Chapter 25

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Midoriya's Apartment, Izuku's room

Izuku Midoriya sat on the edge of his bed, surrounded by the various gadgets and tools that made up his Spider-Man gear. His room was a cluttered mix of textbooks, notebooks, and disassembled electronics—an organized chaos that reflected his constantly whirring mind. His focus today was on his utility belt. The soft glow of his desk lamp illuminated his face, the shadows accentuating the intensity in his eyes as he tinkered with a small clip he had attached to his belt. He carefully adjusted the clip, which now held a compact, modified camera—courtesy of Momo Yaoyorozu's generosity and his own ingenuity. He'd managed to shrink down the camera she had given him, combining it with parts from the first one he had bought at a pawn shop. It was a delicate balance, though. To make room for the camera, Izuku had sacrificed some of the storage on his utility belt for his web cartridges, which made him pause as he considered the implications. He sighed, his fingers absentmindedly fiddling with the web fluid cartridges scattered across his desk.

Izuku: I really shouldn't be prioritizing one of my greatest tools as Spider-Man for a camera.

He muttered to himself, a half-hearted smile tugging at his lips. But he knew better.

Izuku: However as impractical as it seemed for being a vigilante, the camera is essential. If I wanna help my mom financially, I need to keep up with the photos of Spider-Man.

Carrying a camera everywhere wasn't just a hassle; it was risky. Not only could it break during his web-slinging escapades, but it also added a layer of suspicion when people saw Spider-Man taking selfies mid-action. Which would be the same pictures Izuku would sell to U.A. for there news club.

Izuku: Maybe there's a way I dont need to sacrifice extra webbing. Maybe I can come up with a way to shrink the cartridges or be more efficient in how much web fluid I use?

Leaning back in his chair, Izuku rubbed his tired eyes, his mind already racing with ideas on how to solve the storage issue of his web fluid to compensate for the reduced storage from the camera.

Izuku: Perhaps a more concentrated formula? Or maybe a collapsible cartridge design? Maybe the answer isn't in the cartridge but the spinneret of my web shooters. Maybe I can thin the strands of webbing to allow less output of web fluid. Saving me more fluid. But that could also reduce the quality of the webs I make. I dont wanna be web slinging and then have my line snap...

The possibilities spun in his head like a whirlwind. His train of thought was abruptly interrupted by the sound of light, hurried footsteps approaching his room. Panic surged through him, and he swiftly swept all his gear into the open drawer of his desk, shutting it with a soft click. In a practiced motion, he pulled up several academic tabs on his computer and opened a notebook filled with meticulously written notes, creating the perfect facade of a diligent student immersed in study. Before he could fully compose himself, the door burst open, and Inko Midoriya entered, her face alight with palpable excitement.

Inko: Izuku! A letter from U.A. finally came!

Izuku's heart leaped into his throat, but he couldn't help the instinctual protest that escaped his lips.

Izuku: Mom! You need to knock first!

His cheeks flushed slightly, a mix of residual anxiety and teenage embarrassment coloring his face. Inko grinned sheepishly, though her eyes danced with joy.

Inko: I'm sorry, I'm sorry!

She replied, her tone teasing and light.

Inko: I should have knocked. I wouldn't want to walk in on you... having your 'alone time' or, you watching something you shouldn't be.

She gave a playful wink, and Izuku's face turned a deep shade of crimson.

Izuku: M-Mom!

He stammered, mortified, his hands flying up in protest. He desperately searched for a way to steer the conversation away from this embarrassing territory.

Izuku: What is it you wanted?!

Inko's smile widened as she held out a crisp envelope adorned with the prestigious U.A. logo. The mere sight of it made Izuku's breath hitch.

Inko: A letter from U.A.! It's here, Izuku!

All previous embarrassment evaporated instantly as Izuku's eyes locked onto the envelope. His hands trembled slightly as he reached out to take it, the weight of months of hard work and anticipation resting heavily in that small piece of paper. He looked up at his mother, her eyes shining with just as much hope and excitement as his own.

Inko: Should we open it together?

Inko asked softly, her voice tinged with emotion. Izuku nodded, swallowing hard as he carefully unsealed the envelope. As the flap lifted, a small holo-chip slid out, glinting under the room's light as it landed softly onto the desk. Mother and son exchanged a quick, anticipatory glance before Izuku picked up the chip with reverent fingers and placed it into his computer's port. The screen flickered to life, and suddenly, the larger-than-life figure of All Might himself filled the display. His radiant smile and iconic presence seemed to brighten the entire room. Izuku's eyes widened in awe, his mouth dropping open slightly as he took in the sight of his lifelong hero addressing him directly. His heart pounded against his ribcage, each beat echoing the sheer disbelief and exhilaration coursing through him.

All Might: I AM HERE as a projection!

Izuku: A-All Might?! In my room?!

Inko: Sweetie it's just a recording. Not really him.

All Might's booming, enthusiastic voice resonated through the room, commanding immediate attention.

All Might: Congratulations, young Midoriya! You've not only passed the U.A. Support departments written entrance exams but have achieved the Top 5 highest score for this years applicants! A truly remarkable achievement!

Inko gasped, her hands flying to cover her mouth as tears instantly welled up in her eyes.

Inko: Izuku, did you hear that?! Top 5  in the written exam!! I'm so proud of you!!!

She threw her arms around him, pulling him into a tight, joy-filled embrace. Izuku felt his own eyes prick with tears as he returned the hug, his mind racing to process the incredible news.

Izuku: Me? Top 5 score?! I knew I would pass but I didn't think id get in the lead board...

He muttered, almost to himself, disbelief coloring his tone. Anytime he wasn't helping the city as Spider-Man he was focusing on U.A. He studied relentlessly, pouring over textbooks and notes for countless hours, but to hear that his efforts had paid off so spectacularly was overwhelming. All Might continued, his smile unwavering.

All Might: Your dedication and intellect have shone through brilliantly. Which is why U.A. is proud to have you these next 4 years! We hope to grow and watch you become all that you can be!

Izuku's mind immediately flitting to thoughts of who else might have made it into those coveted spots.

Izukus head: Did Mei Hatsume make top 5 too?

He wondered, recalling the passionate, pink-haired inventor he had met during the exams. Her brilliance and creativity had left a strong impression on him.

Izukus head: And I wonder who scored higher? Me or her?

The thought sparked a mix of curiosity and determination within him. Looking forward to see which rival scored higher than the other. Inko pulled back slightly, her hands gripping his shoulders as she looked at him with immense pride.

Inko: You're incredible, Izuku! All those late nights studying have truly paid off!

Izuku's cheeks flushed with both pride and modesty.

Izuku: I-I just did my best!

He stammered, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. But inside, his heart soared. This was validation of all his hard work, of all the times he had pushed himself beyond his limits despite the challenges he faced. The holographic All Might's expression shifted slightly, growing more earnest and heartfelt.

All Might: On a more personal note...I also want to acknowledge something truly exceptional about you, young Midoriya... You should be immensely proud to be the first quirkless student to achieve such heights in U.A.'s history. Your perseverance and unwavering spirit are inspiring to us all.

Izuku felt a lump form in his throat, emotions swirling within him. Hearing those words from his idol meant more than he could express. Memories flashed through his mind—the endless taunts and doubts he had faced growing up quirkless, the pain, guilt, and grief from his lost loved one, and the secret life he led as Spider-Man to protect others despite the risks. All Might's gaze softened as he continued.

All Might: I may not know all the challenges you've faced to get here, but it's clear that you've overcome incredible odds through sheer determination and hard work. You embody the meaning behind the words to GO BEYOND! PLUS ULTRA!

Tears escaped from the corners of Izuku's eyes, trailing down his cheeks as he listened intently. Inko reached up to gently wipe them away, her own eyes glistening with emotion.

All Might: And now, as you embark on this new journey. I have another piece of exciting news.

All Might's smile returned, brighter than ever

All might: This year, I will be joining U.A. as a faculty member to teach and guide the next generation of heroes—including you!

Izuku's jaw dropped, his eyes sparkling with a mix of shock and pure, unadulterated joy.

Izuku: A-All Might... teaching at U.A.?!

He exclaimed, his voice cracking with excitement. The idea of learning directly from his lifelong hero was beyond his wildest dreams. Izuku's mind raced, imagining all the lessons and experiences he would gain under All Might's tutelage. Inko laughed through her tears, her hands clasped together in delight.

Inko: Can you believe it, Izuku? You'll get to learn from All Might himself!

All Might then though cut her off. Explaining further what he meant.

All Might: While it's true I can't offer you as much as an inventor and scholar. (I shall leave that to Power Loader!) This old dog still has some tricks he can teach!

He could feel a renewed surge of motivation and excitement bubbling within him, fueling his desire to become the best he could be. All Might's hologram brought a fist to his chest in a gesture of solidarity.

All Might: Together, we'll work hard to nurture your potential and help you reach new heights! I know that saying this next part may sound like it only applies to the hero course students! BUT NEVER FORGET! That your gifts of intellect are as much of a gift you can use to help others as any quirk or power someone possess! It is the path you choose to help others that make you a hero! Not your quirk! So do not falter! And feel pride when I tell you-

Izuku knew that All Might was following a script most likely. No way would the Number 1 Hero take the time out of his day to congratulate and encourage a quirkless nobody. (From there perspective).Even if he was smart. In fact Izuku was impressed U.A. would put so much effort into his acceptance letter. Making him wonder if every student had this personalized motivational speech from All Might. But even hear his idol say all these things meant everything to him. To finally hear the number 1 hero tell a quirkless (Was quirkless) nobody that it was his turn to be hero.

All Might: -Izuku Midoryia! Welcome to U.A. High School. Welcome to your Hero Academia!

The hologram flickered and then faded away, leaving the room enveloped in a warm, glowing silence. Izuku sat there, staring at the now blank screen, his mind awash with emotions—pride, excitement, anticipation, and a touch of nervousness. Inko broke the silence, her voice soft and filled with love.

Inko: Izuku, this is everything you've ever dreamed of!

He turned to her, his eyes still shining with unshed tears, and nodded slowly.

Izuku: Yeah... it really is.

He took a deep breath, trying to steady the whirlwind inside him. Inko knew Izuku always dreamed of being in the hero course and knows how hard it was for him to finally quit. However to see her son apply himself and push towards a new goal made her proud. Especially to see him excel!

Izuku: I can't believe I'm really going to U.A...

She cupped his face gently, her thumbs brushing against his cheeks.

Inko: You've earned this, sweetheart. All of it!

Izuku glanced up curious to himself and muttered as he asked himself.

Izuku: I wonder if Mei made it too?

Inko ears perked up hearing Izuku say someone's name in this special moment...a girls name at that.

Inko: Who's Mei? Is that a first name?!

Izuku realizing he said her first name out loud blushed seeing the look on his mothers face. Mixed with mischief, curiosity and pride.

Izuku: I-It's no one!

Inko pushed on. Teasing her son for more information.

Inko: Your getting embarrassed! Is it a girl?! Oh my god did you talk to a girl!?

Izuku: I-I mean yes she is but she's just a class mate! O-Or we might be? We met at the entrance exam-

Inko: -OH my son! The player!!! It hasn't even been your first day at school and your already talking to girls! You really are your father's son!

Izuku: S-SHE'S JUST A FRIEND MOM! I'm j-just excited to see us in the same class...If she passed I mean...

Inko smiled, happy to see her son already making friends and new experiences.

Inko: I'm sure you'll find out soon enough. And who knows, maybe you'll get to work together and create incredible things...together.

Inko used her two hands and put them together to make a heart. Izuku's eyes went wide and his face blushed at the idea his mother was insinuating.

Izuku: It's not like that!

As Inko teased her son. Izuku glanced back at his desk, where his hidden Spider-Man gear lay concealed. A fleeting thought crossed his mind about balancing his dual life—being a student at U.A. and continuing his responsibilities as Spider-Man.

Izukus head: This summer as Spider-Man has been hectic. Now that it's official that I'm going to U.A. I'm almost kinda scared where that puts me as was hard enough balancing out my personal life and being a vigilante. Now I have to put school into the equation. U.A. of all things...but...

The path ahead would undoubtedly be challenging, filled with obstacles and tough decisions. But in that moment, surrounded by his mother's unwavering support and the echoing words of All Might's encouragement, Izuku felt ready to face whatever the future held. He clenched his fists lightly, a determined smile spreading across his face.

Izukus head: I can handle it. I can make it work.

Izuku: I promise I'll make you proud...

Inko's eyes filled with pride as she leaned in to press a gentle kiss to his forehead.

Inko: You already have...but I know you will keep it that way. And I'll be right here, cheering you on every step of the way.

He looked up at her, gratitude and love radiating from his gaze.

Izuku: Thank you, Mom. For everything.

They sat together in comfortable silence for a few moments, both absorbing the magnitude of what had just transpired. The future was bright, and despite the unknown challenges that lay ahead, Izuku knew he wasn't alone. With his mother's support, his own determination, he felt more prepared than ever to step into the next chapter of his life. As Inko stood up to leave, giving him space to process and celebrate, she paused at the doorway, turning back with a mischievous glint in her eye.

Inko: Oh, and Izuku?

He looked up curiously.

Izuku: Yes?

She grinned.

Inko: Don't stay up too late "studying"... You need your rest to keep that big brain of yours sharp.

Izuku laughed, a light, joyful sound that filled the room.

Izuku: I won't, Mom. Promise!

With one last affectionate smile, Inko left the room, closing the door softly behind her. Izuku leaned back in his chair, letting out a long, contented sigh. His gaze drifted back to his desk drawer, thoughts already returning to his unfinished projects and the new ideas sparked by today's events. He open the desk and pulled his Spider-Man mask out from it. Looking at the lenses of his mask and seeing a reflection of himself. The road ahead would be tough, but with his dreams within reach and the support of those around him, Izuku Midoriya was ready to swing into action and embrace his destiny.

Izuku: Welcome... to my Hero Academia

He whispered to himself, a smile playing on his lips as he looked out the window into the starry night sky. The adventure was just beginning.

2 Days before. At U.A. media room

Two days earlier, at U.A. High School, the atmosphere buzzed with excitement and anticipation. Inside a room filled with cameras and a stage set up for recording videos, All Might, the Symbol of Peace, stood tall in his buff form, donning a striking yellow suit. He had just finished recording a personalized acceptance video for Izuku Midoriya, one of U.A.'s newest students. The room was filled with the production crew, all of whom were in awe of the Number 1 hero, appreciating the effort he put into welcoming the future generation of heroes and other students ready in there final steps to become part of adult society.

All Might: Phew! I have to say 2 hours of just recording these speeches is wearing me out more than these villain's do!

All Might adjusted his collar, subtly revealing signs of exhaustion. The crew, noticing his fatigue, exchanged appreciative glances.

Crew member: Great job, All Might! You can take a break. We only have about 80 more to go after this!

All Might: Thanks guys. I'll be right back after these messages!

As he waved off their compliments and announced he was taking a break making a Hollywood commercial joke. They all admired him, not just for his heroic feats but for his dedication to inspire the new students at U.A. However

Toshinori head: THERES STILL 80?!?!...Ugh...This is why I quit Hollywood and making all those movies. 

As All Might walked into a break room and finally found some solitude, the strain of maintaining his hero form took its toll. His body reverted to his true form—Toshinori Yagi, a skinny and frail man, a stark contrast to his larger-than-life persona. He collapsed into a chair, utterly spent, and muttered to himself about how draining the recording sessions had been.

Toshinori: Man...I've been going at these videos in my buff form for over 2 hours. I'm almost out of time for my quirk...

He realized he only had about 30 minutes left in his buff form for the day, having already exhausted nearly all his available time just recording those videos. However, Toshinori hadn't noticed Principal Nezu, the small yet brilliant leader of U.A., who had been quietly observing from the corner of the room. Nezu, with a knowing smile, broke the silence with a lighthearted comment,

Nezu: You really should be more careful when you power down like that, Toshinori. You never know who might be watching.

Startled but not alarmed, Toshinori nodded, acknowledging Nezu's point.

Toshinori: Ah Principle Nezu...I didn't see you there...You're right. I need to be more cautious. I'll try to be more careful around the school.

Nezu, always perceptive, stepped closer as he stood on a table in the break room, his small weight able to be held by the table.  His tone becoming more serious.

Nezu: I understand how much these videos take out of you, especially since your injuries. But I appreciate your hard work in making the new students feel welcomed.

Toshinori smiled, though it was tinged with fatigue.

Toshinori: It's my pleasure, really. I always look for opportunities to inspire the next generation.

Nezu then shifted the conversation to the last video All Might had recorded, the one for a quirkless boy.

Nezu: I noticed you did some extra research into Izuku Midoryia. You referenced his quirk lessness and his exam scores. Plus changed your speech a bit. What made this young man stand out to you?

Toshinori looked back curious if he did something wrong.

Toshinori: Should I not have?

Nezu: I'm not saying there was anything wrong with it. In fact it was a quite up lifting speech you gave. It just seemed.... unusually personal.

Toshinori's expression shifted to one of guilt as he met Nezu's gaze.

Toshinori: Your not wrong...I Actually knew who Izuku Midoriya was before I saw his name under the list of passing students. Do you remember the incident with the Sludge Villain and Spider-Man?

Nezu's eyes gleamed with recognition.

Nezu: Yes, I remember. That was the vigilante first major media appearance. Quite the debut I might add. I also recall you were there as well. Unable to power up because all your time was used in your quirk.

Toshinori nodded, a heavy sigh escaping him.

Toshinori: Around a month or two before that final fight with the Sludge Villain and Spider-Man. He had killed a man trying to kidnap and use a girl as a skin suit to hide from the authorities. That man was Midoriya's father.

Nezu's eyes softened with understanding.

Nezu: You feel guilty for not being able to stop the Sludge Villain in time?

Toshinori shook his head slightly, his face somber.

Toshinori: Not exactly... I know I couldn't have prevented Midoryias father death. I've come to terms with the fact that I can't be the hero I once was. Maybe in my hay day I could clean up this whole city in a single after noon of every low life haunting the dark alley ways and side walks. But I'm not thanks to my injuries. I can only do so much and I can't be everywhere at once. Not to mention I never even knew about the villian until I just happend to stumble acrossed him shopping by accident. But seeing Izuku... knowing what he's gone through, it stirred something in me.

Toshinori then remembered a time in his life when he was Izuku's age. When a villian...THEE villian of all villain's had killed his master. Someone who had taken him under her wing and raised him like a son. He remembers the guilt, the grief, the bottomless void that was created in him. A void that can never be filled with revenge and no matter how many people he saved in her name to honor her memory. It never brought her back. He had imagined Izuku felt the same way losing a parental figure. The boy situation may be different from his own (or so he thinks) but he could feel empathy for the kid.

Toshinori: I can't change the past, but I can still try to inspire him to move forward.

Nezu observed him carefully, his small frame radiating quiet wisdom.

Nezu: And that's why you seemed to give him special treatment in his acceptance letter?

Toshinori smiled sadly.

Toshinori: I suppose I just feel bad for the kid. I hope that maybe... just maybe, my words can help him find the strength to push through. I know how hard grief can be on someone so young. It reminds me of... things from my past. And I understand what it's like to grow up without a quirk. It definitely makes being a teenager harder when your the runt of the liter.

Nezu nodded appreciatively.

Nezu: I know you took up this teaching position to find a successor for One for All, but I'm glad to see you're looking out for students outside of the hero course as well. It's a comfort to know that even in your search for a successor, you're still the symbol of hope for so many.

With that, All Might took a deep breath and, with visible effort, transformed back into his buff form, ready to finish the rest of the acceptance letters.

All Might: Well enough dilly dallying! I have a lot more videos to finish and students to inspire! SO!...Lights!Camera!ACTION!

Even as the Symbol of Peace, Toshinori Yagi's heart remained deeply connected to the next generation, particularly those who had faced adversity similar to his own. As he stepped back onto the stage, he prepared to give everything he had left, hoping his words would resonate with those who needed it most.

1 week later Midoriya's apartment

The morning sun filtered through the curtains, casting a warm glow across Izuku's room. He stood in front of his mirror, meticulously adjusting his new U.A. uniform. The pristine white shirt, the gray blazer with green accents, and the matching pants made him look more mature than he felt. His hands trembled slightly as he tightened his tie, the nerves of the day ahead gnawing at him.

As he pulled the knot snug, a flash of red and blue peeked out from beneath his shirt—the spandex of his Spider-Man costume, always ready for action. Slipping his web shooters into his bookbag. Satisfied with his appearance, Izuku gave himself a final once-over in the mirror. His reflection stared back at him, a mix of determination and anxiety in his green eyes. Today was his first day at U.A. High School, and the weight of that reality pressed heavily on his shoulders. But beneath the nervousness was a flicker of excitement. This was the beginning of a new chapter, a step closer to his dream.

He quickly grabbed his bag, slinging it over his shoulder, and darted towards the kitchen. His thoughts raced ahead of him, already anticipating the walk to school. Knowing his luck, something was bound to happen that would require him to don the mask. He could almost see it now—a car accident, a petty robbery, something that would make him late on his very first day. With that in mind, he hurriedly snatched a breakfast sandwich from the counter, ready to make a quick escape. But just as he was about to bolt out the door, a familiar voice stopped him in his tracks.

Inko: Izuku, wait!

His mother's voice was filled with both urgency and affection. Izuku froze, sandwich halfway to his mouth, and turned around.

Izuku: Mom, what is it? I don't want to be late.

Inko Midoriya, standing in the kitchen doorway, held up a phone camera. Her eyes sparkled with a mix of joy and nostalgia.

Inko: Just a few pictures, please? You look so handsome in your new uniform!

Izuku sighed, his shoulders slumping slightly, but he couldn't deny her request.

Izuku: Okay, Mom.

He agreed, trying to keep the impatience out of his voice. He plastered on a smile, holding still as she snapped picture after picture, capturing every angle of her son on this momentous day.

Inko: Perfect!

Inko beamed as she lowered the camera, her eyes misty with emotion.

Izuku: Great, thanks, Mom!

Izuku said, the smile now more genuine but tinged with relief. He was just about to make another dash for the door when he heard her voice again, softer this time.

Inko: Izuku... wait...

Izuku: Mom I gotta go-

The tone made him pause. There was something different, something that tugged at his heart. He turned around, his teenage exasperation fading instantly when he saw her. Inko stood there, tears welling up in her eyes, one hand clutching the phone to her chest. The sight made Izuku's heart sink.

Izuku: Mom, I'm sorry. I just don't want to be late...

He trailed off, guilt washing over him. He hadn't meant to upset her. But Inko shook her head, wiping away a tear with the back of her hand.

Inko: Oh, Izuku, I'm not crying because I'm sad.

She reassured him, her voice wavering with emotion.

Inko: It's just... you're growing up so fast. It feels like just yesterday you were my little boy in his All Might onesie, and now look at you. You're going to U.A., following your dreams. I'm just so proud of you....and...and I know your father would be just as proud.

Izuku felt a lump form in his throat. He knew how hard it had been for his mother to do everything on her own, especially after his father's death. They had both struggled with the grief, and while Izuku tried his best to help with the finances, he knew it wasn't the same. Inko had always wanted her husband by her side, to share in these moments as their son grew up. A guilt gnawing at Izuku knowing he was responsible for that not happening.

Izuku: Mom...

Izuku whispered, his voice thick with emotion. He walked over to her and wrapped his arms around her in a comforting hug.

Izuku: It's okay... I miss him too...

Inko hugged him tightly, resting her head on his shoulder for a moment, taking in the comfort of the embrace. But she quickly pulled back, blinking away the tears before they could start flowing again. With a soft chuckle, she gently pushed him towards the door.

Inko: I've held you up long enough, sweetie. You don't want to be late on your first day. Have a good day at U.A., okay?

Izuku nodded, offering her a small, reassuring smile.

Izuku: I will, Mom. I promise.

As he stepped out the door, the morning air felt a little cooler, a little crisper. The weight of his responsibilities—both as a student and as Spider-Man—rested on his shoulders, but Inko's words lingered in his mind. She was proud of him, and that gave him the strength to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

Later on in the city 7:00AM

As Izuku walked through the quiet streets toward U.A. High School, his mind buzzed with a mix of excitement and nervous anticipation. Today was the first day, and a thousand thoughts raced through his head.

Izukus head: What will orientation be like? Will we get to see all the cool facilities the support department has on the 1st day? Will I get to see Bakugo at school or during lunch? And what about Mei Hatsume—did she get into the same class as me?

Lost in thought, Izuku barely noticed the crosswalk he was approaching. An elderly woman carrying a bag of groceries shuffled beside him, slowly making her way across the street. Just as they reached the middle of the crosswalk, that all-too-familiar sensation flared up in his head—his spider-sense, buzzing like crazy. Izuku internally groaned.

Izukus head: Oh no, Not now...

He turned sharply, his heart skipping a beat as he spotted a pickup truck barreling toward them, tires screeching as it tried to swerve around traffic. Without a second thought, Izuku dashed backward, grabbing the old woman by the arm and stopping her in her tracks. The truck sped past them, narrowly avoiding a disaster. As it roared by, Izuku caught a glimpse of three villains inside—two in the front seat and a hulking figure in the back, clutching an ATM machine like it was a bag of groceries. Seconds later, a police car zoomed after them, sirens blaring in hot pursuit.

Old woman: Oh wow...Thank you young-where did he go?

The elderly woman tried to thank him, but Izuku was already sprinting toward a nearby alley. He darted out of sight, muttering under his breath.

Izuku head: Why did it have to be a car chase? Couldn't it have been a mugging or something? At least then I wouldn't be swinging all over the city! Or better yet, how about no crime at all, so I can just get to school on time?

Frustration bubbled up as he quickly shed his U.A. uniform, revealing the iconic red and blue spider suit underneath. He stuffed his uniform into his backpack, mentally calculating his time.

Izukus head: Orientation starts at 7:45, it's 7:00 right now. It's a 20-minute walk to U.A., 5 minutes by web-swinging. He sighed, zipping up his backpack and securing it over his shoulders. I should have time to stop this joy ride and still make it to class before the bell rings.

Izuku leaped out of the alley, firing a web line and swinging into action. The city blurred around him as he zipped past traffic, his eyes locked on the speeding truck. As he caught up to the chase, he swung past the police car, offering a quick greeting.

Spider-Man: Hey, fellas! Nice morning for doughnuts and robbers!

Before focusing on the truck ahead. The officer in the driver's seat gave a weary nod, already used to the sight of the web-slinger handling situations like this. The driver of the truck spotted Izuku in the rearview mirror and yelled to his friends,

Driver: It's Spider-Man! Light him up!

The villain in the passenger seat rolled down his window, extending his arm out as he unleashed a stream of green goo from his hands. Izuku dodged effortlessly, twisting in the air as the sticky substance whizzed past him.

Spider-Man: Gross, man! Your quirk is shooting boogers out your hands?! That's just disgusting!

Izuku quipped, shooting a web at the villain's hand and yanking him out of the truck.

Passenger: Like you can talk! You shoot sticky white stuff!

Spider-Man: Those are webs! Pervert! Think about what your mother would say in time out!

Izuku added as the villain tumbled to the ground, webbed to a nearby lamp post. With one threat down, Izuku tried to land on the back of the truck, aiming to neutralize the hulking villain guarding the ATM sitting on the bed of the truck. But as he landed, the brute knocked him off with a powerful swing of his arm. Izuku somersaulted through the air, managing to shoot a web at the truck's tailgate just in time to avoid falling behind. He skidded across the pavement, his enhanced soles gripping the road as he was dragged along like a water-skier.

Izukus head: Okay, big strong guy who punches hard. Noted. Man I'm real glad I upgraded these soles on my shoes!

Izuku thought as he regained his balance. He quickly fired another web at the villain's face, yanking him down and using the momentum to swing himself back up. With a web-zip, he kicked the brute square in the chest, sending him crashing into the truck's cargo area. Izuku noticed the ATM machine. Groaning at the reason for all this mess.

Spider-Man: All this for an ATM?! You know, most people just take a little from the ATM, not the whole thing right?

He shot a web at the villian to secure him to the truck, then leaped onto the truck's roof.

Spider-Man: Like I get inflation is bad, but this is a bit much, dont you think?

In one fluid motion, Izuku jumped to the front of the truck, smashing his fist through the windshield to blind the driver. The driver panicked, unable to see where he was going, and the truck swerved wildly before flipping over. Izuku moved fast, shooting webs from both wrists to catch the truck in mid-air, anchoring it between two buildings before it could crash onto the traffic below. With the villains trapped inside the upside-down vehicle, Izuku landed on the ground, brushing off his hands as the police finally caught up.

Spider-Man: So tell me guys... was it really worth all that to dodge transaction fees?

One of the officers approached him, looking around at the chaotic scene. Izuku gave the officer a relaxed wave.

Spider-Man: Don't worry officer, I've got everything under control. All wrapped up as a present with a bow on top!

The officer glanced around, taking in the situation.

Police officer: Where's the ATM they stole?

Izuku then with no problem pointed at the get away truck the villains were in.

Spider-Man: Oh its on the truck.

As if on cue, the ATM slid out of the back of the truck, crashing onto the pavement with a loud bang. The impact shattered it, and dollar bills flew everywhere, caught by the wind and eagerly snatched up by bystanders. Izuku turned slowly to face the mess, cringing under the mask.

Spider-Man: At least... I stopped the bad guys?

The officer let out a heavy sigh, clearly unamused.

Police officer: Is this the part where you leave me to clean up—

Spider-Man: -This is the part where I leave and let you clean up! Okthanksbye!

Izuku cut him off, already shooting a web to swing away. As he soared back into the city skyline, the officer shook his head, reaching for his radio.

Police officer: Requesting backup to deal with... everything.

Izuku couldn't help but grin as he swung toward U.A. He'd stopped the villains, saved the day, and—most importantly—he was still on track to make it to school on time. Maybe today wouldn't be so bad after all.

In the halls of U.A.

Ok everything was going very bad.

Izukus head: THIS IS SO BAD!

Izuku dashed through the halls of U.A. High School, his breath quick and heart pounding in his chest. He was still adjusting his uniform, trying to hide his Spider-Man costume underneath while simultaneously berating himself.

Izukus head: I should've accounted for finding the orientation room in a new school when I did the math on if I could stop that car chase and still make it on time!

He thought, gritting his teeth. Slapping his fore head.

Izukus head: Why didn't I think of that?!

He pulled out his phone, quickly texting Bakugo to ask where the orientation was being held. The reply came almost immediately

Bakugos text: My class had to skip it for a quirk apprehension test. Figure it out yourself, nerd.

Izuku groaned.

Izukus head: Great, just great!. No way to find out where to go, and I'm already late!

As he hurried around a corner, Izuku nearly collided with a skinny blonde man dressed in a bright yellow tuxedo. The man looked at him with a curious expression.

Toshinori: Whoa there, young man. What's the rush?

Izuku stammered.

Izuku: I'm super late for orientation! I can't find where it's being held!

The man chuckled softly,

Toshinori: You should slow down and chill out. Orientation's important, but not more important than your safety.

Izuku paused, still fidgeting with his uniform.

Izuku: I would, but All Might is supposed to speak! I can't miss the chance to see him in person!

The man's expression softened as he recognized Izuku from the acceptance video he made for him. He felt a twinge of guilt, knowing he already gave that speech, but he decided not to dampen the boy's spirits.

Toshinori: I see... Well, just don't run in the halls, okay? You're almost there. Orientation is in the auditorium, down that hallway to the right.

Izuku bowed deeply.

Izuku: Thank you so much!

He then sprinted off, albeit at a slightly slower pace, following the man's directions. Toshinori Yagi, All Might's true form, watched him go, a bittersweet smile on his face.

Toshinori head: Poor kid. I've already given the speech... damn...I didn't have the heart to tell him. Im sure once he finds out he'll get over it...hmmm ...maybe I'll visit the support department to boost morale? Yeah that could be nice.

Izuku's heart lifted as he spotted the entrance doors to the auditorium ahead.

Izukus head: I can make it!

He thought, hope filling his chest. But just as he reached the doors, they swung open, and a flood of students poured out, signaling the end of the ceremony. Izuku was swept into the crowd, his heart sinking as disappointment washed over him.

Izukus head: No!... I missed it! Of all the schools, why did it have to be U.A. where I miss the opening ceremony?

He thought to himself, frustration bubbling up. As the crowd thinned, Izuku felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned to see Mei Hatsume grinning at him. Despite his disappointment, a smile spread across his face.

Izuku: Hatsume! You made it! Congratulations!

Mei: Congrats to you too, Green Bean!

Izukus head: Guess I'm still just a vegetable to her...

Mei replied with her usual confidence. Once again forgetting Izukus name. Using a nickname of a vegetable.

Mei: Looks like you passed as well. I almost thought you didn't when you weren't at class this morning.

Izuku rolled his eyes at the nickname but didn't have the energy to argue. Izuku and Mei both walking together through the halls of U.A. making there way back to there home class room.

Izuku: I would argue with you with my name, but I don't even have the energy or time for that right now. Can you tell me what I missed in orientation?

Mei shrugged. An air head, care free expression donning her face.

Mei: Honestly, I have no idea. I wasn't paying attention. I was too busy thinking about all the new babies I can make with the facilities here.

Izuku's heart sank a little more. He then asked Mei almost dreading her answer.

Izuku: Did... did they already do the tour of the facilities?

Mei: Nah, you didn't miss that yet.

Mei said casually.

Mei: Power Loader's supposed to show us our workshops after we got back from orientation. All you missed was attendance.

Izuku: Attendance?!

Izuku's shoulders slumped.

Izukus head: Great... I missed attendance on the first day. That's a good start...

But he quickly shook off the disappointment, forcing a smile.

Izukus head: At least I didn't miss the tour. I still have a chance to make up for todays loses with a win!

Mei gestured towards their classroom.

Mei: C'mon, let's grab our seats before anything else starts.

Izuku nodded, following her into the classroom. As they took their seats together, he tried to focus on the positives.

Izukus head: ok...I may have missed the opening ceremony, but at least I'm here now. And I can still check out all the cool equipment and materials they have here. U.A.'s support department is supposed to be one of the most advanced teaching facilities in the world! So everything we will be using is sure to be top notch!

U.A. High school class 1-H

Izuku and Mei made their way into Class 1-H, the first-year classroom for the support department. The room was a typical lecture hall, with rows of desks and a large screen at the front. Izuku felt a mix of excitement and anxiety as he took his seat beside Mei, still feeling the sting of missing the orientation. Before long, Power Loader, the support course instructor, entered the room. He was a short, stocky man with orange short hair. His head covered by a large yellow helmet and his fingers made up of metal tips. He walked with a confident demeanor.

Power loader: Alright, class, don't get too comfortable. We're heading out soon to tour the workshops and labs where you'll be working.

He scanned the room, and his eyes landed on Izuku.

Power loader: Midoriya, stand up!

Izuku jumped to his feet, startled by the sudden attention.

Izuku: Y-Yes, sir?

Power loader: Why were you late? Where were you? You missed attendance and orientation. Not off to a great start right now...

Power Loader asked, his tone firm but not unkind. Izuku scrambled to come up with an excuse.

Izukus head: Oh why am I late? I had to stop a car chase right after I ate breakfast and got lost on my way here because this school is huge.

Izuku: I, uh, got stuck in traffic... and the crowds... from that Spider-Man stopping a car chase. It was pretty chaotic ...hehe...

As Izuku scratched the back of his head and tried to look in any direction except his teacher. Power Loader narrowed his eyes, studying him for a moment.

Power loader: Are you hurt?

Izuku shook his head quickly.

Izuku: No, sir! I'm fine!

Power loader: Good! Try not to be late again-

Power Loader said, his tone softening slightly.

Power loader: -since it's the first day, I'll let it slide this time. You wont be marked late or tardy. BUT dont let it happen again. If there's one thing I hate it's a late student.

Izuku sighed in relief as he sat back down. Mei leaned over with a mischievous grin, whispering,

Mei: So, Spider-Man, huh?

Izuku's heart skipped a beat, worried that she might be onto his secret.

Mei: Did you see any of the gear he uses? Any gadgets?

But then he realized she was only interested in any potential support gear.

Izuku: Uh, no, I didn't get to see any of the fight or any gear. It was too crowded.

Mei pouted, clearly disappointed.

Mei: Darn, I was hoping for some inspiration.

Izuku was relieved when she moved on without pressing further. The class then got up and followed Power Loader to the workshop.

U.A. Support department workshop

As they entered, they were greeted by a massive space filled with all kinds of tools, heavy machinery, material storage, and computer stations. There was even a small office space in the corner for turning in necessary paperwork. Power Loader led the way, explaining as they walked.

Power loader: Now this is where you'll be working for the next 4 years in building and honing your skills as craftsmen and engineers. The support department is responsible for the maintenance and improvement of the hero students' costumes and gear. Each year, new support students are paired with the new hero students from their respective year. So, you first years will be in charge of the first-year hero students' gear.

He continued,

Power loader: Hero students can request specific support students to help with their gear depending on their grade level, seniors get first pick for any support students in helping with there gear and costumes—except for first years. You all have to start somewhere. And we can't have your upper class men hoard all the clients you guys will need. If a hero student wants a new design or upgrade or repairs to there gear they have to submit a formal request. Which has there school ID code, name, yada yada. That kind of stuff. Those requsts will then be handed out by the teachers to you lot. Like myself. Remember. All your final work HAS to be reviewed by me or any other support department teachers. We can't have the hero support gear and costume failing on them out in the field.

The class groaned collectively when Power Loader then added.

Power loader: However for your first assignment, you won't be building any gear or costumes.

Student: Aw, come on!

Student: I was so excited to build something!

Student: You cant just tease us with a high tech lab and then say we cant use it!

Several students complained, clearly disappointed. Power Loader smiled, appreciating their enthusiasm.

Power Loader: I know you're all eager to use this fancy new workshop and new tools, but the hero students need their gear by next week for battle training, and there's not enough time for beginners to make reliable gear and a whole new costume. Instead, you'll be designing and creating blueprints based on the hero students' requests. This first week you will be learning how to create blue prints and designs as well as learning the paper process for how we make gear. Please take this serious as the faster you get this process down. The easier it will be for you all to be approved to make things or work on projects.

The mood in the room shifted instantly, with excitement bubbling over as the students realized they'd still be contributing and having a hand in the making of the heroes costumes. Izuku was especially thrilled, his eyes wide with anticipation. However Mei was still staring off into space and around the room. Analyzing the workshop and what she can use for future projects. Power Loader continued,

Power loader: You'll turn in your designs to me for approval. If they're good enough, they'll be sent to a support agency that will manufacture the heroes' costumes. Just for the beginning so the hero students can start there training and so you all can see how a final product should look.

A student then raised there hand with Power Loader giving her permisson to speak.

Student: Does that mean we will never get a chance to make a costume or support gear from scratch?! Lots of the hero students already know what it is they want or need to help with there quirks?

Power loader assured them differently though.

Power loader: Don't worry. You guy's will have the chance to create and build from scratch for other hero students. That will come in your later years at school. And trust me, in about two weeks, the hero students will be back here asking for changes or redesigns-

Then as Power loader was giving his lecture, some how a pink hair girl with braids and sniper scopes as eyes made her way behind power loader and into the workshop. Izuku raising a brow in confusion.

Izukus head: How did she sneak over there?!

Power Loader: What do you think you're doing, Hatsume?!

As Power Loader spoke, Mei had already started rummaging through the material supplies, pulling out various parts and muttering to herself. Making Power loaders look back and seeing Mei. With the whole class now paying attention to the two of them.

Power loader: I told you were not making anything this week!

Power Loader asked, raising an eyebrow. Mei looked up nonchalantly. Stopping her rummaging through drawers and cabinets. Bins filled with pieces of metal, bits of circuitry parts, and different fabrics.

Mei: I'm gonna make hover boots!

Power Loader sighed, clearly used to this sort of behavior from her.

Power loader: Did you even hear what I just said?

Mei: Nope...

Mei replied cheerfully, still searching through the materials.

Mei: By the way, where's the polymer leather? Or anything similar? I need a soft but strong cushion for the soles. But also light weight.

Izuku couldn't help but laugh at her single-minded focus. She didn't seem to care about anything other than inventing. Power Loader, however, wasn't amused. He marched over, yanked the materials out of her hands, putting them back in there bins and said.

Power loader: If you don't stop, I'm going to ban you from all the workshops and labs for a month!

Mei immediately dropped to her knees, begging in an exaggerated, almost comical manner.

Mei: No, please! You cant take away my haven! Don't take it away! I haven't even broken it in yet!!!

Izukus head: Is she referring to the workshop like a horse?!?!

Power Loader sighed, lifting her by the back of her school jacket and plopping her down next to Izuku.

Power loader: Midoriya, keep an eye on her, will you?

Izuku chuckled,

Izuku: 1st day and you're already making me highly you must think of me sir...

With Mei temporarily subdued, Power Loader resumed his explanation.

Power loader: Now as I was saying before I was rudely interrupted by the biggest pain in my ass!

Mei: You cant say that about your star pupil!

Power loader pointing at Hatsume saying other wise.

Power loader: Your not affiliated with me!!!

Izukus head: Now that I'm thinking about it. How is Hatsume so friendly and familiar with power loader? If...I can call "that" friendly?

Power loader: You all will be responsible for repairing and maintaining the hero courses gear and costumes. Each of you will be assigned a first-year hero student. It's your job to blueprint and design there requests. The heroes have sent just basic drawings and descriptions of there gear and what they want. It's up to you all to find a way to make that work. Now you can work with just the request on what they sent. However my suggestion is to personally ask the hero students what it is they want. And Midoriya, it looks like you're already ahead of the game.

Izuku blinked in surprise. Raising his hand with his finger up in confusion asking a question.

Izuku: uhh...What do you mean, sir?

Power Loader grinned.

Power loader: You've already got six requests from hero students to design and blueprint their gear. Looks like you've been busy building your clientele! You're a better salesman than you look!

The entire class erupted in shock, turning to stare at Izuku in disbelief. Izuku's face turned bright red as he suddenly found himself in the spotlight, his heart pounding even faster than before. Izuku's mind raced as he tried to make sense of how he'd suddenly received six requests on his first day.

Izukus head: How did I get so many?! I dont even-oh wait a second?

He began mentally counting the people he knew in the hero course.

Izukus head: All the girls in the news club are in the hero course. Everyone but Tsyu asked about my opinion on their costume and gear. Then Bakugo made me promise to do his when I told him I would be doing the support course. At U.A...

He had promised Bakugo he would help with his hero costume, knowing that his friend trusted him due to his genius in crafting support gear—everything from web shooters, utility belts, spider tracers, spider tracers and even making his own costume. Izuku had also made a strong impression when he met the girls, talking about their quirks and offering ideas for their costumes and gear. Izuku cursing himself for his nerdgasms.

Izukus head: Once much for keeping a low profile...

As he connected the dots, he sighed to himself, realizing that his attempt to avoid the spotlight was failing miserably. The entire class was now staring daggers at him, and none more intensely than Mei.

Mei: I didn't take you for the cut throat type Midoryia ...guess I'll have to step up my game...

It was clear that his goal of blending in had backfired. Power Loader noticed the tension and addressed the class. Hoping to make this a teaching moment.

Power loader: Alright, quit with the death glares. Intimidating your competition wont help you out. You all should be taking notes from Midoriya.

His tone then becoming more serious.

Power loader: This job field is a trade where merit and word of mouth are just as valuable as the knowledge and skills you hone here. You all will need to show that you're a trustworthy craftsman. It's not enough to be talented or hardworking; you might also have to be good salespeople if you want to make a living in this career. Midoryia clearly made such a good impression to the hero course students that they now trust him to give him a chance. Heroes risk their lives in the field and sometimes the final push or decider in life or death of not just the civilians and comrades around them but their own lives. Is there gear, costumes, and support items.

All the students had made sure to listen to their teacher and take what he said to heart. Realizing that they're not just here to play with new toys and build cool stuff. There here to become a life line to the heroes who risk there health and lives for others. If they slack off on there work or choose to become lazy in sharpening there skills it could mean a piece of gear or armor failing costing someone there life. Izuku also knowing how important a piece of equipment can be in a battle.

Izukus head: I cant count how many times my web shooters saved my life. Not to mention how heavily I rely on them. Im happy class 1-A took my enthusiasm for quirks as a good sign and trust me with there gear....however...

Izuku glanced at Mei and felt his heart skip a beat. She had shifted from glaring daggers at him to giving him a sultry, seductive look, which made his heart race even more. Mei began to move closer to him, her proximity making him increasingly uncomfortable.

Mei: Yknow... I think we make a great team. Don't you think? We can "share" ideas (his requests).

Izukus head: It's seriously not doing me any favors right now!

He gulped, trying to keep his composure as her intense focus on him made him feel even more on edge. Power Loader then turned his attention back to Izuku.

Power loader: Now sadly Midoriya, I'm afraid I can't let you handle all those requests on your own. There are 20 students in both the hero and support classes. So every student gets another students request for costume and gear. But I'll allow you to choose who gets which of the applicants who requested you. Seems fair enough-

Izuku barely had time to process this new responsibility before the entire class suddenly shifted gears, taking a page from Mei's book. Everyone began sucking up to him in a bid to get a share of his assignments.

Student: Hey man did I mention how nice those shoes are! Love the red color.

Student: Hey I didn't notice before but you look kinda cute. Do you have a girl friend?

Student: Hey I had some sweets my mom made me for today. Wanna have some?

Izuku mentally freaked out, realizing that this was the exact opposite of what he had wanted—blending in and staying out of the spotlight. Power Loader quickly intervened,

Power loader: -Alright, enough! Stop harassing Midoriya and save your flattery for later. We still have to finish the tour of the facilities. You guys have until this Friday to turn in those designs and blue prints for the heroes. We will discuss further in class what is expected from you in formatting, measurements, and specific's.

With that, the class settled down, and Power Loader resumed the tour, showing them the various workshops and labs they would be using to create and maintain hero gear and costumes. And did they have all kinds of toys in there play grounds. An entire station dedicated to wiring and burning circuits. A metal work area used for shaping various alloys of metal with equipment like water jet cutters, plasma cutters, miller printers, and even an old fashioned black smith forge. A cargo container used for sanding materials. A room full of 3-D printers. A crafts room with a bunch of materials to help design and personalize the costume and equipment. Even having special material like poly carbon fibers, Kevlar etc.

As they moved through the different areas, Izuku couldn't help but feel a mix of pride and anxiety. It was going to be a long day, but at least he was surrounded by people who shared his passion—even if they were all a little too eager to win him over...Mei most of all.

Class 1-H

Back in the classroom, the students had just returned from their tour with Power Loader, who was now delving deeper into the curriculum. The lecture was informative, but as soon as Power Loader announced a break, Izuku's desk was suddenly swarmed by his classmates. Each student bombarded him with questions about the requests from the hero students.

Student: What's Ochako's quirk?

One student asked.

Student: Which request would be the easiest to finish?

another inquired.

Student: Does anyone have a quirk that requires a lot of support gear?

A third added.

Student: Why are all of them women?!?!

A forth student said with obvious jealousy in his tone.

Izuku did his best to answer everyone's questions simultaneously, his mind racing as he tried to keep up with the barrage of inquiries. But midway through his explanations, a loud slam startled him as Mei Hatsume's hand crashed down in front of his desk. Izuku looked up to see her standing over him, once again oblivious to personal space as her chest was uncomfortably close to his face.

Mei: I want 'Explosion Boy!

Mei stated, her eyes gleaming with excitement. Izuku was taken aback.

Izuku: Kacchan? Why do you want him?

He asked, genuinely curious. Mei's grin widened.

Mei: I watched the practical's.

She confessed, her voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper.

Mei: I accidentally found the monitor room and watched the exams without the teachers noticing.

Power Loader, who was within earshot, muttered under his breath.

Power loader: That girl is going to be the death of me...

But pretended not to hear her confession.

Mei: Bakugo scored the highest in the practical.

Mei continued, her tone brimming with admiration.

Mei: He'd be an excellent client to have. I can tell he is gonna be going far as a hero. And what better advertisement for my babies than a hero who turns everyone heads.

Izuku hesitated, conflicted about giving his best friend to Mei.

Izuku: Well, he's actually my best friend.

He admitted.

Izuku: He asked me to design and create his hero costume. But...

A sly grin crept across his face.

Izuku: How about a little wager?

Mei's eyes sparkled with interest.

Mei: ...Go on.

Izuku: If I scored higher than you on the entrance exam, you have to remember my name for the rest of the school year until we graduate.

Izuku proposed.

Izuku: If you scored higher, then I'll give you Bakugo's costume and gear request. I'll even go into specifics of what he wanted and how his quirk works.

Izuku couldn't help but feel a bit guilty for using his best friend as a bargaining chip, but the thrill of the challenge excited him. Mei, now fully invested, nodded eagerly.

Mei: Deal!

Both of them marched up to Power Loader, who raised an eyebrow at their sudden approach. Sensing their determination, he was quickly caught up in their bet.

Mei/Izuku: Who scored higher on the entrance written exam?!

They asked in unison.

Power loader: Hm...we tried to avoid showing students exact scores to not discourage and create unhealthy competition so you guy stay humble...

Power Loader thought about it. However the eager look on both of his students faces were to much. Such passion and rivalry on just the first day, especially with someone like Mei who is a complete gear head as much of an an Air head. He was amused by their competitive spirits, addressed the class.

Power loader: -BUT what the hell! Bragging rights are much more motivational goals then playing it humble! Alright, everyone, let's have a drum roll!

The room filled with the sound of hands drumming on desks as Power Loader checked the records.

Power loader: Midoriya Izuku scored 99%, with 119 out of 120 questions correct... and Hatsume Mei scored 100%, with a perfect 120 out of 120.

Izuku's head dropped in disappointment, though he couldn't help but laugh at the situation. Meanwhile, Mei cheered loudly, grinning from ear to ear.

Izuku: Oh man...1 point...I was so close!

Mei: What was that about being the top student?

She teased.

Izuku: It was close! We basically got the same score!

Izuku retorted playfully. Mei leaned in with a deadpan expression. Showing off her higher status.

Mei: scored 99% because that's all you "could" get....I scored 100% because thats all there "was" too get.

Izuku burst out laughing, and Mei joined in with a giggle. After a moment, Izuku gave in.

Izuku: Alright, you win. You can have Kacchan.

To his surprise, Mei shook her head.

Mei: Nah, I'll let you keep him. I don't want to take away your little bromance.

Izuku immediately denied the word "bromance," but Mei continued,

Mei: Instead, I want whoever you think is the most interesting for support gear and costume design. If I can't get some good advertising out of the explosion boy then I wanna challenge myself with something interesting.

Izuku thought hard for a moment before coming to a decision.

Izuku: How about Kyoka Jiro?

Mei: Kyoka...what?

Mei tried to repeat, but fumbled with the name. Izuku slowed down.

Izuku: Jiro...Kyoka Jiro.

Mei gave it another try but still got it wrong.

Mei: Jiyoka...?

Izuku sighed, breaking it down letter by letter.

Izuku: J-I-R-O.

Mei: Gyro?

Izuku slapped himself in the face before giving up. Saying loudly.

Izuku: Earphone girl!

Mei: Earphone girl!!!

Izuku finally declared triumphantly. With Mei following with even more enthusiasm. Izuku chuckled.

Izuku: She has headphone jacks for ears. Her quirk gives her incredible hearing. She can extend her jacks to certain distances and the jacks can be stabbed into concrete walls and other material to enhance her hearing. She can channel the sound of her heart beat into those jacks creating intense sound waves. She wants speakers on her hands and feet that can create powerful sound waves when her jacks plug into them.

Mei's eyes lit up as her brain immediately filled with ideas.

Mei: I've gotta find her and ask more questions!

She exclaimed, running toward the door. Just before leaving, she paused, looked back at Izuku with a mischievous smile..... and said his full name correctly.

Mei: Thanks...~Izuku Midoryia~

Izuku stood there, more awestruck than he expected to be. Power Loader poked his shoulder, bringing him back to reality.

Power loader: uhhh ....You alright, Midoryia?

Izuku muttered in response, still in disbelief.

Izuku: A girl said my full name... and it wasn't my mom...

Power loader flinched as he saw the look on Izukus face. A dumb smile on his face as he kept staring at the door even though Hatsume already left. Power loader thinking to himself surprised. In more disbelief than anything.

Power loaders head: Wait....does he have....on hatsume? there's no way.

U.A. cafeteria lunch time

Izuku Midoriya was sitting at lunch, slowly eating his food. The bustling noise of the cafeteria was a constant hum in the background, but he was mostly lost in thought. He had gotten used to sitting alone, so when a fellow classmate approached, asking if the seat beside him was taken, it caught him by surprise.

Student: Hey its Midoryia right? Anyone sitting here?

Izuku: No, no one's sitting here.

Izuku responded eagerly, a little too enthusiastically. The student sat down, and for a brief moment, Izuku felt a glimmer of hope. Maybe this time, someone genuinely wanted to befriend him. But the student's first question dashed those hopes.

Student: So, what requests do you still have to give out?

The student asked, leaning in. Izuku realized that the student was just after the support gear requests. Hiding his disappointment, he replied,

Izuku: I've already given out all the requests...except for one. And it's my friend Bakugo in the-

Almost immediately, the student made a hasty excuse, claiming to have seen friends at another table. Before Izuku could even respond, the student was gone, leaving him once again alone at the lunch table. He sighed, pushing his food around on his plate.

Izukus head: Of course nothing would change in my social life. No one wants to be friends with a quirkless loser, especially someone as socially awkward as me.

Izuku's mind wandered, comparing his life as Izuku Midoriya to his alter ego, Spider-Man.

Izukus head: I wish I could have the confidence in my life as Izuku like I do when I'm Spider-Man. Maybe it's the mask that helps with my stutter. I can actually crack a good joke with it on. If I were Kacchan, I'd have some backbone...

As he continued to mull over his thoughts, he was suddenly brought back to reality by the sound of a tray being placed next to his. He looked up to see none other than his childhood friend, Bakugo Katsuki.

Bakugo: Oi, you can't help but look like some sad, lonely puppy at lunch.

Bakugo remarked with his usual bluntness, sitting down next to Izuku.

Izuku: Just like back in middle school.

Izuku smiled, feeling a warmth spread through him.

Izuku: Although It's not all the same as before, Kacchan!

He said, attempting to sound optimistic.

Izuku: I actually made a friend in my class.

Bakugo raised an eyebrow, genuinely curious.

Bakugo: Who in their right mind would be friends with you?

Izuku tried not to let the comment sting, though it did a little.

Izuku: Oh cmon! I'm a friendly guy. I can make friends...

Bakugo looked at Izuku with an unimpressed look. Stopping from taking a bite from his food to make a point.

Bakugo: Oh ONE person who is your friend besides me?

Izuku: Well there's-

Bakugo: -And you cant say my mom or dad.

Izuku stopped. Dead panned he knew exactly who he was gonna say. Izuku though continued confident.

Izuku: I made friends with the girls from your class! They even requested me to make there gear.

Bakugo: Debatable if there friends though. You just met all of them. Barely even had a few conversations and they were mostly about quirks and the costumes. If anything it was more of a business interaction then a friend interaction. Even Momo is paying you for pictures of Spider-Man. So she's really your boss now. So doesn't count. Try again.

Bakugo said matter of factly. Izuku knew he didn't mean all of what he said (hopefully) because he knew Katsuki loved messing with Izuku and proving him a social outcast was a way he did that.

Izuku: I....I mean that's a very pessimistic way to look at it...

Izuku though hard again. He still considered the class 1-A girls his friends. But continued his little argument with Bakugo anyways. In his own way he had fun with these dumb arguments.

Izuku: W-Well...I mean Flash...we kinda made up-

Bakugo: -You shoved him in a locker and your dad just died. Fear and pity don't count as friendship. Thats more like respect of power dynamics. Try again...

Izuku: Dude I've had more friends

He started to say, only to realize he couldn't actually name anyone. After a moment of awkward silence, Izuku stammered,

Izuku: T-There's Flint Marko—

Bakugo cut him off immediately.

Bakugo: The Sandman? Someone twice your age doesn't count, especially not a vill-

Izuku: -Ex-villain

Izuku corrected him, feeling the need to defend Flint. Bakugo rolled his eyes.

Bakugo: Don't even get me started on that. You let a guy who robs banks get away—

Izuku: His daughter had cancer and he hasn't caught a break in a while...He needed a second chance!

Izuku interjected. Before the conversation could escalate, Mei Hatsume appeared out of nowhere, startling both Izuku and Bakugo.

Mei: Who are we giving a second chance to?

Izuku/Bakugo: Gah!!!/What the hell?!

She asked, leaning in with her usual boundless energy. Izuku quickly scrambled to make an excuse.

Izuku: Oh, uh j-just an old friend! Someone we used to know in middle school...

He said, hoping Mei hadn't overheard too much. Bakugo, eyeing Mei with suspicion, asked.

Bakugo: Who's bubble gum?

He nicknamed her immediately. Izuku introduced them with a chuckle.

Izuku: Kacchan, this is Mei Hatsume. Hatsume, this is Katsuki Bakugo.

He couldn't resist making a joke.

Izuku: You know, you both have something in common—you both suck at remembering names! And like to nick name everyone!

Mei: Well its nice to meet you Kacchan-

Mei, undeterred, called Bakugo "Kacchan," only to be met with his immediate anger.

Bakugo:-Don't call me that freaky eyes! Only Deku gets away with that nickname! And even he pushes it!

Bakugo's palms sparked with small explosions, his temper flaring as usual. Izuku, despite the tension, was glad to see his friends interacting. But then, he noticed Jiro Kyoka standing behind Mei, looking utterly exhausted. Her eyes were half-closed, and she appeared to be foaming at the mouth.

Izuku: Jiro! What happened to you?

Izuku asked, concerned. Jiro grabbed him by the collar, her eyes wide and intense. Clear anger showing at the green haired boy.

Jiro: Midoryia...Why did you send this yellow-eyed assassin after me?!

She demanded an answer.

Izuku: Assassin?!

Izuku echoed, utterly confused. Jiro explained,

Jiro: I was just walking to lunch when Mei suddenly ran at me, yelling 'Earphone Girl, it's time to make babies!'-

Izukus head: Oh that sounds bad out of context...

Jiro: -She cornered me, interrogated me about my quirk, and made me test out some of her mad science experiments!

Izuku turned to Mei, who was whistling innocently, clearly trying to avoid eye contact. He sighed, realizing what had happened.

Izuku: Jiro, I'm sorry. I couldn't get all the girls' costume and gear requests. It's one hero student per support student. And I actually lost a bet with her and had to give her you-

Bakugo, never missing an opportunity to brag, chimed in. Everyone in class 1-A realizing what kind of personality and character Bakugo is.

Bakugo: And I got the goose that lays golden eggs!

Jiro: Oh god...I got sold out...

Jiro, realizing she was stuck with Mei, fell to her knees in despair.

Jiro: I already have one crazy pink-haired girl that drives me mad—I can't handle two!

As she refereed to her friend Mina, before she could say more, Mei appeared behind her, scaring her yet again.

Mei: Want to try out the Mega Amp Speakers?!

She asked, her eyes gleaming with excitement.

Mei: I want to see how loud of noises you can tolerate before your ears bleed...its for science of course!

Jiro: NOPE!!!!

Jiro screamed and bolted from the cafeteria, Mei hot on her heels, yelling.

Mei: You can't dip out on our babies!

Izuku/Bakugo: Hahaha!!!/ Did she just say babies?!?!

Izuku and Bakugo burst into laughter, the ridiculousness of the situation too much to handle.

U.A. DAILY NEWS club room

Izuku stepped into the U.A. News Club room, where several Class 1-A girls were hard at work. Momo Yaoyorozu was organizing some articles at her desk, while Tsuyu Asui and Ochako Uraraka sat on the opposite side, quietly talking. Izuku approached Momo with a smile, holding up a set of photos.

Izuku: Hey, Yaoyorozu! Nice to see you made it to U.A.

Momo: Midoryia same to you. I was sad to hear you wouldn't be working on my costume and support gear. Another student came by and told me you gave her the assignment.

Izuku put his hands of defensively still holding the photos.

Izuku: Sorry about that. It's 1 support student per hero student. I already promised Bakugo before everyone else.

Momo: Well don't worry to much about it. I told her all the ideas that you had given me when we last talked. She gave high praise to "me" for "your" ideas so I say you still helped me out in the end.

Izuku: I appreciate the compliment. Maybe in the future I can make some upgrades for you. By the way I wanted to drop off some pictures. If your willing to pay for some of course.

Izuku hesitantly said. Knowing that Momo is partially funding this club herself to keep it going. He didn't want to be too greedy with the money. Momo though gleefully stood up with a smile hearing Izuku had more photos to share.

Momo: I can't wait to see what pictures you got this time!

Momo said, with Izuku handing her the pictures.

Izuku: I managed to get these shots of Spider-Man stopping a car chase this morning.

Momo carefully examined the photos, her face lighting up.

Momo: These are excellent, Midoryia! You captured all the action so clearly. And I'm still amazed you were able to get these even though you dont... have a....uh...

Momo had paused her sentence realizing what she was about to say. Izuku reassuring her he doesn't mind and isn't offended.

Izuku: Yaoyorozu your not gonna say anything I haven't heard before. It's alright. I'm not bothered by it. You can say "quirkless".

Izukus head: Only because I'm not actually quirkless anymore...well I mean I dont have a quirk still BUT I DO have powers now.

She looked up at him, offering a soft smile continuing what she was gonna say.

Momo: -Even when you dont have a quirk you still some how get these amazing shots of Spider-Man.

Izuku: Well this new camera you gave me certainly helps.

Momo: I some how doubt that's the secret behind your camera work. But I know you have to keep trade secrets close. I wont ask questions.

Momo then had sat down again continuing to look at the photos.

Momo: So this all happend this morning? What went down? How did you get to school on time?

Izuku laughed awkwardly.

Izuku: Actually, I was late this morning. I missed orientation and almost got marked late, too.

He scratched the back of his head sheepishly. Momo's smile faltered, and she looked at him with concern.

Momo: Midoryia, you shouldn't let your schoolwork fall behind because of these pictures. You know how important it is to stay on top of everything at U.A. It's only the first day...

Izuku nodded, his expression growing serious.

Izuku: I know, I know... I'm on top of all that don't worry. I can keep taking pictures AND keep on track with school. I got pretty good balance.

Izukus head: She honestly has no idea how good of balance I REALLY have. Like ninja ballerina parkour off of skyscraper balance. Although that really doesn't seem to transition much to balancing my life.

Momo admired his resolve but still couldn't help but worry.

Momo: Just don't push yourself too hard.

Across the room, Tsuyu sat next to Ochako, clearly deep in thought. Her normally calm demeanor seemed shaken, and she was fidgeting, biting her lower lip. Ochako gently rubbed her shoulder, trying to comfort her.

Ochako: You okay, Tsyu?

Ochako asked, her voice filled with concern. Tsuyu took a deep breath, her heart heavy with guilt.

Tsyu: I just...I dont know how to do it...How am I supposed to say what I need to. I can barely handle being in the same room with him. I cant even look him in the eyes let alone talk to him.

Ochako gave her friend a supportive smile.

Ochako: You don't have to do it alone. I'll be with you every step of the way, and I'll talk to him first. You just listen and follow okay? I'll make sure you two can be alone and that no one else will see you guys.

Feeling slightly more at ease with Ochako by her side, Tsuyu nodded.

Tsyu: Thanks, Ochako. I appreciate it.

Together, the two girls walked over to where Izuku stood with Momo. Izuku noticed them approaching and smiled warmly, though his curiosity piqued when he saw the serious expression on Tsuyu's face.

Izuku: Ochako, Asui, what's up?

Izuku asked, trying to read the situation. Ochako stepped forward.

Ochako: Tsyu needs to talk to you about something in private. Can you come with us some where more private?

She said, her voice gentle but firm. She glanced at Tsuyu, who was standing slightly behind her, avoiding Izuku's gaze. The unease in the air was palpable. Izuku's brows furrowed with concern, but his curiosity got the better of him.

Izuku: Uh, sure... Lead the way.

As the trio began walking out of the room, Momo glanced after them, her curiosity growing. She wondered what could be so important that Tsuyu and Ochako had to pull Izuku aside like that. But before she could give it more thought, Jiro suddenly came sprinting into the room, looking panicked.

Jiro: Momo! Hide me!

Jiro gasped, dashing past Momo to hide inside the club room. Momo blocking the doorway and looking back confused.

Momo: Kyoka?! What's wrong?

Momo asked, but before Jiro could answer, Mei Hatsume appeared to be running through the halls towards the room, her usual manic energy radiating as she scanned the area.

Mei: Where's Earphone Girl?! I need her to test something new I've been working on!

Mei exclaimed, her eyes wild with excitement. Momo, being the good friend she was, pointed in a completely random direction.

Momo: I-I think she went that way.

she said, hoping to give Jiro some reprieve.

Mei: Thanks cow girl! -

Momo: -COW GIRL?!

Mei shouted referring to Momo bust size, sprinting off in the same direction Izuku, Ochako, and Tsuyu had just gone. Jiro, now feeling safe, dramatically hugged Momo, tears streaming comically down her face hugging her face in her chest being shorter.

Jiro: You saved me! Thank you so much! I thought I was a goner.

Momo: Did...Did she just call me fat?

Jiro stepped back. Seeing 2 giant mounds of flesh in her face. On any other day she would have used the situation to strike down the gifted woman out of jealousy. But Momo had saved her ears today from who knows what kind of horrible experiments from Hatsume.

Jiro: I think she meant your uhh...big....heart. Because... you have...such a BIG heart.

Momo sighed, patting Jiro on the back.

Momo: ...I'm gonna choose to forget this and move on.

She muttered, though there was an affectionate undertone to her words. Mei Hatsume hurried through the halls of U.A., her mind buzzing with ideas and gadgets, still on the lookout for Jiro. But as she rounded a corner, she stumbled upon something unexpected—Izuku Midoriya, Ochako, and Tsuyu Asui slipping into a nearby stairwell. Curiosity got the better of her.

Mei head: What could those two girls want with Izuku?

She thought, eyes narrowing as she tried to make sense of the scene. The way Ochako lingered at the door, standing watch, made it all the more suspicious. Mei couldn't hear what they were saying, but her mind was already jumping to conclusions, her thoughts spinning with possibilities.

Mei head: Could it be... a love confession?!

Mei's heart raced with excitement. The thought made her grin as she pulled out one of her newest gadgets—a prototype that mimicked Jiro's ear jacks. With a mischievous smirk, she aimed it toward the stairwell wall and fired, embedding the device near the door. Ochako, standing watch, didn't notice a thing.

Mei Hatsume: This is the perfect chance to test out my new baby I made today! Inspired by earphone girl!

Mei adjusted the frequency, her grin widening.

Mei Hatsume: Now, let's hear what kind of juicy tea is going down.

Inside the stairwell, Izuku stood on one side while Tsuyu fidgeted nervously on the other. The silence was heavy between them, and Izuku could feel a strange tension in the air. His heart pounded in his chest, his mind racing with confusion.

Izuku head: What does Tsyu want to talk about?

He thought. His eyes darted to her, noting the way her hands trembled slightly, how she avoided his gaze, how her breath hitched as if she was battling with something inside herself. Then, absurdly, a comical thought entered his mind.

Izukus head: Wait... is this-

His face flushed red for a moment.

Izukus head: -a love confession?

He could feel his thoughts spiraling.

Izukus head: On the first day of school?!

The first thought after that being denial.

Izukus head: There's just...No way... I aint that lucky!

But before he could think any further, Tsuyu's voice broke through the silence, soft and trembling.

Tsyu: I-Is your father... Hisashi Midoriya?

She asked, her words hesitant, almost fearful. Izuku's world came to a standstill. His heart, which had just been racing with awkward excitement, now dropped like a stone in his chest. His face, once filled with teenage nervousness, grew cold. His body stiffened, his posture shifting from hopeful to cautious.

Izukus head: Why is she asking about my dad?

He wondered, suspicion seeping into his mind.

Izukus head: What does she know?

Izuku: How do you know my dad's name?

Izuku asked, his voice low and wary. He could feel a strange weight creeping into his chest, tightening around his heart like a vice. Tsuyu's hands shook even more now. She opened her mouth, but no words came out at first. She was struggling, like the weight of what she had to say was too much for her to bear. Finally, she found her voice, but it was small, fragile.

Tsyu: I... I knew him...

She said, her voice quivering.

Tsyu: He... saved my life.

Izuku blinked, his mind struggling to process her words.

Izukus head: Saved her life?

At first, he assumed she meant as a paramedic—his dad's old job.

Izuku: You mean? In an ambulance? Yeah my dad has helped plenty of people-

But then Tsuyu, seeing the misunderstanding on his face, quickly shook her head, her eyes wide with fear.

Tsyu: -No, not like that...

She whispered, her voice barely audible. She was trembling more now, and it seemed like every breath she took was a battle.

Tsyu: It was the end of last school year. I was walking home when... when a sludge villain attacked me. He tried to take over my body...

Those words hit Izuku like a sledgehammer. His heart stopped, his blood turned to ice, and suddenly, it was like he was back there—back in that horrible memory. The sludge villain. The same one who took his father's life. The same villain he had faced as Spider-Man. The villain who had filled him with a rage so deep, so overwhelming, that he had almost crossed a line. The first time he had truly wanted to kill. To a time he almost did. He remembers the villian begging for his life. The anger in his voice as he asked why should he? He couldn't move. His mind was spinning, a whirlwind of grief and anger crashing through him like a storm. Tsyu voice cut through the chaos.

Tsyu: Your dad... he...he sacrificed his life to save me.

The silence that followed was suffocating.

Izuku: Why are you telling me this?

Izuku asked, his voice cold and hollow. His hands clenched at his sides, every part of him on edge, like he was waiting for a blow he knew was coming but couldn't brace for. Tsyu's composure shattered. She broke down, tears streaming down her face as she bowed deeply, her voice cracking with guilt and pain as she kept her head bowed not daring to move it up.

Tsyu: I'm so... so sorry, Midoriya. I tried to help him, I tried to I swear!!! But I wasn't strong enough. And there much blood... I-I didn't know what to do. I didn't—

Her words were choked by her sobs.

Tsyu: -I never meant for you to lose your father! I...I called for help when he grabbed me. Your dad...was the one who answered! I'm the reason he had to get himself killed! That you have to grow up without him because I... because I couldn't...

Her body shook with grief as she bowed lower, her tears falling in heavy streams. Her voice, once soft, was now broken, full of sorrow and regret.

Tsyu: Because of ME someone you love is DEAD! I—

Izuku's head pounded. The rage, the grief, the suffocating weight of everything he had carried since that day—all of it swirled inside him, threatening to tear him apart. The sludge villain... The memories of that fight, of his father's death, clawed at him, trying to drag him back into the darkness he had fought so hard to escape.




But none of that anger was directed at Tsyu.

Slowly, he approached her. Tsuyu remained bowed, her body trembling as she kept apologizing, her voice broken and lost.

Tsyu: I-I'm sorry...that I'm bringing this up. I-It's just...When I see you... I see him...I-I didn't know how else to handle it... I see him...everywhere...I see his body and what that villian did to him. What happend to him because of me!

Tsuyu whispered, her words barely reaching him.

Tsyu: And I know how selfish that makes me! That I'm asking you for forgiveness! Me of all people! For...I dont even know why... It's not like anything after this will make what I feel...the guilt and shame...none of it will ever go away...the nightmares...

She choked on her next words, struggling to speak.

Tsyu: How...How can I even call myself a hero. How did I ever think I could be a hero...

Izuku knelt beside her, gently placing a hand on her shoulder. She flinched at the contact, her sobs stifled for a moment, but Izuku didn't pull away. He sat there, his own pain crashing through him like waves, but his touch was steady. Quiet. Understanding. Tsuyu's body tensed at his touch.

Tsyu: You must hate have every right too...

She muttered between sobs.

Tsyu: I've thought about this every night since it happened. You didn't deserve this. ANY of it... You shouldn't have had to lose your dad...And Im so sorry...I can never be sorry enough. I can promise to do everything-ANYthing to make it better. But...I know... I cant...

Izuku's lips tightened. His voice cracked as he spoke, raw emotion pouring out.

Izuku: Asui... I don't hate you. You tried to help him... You did everything you could.

Tsuyu slowly lifted her head, eyes red and swollen from crying.

Tsyu: But I couldn't save him... How can you even look at me without feeling—

Izuku: -I don't blame "you".

Izuku cut her off, his voice firmer now, though still shaking.

Izuku: Your not the one who killed my dad. I know you were involved. But you were not responsible or caused any of it. You were in the wrong place at the wrong time.

His voice broke, and he swallowed hard, trying to contain the overwhelming surge of emotions.

Izuku: I already read the police report of how he died. I know you did everything you could. cant save everyone.

Tsuyu stared at him in shock, her tears still falling, but now there was something else in her gaze—confusion, disbelief.

Tsyu: You... don't?

Izuku shook his head, tears forming in his own eyes now.

Izuku: No. No I dont...You... you didn't cause his death. You're not the villain here..."He" was...and he's gone now. Rotting in a cell forever.

Tsyu: But I...

Tsuyu hesitated, her words faltering as she wiped her face, trembling as she tried to gather her thoughts.

Tsyu: I feel like I failed him. I feel like I failed you! I can't stop thinking... that I should have done more...

Izuku's arms slowly wrapped around her, pulling her into a gentle hug. Tsuyu stiffened at first, shocked by his kindness, but slowly, she melted into his embrace, her tears soaking into his shirt.

Izuku: It's not your burden to carry.

Izuku whispered, his voice barely audible.

Izuku: You dont have to keep living with this Asui...not for my sake...and not for my dad...

Tsuyu's sobs grew quieter, her shoulders shaking as she clung to him.

Tsyu: I...I just ...wanted you to know what happened. To tell you... that he was a hero.

Izuku pulled back slightly, looking her in the eyes, his own expression softened by the pain they shared.

Izuku: I know. My dad was a hero. And you—

He hesitated, his voice filled with determination.

Izuku: -You'll be a great hero too, Tsuyu Asui.

Tsuyu's lips trembled as she tried to protest, to tell him she didn't deserve to be forgiven.

Tsyu: How...How can you say that...after everything I caused after everything you lost...How...How can you forgive me?

Tsuyu asked, her voice barely a whisper, broken by her sobs. But before she could finish, Izuku continued, his words cutting through her grief. Izuku's hand on Asui shoulder. Tsuyu no longer stiffened in fear, but was still shocked by his kindness.

Izuku: I don't need to forgive you.

Izuku whispered softly into her ear.

Izuku: Because you're not the one to blame.

His words carried the weight of his own guilt—the burden he had been carrying ever since his father's death.

Izukus head: It's my fault.

He thought bitterly.

Izukus head: I'm the one who let the villain go in the first place. I'm the one who caused all this. Not her. If anything Asui pain since that night...her trauma and nightmares. Are because I let my anger and pride get the better of me. If I just stopped him when he robbed that stupid wrestling referee. She wouldn't have had to go through any of this. Live with what happend to my dad. This is my burden to carry. Not hers...

Izuku refused to let Asui live with his mistake. She really was just an unlucky girl at the wrong place at the wrong time. There's no way she could have stopped that villian. He felt terrible and even empathized with her. Tsyu being almost a reflection of himself not to long ago. But he could never let her carry that weight.

Izuku: Don't let my dad's life hold you back.

Izuku said softly, his voice thick with emotion.

Izuku: He wouldn't want that. He would never want to be someone that anchored or drowned another person in despair. He'd want you to live your life. To use him as an example to better. I know my dad would want you to be the hero "I" know you can be.

Tsuyu's sobs grew quieter, her shoulders shaking as she clung to him.

Tsyu: Thank you...

she whispered, her voice trembling.

Tsyu: ...Thank you...

From the doorway, Ochako wiped away her own tears, overwhelmed with emotion as she watched her friend finally find the peace she needed.

And somewhere, hidden behind a wall, Mei stood in stunned silence, her eavesdropping device still transmitting the conversation. She had expected to overhear something simple, maybe even silly. But instead, she had heard something far deeper, far more raw than she had ever imagined.

Mei: He....He's just like me...

Mei had said. Hurt by the old memories and feelings of someone else she was close to. Someone else she had lost. And now having a new perspective of the quirkless boy in her class. Izuku Midoryia.

HOLY CRAP this took me 4 days. 15,486 words! MY GOD! Hope you liked the chapter!

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