stranger to the ever-present black cloud of bad luck, but this is getting RIDICULOUS! How the hell is it that I'm the FIRST person to turn in my UA application, and I'm THE LAST to find out it was wrong?! UGH!

Izuku swung deftly between skyscrapers, the familiar cityscape of Musutafu blurring into the vast expanse of Tokyo. His frustration was palpable, but he tried to stay focused on the task at hand.

Spider-Man: You know what, whatever! I might not get the bonus points for being first, but at least I can still get it in. My grades should be enough for U.A. to accept me. I mean, I'm a genius after all. They'd be crazy not to take me into their support department.... Oh, god, I'm starting to sound like Kacchan. Better keep that ego in check.

Izuku landed on top of a moving bus, the rhythmic hum of the engine beneath him providing a brief rest. He pulled his phone out of his book bag, glancing at the directions with renewed determination.

Spider-Man: Okay. Admission office closes at 5 PM. It's only 3:15 PM. I'm still on track. As long as nothing bad happens, I should be able to turn in my new application—

Suddenly, his spider-sense blared with intense urgency. Izuku's eyes widened as he looked up to see a massive metal desk plummeting from the sky. Below, a construction worker was obliviously going about his tasks, right in the desk's path.

Spider-Man: OH CMON!

With reflexes honed by his increasing amount of battles, Izuku shot a webline and zipped through the air, reaching the worker just in time. He body tackled the man to safety, landing with a thud on the concrete sidewalk. The desk crashed down where they had been moments before, shattering into a shower of metal fragments. The construction worker, his face pale and eyes wide with shock, looked at Izuku with a mix of disbelief and immense relief. He stumbled to his feet, his voice trembling with gratitude.

Construction Guy: Whoa, that was way too close! I thought I was a goner for sure! You just saved my life, man. I owe you big time—guess I'll be buying you a drink if you're ever in the neighborhood!

Izuku gave a quick nod but didn't linger. He stood up, his gaze shifting to the skyscraper above. He spotted a broken window high up, the likely source of the falling desk. Grumbling to himself as he realized his self monologuing probably triggered his new streak of bad luck that he now has to take care of. 

Spider-Man: ... Me and my big mouth...

With renewed urgency, Izuku shot another webline towards the damaged Oscorp, his thoughts racing as he prepared to investigate the situation. The desk was just a symptom of something larger, and he had a feeling he was about to stumble into yet another problem.

In Oscorp tower Bioadaptive engineering unit

The Rhino emerged from the high-tech vault, the GeneSnap Converter clutched in his massive hand. The room around him was a scene of devastation: guards lay scattered, unconscious but breathing, while the lab equipment lay in shattered ruins. Norman Osborn and Dr. Otto Octavius were shielded by two remaining bodyguards, their faces a mix of fear and anger. Rhino glanced down at the device with a bemused expression, clearly puzzled by its function. His confusion was palpable as he turned toward Osborn and Octavius, who were both watching him with intense scrutiny—Osborn's face twisted in furious outrage and Otto visibly trembling.

Rhino: Uh, is this, er... theee um...Gene camera alternator? It dont look like a camera. 

Norman's eyes flared with rage at the Rhino's ignorance. He could barely contain his fury as he roared out. With Otto covering his head with his arms. 


The Rhino, unfazed by Osborn's outburst, took a few heavy steps forward, the floor trembling with each movement. His expression shifted from confusion to a dangerous scowl as he approached the four men, towering over them with menacing authority. Grabbing a desk with a single arm as the metal bent like playdough around his hand. Hovering it over the 4 men while holding the device. 

Rhino: Are you calling me stupid or something?

Before anyone could respond, a familiar voice cut through the tension with a sharp edge of humor. Osborn recognizing the voice from the last run in he had with a villian. Adrian Toomes. The Vulture. 

Spider-Man: Well, you're certainly dressed stupid, that's for sure...or...wait is that really just your skin? 

The Rhino's head snapped around as Spider-Man swung into the room through the shattered window, landing with his usual grace.

Izuku's Head: Man, what is it with Oscorp? First I save the CEO from Vulture, then I stop the Lizard at Oscorp Tower. Now I'm about to fight a giant Rhino trashing the lab. This company's stock is going to take a nosedive for sure!

Without missing a beat, Izuku shot webbing at Rhino's eyes, blinding the brute. The Rhino bellowed in frustration, releasing the metal desk he had been holding menacingly over Norman Osborn and his employees. Seizing the moment, Izuku quickly webbed and yanked the four of them out of the way just before the desk crashed to the floor with a deafening thud.

Rhino: What kind of gross stuff is this?!

Spider-Man: Really? You haven't figured out the theme yet? Web costume, wall-crawling, name's Spider-Man? Man, you're slow.

Rhino: Don't call me slow!

Rhino charged at Izuku in a blind rage, but Izuku easily flipped over him, the brute barreling through yet another glass wall. Osborn cringed as more of his lab was obliterated.

Norman: Spider-Man! Please, try not to destroy my lab any more than it already is! And get that device back! It's company property! It's extremely valuable! 

Izuku's head: Is he seriously worried about that right now?!

Izuku turned back to the Rhino, who was now visibly fuming.

Spider-Man: Hey fatty, you heard the man. Why don't we call it quits? Hand over the shiny thing, turn yourself in, and we all go home early.

Rhino, now fully enraged, picked up another heavy metal desk, setting the device down in the process. With a roar, he hurled the desk at Izuku.


Izuku let the desk hit him, dodging back with the force of the impact. He shot two web lines to either side of Rhino, using them to slingshot himself forward in a powerful dropkick. But as he collided with Rhino, he might as well have hit a brick wall—Rhino didn't even flinch. With Izuku landing on the ground. Rhino, with his fists together, slammed them into the ground, shattering the floor beneath him. Izuku barely managed to roll out of the way, firing webbing at Rhino's hands, binding them together. Rhino struggled to pull them apart, but Izuku's webs held firm—for now.

Izuku's head: I seriously don't have time for this.

With a growl of frustration, Rhino charged at Izuku, his hands still bound. Izuku bounced from one desk to another, each time barely evading the Rhino's powerful blows as the brute shattered everything in his path.

Izuku's head: I can't win in a head-to-head fight. He's WAY stronger than me.

Izuku grabbed a fire extinguisher from the wall, just as Rhino used his horn to slice through the webbing binding his hands. Rhino swung a massive fist at Izuku, shattering the wall behind him as Izuku flipped over his head, slamming the extinguisher down on Rhino's back—only for it to have no effect.

Izuku's head: His quirk makes his skin so freaking durable! He's like a tank!

Rhino grabbed Izuku by the foot, hurling him like a ragdoll through yet another wall. Izuku grunted as he hit the ground hard, struggling to recover from the impact. As he staggered to his feet, he glanced up at a clock on the wall—it was already 3:40 PM.

Izuku's head: And Admissions closes in like an hour and 20 minutes! At this rate, I'll be fighting him till midnight before I even make a dent!

Suddenly, his spider-sense flared as Rhino charged at him again. Izuku quickly grabbed Rhino's horn and swung over it, barely avoiding being impaled as the Rhino's head shot up.

Izuku's head: And all this for...

Izuku's eyes widened as he realized the device—the reason for all this chaos—was missing. He quickly scanned the room, spotting the GeneSnap Converter lying on the floor. Without hesitation, he shot a webline at it, pulling it into his grasp.

Spider-Man: Gotcha!

Izuku secured the GeneSnap Converter in a makeshift web satchel slung across his shoulder, keeping it safe as he turned his attention back to Rhino. The brute was still fuming, snorting like a bull ready to charge. Izuku knew he needed to lure Rhino away from the scientists and their expensive equipment.

Spider-Man: Hey, Rhino! You've got a lot of nerve stomping around like a bull in a china shop. But judging by your looks, maybe you'd be better off at a petting zoo!

Rhino's eyes narrowed, his rage bubbling over at the insult. With a roar, he charged at Izuku, his massive form barreling straight for him. Izuku positioned himself in front of a thick concrete wall, hoping to use it to stop Rhino's momentum.

Izuku's head: 4 feet of concrete should slow him down...

But Rhino didn't slow down. He plowed through the concrete wall as if it were paper, his enormous strength sending debris flying everywhere. Izuku's eyes widened in shock as Rhino kept going—straight through the wall and out of the building.

Spider-Man: Oh no—!

Izuku leaped after Rhino, Standing at the hole in the wall with his webs shooting out to try and catch him before he plummeted to the ground below. He strained to hold the Rhino's immense weight, the webbing creaking under the stress.

Izuku's head: Come on, come on, hold!

But it was too much. The webs snapped under the force, and Rhino crashed downwards, slamming into the street below with an earth-shaking impact. The ground buckled beneath him, forming a massive crater. Izuku swung down after him, landing on the side of a building watching, his heart pounding.

Rhino: Hehe...what a thrill ride. 

Izuku watched from above as the scene below unfolded in rapid succession. The crater Rhino had created was now surrounded by police cars, their sirens blaring, and several pro heroes had arrived to contain the situation. Cementos, Death Arms, Vlad King, and Kamui Woods quickly took up positions, ready to engage the hulking villain.

Vlad King stepped forward, a Megaphone in his hand, his voice amplified over the chaos.

Vlad king: Rhino! Put your hands up, and surrender now!

Rhino, still dusting off debris from his armored body, glanced up at the heroes surrounding him. With a smirk, he raised his massive arms and sarcastically quipped, 

Rhino: Oh, you mean these? You see them now?!

 Before anyone could react, Rhino grabbed a large chunk of cement from the crater and hurled it straight at Vlad King. Cementos was quick to respond, raising a thick concrete wall to intercept the projectile. The block shattered harmlessly against it, but Rhino wasn't done. Cementos also created a ramp leading up to Rhino, allowing Death Arms to launch himself into the air for a powerful downward strike. Death Arms came down with a thunderous punch aimed directly at Rhino's head. 

Death Arms: Remember me, Rhino?! Last time we fought, I was still a student at U.A.! 

Rhino barely flinched, a dark chuckle rumbling from his chest. 

Rhino: Yeah, I remember. I won that fight too!

 With alarming ease, Rhino slipped his arm around Death Arms' midsection and flung him aside like a ragdoll.

As Death Arms flew through the air, Kamui Woods acted swiftly, extending his wooden tendrils to catch him by wrapping them around a nearby light pole. Death Arms landed safely, albeit a little shaken.

Kamui woods: You ok Death Arms?!

Death Arms: No! I'm not! This guys name is Alexander O'Hirn. He goes by the same name as his quirk Rhino. Pretty self explanatory. I fought this guy in my internships my 3rd year at U.A. I wasn't strong enough then and I dont seem to be strong enough now to take this guy head on!... DAMN IT! 

Vlad King tried to use his Blood Control Quirk to immobilize Rhino, tendrils of crimson energy wrapping around Rhino's limbs. But Rhino flexed his immense strength, snapping free with a roar, the blood tendrils disintegrating under the strain.

Vlad King: Well how did he get beat last time?! 

Death arms: We didn't...we got lucky he fell into a sink hole and couldn't escape. 

Undeterred, Rhino lowered his head and began to charge, smashing through the concrete walls Cementos hastily erected in his path. The hero's walls crumbled under Rhino's relentless power as he bulldozed his way through the street, causing chaos as he went.

Cementos frowned, his brow furrowed with concentration as he raised another barrier. Trying to block debree from hitting other buildings and civillians. 

Cementos: This guy's tearing through my walls like they're paper! We need to slow him down!

With a swift flick of his horn, Rhino sent a police cruiser hurtling through the air. Kamui Woods was directly in its path, his eyes widening as the car closed in fast. Before the collision could occur, Izuku acted in a blur of motion. He fired a webline at the cruiser, catching it mid-air and anchoring it to multiple buildings. The vehicle swung to a stop, suspended harmlessly away from the hero. Spider-Man landed beside Kamui Woods with a playful smirk to his voice. 

Spider-Man: Glad to see you guys finally joined the party.

Kamui Woods exhaled, his tone sharp. 

Kamui Woods: Oh great. Of course you're here. Why wouldn't you be involved in this heap of mess!

Spider-Man feigned hurt, putting a hand to his chest. 

Spider-Man: Is that really any way to thank the guy who just saved your life?

Kamui Woods shot him a sideways glance, his voice edged with frustration. 

Kamui Woods: Well, do you have a plan at least? Since you're so insistent on making yourself involved, why don't you actually help?

Izuku raised his hands to his head in mock surrender, his tone dripping with sarcasm. 

Spider-Man: Aww, does this mean you're finally warming up your cold, wooden heart to me?

Kamui Woods clenched his fists, his voice rising. 

Kamui Woods: It's called priorities!!!

Despite the banter, Izuku's mind was racing. He knew Rhino wasn't going to be stopped easily. They needed a strategy, and fast. His gaze fell on the device still secured in the webbed satchel slung across his shoulder. An idea began to form.

Spider-Man turned to Kamui Woods, his tone more serious. 

Spider-Man: I don't know how we can stop him yet, but I do know he's after whatever this thing is. I can lead him away to somewhere with fewer people.

Before Kamui Woods could protest, Izuku was already web-slinging away, grabbing Rhino's attention with a taunting shout. 

Spider-Man: Hey, Rhino! I think someone just called you a hippo! Over here!

Rhino's eyes flared with rage as he locked onto Izuku swinging through the air from web to web building to building. 


With a thunderous roar, Rhino began to charge after him, his massive frame plowing through anything in his path. Kamui Woods and Death Arms exchanged a quick glance before taking off after them, trying to catch up. Meanwhile, Vlad King and Cementos stayed behind to manage the chaos, aiding the injured and controlling the damage left in Rhino's wake. As Izuku led Rhino away, he couldn't help but glance back at the destruction the villain had caused. The city was in chaos, but he had to keep Rhino focused on him and away from the civilians. The stakes were high, but Spider-Man was ready to do whatever it took to stop Rhino—no matter how big the challenge.

Rhino: You like being hunted, freak!

Spider-Man swung through the air, a playful smirk in his voice. 

Spider-Man: Hunted? Wow, and here I thought we were playing tag!

Rhino barreled after Izuku, his massive frame sending cars flying as he bashed them out of his way or hurled them into the air with his horn. Luckily, the vehicles were empty.

Spider-Man: And 'freak'? Have you looked in the mirror lately? I mean look who's talking Mr. My 500 ton life!

Rhino: I may be a freak—

 Rhino paused, taking a deep breath from the relentless chase. 

Rhino: —but at least I ain't a coward.

Rhino came to a sudden stop by a fire hydrant, panting heavily. He ripped the hydrant out of the ground, water gushing up and drenching his overheated body. He leaned into the stream, cooling off before hurling the hydrant at Izuku with all his might.

Izuku's head: Yeah, I'm scared all right. Scared he's gonna flatten any bystanders in his way. I gotta keep luring him to a less populated area. Preferably somewhere abandoned.

Izuku dodged the flying hydrant with ease, landing on a traffic light. He quickly webbed the hydrant to the pole before it could smash into an apartment building. Rhino leaped at him, but Izuku effortlessly vaulted off the traffic light, slinging himself away to continue the chase.

Spider-Man: Come on, Hippo, you're slowing down!

Rhino: IT'S RHINO! *Deep breath* RHINO!!!

Izuku's head: How am I supposed to find an abandoned spot in freaking Tokyo with a population of 14 million?

Rhino, blinded by his rage, didn't see the semi-truck driving right in front of him until it was too late. He crashed into it, the impact stopping both him and the truck dead in their tracks. The driver, miraculously unharmed, blinked in shock as Rhino lifted his massive arms, ready to slam them down. The driver scrambled out of the truck  just as Rhino's fists came crashing down, shattering the hood.

Rhino: Stupid truck! Stupid web creep! Stupid RUNNING!

In a fit of fury, Rhino ripped the engine out of the semi and began smashing it into the truck, each blow fueled by his growing frustration. With a final, enraged grunt, he hurled the engine at Spider-Man like a football. Izuku dodged, but his eyes widened in horror as the massive engine careened toward a nearby building. The engine slammed into the structure, dislodging debris that began to fall toward a mother and her daughter standing below. The mother looked up, eyes wide with fear, and pushed her daughter away just as the debris started to fall. In a split second, Izuku swung into action, snatching the woman out of harm's way and depositing her safely on the ground. He quickly returned for the daughter, reuniting them before they hurriedly ran in the opposite direction, their lives narrowly spared.  Spider-Man landed on a nearby building, heart racing. 

Spider-Man: Okay, Rhino, you've officially worn out your welc-

Rhino charged headlong into the building where Izuku was wall-sticking. The brick wall disintegrated into rubble as Izuku scrambled to grab hold of something, but his fingers found nothing solid. He plummeted to the ground, and as he was falling, Rhino unleashed a powerful uppercut to Izuku's chest, propelling him into the air and sending him flying over several buildings. Rhino let out a triumphant roar, reveling in his first successful hit after an exhausting chase.

Rhino: HA! How do you like that, wall-crawler?

Izuku hurtled through the air and smashed through a window of a nearby sports store. He ricocheted off the ground, crashing into a display of golf supplies before toppling into a stand full of hockey sticks. Dazed and disoriented, he rubbed his head, trying to shake off the multiple impacts.

Spider-Man: ...That's gonna leave a mark.

Rhino stormed into the store, ripping the door off its hinges and splintering it in half. He approached Izuku with a sweaty but satisfied grin. Izuku, desperate to buy some time, webbed a shelf stacked with bowling balls. He pulled on it, sending the balls rolling toward Rhino's feet.

Spider-Man: This always works in the cartoons...

Rhino simply stepped over the bowling balls, crushing them beneath his feet like they were made of eggs. Each stomp caused the heavy ceramic to shatter, making Izuku cringe in pain and frustration.

Spider-Man: Ugh... TV can so NOT be trusted.

Izuku was suddenly kicked in the stomach, causing him to dry heave in agony. He was flung into another shelf of weights and dumbbells, his body bouncing off the heavy equipment. He rolled onto his back, looking up to see Rhino looming over him, his foot raised menacingly.

Rhino: Remember what I did to them bowling balls?

Izuku, in a desperate attempt to protect himself, raised his hands in defense.

Spider-Man: WAIT! WAIT!

Rhino: What?!

Without hesitation, Izuku shot a web onto the shelf of weights behind Rhino and yanked with all his strength. The shelf collapsed, sending a cascade of weights crashing down on Rhino.

Spider-Man: WEIGHT!

Izuku rolled out of the way as the shelves toppled onto Rhino. The Rhino emerged from the debris, his rage palpable and sweat pouring from his face—the only part of him not protected by his thick hide. He took deep, heavy breaths, his fury evident in every exhale.

Rhino: You think you can stop me with that? I'll smash everything in my path!

Rhino continued to breath in and out. Feeling his heart racing so fast and sweat drip down his face without stopping. He looked around frantically finding no trace of Spider-Man anywhere. Panting heavily, Rhino stomped over to a nearby refrigerator stocked with water and energy drinks. His frustration was evident as he clumsily tried to open a bottle of water with his oversized, grey-skinned hands. The cap wouldn't budge.


In a fit of impatience, Rhino crushed the water bottle with his immense strength, popping the cap off with a loud crack. Water spilled everywhere as he greedily gulped it down, chugging bottle after bottle. Meanwhile, Izuku took a moment to catch his breath, watching from above.

 Izuku's head: That's some serious confidence. He's taking a water break in the middle of a fight as he just finished smashing me everywhere...'s not confidence. BUT THIRST! 

Suddenly, Izuku had a eureka moment. He quickly webbed one of the water bottles Rhino was drinking and, with expert precision, tossed it into a nearby trash can.

Spider-Man: Alright, water break's over!

Rhino roared in frustration and lunged at Izuku. The impact sent them crashing through the roof and out into an alleyway below. As they landed, Izuku deftly jumped off Rhino's back in mid-air, sticking to the wall opposite. He quickly shot two web lines across the alley, creating a makeshift trap.

Rhino: HA! You missed!

Spider-Man: Did I?

Izuku yanked the giant dumpster behind Rhino with his webbing, sending it crashing into Rhino and slamming him face-first into a brick wall. The wall crumbled under the impact. Izuku leapt away, grabbing a light pole and spinning off it to land gracefully in the middle of the street.


Izuku grabbed a heavy metal drain cover that led to the city's underground pipes. He lifted it effortlessly and leaped down, with Rhino charging after him.

Spider-Man: Let's play follow the leader.

Rhino: You think you can hide from me down there? Think again!

Rhino's roar echoed as he barreled after Izuku into the depths of the city's pipes, ready to continue the chase. 

Spider-Man: WOO! How's the temperature treating you?

Rhino looked up to see Izuku clinging to the roof of the tunnel. The tunnel was lined with pipes carrying scalding steam. 

Spider-Man: C'mon, you big lug! Let's see if you can catch me!

Rhino: RRAAHHHH!!!

Rhino roared and charged, his determination unwavering as he pursued Izuku and the device. However, Izuku had a plan. He quickly dropped down and webbed Rhino's feet, causing him to stumble headfirst into a pipe. Jets of hot steam burst out, blasting Rhino's face with scalding gas. In a panic, Rhino yanked his horn and head out of the pipe, but the hot gas was already taking its toll. Sweat poured down his face as the tunnel filled with steam, making him double over, gasping for breath.

Spider-Man: Notice something different? Losing your steam?

Izuku perched on a pipe, looking down at Rhino with a smirk. Rhino, blinded and enraged, swung at Izuku, shattering another pipe and releasing more steam. Izuku deftly avoided the attack, landing on a different pipe. Rhino's frustration grew as he continued to smash pipes, each explosion adding to the steam filling the small tunnel. As Rhino talk he had to take more break between his words to breath. 

Spider-Man: "You know what my biggest mistake was? Trying to overpower you."

Rhino: ""

Spider-Man: "I was trying to think of a way to crack your tough hide. But you know what? You're impenetrable. That means if nothing gets in, nothing can get out. You cant perspire!

Rhino: Per...sprite?...what?

Spider-Man: Sweat O'Hirn! You can't sweat through your armor, so your body's natural cooling process is shot. You're like a dog panting in the heat! Your face is sweating for your whole body!


Ignoring the insult, Izuku continued to taunt while Rhino struggled to breathe, his heart pounding and his face drenched in sweat.

Spider-Man: Under normal circumstances, this might be tough. But in a confined, steam-filled tunnel? Now you're really in trouble.

Realization dawned on Rhino as he stumbled, his eyes widening in horror. He may not be the brightest but he knows when he's in trouble. He limped toward a ladder, desperate to escape the heat.

Rhino: "I...gotta...get...outta here.

Spider-Man: "Good luck with that!

Izuku web-slung and delivered a powerful kick, sending Rhino crashing further down the tunnel. The impact caused even more steam to billow from the pipes. Rhino struggled to his feet, moving at a turtles pace as Izuku pulled off more pipes, directing scalding steam at him just to finish him off. 

Rhino: AHHHHH!!!

Finally, Izuku executed a drop kick, sending Rhino crashing to the ground. Standing triumphantly on Rhino's chest as the tunnel filled with steam, Izuku watched the defeated villain gasp for breath. Putting his arms up for an audience that wasn't there. 

Spider-Man: COME ONE COME ALL and feast your very eyes on the world's LARGEST dehydrated turtle!

Rhino's exhausted gasps were barely audible over the hissing steam, and Izuku knew victory was his. He tried to lift his arm and just couldn't. Everything felt so heavy and he couldn't even move. He started to get more light headed ...even delirious. 

Rhino: I swear I'm gonna ....crush you! Promised Big man I'd crush you...crush you....... crush you. 

Izukus head: Big man? Who's bigger than this guy?....Did...did someone set him up steal Oscorps tech? 

Izuku looked at the device finally. He was carrying this thing the whole time but had no idea what it was or why he wanted it. He saw the Oscorp logo and on the metal device there was also a bar code and lot number. With the label in black ink on the white sticker. "GeneSnap Converter". 

Izukus head: A GeneSnap Converter...I...I read about this in Dr. Connors research. It's like a Crisper nut much more advanced. It can translate organic tissue into numerical data allowing a blue print for a species to be made. I only read about them though. Dr. Connors research was done pain stackingly slow because he didn't have this technology. Who ever is trying to steal trying to genetically create something like Dr. Connors did with his work. Or maybe sell it to the black market for someone else to do so? 

Izuku remembered what Norman Osborn told him at Oscorp. That it was an extremely valuable piece of technology. But Izuku already saw all the damage genetic engineering and quirk research did once to the city. He couldn't let it happen again. So with much hesitation. He cracked the device in half shattering it. Unknowingly throwing away hundreds of thousands of dollars in research down the drain. He then crouched down to Rhino. Wanting to get more information out of him while he was delirious. 

Spider-Man: Alright Alexander. Who's the big man? 

(He over heard Death Arms saying his name)

Rhino: No one....calls me ....Alexander....only MAMA does!....Mama......mama

Izuku then in a more calm voice softly asked rhino. 

Spider-Man: C'mon Alexander...tell mama who the big man is. 

Rhino: Mama....I dont wanna go to school. I wanna....I wanna... make .... art.

Izuku cringed in both confusion and disgust at himself. Knowing the absurdity of what he's doing right now. 

Izukus head: God if Kacchan could hear me right now I would never hear the end of his jokes. 

Spider-Man: Mama promises to let you do allll the art that you want. Just tell me who the big man is? 

Rhino: I dont know Mama I swear!....He...he just said if I could...give him thingy....Id get do... my.... art..... Mama....can I do my art now? 

Izuku cursed himself. He wants to get more information. But he knows if he keeps Rhino here any longer he could die from dehydration. 

Spider-Man: *sigh*...Y'know I might have everyone in the city and every pro calling me a menace to society. But even  "I' wouldn't let a turtle die flipped on its shell. C'mon big, grey, and ugly. Let's get you back to the surface and all refreshed up in your jail cell.  

On the surface 

Izuku emerged from the manhole cover, feeling every muscle ache from the grueling fight. Just as he got to his feet, Kamui Woods and Death Arms caught up to him.

Kamui Woods: Spider-Man! What happened? Where's Rhino?

Izuku stretched, rolling his neck to ease the tension. The exhaustion was evident, but so was the satisfaction of victory.

Spider-Man: You're definitely gonna need a crane to move that guy.

Death Arms peered down the manhole, eyes widening in disbelief as he saw Rhino slumped over the ladder, unconscious but still breathing.

Death Arms: H-How... HOW did you beat him?!

Death Arms was visibly stunned. He couldn't believe the vigilante had done what so many pros struggled to accomplish. Izuku snapped his fingers, giving the heroes a playful wink.

Spider-Man: I got mad cardio... just ask the ladies.

Izuku's head: Man I dont know what it is with me. Ever since I had this mask to hide my identity. It's like all my timid nervousness disappears. I get filled with so much confidence and wit to say the things I always wanted to say.... Say all the jokes I wanted to hehe.

Death Arms: I'll call it in. We'll need bigger quirk-restraining cuffs and a SWAT truck to move this guy. I'll stay down in the tunnel and make sure he doesn't get away.

As Death Arms jumped back down into the manhole, Izuku began to back away, realizing he had somewhere else he urgently needed to be.

Spider-Man: Well, all in a day's work for your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man! Now, I've gotta get going, so I'll leave the cleanup to you professionals—

Before he could finish, Kamui Woods placed a hand on Izuku's shoulder, stopping him in his tracks. Izuku internally groaned, knowing exactly what was coming next.

Kamui Woods: Hold it! You can't just—

Spider-Man: GOD, this again! How many times do I have to help you guys before you realize I'm NOT the bad guy!

Kamui Woods: You know damn well why! You're a vigilante! And you can't just—

Kamui Woods sighed deeply, letting go of Izuku's shoulder. The gesture surprised him. Kamui knew that spouting off how it was illegal to use his quirk without a license is illegal AND to do hero work without proper authority. So he tried to at least understand him. 

Kamui Woods: Why... Why are you so insistent on being a vigilante?

Izuku blinked, caught off guard by the genuine question.

Spider-Man: Well, uh... I can't just sit around while people need help. I can do something. .......  so I do.

Kamui Woods: Then become a hero the right way! There's no reason for you to keep running from the law. I saw how you handled yourself today! You have the potential to be a great pro hero!

Izuku's head: ...It actually means a lot to hear him say that... He's not the first...

Izuku's mind flashed to Mirko, who had also offered him the chance to become a pro hero. But the answer was still the same, for the same reason.

Izuku's head: I can't be a pro hero... I don't have a quirk. If the world finds that out—and worse, if they find out how I was created—it could mean the total collapse of society.

Izuku couldn't explain this to Kamui, so he looked down at the ground, his heart heavy with the truth he couldn't share.

Spider-Man: I'm sorry, Kamui... but I can't. I have my reasons, and I know you have no reason to trust me, but they're good reasons. They're the same reasons why I wear a mask in the first place.

Kamui Woods sighed, clearly disappointed. He reached into his utility belt and pulled out a business card, handing it to Izuku.

Kamui Woods: At least take this. In case you change your mind. I might be a newbie, but I still have some pull. I could get you into hero courses, maybe even get those vigilante charges dropped. I'd speak on your behalf.

Izuku was genuinely touched. Despite all the negative press, despite being the biggest thorn in the side of pro heroes since his debut, Kamui Woods was still willing to help him.

Spider-Man: Thanks, but... I know this business card has a tracker in it.

Kamui Woods stood silent for a moment, his serious demeanor cracking as his eyes softened in amusement.

Kamui Woods: You can't blame a guy for trying, right?

Spider-Man: No... No, I can't.

Izuku appreciated the sincerity behind Kamui's offer, even if he couldn't accept it. Just then, Kamui Woods turned away from Izuku, lifting his arms in an exaggerated, sarcastic gesture.

Kamui Woods: Oh. My. God. The villain escaped, you say? Wherever did he go?

Izuku was momentarily confused until he realized Kamui was giving him an out, mimicking the first time he'd tricked the hero into letting him escape.

Spider-Man: ...Oh... HAHAHA... That's a good one! ... See you around the neighborhood.

Izuku leaped away, web-swinging through Tokyo, finally back on track to the admissions office he had been heading to before all the chaos with Rhino. As he swung away, Kamui Woods watched, smiling beneath his helmet.

Kamui Woods: See ya around...Spider-Man. 






Death Arms: Did you just let that guy go? 

Kamui woods looked down to see Death Arms was watching and heard the whole thing. 

Kamui Woods: Well he....tricked me.....again....

Death Arms: Rrright.....again....




Death Arms: Softy....

Kamui Woods: *sigh*....dont tell Mount Lady. 

 5:10pm at U.A's admissions office

Izuku dashed down the sidewalk, his heart pounding with urgency. The clock on a nearby building read 5:10 PM, and he pushed himself harder, knowing how much was at stake. Every second counted, and yet every second felt like it was slipping away too quickly. The events of the day—the fight with Rhino, the chaos—had all conspired against him, but he was determined not to let them take THIS from him.


As the admissions office came into view, Izuku spotted a woman in business attire stepping out of the building, a set of keys in her hand. She was just about to lock up. Panic surged through him as he waved frantically, yelling for her to wait. 


The woman turned, startled by his sudden approach. She instinctively clutched her keys tighter, eyeing him with caution. But before she could react further, Izuku skidded to a stop in front of her, breathless and desperate.   

Izuku: I'm so sorry! M-My name is Izuku Midoryia. I—I was called earlier about my application being incorrect, and I need to turn in a new one! Please, it's so important—I need to get into U.A.! 

The woman's expression softened slightly, but she shook her head with a sympathetic sigh. 

Administrator: I'm sorry, but we just closed. The due date is set in stone. All applications were already sent to the main campus of U.A., and there's no way I can send yours over now. They wont even look at it if I hand delivered it late. 

The words hit Izuku like a punch to the gut. His legs gave out, and he sank to his knees on the pavement. Startling the woman once again. He stared at the ground, tears welling up in his eyes as the reality of the situation settled in. He was too late. All the effort, all the struggle—it had all been for nothing.

Administrator: I'm so sorry...

The woman said again, her voice tinged with regret as she watched him crumble. Izuku wiped at his tears, trying to compose himself, but the disappointment was too overwhelming. 

Izuku: No... it's my fault. I should've been faster... should've managed my time better... I'm sorry for bothering you.

He stood up slowly, his shoulders slumped, and turned to walk away. His gaze was fixed on the ground, his thoughts consumed by the bitter loss. He had fought so hard as Spider-Man, saving people and putting his life on the line, but here he was, defeated in his personal life. As he walked away, Izuku tried to lift his spirits.  

Izukus head: At least I helped a lot of people today, he thought, his voice barely a whisper. That has to count for something, right? 

However he couldn't help but think back to his younger self. It wasn't even that long ago he got his powers. Shorter then that when he realized his dreams of being a pro hero were gone too. he had to give up even going to U.A. like he always wanted. 

Izukus head: Guess...I should give up on this dream too....Kachan is gonna be so mad at me. 

But just as he was about to cross the street, the woman's voice called out to him.

Administrator: Midoriya... did you say your last name was Midoriya?

Izuku stopped, turning back with a mix of confusion and faint hope. 

Izuku: Y-Yes, Midoriya...

The woman hurried toward him, her expression now one of urgency but also relief. 

Administrator: Wait, I remember now! I tried to tell you over the phone earlier that all we needed was some quick personal information and verbal consent from your mother for you to attend U.A. I had your mom's phone number from your previous application, so I called her right after we spoke. She gave her consent, and I was able to send your application over to U.A. just ten minutes ago! 

Izuku's eyes widened in disbelief. A part of him cursed himself that he went through so much trouble just to hear he could have avoided it all if he listened better on the phone. However he was so over joyed that he didn't even care. 

Izuku: Wait, really? You... you sent it?

The woman nodded, smiling. 

Administrator: Yes, I did. You're all set to take the entrance exam for U.A. Make sure to study hard and try your best. Good luck to you...

A wave of pure joy and relief crashed over Izuku, and he couldn't help but break into a wide grin. 

Izuku: Thank you! Thank you so much!

He felt like the weight of the world had just been lifted off his shoulders. After all the hardship, there was finally a glimmer of hope. He thanked the woman profusely, his earlier despair completely forgotten as he practically bounced on his feet, overwhelmed with excitement. As he walked away, his heart light and full, he couldn't help but think about how close he had come to losing everything. But in the end, it all worked out. He had fought so hard as Spider-Man and saved the day, but today-





-Izuku Midoriya had won too.

Later on at Oscorp tower

Norman Osborn stood amidst the wreckage of his once-pristine lab, the devastation laid bare under the dimming light of the setting sun. Broken glass crunched beneath his polished shoes as he surveyed the scene, his eyes narrowing at the sight of shattered equipment, overturned desks, and the gaping hole where the vault once stood. The cost of the damage flashed through his mind—repairs, replacements, insurance claims. It would all be a monumental expense. But despite the chaos, Osborn's face remained impassive, almost calculating. His gaze drifted to the broken vault, the twisted metal and scattered debris a stark reminder of what had been taken. Yet, even in the face of such loss, there was a curious calm in Osborn's thoughts. He knew what had been inside the vault—the GeneSnap Converter. It was a significant piece of technology, but it wasn't irreplaceable. Not to someone like him. As he stood there, the door to the lab creaked open. Dr. Otto Octavius timidly stepped in, his usually meticulous appearance marred by dust and debris. His hands shook slightly, and his eyes darted around the room, taking in the destruction with a mix of fear and guilt. Nearly tripping over a fallen beam, he stumbled forward, catching himself just in time before he reached Osborn.

Dr. Otto: I... I'm so sorry, Mr. Osborn.

Otto stammered, his voice trembling.

Dr. Otto: I-I failed you. The GeneSnap Converter, it's... it's gone. Destroyed. I couldn't... I didn't—

Norman turned to face him, his expression unreadable.

Norman: Dr. Octavius...

He began, his voice steady, 

Norman: ... You have nothing to apologize for. You did exactly what you were supposed to do. It's not your fault that the Rhino attacked, and certainly not your fault that he was able to break in. You couldn't have stopped him—no one could have, not even the heroes who tried....yet...Spider-Man did...

Otto looked up, surprise flickering across his face.

Dr. Otto: But... the technology, the research... it's all gone.

Norman waved a hand dismissively. 

Norman: We have the means to rebuild, to create another unit. The loss is regrettable, yes, but it's not the end of the world. If anything, Spider-Man's intervention ensured that the device wouldn't fall into the wrong hands. Whether on purpose or by accident, it was destroyed, and with it, any chance of it being replicated.

He paused, his thoughts lingering on Spider-Man. It was the third time their paths had crossed, each encounter more significant than the last. First, Spider-Man had saved him from the vengeful clutches of Adrian Toomes, the deranged Vulture. Then, he had stopped a rogue scientist from unleashing a bioweapon using Osborn's own building. And now, Spider-Man had prevented the theft of his property, even if it was in a roundabout way.

Norman couldn't help but feel a sense of intrigue. There was something almost... fateful about their interactions, as if the universe was aligning them for something larger. It was a thought that both fascinated and unsettled him. Otto, still uneasy, glanced around at the destruction once more. 

Dr. Otto: It just feels like... like we've had such bad luck lately. Your company, this building—it's been one thing after another.

Norman's lips curved into a faint, almost imperceptible smile.

Norman: Don't put too much thought into it, Otto. This is only a minor setback. I have the capital to rebuild, to make this company stronger than ever before.

Otto nodded, but the tension in his shoulders didn't fully ease. 

Dr. Otto: I just... I'm sorry, sir. For everything.

Norman turned to Otto, his eyes locking onto the doctor's with a piercing intensity. 

Norman: Don't you ever apologize, Dr. Octavius,

He said, his voice firm but not unkind. 

Norman: I never do...

With that, Norman Osborn walked through the debris, his mind already turning to the future, to the plans that would rise from these ashes. There was something brewing on the horizon, something that felt inevitable. And if Spider-Man was destined to be part of it, so be it.But Norman Osborn was not one to be caught off guard. No, he would be ready-





—whatever the cost...

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