Chapter 21

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In this chapter there's going to be a lot of back and forth between Izuku and the news and media talking about Spider-Man

Most people start their mornings with TV, exercise, or a nice breakfast. But for Izuku Midoriya, mornings are a little different. Today, as the first light of dawn crept over the horizon, the city below still shrouded in the soft, sleepy fog of early morning, Izuku felt alive—more alive than he had in a long time. This morning, he didn't just wake up; he exploded into action, launching himself from the roof of a towering skyscraper, the wind whipping through his mask as he plummeted toward the bustling streets far below. The city was his playground, and today he was ready to play. His body arced through the air with grace, his web-shooters firing off in rapid succession as he swung between the glass-and-steel giants that made up the city's skyline. The world below was a blur of movement—cars, buses, and the early risers making their way to work—while above, he danced among the clouds. The adrenaline rush was intoxicating, each swing, flip, and twist reminding him of the freedom powers give you. Remembering his life when he was quirk less.  Izuku felt particularly energized this morning, a bright spark of vitality coursing through his veins. He wasn't just swinging; he was performing! Aerial somersaults, wall runs, and side twists became his symphony, each movement executed with perfect precision. The city was his stage, and he was the star, sticking to walls, leaping off with powerful kicks, and gliding effortlessly from building to building. As he reached the apex of a giant swing, Izuku threw himself into the air with all the strength he could muster. For a brief, exhilarating moment, he was weightless, suspended high above the city with nothing but the distant hum of traffic below and the crisp morning air filling his lungs. But as he relished in the freedom of the sky, his heightened senses caught the faint, urgent wail of sirens rising from the streets below.

Spider-Man: What do you got for me today, world?

The police radio embedded in his mask crackled to life, the voice on the other end sharp and filled with tension. Almost answering his call out for danger.

Police radio: We've got a car chase—armed suspects with guns and long-range quirks, heading through Uptown District 2.

Izuku's eyes narrowed beneath his mask. The thrill of the chase was calling, and with a final burst of speed, he shot forward, leaving the morning sky behind as he plunged into the heart of the city, swinging toward the scene of the unfolding chaos.

The Daily talk show (Sponsored by the Daily Bugle)

Mary Stacey: Good morning, everyone! What a beautiful day we have ahead of us!

The news woman began, her voice smooth and welcoming, like a ray of sunshine itself. 

Mary Stacey: GOOOOD Morning everyone! I hope you listeners out there are enjoying that warm 80 degree July summer weather. This week forecast shows sunshine with no chance of clouds, so be sure to get out there and enjoy this gorgeous weather! It's the perfect time for a stroll in the park, a trip to the beach, or just soaking up some rays on your lunch break! 

Her tone shifted slightly, becoming more serious but still engaging, as she continued.

Mary Stacey: And now, onto today's morning hot topic because we here love to start the day off with a banger—the vigilante who's been swinging his way into headlines for months now.




Mary Stacey: Spider-Man.

Mary's co-host, J. Jonah Jameson—better known as J.J. to their viewers—He was an older man, with a gruff demeanor and a voice that could command a room, or, in this case, the attention of every viewer tuned in.

J.J: Spider-Man. This so-called 'hero' showed up at the beginning of the year, and ever since, he's been getting more active—too active, if you ask me.

Mary interjected, trying to balance the conversation with a calm, measured tone.

Mary Stacey: He has been more active, J.J., but let's not forget the good he's done. Just last week, he stopped The Rhino from wreaking havoc downtown. 

J.J. rebuttal to his co-host, his expression full of disdain.

J.J: Oh, sure, sure, and how much damage did that little tussle cause, huh? Buildings wrecked, streets torn up, and for what? To stop one oversized goon? The guy's a menace! He's not saving the city—he's tearing it apart!

Mary wasn't about to let that slide. Playfully spitting back at him. 

Mary Stacey: But Jonah, think about the lives he's saved! The Rhino was a serious threat, and Spider-Man took him down. That's not something just anyone could do. In fact lots of the pro heroes there were helpless at stopping his rampage through the city until Spider-Man showed up!

A smirk playing on J.J. voice as he prepared his rebuttal. 

J.J: Maybe, but at what cost, Mary? Sure, he takes down a villain here and there, but the collateral damage is through the roof! And who's paying for that? We are! The taxpayers! Let's be real here, folks—Spider-Man is a walking disaster zone. Just because he's got some fancy moves doesn't mean he's a hero. He's a menace! Plain and simple. 

Mary, undeterred, kept her focus on the positives.

Mary Stacey: But Jonah, if it weren't for Spider-Man, who knows what the Rhino might have done? Sometimes, a little damage is a small price to pay for keeping the city safe. That's no stranger to the other brave pro heroes who risk there lives every day. 

J.J. scoffed, but there was a glimmer of amusement in his voice. 

J.J: A little damage?! Ha! You're too soft on him! Mark my words—one day, this Spider-Man will cause more harm than good. And when that day comes, don't say I didn't warn you.

Mary Stacey had then started to transition the conversation to let the listeners speak for themselves. 

Mary Stacey: Well you know what J. Jonah Jameson. I think its time you put your money where your mouth is! Let's open up the line for our callers and let the people decide todays Hot Topic. Spider-Man....Hero...or....Menace! 

The grumpy old man with a charismatic and arrogant tone went along with the tone of Mary playfully spitting back at her. 

J.J: You know what thats a FINE idea. Lets let Democracy be the decider of who gets free lunch today. Me or Ms. Stacey. So folks please dont be afraid. Share what ever your thoughts are on Spider-Man friend or foe at 123-***-****. Again thats 123-***-****. We cant wait to hear from you folks. 

In the city

The roar of the car's engine echoed through the narrow streets of Uptown District 2 as Izuku Midoriya, the city's newest Spider-Man, swung through the air with lightning speed. The sun was climbing higher in the sky, casting sharp shadows on the pavement below. The car chase had been going on for several blocks, and Izuku's keen senses had finally led him to the speeding vehicle, its tires screeching as it swerved through traffic. From his vantage point high above, Izuku could see the chaos unfolding below. The black sedan was weaving dangerously between cars, its windows rolled down, and the glint of metal told him the thugs inside were armed. As he closed in, the driver caught sight of him in the rearview mirror, his eyes widening in panic.

Thug 1 (driver): OH, SHIT! IT'S SPIDER-MAN! BLAST HIM!

The command was barely out of his mouth before the thugs inside the car whipped out their weapons and began spraying bullets into the air, hoping to hit the agile figure that was now darting between buildings. Izuku's reflexes kicked in, and he twisted his body effortlessly through the air, each web-slinging maneuver perfectly timed to avoid the hail of gunfire. 

Thug 2 (back seat gunner): He won't stop moving! I can't land a hit!

Izuku smirked beneath his mask. They were panicking, and that gave him the upper hand. He swung low, coming up from behind the car before shooting a web at the barrel of Thug 2's gun. The sticky webbing sealed the muzzle, rendering the weapon useless. With a quick tug, Izuku yanked the gun—and the thug still clinging to it—out of the car. The man flew through the air, screaming as he was pulled toward a nearby light pole. Izuku expertly looped the web around the pole, leaving the thug dangling helplessly above the sidewalk.

Thug 3 (back seat gunner): Aw, crap! Looks like I have to save our asses!

The third thug, seated next to the now-missing gunner, shifted in his seat. His elbows, oddly shaped and resembling gun barrels, began to glow with a menacing energy. But before he could unleash whatever firepower he had, Izuku was already moving. A web shot out, wrapping around the thug's elbows, binding them together before he could even react. With a swift motion, Izuku yanked the thug out of the car and swung him up to the same light pole, where he joined his comrade, hanging precariously above the street. Izuku landed on the pavement in front of the car, his body tensed and ready. The driver, now terrified, slammed on the brakes, but it was too late. Izuku leaped forward, planting his feet firmly on the hood of the car. With a surge of strength, he drove his hands into the metal, crushing the engine beneath his grip. The car sputtered and died, the wheels grinding to a halt as the driver's desperate escape plan was brought to an abrupt end. The street fell silent for a moment, the only sound the distant wail of approaching sirens. Izuku glanced around, satisfied that the situation was under control. The pro heroes and police would be here any second to clean up the mess. His job was done.Without a word, Izuku shot a web to a nearby building and launched himself into the air, swinging away from the scene as gracefully as he had arrived. 

The Daily talk show (Sponsored by the Daily Bugle)

Mary Stacey: Oh looks like we got our first caller. Go ahead your live on Daily Talk show. 

Caller 1 guy: Yeah, I think its just like Mr. Jameson was saying. This guy is causing nothing but trouble. Sure, he saved a few people but at what cost? He has caused lots of property damage and has not even paid for those damages himself and now instead we have too. My car got thrown by that Rhino guy last week! Who's gonna pay for that?! 

J.J: Thank you sir for your time and I'm glad you can see what I'm talking about. Menace 1...Hero 0! 

In the city

In the narrow alley, a young boy was being cornered by a group of kids, their taunts echoing off the brick walls. The boy, who couldn't have been more than eight or nine, clutched a small science project in his hands—a creation made of cardboard, misshapen Popsicle sticks, and decorated with markers. His eyes were wide with fear as the bullies closed in, sneering at him.

Bully: Nice project, loser!

One of the bullies jeered before slapping it out of the boy's hands. The project hit the ground with a soft thud, and the bullies wasted no time in stomping on it, reducing the fragile model to a crumpled mess. The boy's eyes welled up with tears, his bottom lip trembling as he watched his hard work get destroyed. Just when it seemed like things couldn't get any worse, a sharp thwip sound cut through the air, and suddenly, Spider-Man was standing behind the boy, his presence immediately commanding attention. The bullies froze, their bravado draining away as they realized who had just arrived. Without a word, they scattered, running out of the alley as fast as their legs could carry them, leaving the boy alone with his shattered project. Izuku crouched down beside the boy, his masked face softening as he took in the scene. The kid was sniffling, trying to hold back tears, his eyes fixed on the ruined project. Izuku felt a pang of empathy—it wasn't too long ago that he himself had been just another kid with big dreams and no one to defend him.

Spider-Man: WHOA, did you make this?

The boy hesitated, wiping his eyes with the back of his hand before nodding. 

Kid: Uh, y-yeah.

Spider-Man: DO YOU KNOW WHAT THIS IS...? It's a freaking wind turbine! This could literally change everything we think about renewable energy. You trying to make some clean energy at what...12? 

Izuku had over shot his age on purpose. Making him slightly giggle with tears in his eyes. The boy correcting him as he wiped one of his eyes.

Kid: I'm 9. 

Spider-Man: Your 9?! Could have fooled me. 

The boy's eyes widened in surprise, and despite the situation, a small smile began to form on his face. The compliment from Spider-Man, the city's hero, was more than he could have ever hoped for.

Spider-Man: You know what?... Here.

Izuku carefully picked up the broken pieces of the project, his fingers working quickly as he shot thin strands of webbing to glue the parts back together. The boy watched in awe as the wind turbine slowly took shape again, the Popsicle sticks and cardboard once more forming the structure he had worked so hard on. When Izuku finished, he handed the project back to the boy, spinning the wind turbine gently with his fingers to show that it was working again.

Spider-Man: See? Good as new... I'll walk you to school.

Izuku stood up, and the boy, now clutching his restored project tightly, nodded. As they walked out of the alley, the boy's steps grew lighter, the fear from earlier replaced with a newfound sense of confidence.

Spider-Man: So, what's your name?

Kid: Chase.

Spider-Man: Chase... well, my name's Spider-Man.

Izuku joked to the kid with him laughing. They continued down the street together, Izuku making sure the boy was safe every step of the way. The encounter might have been brief, but Izuku knew it was moments like these—small acts of kindness—that could make all the difference. And as he watched the boy's smile grow wider with each step, he couldn't help but feel a deep sense of satisfaction.

The Daily talk show (Sponsored by the Daily Bugle)

Mary Stacey: Looks like we have our next caller. Go ahead your live on The Daily Bugles, Daily Talk show. 

Caller 2 *Mina*: Spider-Man has my vote for Hero! With a capital H! He saved me from a bird villian and made sure I was ok in the end. Even if he's not official he still saved my life. I'm ok and hanging out with my friends and family now because of him. Not to mention hes HOT! 

Mary Stacey: Well there you hear it folks from this caller. Menace 1-Hero 1, and a catch with the ladies....1. 

J.J: Thank you for calling Miss and were glad to hear your doing ok now. 

In the city

Inside convenience store two thugs were in the middle of a robbery, and it was getting ugly. One of the men had tentacles extending from his back, each one writhing and coiling like a serpent. One of those tentacles was wrapped tightly around the neck of a terrified cashier, lifting him off the ground as the thug barked orders.

Thug 1: Put all the cash in the bag, dude! NOW! Or else I'll squeeze your head right off!

The man's voice was rough, full of menace, and the cashier, choking and desperate for air, fumbled to comply. His hands shook as he stuffed the money from the register into a black duffel bag, tears streaming down his face as he gasped for breath. The second thug, holding a gun to a woman's head, smirked, clearly enjoying the fear they were instilling. The woman, paralyzed with terror, could only stare straight ahead, her eyes wide and pleading. Thug 1 tightened his grip, making the cashier gag, his fingers twitching as he struggled to keep putting the cash in the bag. Finally, the thug with the tentacles loosened his grip and dropped the man to the floor, letting him crumple in a heap as he snatched the bag of cash.

Thug 1: CMON LET'S GO!

His partner in crime, the one with the gun, was already heading for the door, but not before grabbing a honey bun from a nearby shelf with a casual, almost mocking grin.

Thug 2: I'll take this!

The two thugs bolted out the door, thinking they had made a clean getaway. But the moment they stepped outside, they were met with a blur of red and blue. Before they could even react, something hard and fast slammed into them, sending them flying backward.

Thug 1, 2: AGH, what the—

They barely had time to process what had happened before they found themselves sprawled on the ground, groaning in pain. Izuku had hit them with a perfectly executed wrecking ball swing kick, the impact leaving them dazed and disoriented. He landed gracefully beside them, already shooting webs to pin them to the ground. In seconds, the thugs were immobilized, their limbs stuck to the pavement with strands of strong, sticky webbing. They struggled, but it was no use—Spider-Man had them completely secured.

Izuku turned to the couple, who were still inside the store, their expressions a mix of shock and relief. The cashier, still rubbing his sore neck, watched as Izuku grabbed the duffel bag of cash from the ground and tossed it back through the open door.

Spider-Man: I believe this belongs to you!

The cashier caught the bag, his hands trembling but his eyes full of gratitude. The woman, still clutching the counter for support, managed a shaky smile. Izuku gave them a reassuring nod, then took a step back, preparing to swing away. The sirens of approaching police cars were already echoing in the distance. The thugs wouldn't be going anywhere. With one last look at the scene, Spider-Man launched himself into the air, disappearing into the skyscraper city just as quickly as he had arrived.

The Daily talk show (Sponsored by the Daily Bugle)

Mary Stacey: Another caller has joined this debate. Go ahead your live on The Daily talk show.

Caller 3 *Jiro*: Hey I think Spider-Man is a man of the people. He is out here risking his life every day to help others. He saved the whole city from that Lizard villian! Everyone would have turned into Lizard Monsters in Tokyo if it wasn't for him. So what if he didn't have a hero license. He did what he had to and saved who knows how many millions of people that night. 

Mary Stacey: You know what I think? I agree with just about anyone when I say as much as I love a Godzilla flick or movie about lose dinosaurs in the city. I do NOT want that to happen in Tokyo. 

J.J: And just so we stay on the record the OFFICAL report states from the The Hero Public Safety Commission is that the Rabbit Hero Mirko was the one to actually take down that villian sacrificing her limb in order to do so. So lets also remember to thank her as well for saving millions of people that night. We all hope she recovers well. 

Mary Stacey: Menace 1...Hero 2. 

In the city 

The night was pitch black, the moon obscured by heavy clouds, leaving the streets eerily quiet. A police car rolled to a stop in the middle of the deserted road, its occupants on high alert. The burglary alarm had sounded just minutes ago, and they were the first to respond.The headlights cut through the darkness as the two officers scanned the area, eyes sharp for any sign of movement. The older of the two let out a low whistle, catching sight of something unusual above them. 

Cop: Hey Tommy, get a load of this. 

One of them said, nudging his partner. Both officers looked up, eyes widening in surprise. Suspended several feet above the ground, tangled in a thick web, were two robbers. They struggled and squirmed, trying desperately to free themselves, but the web held them tight, leaving them hanging like caught prey. 

The older officer shook his head in disbelief. "Spider-Man," he muttered under his breath. It wasn't the first time they'd arrived at a scene only to find the city's masked vigilante had already handled things. But it never failed to amaze him.

Cop 2: Where is he? 

His partner asked, scanning the darkened sky. Just then, a flash of red and blue caught the older officer's eye. He turned just in time to see Spider-Man swinging away, his silhouette barely visible against the night sky.

Cop 1: There he goes...

He said, nodding toward the retreating figure. His partner let out a low chuckle, shaking his head. 

Cop 2: That guy's something else.

The older officer reached for his radio to call in backup. 

Cop 1: Yeah, but he makes our job a hell of a lot easier.

Cop 2: Yeah...until we have to get his damns web off the bad guys. This stuff takes forever to take off my uniform. 

They stepped out of the car to secure the scene, the distant sound of sirens growing louder as other units responded to the call. The night was dark, full of hidden dangers, but with Spider-Man out there, they knew they had an ally in the shadows. As they went about their work, the two robbers still dangling helplessly above them, the officers couldn't help but feel a sense of relief. The city had its share of crime, especially on nights like this, but with Spider-Man swinging from building to building, they knew someone was watching over them.

The Daily talk show (Sponsored by the Daily Bugle)

J.J: We have another caller. Go head now. You're LIVE on thee Daily Talk show. 

Caller 4 man: Yeah, I understand spider man is trying to help but he isn't trained or doesn't have a license. Let the professionals and pros do their jobs instead. There is a reason we have people train YEARS with their quirks to help in crisis situations. So they dont make mistakes that can get someone hurt or worse killed. 

J.J: A very good point caller and I agree. It's important we have these quirk laws in place. There to keep us safe from other people being reckless and dangerous with there powers. Menace 2....Hero 2.

In the city

The alley was suffocatingly dark, the kind of night where even the streetlights struggled to reach. A woman, her breath shaky, was pushed roughly against the wall, a gun cold against her neck.

Mugger: Hand over the purse!

 The mugger demanded, his voice a harsh whisper as he yanked it from her grasp. She stumbled back, fear gripping her as she tried to hold on, but the man was too strong. He ripped the purse away, her last bit of resistance slipping as she fell to the ground. But before the mugger could take another step, a blur of red and blue swung through the alley. In one swift motion, Spider-Man snatched the thug by his shirt, yanking him off the ground. The criminal barely had time to shout before he was slammed against the wall, a web pinning him there like a bug on a board. The woman, still sitting on the cold pavement, watched in stunned silence. A small card fluttered down, landing softly in front of her. She picked it up with trembling fingers and read the message scrawled in simple black sharpie: "Courtesy of your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man." She looked up, the tension in her body finally releasing as relief washed over her. 

"Thank you," she whispered, her voice barely audible, a mix of awe and gratitude.

But Spider-Man was already gone, the only sign of his presence is the card in her hand and the thug stuck to the wall, helpless and defeated. The woman clutched the card, a small smile breaking through the fear as she realized she was safe, thanks to her friendly neighborhood Spider-Man.

The Daily talk show (Sponsored by the Daily Bugle)

J.J: We have another lucky caller ready to tell us there thoughts on Spider-Man. Go ahead caller you are now LIVE on the Daily talk show. 

Caller 5 woman: I'm not saying the guy is doing something wrong but if he is trying to help us why wear a mask or not sign with a hero agency or work for the police or be a fire fighter! You know what I'm saying! I'm not saying he is bad, but he is for sure hiding something and due to that I can't trust him. 

J.J: That is a great point mam and I'm glad you bring that up! We don't know who this guy is and we don't know what kind of history he has! Maybe the reason he is working outside the law because he is a convicted convict. Maybe he is trying to dodge any kind of consequences he has for his thrill runs through the city. 

Mary Stacey: Or maybe he is trying to protect himself. Villains would do anything to find the identities of certain pro heroes and as good as some hero agencies can be at hiding secrets. Secrets some times slip up. Maybe him not registering is his way of protecting his loved ones. 

J.J: So he doesn't want to trust our government? What is he a menace AND and a communist?! Anyways thats all the time we have for this caller. Thank you again mam for voicing your opinion and settling this debate....Menace 3....Hero 2. 

In the city

The afternoon sun hung low in the sky, casting long shadows across the bustling streets. A semi-truck rumbled down the road, its brakes suddenly failing, causing it to speed uncontrollably toward a crosswalk. On that crosswalk, a high school couple in school uniforms strolled together, lost in their conversation. The boy and girl, both shy and awkwardly in love, laughed as they shared stories, their fingers nervously reaching for the others hand. Only to then pull back in fear of rejection. As the truck hurtled closer, Spider-Man swung into action with incredible speed. In one fluid motion, he webbed the couple off the ground, lifting them safely into the air and securing them to a nearby light pole. They hung there, the truck zooming harmlessly beneath them. From his perch, Spider-Man called out to the boy, his voice full of playful urgency. 

Spider-Man: You can thank me later, dude!

With a swift flick of his wrist, Spider-Man shot a massive web net in front of the speeding truck. The net stretched out, catching the truck and bringing it to a screeching halt. The truck's tires squealed as it came to a standstill, the driver's panic evident through the windshield.Spider-Man quickly webbed the back of the truck, anchoring it firmly and pulling down with all his strength until it stopped completely. The couple, still suspended on the pole, looked at each other, their faces flushed with a mix of fear and excitement. They smiled shyly, their earlier awkwardness replaced by a shared sense of relief and closeness. Izuku looked back at the couple. 

Izukus head: I should get those guys down from there....

However seeing the two teens in love both smiling and blushing at each other. Clearly in no rush to get down...decided to just let it be. 

Izukus head: The fire rescue guys can handle this...I'll let the guy have his moment with the girl. 

Spider-Man gave them a final wave before swinging away, leaving the couple to their moment. As he vanished into the afternoon sky, the two teenagers remained close, their hands still intertwined, their smiles brightening the day with a touch of unexpected romance. Not even noticing the sounds of lights and sirens heading there way to get them down. 

The Daily talk show (Sponsored by the Daily Bugle)

J.J: Alright folks we have JUST enough time for one more caller. Go ahead. You are LIVE on the Daily talk show hosted by the Daily Bugle. 

Caller 6 *Ochako*: I actually wanted to call so I can say on the record that Spider-Man saved my life at the bank robbery at the Konray Municipal Bank incident. You made Spider-Man sound like a villian and painted the wrong kind of picture of him in your article! No one who was involved in that bank robbery was severely injured! With at most scrapes and bruises. Including me! My name is Ochako Uraraka and Spider-Man is a hero! And he has inspired me to be one just like him! 

Mary Stacey: Oooooo I LIKE that energy girl! I can't wait to write about you in the papers one day!

J.J: And again Ochako I'm so sorry about what you had to go through. We try our best here to give the people the facts and just that. I wish you luck in your career as a pro hero. 

Mary Stacey: And with that last call that is all our time folks. So it seems todays debate has ended in a DRAW. 

J.J: Awww and I was so looking forward to that free lunch today. 

Mary Stacey: Maybe next time Jonah. So make sure you folks tune in tomorrow morning for the next show. We can't wait to hear from you all. I'm Mary Stacey-

J.J: -And I'm J. Jonah Jameson

J.J./ Mary Stacey: And this was The Daily talk show hosted by the Daily Bugle. 

At Izukus apartment building

The night sky stretched endlessly above, a canvas of deep blues and scattered stars. Izuku Midoriya, having spent the day swinging across the city, found solace on the edge of his apartment building's rooftop. He had just slipped into his casual clothes: a blue jacket with "hoodie" written in Japanese, red shorts, and his iconic red sneakers. The fabric was soft and comforting after the tight confines of his Spider-Man suit. The lights from street lamps and illuminated windows below painted a sparkling mosaic across the horizon, a familiar view that never failed to captivate him. Izuku leaned back, savoring the tranquility of the evening. The city's hum was a soothing backdrop to his thoughts, and though he had seen this view countless times, he never grew tired of it. The sound of a door creaking open behind him drew his attention, but his Spider-Sense remained calm, signaling a friendly presence. He turned to see Bakugo, dressed in his signature black skull t-shirt and black joggers, holding a pizza box and a six-pack of soda. Bakugo's trademark scowl softened into something more akin to a smirk as he greeted Izuku.

Bakugo: Hey Deku

Bakugo called out, his tone carrying a hint of camaraderie. Izuku's face brightened. 

Izuku: Hey Kacchan. 

He replied warmly, acknowledging the familiar nickname.

Izuku: Thanks for picking up food. I was surprised when I got your text to meet up here.

Bakugo settled beside him, setting down the pizza box and soda with a huff. 

Bakugo: Yeah well I saw how busy you've been as Spider-Man. And even though its summer and we finally graduated middle school. I never get to see you as uhhhh....I thought you'd just like to have some pizza together....hope that's .....ok...

Izuku smiled. Letting Bakugo know he appreciates the sentiment. He knows Katsuki isn't the greatest when it comes to emotional talk and opening up his feelings...But he tried his best.

Bakugo: The news can't stop talking about you. J. Jonah Jerk Face is always going off about you, too.

Izuku chuckled, shaking his head at the nick name he gave him. 

Izuku: Yeah, I've noticed. He seems to have it out for me for some reason.

Bakugo: Don't let it get to you.

Bakugo said, waving a dismissive hand. 

Bakugo: Just....Eat the damn pizza already. 

Izuku eagerly grabbed a slice, his stomach growling in agreement. The day's exertions had left him ravenous, and the warm, cheesy pizza was a welcome treat. They ate in companionable silence, the only sounds being the distant city noise and the occasional crunch of pizza.Bakugo finally broke the quiet, his voice softer than usual. 

Bakugo: You know....Hisashi would be proud of you.

Izuku paused, mid-bite, and looked at Bakugo with a sympathetic smile. 

Izuku: I missed him a lot today....I miss him every day.

Izuku said quietly. 

Izuku: I thought about him every time I stopped a bad guy or saved someone...I know I should be past it by now...but I just cant help but wish one of the people I help is him...

Bakugo's eyes softened. He knew Izuku had been working non stop ever since summer started. Trying his best to live by an example his dad left for him. Trying to be the hero he always knew Izuku could be. And Bakugo missed him just as much. He hopes where ever he is that if he's watching down on him. That he see's hes keeping his promise to Hisashi and watching out for Izuku.

Bakugo: Yeah....Me too...

The shared sentiment hung in the air as they continued to eat, both finding comfort in the moment of understanding. Both missed his father deeply, and the shared moment of peace was a small solace. Izuku took another slice, his heart full despite the day's weariness. He looked out at the city, content in the presence of an old friend and grateful for this quiet reprieve. As the night continued its gentle march, the two of them enjoyed their pizza and cola, their silent companionship offering solace in their shared memories and the calm after the day's chaos.

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