Chapter 26

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At Night at the Kamino ward bar

How The dimly lit bar in Kamino Ward reeked of cheap booze and desperation, its few flickering lights. casting long, distorted shadows against the worn walls. The place, already crumbling from neglect, trembled as Shigaraki slammed a chair across the floor. It skidded, splintering wood and sending glasses crashing from the nearby table, shards glittering like scattered stars in the dim light. He was fuming, pacing with an agitated energy, his hands twitching dangerously, one step away from unleashing his decaying touch on everything around him. 

Shigaraki: How many times?!

Another glass flew through the air, smashing against the far wall, leaving behind a spray of liquid that slowly slid down like blood. He screamed, his raspy voice echoing in the dingy room 

Shigaraki: How many times is that FREAK going to get in our way?!

Behind the bar, Kurogiri watched the outburst silently, his mist-like form swirling with an unnatural calm, though his thoughts were anything but. He folded a glass into the mist that enveloped him and polished it methodically, his thoughts elsewhere. 

Kurogiri's head: Spider-Man—the troublesome vigilante—has disrupted our operations more times than I cared to count now. The undercurrent of our revenue, generated from countless criminals paying a protection fee to ensure that "The Big man" didn't target them, was drying up. Every petty theft, every minor crime in the ward that provided their steady income has been squashed by the spider's intervention. Villains are growing nervous, hesitant to pay into our organization that can't protect them from some masked vigilante.

Kurogiri's fogged eyes glimmered under his shadowy form. He knew this was unsustainable. Their funds were dwindling, their manpower shrinking by the day. Shigaraki's fit of rage, as chaotic as it was, mirrored his own frustration.

Kurogiri: Tomura...

he finally said, his voice smooth, controlled, though it held an edge of warning. 

Kurogiri: ...You need to calm down.

Shigaraki spun on his heel, his red-rimmed eyes burning with fury. 

Shigaraki: DONT TELL ME TO CALM DOWN! That wall crawling red and blue shit stain has been an increasing migraine blowing up in my head! Ready to burst a freaking aneurism!!! He is getting just as bad as the other aneurism in my head that's caused by FREAKING ALL MIGHT!!!

For a moment, it seemed as if he would lash out at Kurogiri himself. But before he could, a cold, distorted voice crackled through the bar. On a grainy TV screen mounted to the corner of the bar, "The Big Man" appeared. His image flickered, barely discernible showing barely even a figure and mostly a black screen, but his voice was unmistakable—ominous, detached, and commanding.

Big Man: Enough...

The voice rasped through the static. 

Big Man: Spider-Man has only delayed us, Tomura. Our operations remain on schedule.

Shigaraki clenched his fists, his nails digging into his palms until thin trails of blood streaked his skin. His lips curled into a sneer. 

Shigaraki: Give me more resources, more men! I'll tear that spider limb from limb. We can't keep letting him—

Big Man: No...

The Master interrupted, his voice calm but unyielding. 

Big Man: We cannot afford to lose more men. Every piece must be in place for the upcoming battle. We need everyone to end the Symbol of Peace once and for all... You know this...

Shigaraki trembled with frustration, his eyes widening in barely controlled rage. Kurogiri felt the tension grow heavy, thickening the air around them. The room was silent except for the low hum of the television. And then, from the shadows, a sound broke through—a laugh. A manic, shrill cackle that sent chills down Kurogiri's misty form. It seemed to come from nowhere and everywhere all at once. Kurogiri's form shifted, a defensive fog rising around him. 

Kurogiri: What is that?

He asked, his voice steady but alert. Shigaraki narrowed his eyes toward the entrance. 

Shigaraki: Company...

He growled, knowing full well that whatever this was, it wouldn't be friendly. 


The bar's door suddenly exploded inward, a body thrown violently through it like a ragdoll. Shigaraki leapt out of the way as debris and splinters showered the room. 


The man who had been thrown—a low-level thug in their employ—landed in a heap at Shigaraki's feet, groaning in agony. 

???: FIRE!?

Then, from the hole where the door once stood, something gleamed in the dark—a small metallic object spinning toward them.

 ???: FIRE WHO?!

Kurogiri: Tomura watch out!


Kurogiri shouted, immediately forming a portal. The bomb vanished through it just as it was about to detonate, and an ear-splitting explosion boomed from somewhere in the distance. The fiery glow lit the bar's broken windows as the sound of a shrill scream echoed far away. Through the smoke and chaos, a figure emerged. Riding on a sleek glider, with jagged metal wings cutting through the air, came him—the newcomer. His silhouette was all wrong, twisted and sharp, his figure shrouded in the shadows of the night. 

The glider hissed as it hovered above the ground, carrying a second unfortunate thug in its claws. With a crazed laugh, the intruder flung the goon like a discarded toy, sending him crashing toward Shigaraki. 

???: Don't mind the mess—he's just dropping in!

Kurogiri barely managed to create another portal, redirecting the body elsewhere. But the onslaught wasn't over. With a sharp motion, the intruder unleashed a barrage of gleaming metallic bats—razor-sharp and deadly. 

???: Careful! These toys have a bite! 

Kurogiri opened another portal, deflecting most of them, but one missed, embedding itself in the wall behind him. It glowed faintly before pulling Kurogiri toward it with a sudden force. 

Kurogiri head: A magnet!? It's trapping my collar!

Kurogiri realized, the invisible tug dragging him helplessly against the wall. 

???: Caught between a rock and a razor blade... poor you! 

Kurogiri head: I cant break free from my body! How did this lunatic throw that shuriken so hard that it's stuck in place even with me pulling!

The villain's strength—it was unsettling. The magnet was small, yet it had yanked Kurogiri with ease. Shigaraki lunged forward, trying to grasp the newcomer and unleash his decaying touch, but in a flash, the villain threw out a wire—weighted and expertly aimed. 

???: Catch this for me will you boy?!

It coiled around Shigaraki like a snake, dragging him to the ground with a thud. His fingers twitched, so close to touching, to turning this maniac into dust, but he was helpless, bound by the wire. Hovering above him on the glider, the intruder let out another manic cackle. 

???: Looks like you're in a bit of a bind! Need a hand?...Oh wait...Look like you got that covered HAHAHAHA!!!

His laugh was unsettling—high-pitched, full of madness, devoid of humanity. He was like a nightmare come to life. His face, now illuminated by the dim light, was hideously grinning under a grotesque green mask. Its eyes were hollowed out, gleaming with a sickly yellow light, and his voice—it grated like nails on a chalkboard.

???: Well, well, well...

The green and purple villain sneered, his voice dripping with mocking glee. 

???: This is quite the welcome party. Sorry I had to make an entrance to get your attention. You people dont exactly hand out business cards with emails and phone numbers. 

He glanced at the broken door and laughed again, this time more darkly. 

???: It was this, or me sending all your goons' heads in a box to the police station. But hey—figured that wouldn't help with the "staffing" issue, would it?

Shigaraki seethed. 

Shigaraki: Who the hell are you?

He spat, struggling against the wire that bound him. His rage was a palpable heat in the air. The villain's mask tilted downward as if considering the question. 

???: You can call me... a friend. 

He said, his voice oily and sweet, like poison wrapped in sugar. 

???: Here to make a deal.

Shigaraki glared up at him, rage burning hotter in his veins. But the masked villain only smiled wider—his grin stretched impossibly wide beneath the mask. The TV crackled again, and the Master's voice cut through the tension. 

Big Man: What do you want?

He asked, his voice cold. The intruder's grin didn't falter as he stepped off his glider, which hissed and shot out a spear from the gaping mouth of its Halloween-like head. The spear stopped just short of Kurogiri's throat, a silent warning. With a deliberate motion, the villain planted his boot squarely on Shigaraki's chest, pressing down, as if to remind him who was in control. Shigaraki's eyes glistened with fury as he struggled beneath the weight, his mind racing with thoughts of how he would turn this masked lunatic to dust the second he freed himself. The villain leaned down slightly, his voice taking on a mocking tone. 

???: How could I forgot the main attraction for today's visit. I'll torture the orphan and butler another day.

He said, flicking his gaze between Shigaraki and Kurogiri. 

???: I'm here for the "Big Man." 

He turned his attention to the black screen, addressing The Master of Shigaraki and Kurogiri directly. 

???: I've been watching your operation, you see. I know you're low on funds. I know you're losing your little minions left and right. But I can help with that.

Kurogiri's form rippled slightly. 

Kurogiri's head: He knows about our operations? He even knew Tomura was an orphan. What the hell else does he know? 

He thought, unsettled by just how much this newcomer seemed to understand about their organization. The villain's next words sent a shiver down Shigaraki's spine. 

???: How about a deal?

Shigaraki responded back in anger. 

Shigaraki: Like fucking hell we would make any deal with-

To only then be met with a kick to the gut shutting him up. 

???: Mommy and daddy are talking now. So hush!

His voice light and whimsical. 

???: Now where was I? OH RIGHT! I fund your little operation... in exchange for a seat at the table. A share of future profits to come and favors hear in there with your eyes and ears. It's about time I started playing with the big kids, don't you think? 

There was a heavy pause. Then, the Master's voice returned, as cold as ever. 

Big Man: Despite your generous offer in our organization. And ignoring the inadequacies of your deal-

He said. His voice going from a calm business man to someone being insulted in his own home. 

Big Man: -there's still the matter of your uninvited entry—and your threat to my subordinates' lives. Which must mean you must be pretty damn stupid and have no idea who it is your crossing or are so damn crazy you think you could win in a power match over me. Youve done your research on us. You know...I could kill you where you stand. Right...Now.

The intruder's response was immediate—a broad grin and a twisted, gleeful laugh. 

???: Oh, I know. And you are right about one of those things-

He said, showing no fear. His eyes gleamed with a mad confidence. Behind him, one of the thugs, emboldened by the Master's threat, swung a crowbar at the villain's head. Without even turning, the intruder dodged the strike, leaning forward with almost unnatural precision. He lifted a single finger and pointed it like a gun at the thug.

???: Bang!

A burst of green light shot from his fingertip, sending the goon flying across the bar. He smashed into a shelf, the bottles and glasses shattering on impact, leaving nothing but broken debris and silence in his wake. The villian looked over the bar seeing a man dead. 

???: Didn't see that one coming, did you? No worries—you won't be seeing anything now! AHAHAHAHA!

The villain blew on his finger like it was the smoking barrel of a gun, that manic grin never leaving his face.

???: I know you can kill me and the fact you haven't already...means you must be pretty damn desperate to keep listening to a psychopath like me. And that's why you're going to let me help you-

 He said, his voice sing-song, playful, yet full of menace. 

???: -Because we both know you're not the boogeyman you used to be. That's all thanks to All Might, isn't it? After he disassembled your crime syndicate and empire years ago. Your kingdom growing smaller and smaller by every day. 

Shigaraki's eyes widened. 

Shigaraki's head: How does he know this? How does he know so much about us? 

His thoughts raced, trying to piece together the intruder's motives, his identity.

???: Your experiments are intriguing, by the way. I can see why your in such desperate need of money. So much money on those pets you have cooking up. Having to resort to stealing Oscorp technology for your little projects. 

The villain continued, his mocking tone returning. 

???: How's "Frankenstein" coming along?

The Big Man's image flickered, clearly intrigued by this strange, chaotic figure. 

Big Man: Go on...

He said. The villain grinned even wider. 

???: All Might's on borrowed time. Only three hours a day in his prime form. The heroes all around are picking up over time trying fill in the whole the All Mighty Man left. However his legacy is still there. Your minions running around giving you a cut of every store they rob, every purse snatched, every car stolen and flipped. They all still think All Might will come in and save the day. When we both know thats farther from the truth.

At this, Shigaraki's heart skipped a beat. 

Shigaraki's head: How does he know about that?! Not even master knew about that until recently! 

He thought in shock. Before he could voice his question, the villain pressed his foot harder into his shoulder, silencing him.

???: You don't need to worry about where I get my information from- 

The villain cooed. 

???: -You just need to know that I can take care of your money problem in exchange of what I said before. A seat at the table and "little" favors here and there. 

Big Man: IF I agree to these terms. There's still our "staffing issue" to take care of. SO I shall make a suggestion to our little deal. That way I can see your little "show" as nothing more than your interview and not an act of disrespect. 

???: Oh...Is daddy still mad about that? MHMHEHEHE!

The creepy villian had joked at the crime lord. However continued on unfazed. 

Big Man: I want you to take care of Spider-Man. Kill him. Get rid of him. I dont care how. I need him gone for my plans that will be happening soon. In exchange. I will reward you with a "BIG favor" not just a little one. That you can use. Anytime. Anywhere.

The villian grinned happily. A smile belonging to a strategist and master mind. A man who clearly got everything he needed in ONE ...Night. 

???: You want him dead? I'll turn that spider's life into a twisted spectacle you won't soon forget!

The Master went silent for a long moment, considering the offer. Then, with a final crackle of static, he spoke. 

Big Man: Fine then...we have a deal.

The tension in the room broke, the wire around Shigaraki loosened, and the spear hovering by Kurogiri's neck retracted. The villain stepped back, his foot leaving Shigaraki's chest as he jumped back onto his glider with an almost joyful bounce. He looked down at Shigaraki, who scrambled to his feet, rage still boiling in his veins.

Shigaraki: Who the hell are you?

Shigaraki demanded, finally free to speak his mind.

???: You really don't get what a mask is for, do you? 

He jeered. 

???: But I guess you need something to call me.

The villain let out another one of his dark, maniacal laughs. Staring down Shigaraki both looking at each other dead in the eyes through there masks. Shigaraki between the finger of the severed hand on his face. And Goblin through a reflection of yellow eyes from his mask. 

???: I'm the nightmare you'll never wake up from. The reincarnation of fear and terror itself. I'm the shadow that swallows the light out! I'm the doom this world deserves, and you'll remember me! As the symbol of... Chaos!

With a sudden thrust of his glider, he flew toward the broken doorway, his voice echoing in the darkness as he left.


And with that, the new player in this deadly game disappeared into the night, leaving behind only his laughter and a chilling sense of dread.

The next morning at U.A. high school 

Izuku walked down the corridors of U.A., head buried in his ever-present notebook, a habit that had long since become second nature. His voice, barely more than a mumble, accompanied the furious scribbling of notes, blending into the ambient hum of the school around him. He was making his way to the support department, a realm he had started frequenting more often than he ever imagined.

Izuku: I'm so excited to test out Kacchan's new support gear... It should be ready for his first practical training exercise. 

Izuku muttered, the excitement bubbling in his tone. His pen scratched across the page, his thoughts racing ahead of the ink. 

Izuku: The gauntlets should handle the pressure... But what about the insulation? Maybe if I tweak the material around the joints...

He adjusted his grip on the notebook, his mind began to wander, drawing him into the past. He could still see it so clearly—The pain staking process through trial and era to perfect a prototype for Bakugos Grenadier Bracers


It had been late in the support lab, the overhead lights buzzing softly as Izuku and Bakugo stood side by side over the workbench. Izuku had sketched out the rough designs on the tablet in front of him, the image of Bakugo's hero costume already taking form on the screen. His hands moved fast, guided by a passion he couldn't contain. Katsuki Bakugo leaned against the workbench, arms crossed, scowling as usual. His crimson eyes studied the blueprints with half-interest. 

Bakugo: The suit has to be lightweight-

Bakugo had insisted, his voice firm and commanding, 

Bakugo: I need full range of motion. No bulky armor. Except the knee pads! Dont cheap out on those!

Izuku: Right, right! Of course! Full mobility...and *sigh* "spikey knee pads".

Izuku had muttered, pen scratching frantically in his notebook as his green eyes darted back and forth between Bakugo and the sketch. 

Izuku: The pants should be easy. We can probably use para-aramid fabric. And then mix in some Kevlar with the fibers to add some resistance to wear and tear. Your gloves though will need to be a little tricky. Trying to find a mix between a heat resistant material that will also still allow you to sweat through it so you can use your quirk. Hmmm...OH we can use a insulated NOMEX material. Since your hands have the highest temperature point from your explosions it should have the most heat resistant. We can put holes in the gloves so your sweat can still pour out and allow you to create explosions. Are you sure you want just a regular tank top though? No kind of armor or protection?

Bakugo added, looking pointedly at Izuku. 

Bakugo: I need to be able to go all-out without the outfit slowing me down. Maybe if it's winter or cold or something I'll cover up. But I need my arms to move around and I dont wanna be slowed down from that. 

Izuku had nodded eagerly, already envisioning the suit in action. The vibrant orange lines, the gloves around Bakugo's wrists designed to channel his explosive sweat more effectively. The insistent knee pads so he can "break someone's skull with his knee".

Izuku: What about support gear?

Izuku had asked, his voice slightly higher, betraying his excitement. 

Izuku: Anything specific that you think could help augment your quirk?

Bakugo had scoffed, waving a hand dismissively. 

Bakugo: Just the gloves are fine. I don't need any fancy gadgets or gear, Deku. My quirk's all I need. Not like there's any equipment that could make it better.

Izuku had frowned at that, a rare expression of irritation crossing his face. 

Izuku: Seriously, Kacchan? I went through all the trouble of getting you as my partner, and you won't even use my genius mind to help you? You know, a little collaboration could—

Bakugo smirked, cutting him off. 

Bakugo: -It's not that I dont want any gear. I just don't think there's anything I could use that wouldn't end up slowing me down. I use my quirk to blast myself around and if I keep adding weight it makes lift off harder. Unless you're gonna give me a pair of your web-shooters, nerd, I don't see the point in having any more gear that could slow me down. 

Izuku froze, his pen hovering over the page. His mind raced at the mention of his web-shooters, connecting dots and theories in real time. His muttering picked up pace. 

Izuku: Web-shooters... sweat... glycerin... surface tension... gas pressure...

Bakugo, leaning lazily against the counter, shot a sideways glance at Izuku. 

Bakugo: Oi, don't go all mutter-brain on me now. Focus."

But Izuku was already lost in thought, his mind rapidly drawing connections between his own web formula and Bakugo's nitroglycerin-based sweat. 

Izukus head: Surface tension. Explosion strength based on volume. Pressurized launch. If I could use Kacchan's sweat like I use the web fluid...

Suddenly, Izuku jumped up, his face lighting up with realization. 

Izuku: Kacchan! How much sweat do you think you could collect in a container?!

Bakugo jerked upright, his eyes narrowing in suspicion. 

Bakugo: What the hell!? Why the hell would I need to collect my sweat? You're being weird again.

Izuku: It's for science!

Izuku blurted, leaning forward, excitement pouring out of him. 

Izuku: If we can collect enough sweat and pressurize it properly, you could use it for long-range blasts! It's the same principle as my web-shooters. I use pressurized gas to propel the web fluid, right? So if we pressurize your sweat, we could—

Bakugo: -But I can already do that without a gadget! I can make my own explosions. I dont need gear to help me do something I already can-

Izuku: -But not at full power though! Every time you shoot off an excessive or huge blast you use a lot of the sweat stored in your sweat glands. Not to mention there's a limit to how much water you can store inside your body. Meaning you have a limit to how many full blast explosions you can make. If you use your quirk to much you could dehydrate yourself. If you could artificially collect and use your sweat over time though! Even creating a back up storage before a big fight-

Bakugo: -I can fire off full blast attacks without hurting myself!

The next morning at U.A. PE training field

The morning sun bathed the U.A. training field in a soft golden glow as Izuku stood outside, waiting nervously with his notebook in hand. His green eyes flicked back and forth, scanning the open space where the experiment would take place. Beside him, the massive figure of Power Loader—dressed in his usual industrial suit—stood with his arms crossed, waiting patiently for the young inventor to explain what was so important.

Power Loader: So, Midoriya...

Power Loader finally said, his mechanical voice gruff but patient, 

Power Loader: what exactly is it you wanted to show me out here? You seemed pretty insistent this couldn't wait."

Izuku adjusted his notebook, a little too aware of the weight of his excitement. He looked up at his teacher, smiling nervously. 

Izuku: Well, I didn't want to run this experiment without a teacher around... since I'm kind of dealing with explosive nitroglycerin.

At the mention of nitroglycerin, Power Loader stiffened. His eyes widened slightly behind the visor of his helmet, his stance shifting to one of cautious wariness. 

Power Loader: Nitroglycerin, huh? You do realize that's one of the most volatile materials you can play with, right?

Izuku nodded earnestly, clearly sensing the unease in Power Loader's voice. 

Izuku: I understand, Mr. Maijima! That's exactly why I wanted you here. I've actually been around this stuff my whole life. Kacchan's quirk produces it as sweat, so I know how reactive it can be. If anything I was the perfect student to be paired with Bakugo. 

Power Loader grunted but motioned for him to continue. 

Power Loader: Kacchan?...You mean that Bakugo kid? Alright, but we're walking very far away from this setup before you hit any buttons."

Izuku: Yes, of course! Sorry. We have nicknames for each other. 

Izuku beamed, already turning toward the field as they began to move to a safer distance. He spoke as they walked, his voice bubbling with excitement. 

Izuku: I've been working on a support gear idea for Kacchan—uh, Bakugo—and I think it could really amplify his quirk without slowing him down. But I need a prototype design to send to the support companies when they make his costume. Which is why I need to run this test to see if my theory holds.

Power Loader, still cautious but intrigued, arched an eyebrow under his visor. 

Power Loader: This is for Bakugo's support gear? That explosive hothead, huh? Sounds right up his alley.

Izuku grinned, his enthusiasm contagious. 

Izuku: Exactly! I've seen his quirk up close, and I know how powerful his explosions are. So, I created these storage tanks—

He pointed toward the field where several large metal barrels sat, aimed outward like cannons.

Izuku: —to hold his sweat and pressurize it. The idea is to funnel the blast through a barrel, giving him longer-range explosions. While also reducing the strain on his body those explosions make. As well as creating a larger reservoir of ammunition (being his sweat) that he can use instead of exhausting the water in his body. 

Power Loader eyed the setup, visibly impressed by the complexity of it. 

Power Loader: Interesting... But we're not just dealing with gasoline here, kid. Nitroglycerin is way more dangerous than most fuels. You sure these storage tanks can handle the pressure?

Izuku glanced at his teacher, then down at the setup, his expression growing more serious.

 Izuku: That's exactly what I want to test today. I've reinforced the tanks as much as I could with the resources available in the workshop. But...

He hesitated, looking back at Power Loader. 

Izuku: I'm worried the pressure might be too much for the tank to handle. That's why we're stepping back. Way back."

Power Loader nodded, urging them even farther away from the barrels. 

Power Loader: Smart thinking. Well then Midoryia. Let's see what you've got.

They stopped at a safe distance, the tanks now no more than metal specks on the horizon. Izuku took a deep breath, pulling a small remote out of his pocket. His thumb hovered over the button for a moment before pressing it.


A thunderous explosion rocked the field, the shockwave so intense that Izuku felt it vibrate through the soles of his shoes. The sound echoed across the area, sending birds flying from the nearby trees. Dirt and debris shot up into the sky, and for a moment, the entire testing area was engulfed in smoke and dust. Izuku blinked rapidly, trying to process what he'd just witnessed. His heart pounded in his chest, both exhilarated and nervous. As the dust began to settle, he took a step forward, only to feel a sudden wave of disappointment wash over him. The storage tank had blown up—completely. The pressure hadn't even made it to the barrel.

Izuku: Well... that's not what I was hoping for. 

Izuku muttered, his shoulders sagging a little as he stared at the wreckage. Power Loader let out a low whistle, his tone both impressed and amused. 

Power Loader: Well, Midoryia, you were right about one thing—that stuff is pretty damn powerful.

Izuku rubbed the back of his head, feeling a mix of pride and frustration. 

Izuku: Yeah, but the storage tank couldn't handle it. The pressure must have been too much. It blew up before the blast even made it to the barrel and instead blew up the storage tank. 

Power Loader stepped forward, stroking his chin with metal finger tips thoughtfully as he surveyed the damage.

 Power Loader: Looks like the tank was your weak point. It's too brittle for something like nitroglycerin.

Izuku nodded, furiously jotting down notes in his notebook. His mind was already racing with possible solutions. 

Izuku: I was thinking... maybe if I increase the size of the tank or make the funnel for the fluid bigger, it could reduce the pressure?

Power Loader held up a hand, stopping him. 

Power Loader: Hold on, Midoriya. Before you go making the tank bigger, you need to think about this from a different angel. 

Izuku's turned around curious to hear his teachers input. 

Izuku: What do you have in mind. 

Power Loader motioned to the exploded tank examining the material he used. 

Power Loader: I see you used cast iron. Why did you use such a light amount of it though? 

Izuku: It's the same material used in car engines for the internal combustion chambers. It has a high resistant to heat and the material is strong enough to handle the combustions in a cylinder. It's pretty heavy though so I thought if I could find a good balance and density it would be light and strong enough to hold up. 

Approvingly Power Loader agreed with his thought process but suggested something different. 

Power Loader: You're on the right track. You just need to rethink the materials. Using cast iron was a good choice in terms of options. 

Power Loader agreed, 

Power Loader: But cast iron is used in car engines for combustion, and while it's good at it's job, you're dealing with something far stronger than gasoline or diesel. You need a material that's tough but lightweight. I'd suggest using a high-alloyed steel, mixed with aluminum to keep the weight down.

Izuku's eyes lit up as he scribbled furiously in his notebook, capturing every word his teacher said. 

Izuku: High-alloyed steel mixed with aluminum... right, right! That would make it both strong and light enough for Kacchan to move freely.

Power Loader: And as for the pressure...

Power Loader continued, glancing back at the wrecked storage tank. 

Power Loader: You're right about needing to reduce the strain. Instead of making the tank bigger, try redirecting the pressure more effectively. If you funnel the force toward the exit point, you can control where the explosion goes without blowing the tank itself.

Izuku's muttering picked up again, his thoughts now spiraling into new possibilities. 

Izuku: Redirect the pressure... funnel it toward the barrel... Yes! That way, the tank stays intact, and Kacchan- I mean Bakugo can fire longer-range blasts without risking the storage unit! Oh, that's brilliant!

Power Loader chuckled softly, crossing his arms as he watched the young inventor work through his thoughts. 

Power Loader: You've got a good head for this, Midoriya. Keep it up!

Izuku grinned from ear to ear, the disappointment from earlier completely washed away by a fresh wave of inspiration. He was already bouncing ideas back and forth with Power Loader, sketching out new designs in his notebook, tweaking the mechanics, and refining the materials. The two of them continued to brainstorm, their voices blending together as the sun climbed higher into the sky. The experiment might have failed, but in Izuku's mind, it was just the beginning. With each step forward, he knew he was getting closer to making something that could truly help his friend become the best hero he could be. And that, for Izuku, was all the motivation he needed.

U.A. PE training grounds later in the day

Later that evening, Izuku and Power Loader stood once again at the training field, ready for another attempt. The sun was setting, casting a warm orange glow over the scene. Izuku's hands trembled slightly as he activated the new prototype  from the hero course.

(now resembling Bakugo's familiar Grenadier Bracers but without colors)

He had reworked the design, incorporating the high-alloyed steel and aluminum mixture Power Loader had suggested. Also adding a grenade like shell design. 

Izuku and Power Loader took their steps back once again, this time with a sense of cautious optimism. Izuku pressed the button.


The explosion was controlled this time. The blast shot out of the barrel with a loud roar, but the storage tank held firm. The force radiated outward, powerful yet contained. Izuku's eyes lit up as he watched the explosion fire perfectly through the funnel, and for the first time, he grinned, his excitement bubbling over.

Izuku: YES! It worked!

Izuku pumped his fist in the air, his voice full of elation. Power Loader let out a satisfied grunt, his arms crossed. 

Power Loader: Good job, Midoriya. You figured it out. The redesign of the storage tank and barrel funnel along with a better material seemed to have done the trick. 

Izuku beamed, already imagining how the upgrade would enhance Bakugo's quirk in the field.

Izuku: Now that I have that part figured out. It's time to create and design the sweat extractor!

The next day during lunch

The next day, during lunch, Izuku sat casually on a bench near one of U.A.'s gym, snacking on his lunch tray next to him while flipping through his notes. Looking at the re-design he did of Katsuki's costume and gear. 

Just a few meters away, Bakugo was running full tilt on a treadmill. Sweat dripped from his forehead as he panted heavily, clearly pushing himself to his limits. A sweatband was wrapped tightly around his head, and sweat-absorbent gloves of the same material covered his hands. He looked like he had just finished a marathon, and despite his best efforts to look composed, the exhaustion showed. Bakugo glanced over at Izuku, who looked far too comfortable for his liking eating a sandwich 

 Bakugo: You could run too, ya know! 

Bakugo grunted between labored breaths, wiping his forehead. 

Bakugo: Moral support or whatever...

Izuku, sitting back relaxed, took another bite of his sandwich. He grinned as he watched Bakugo sweat, enjoying his little break. 

Izuku: Oh, I would, Kacchan. But someone's gotta record all this data-

He replied, holding up his notebook. 

Izuku: -We need to see which materials absorb the most sweat, remember? 

Bakugo scowled but kept running, clearly annoyed. Izuku leaned back and chuckled, his eyes glinting with mischief as he grinned at Bakugo with his hands behind his head eating his delicious U.A. food prepared by the professional hero chef Lunch Rush. 

Izuku: Besides, a poor, weak, quirkless boy like me could never keep up with the GREAT Katsuki Bakugo.

Bakugo head: Oh this bitch...

Bakugo cursed internally, gritting his teeth as he kept sprinting. He hated how Izuku said that. Ever since Izuku gained his spider powers, it was obvious he was faster, stronger, more agile—yet he still played the 'quirkless' card whenever he could. Bakugo knew better. The spider powers meant Izuku could easily outrun him if he wanted to. Izuku watched the sweatband on Bakugo's head glisten with perspiration, keeping his eyes on the data from the previous sweaty material in the sweat extractor. 

Izuku: Alright, Kacchan, stop!

He called out, jotting down some last notes as Bakugo slowed to a panting stop, hands on his knees as he caught his breath. Izuku walked over and held out his hand. 

Izuku: Hand them over.

Bakugo wordlessly peeled the sweatbands off, tossing them to Izuku with an annoyed grunt. Izuku carefully placed them into the prototype sweat extractor device he'd built—a simple cylindrical contraption lined with absorbent material. The design used diffusion to extract the sweat into a storage tank below. Izuku watched closely as the device began its process, noting the rate of extraction.

Izuku: Hmm...

Izuku muttered, deep in thought as he observed the process. 

Izuku: Trying to figure out which material is the best for making Bakugo sweat more, is really time consuming. If my math is right at the rate Bakugo sweats now with bare skin it would take him an hour to fill the storage tank. If he is in a battle that can be too long. So I need to find a material that not only absorbs more sweat but also insulates Bakugo skin causing him to heat up faster. The more sweat, the more ammunition for his gauntlets. But we also need to see which material is compatible with this extractor for maximum efficiency. 

Izuku scribbled in his notebook, excited by the results so far. The extractor was working, but he needed to fine-tune it to match Bakugo's quirk perfectly. Once the process was done, Izuku handed Bakugo a new set of sweatbands—this time made from a different material. Bakugo, still breathing heavily from the last sprint, glared at his friend.

Izuku: One more mile, Kacchan!

Bakugo: Your enjoying this way to much...

Izuku then said with an innocent smile, while placing the new headband and gloves on Bakugo. 

Izuku: Full sprint ahead! You got this! C'mon! Time to go PLUS ULTRA!

Izuku had said slurping on an orange juice. Bakugo looked at his friend dead ass in the face, his fiery temper flaring up. 

Bakugo: Sometimes...I fucking hate you...

He barked, though he begrudgingly stepped back onto the treadmill. His pride wouldn't let him back down from a challenge, especially from Izuku. With an irritated growl, Bakugo started running again, pushing himself harder than before. Izuku, unfazed by his friend's usual outbursts, just smiled and recorded more data as the experiment continued. He knew this was all worth it. Bakugo might curse at him, but deep down, he knows Bakugo put his trust in him because he knows he would do a good job. 

Izukus head: It's just like Power Loader said on day 1. This job is more than just getting to build cool things. Were making equipment and armor that cant fail when in a fight with a villian or during a rescue operation. This is also my best friend's equipment that he will be relying on to protect his life. I HAVE to make sure I do my best and give Kacchan every chance he has out there. I've already seen first hand as spidey how quick a malfunction can turn a battle. 

Izuku remembering all the times he ran out of web fluid, or when he was fighting a villian and his web shooters broke. Having to rely on his own skill and powers to save people. 

Flash back ends. Back to the present at U.A. support department

The flashback fades, and Izuku's notebook is finally revealed, showing a complex formula and diagrams he had been working on in secret. It wasn't just support gear for Bakugo. Izuku had been experimenting with something entirely different: a new type of web fluid. The formulas for a compound designed to integrate Bakugo's nitroglycerin sweat as a catalyst in Izuku's webs were clear. When exposed to kinetic energy, these webs would create controlled explosions—explosive webbing. Izuku smiled to himself, excitement bubbling in his chest. He could already imagine how effective this could be in battle, especially when combined with his agility and tactical mind. 

Izukus head: This might actually work. Although trying to synthesize this will be difficult and time consuming. Not to mention requires a lot of resources. If I do manage to figure it out. I will have to save it for only certain situations I'd absolutely have to use it for. 

He thought, grateful that he had kept extra vials of Bakugo's sweat from their earlier experiments to test this new theory. He put his head up, ready to enter the workshop to begin his tests. But as he reached for the door, a sudden BOOM sent him flying backward, knocking him clear off his feet. 

He crashed to the ground, dazed and confused, only to find himself suddenly pinned beneath something—or rather, someone. It was Mei Hatsume, who had landed right on top of him.

Izukus head: I feel like I need to get my spider sense checked out....actually who do I even see about that now?!

Power Loader's voice bellowed from across the workshop. 

Power Loader: Hatsume! You can't handle nitroglycerin like that! You're not even assigned to Bakugo! You almost blew the whole lab up! 

 He was furious, arms crossed in frustration as he stomped over. Still perched atop Izuku, Mei barely acknowledged the scolding.

Mei: I couldn't let Izuku have all the fun with Bakugo's Nitroglycerin sweat, so I had to try some myself! 

She replied, a wide grin on her face. Izuku's mind raced as he tried to understand why his Spider-Sense hadn't warned him of the incoming blast. But then, the realization hit him hard—Mei was still sitting on him, her sweaty tank top clinging to her skin, and... she wasn't wearing a bra. He could feel the soft pressure of her chest against his, and his face went beet red. He swallowed hard, his heart racing for reasons entirely unrelated to the explosion. 

Izukus head: 

He was mesmerized internally, trying to avoid direct eye contact but as any man would in this situation failed too. Mei, meanwhile, was finally getting her baring's back.

Mei head: Huh? Where am I? Oh the hallway hahaha! I must have been blown through the door. Silly me- 

Mei Hatsume blinked as the world spun around her. Smoke filled the air, a familiar scent after so many failed experiments. She pushed herself up, only to feel something soft and warm beneath her hands. 

Mei head: What's this? 

Her goggles were askew, but she could still make out a shape—

Mei head: Oh. It's Izuku.

Izuku lay beneath her, his face completely flushed, eyes wide and staring up at her. 

Mei head: Huh, why's he looking like that? 

She tilted her head, her mind briefly trying to trace the explosion's cause, but then—

Mei head: Wait... 

She blinked, realizing her hands were pressed firmly against his chest. 

Mei head: Is this... his body? 

Her fingers absentmindedly traced his shirt, feeling the defined muscles underneath. The action making Izuku flinch in surprise. 


Mei head: He's... kinda solid for a quirkless guy. Does he work out? 

She noted, fascinated for a moment. He wasn't just solid. He was REALLY solid. Like every muscle was tensed and filled with power constantly.  Suddenly, it clicked—

Mei head: Oh! I'm on top of him! Gah right! Personal space!

Mei took her hands off of him quickly, but her eyes couldn't help but linger on Izuku's blushing face. 

Mei head: Why's he looking so cute right now? 

Her heart gave an odd little flutter, something she'd never felt before. She stared at him, taking in his wide eyes, the way his lips slightly parted as he tried to speak but only managed to sputter.

Mei head: What's this feeling? 

Her cheeks began to warm, and her heartbeat quickened. For the first time, she found herself thinking about something other than gadgets and tech—

Mei head: Is my heart... skipping?

She touched her chest. 

Mei head: What the heck is going on? Why do I feel so... 

Self-consciousness crept in, something foreign and strange. She quickly stood, brushing herself off awkwardly. 

Mei head: This is weird. I don't get weird. I mean. I'm weird but not this kind of weird. 

Her eyes flicked back to Izuku, and her heart skipped again. 

Mei head: He's really cute when he blushes...Wait—What am I even thinking right now?!

Mei: Hey, Izuku—I didn't...see you...there... Uh—sorry, Izuku!

Her face was just as red as his as she stood up, trying to play it off like nothing happened. Izuku sat up, equally flustered. 

Izuku: N-No worries! It was just an accident! hehe...

He said, rubbing the back of his neck nervously, desperately trying not to look directly at her—or at her chest. 

Izukus head: GOD could this be any more awkward...I wan

He thought. Both of them turned away from each other, clearly embarrassed. Mei scratched her head, confused by the sudden increase in her heart rate and that strange feeling she'd just experienced. 

Mei head: What was that? Am I ok? I must have got tossed around harder than I thought. It felt like my heart skipped a beat.

Power Loader, watching the scene unfold, couldn't believe his eyes. Mei Hatsume, the girl who never showed even the slightest interest in anything but gears and gadgets, was blushing like a schoolgirl. He had known her for years—she was always laser-focused on inventing, constantly tinkering away with new ideas, and she had the social awareness of a brick. Romance had never been on her radar, or so he thought. Yet, there she was, clearly affected by her awkward encounter with Midoriya. 

Power Loader head: ...There's...There's no way right? Mei?! Romance?! That girl has been a gear head since the day I met her. I literally have never heard her brought up anything about it. Let alone other people. I mean I feel like I should be glad she is finally socializing more...and yet...Oh god get it together Higari! Your her teacher right now! Not her guardian! 

But what really baffled Power Loader even more was the idea that Midoriya, of all people, would actually find Hatsume attractive. His eyes narrowed as he glanced at the flustered boy now scrambling to pick himself up.

Power Loader: What also surprises me is Midoriya's taste in girls? Seriously?! Her?! Midoriya likes her?! She's a total slob! I have to bribe and beg her to stop working so she can just take a bath! She's rude! Doesn't get personal space! Is completely self absorbed in her own work! I mean the girl is great at what she does and has vast potential to be a huge asset to society in the future! But as a GIRL FRIEND she's gotta be the WORST choice!

Mei Hatsume was brilliant, sure, but she was a complete gearhead. Socially inept, always rambling on about her "babies"—her inventions—without regard for normal conversation. On top of that, she was an absolute slob. Her workspace was perpetually cluttered with tools, scraps, and half-finished projects. She didn't seem to care much for personal hygiene either, usually covered in grease and sweat, her hair a mess. Power Loader raised an eyebrow, still processing the absurdity of it all. 

Power Loader head: Midoriya has no idea what he's getting into. 

The thought of someone like Midoriya, a boy who was kind-hearted, hardworking, and relatively neat, being attracted to someone like Mei—who lived in organized chaos—was almost laughable. Power Loader couldn't help but smirk to himself. It wasn't that Mei wasn't likable; she just wasn't what most people would call "relationship material." At least, not in the traditional sense. 

Power Loader head: Although...then again. You can't exactly ignore the signs either. I've been a teacher long enough to see which students gravitate to each other with dating. The puppy eyes, the closeness, the blushing, the side eye glances. And they do work well great together. 

But there was no denying the spark between them. He might have questioned it, but he also knew better than to underestimate Midoriya. If anyone could find something endearing in Mei's eccentricities, it was probably him. With a sigh, Power Loader shook his head.

Power Loader head: At the very least, this should be interesting to see unfold...

Not wanting to dwell on the weirdness any longer, Power Loader quickly stepped in, almost like a protective father towards Mei. 

Power Loader: AHEM! Midoriya! 

He barked, snapping both teens out of their awkward daze. 

Power Loader: The Grenadier Bracers and the other items you requested are ready. Come and get them. I'll meet you down at the P.E. training ground with Bakugo to test them out. 

Izuku immediately perked up, grateful for the distraction. 

Izuku: Right! Thanks, Mr. Maijima!

He said, quickly grabbing the equipment and scurrying out of the workshop, eager to deliver them to Bakugo in Class 1-A. But as Izuku sprinted down the hall, something was left behind amidst the chaos. Unbeknownst to him, during the small explosion, Mei had accidentally torn off half a page from his notebook—the very page that contained part of the formula for his new explosive webbing.

Mei: Oh shoot. He dropped something I think.

Mei, still standing in the workshop, noticed the torn piece on the floor. She picked it up, her eyes scanning over the formulas. Though she could read most of it, the equations and compounds were far more complex than anything she had seen from Izuku before. 

Mei: What's this formula? It's extremely complexed. I see the ingredient's for nitroglycerin but...why does it have such a high catalyst volume? 

She muttered to herself, turning the paper over. She glanced down the hallway, watching Izuku disappear into the distance, a soft smile crossing her lips. 

Mei: What are you working on, Izuku...?

She wondered aloud, her heart still racing slightly as she pocketed the torn page, curiosity piqued. Power Loader, watching from the side, could only shake his head in disbelief. Both of them were completely oblivious to the fact that something more than just invention was brewing between them.

U.A. High school class 1-A

Izuku nervously pushed open the door to Class 1-A, only to come face-to-face with Mina Ashido, who blinked at him before lighting up with excitement.

Mina: Midoryia! What are you doing here? 

She asked, her eyes wide with curiosity. Before he could answer, her face broke into a grin, and she gasped, 

Mina: Wait! You're here to drop off pictures of Spider-Man, aren't you?

Izuku awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck, smiling sheepishly. 

Izuku: Uh, well... I do have pictures, but actually, I'm here to meet Kacchan. We need to test his gear out before you guys have battle train—

His sentence cut off abruptly as his Spider-Sense flared to life, warning him of danger. But it was too late. The atmosphere in the room shifted, his skin crawling as he felt a pair of eyes boring into him. Izuku slowly turned, his heart sinking, only to see Eraser Head—Aizawa Shota—staring at him with a deadpan expression, standing next to the doorway like a ghostly figure.

Izukus head: Of all people... why did I have to run into him! AT SCHOOL OF ALL PLACES! 

Izuku cursed internally. 

Izukus head: Now my Spider-Sense decides to work?! AND ITS A LITTLE LATE TO WARN ME! I need to get this krap tuned out or re-calibrated or something!

His mind raced, memories flooding back to when he had barely escaped from Aizawa while stopping Scorpion. He wished it had warned him before he opened the door. As Izuku stood frozen under Aizawa's intense gaze, a thought suddenly hit him like a freight train.

Izukus head: Wait... is Eraser Head a teacher here?! HOW IS THIS GUY A TEACHER?!

His mind spun, trying to piece it all together. 

Izukus head: Bakugo mentioned his homeroom teacher was just some hobo... 

Izuku recalled Bakugo's nonchalant description of his teacher, and suddenly, the realization hit him harder than any punch.

Izukus head: But thats not a freaking hobo! That's Eraser Head!

Izuku's mind raced, and the absurdity of the situation nearly made him laugh. He could picture it now—Bakugo dismissing Aizawa as some random guy off the street, completely oblivious to the fact that this "hobo" was a top-tier pro hero who had nearly caught Spider-Man himself!

Izukus head: How did I not know this?!  I heard rumors about Vlad king being Class 1-B teacher. The only rumors I got about class 1-A is he is the biggest hard ass and likes to sleep a lot! 

Izuku mentally kicked himself for not connecting the dots sooner. Aizawa's eyes, glowing slightly beneath his disheveled hair, were fixated on him. Izuku froze under the gaze of the man he had previously escaped from. 

Aizawa: You have pictures of Spider-Man?

Aizawa asked in his monotone voice, though there was a hint of suspicion behind it. Izuku felt a cold sweat form as he meekly nodded. 

Izuku: Uh...Y-yes.

He stammered. 

Aizawa: Can I see them? 

Izukus head: Oh ...I'm fucked...

Izuku: Um...s-sure. 

Fumbling with his backpack to pull out the pictures of Spider-Man. As he handed them over, he couldn't shake the feeling that Aizawa was mentally dissecting every move he made. 

Aizawa glanced at the photos before turning his attention back to Izuku. 

Aizawa: You took these?

Izuku's mind scrambled for a believable excuse, but before he could even attempt to dodge the question, Mina chimed in with her usual bubbly enthusiasm. 

Mina: Of course he did! Izuku's our star photographer! He gets all the shots we post on the U.A. Daily News and the websites!


Aizawa's eyes narrowed, the faintest twitch of suspicion crossing his face. 

Aizawa: Really now... And how did a high school student manage to take these kinds of photos? Not even the media have been this successful getting shots of Spider-Man. 

His tone was calm but laced with a challenge. Izuku's heart pounded as his mouth went dry. He tried to think of a plausible explanation, but before he could, Mina—oblivious as ever—continued, 

Mina: Yeah, I have no idea how he does it! I mean, he doesn't even have a quirk! 

Ochako: Shush, Mina! That's rude!

Ochako whispered, trying to salvage the situation, but the damage was already done. While Izuku was agreeing with Ochako internally. 

Izukus head: YEAH ASHIDO! PLEASE!! SHUT UP!!!!

Izuku: W-Well uh it's just about luck a-and the right timing hehehe...hehe...heh...

Aizawa's eyes squinted further as he studied Izuku, his suspicion only deepening. Izuku mentally cursed Mina's big mouth, convinced that his secret was about to be exposed. He could practically feel his life unraveling before his eyes. But instead of pressing further, Aizawa simply handed the photos back. 

Aizawa: I think heard about you. A quirkless genius in the support department. First quirkless student to make it into U.A. and with high marks on your entrance exam. 

He said nonchalantly. 

Aizawa: The girls in my class have given you high praise, and Bakugo seems adamant no one steals his 'golden goose when we were going over hero costumes and gear.

Izuku felt his face heat up as he nervously waved his hands. Embarrassed at Bakugo new nickname for him. 

Izuku: I-It's nothing, really! 

He stammered, trying to downplay his involvement. Before he could dig himself deeper, Bakugo finally stepped in, cutting through the tension.

Bakugo: Oi, we're testing my gear now, so let's go.

Izukus head: OHTHANKGOD!

Bakugo grumbled, walking over to grab his hero suit case. He gave Aizawa a dismissive glance as if daring him to ask more questions. 

Izuku whispering: You didn't tell me Eraser head was your teacher!!!

Bakugo whispering: Why would it matter? He's not some big shot. I didn't even hear about him until I saw him.

Izuku whispering: Katsuki!-

Izuku said his first name showing how serious this is.

Izuku whispering: -I fought Eraser head! Actually scratch that! Ran from him! He came so close to catching me last time! And he was freaking terrifying! 

Bakugo eyes going wide

Bakugo whispering: You fought against Mr. Aizawa! How did you get away!? 

Izuku whispering: His quirk didn't work on me! I dont technically have a quirk. So I was able to out run him. But even with all my powers he was still keeping on my tail. 

Bakugo whispering: That' badass...

Aizawa gave them one last scrutinizing look as they left, his gaze lingering on Izuku. Izuku could feel those eyes on his back as he and Bakugo walked away, and he couldn't shake the sense of dread creeping up his spine.

Izukus head: Oh god. Now I have the worlds scariest ninja on my case now. Well I mean maybe this is a good thing though. He knows I'm quirkless now. Maybe he'll rule me out as a suspect for being Spider-Man....oh who am I kidding I'm never that lucky. 

Izuku prayed silently, feeling like he had narrowly avoided catastrophe. As they disappeared down the hall, Aizawa made a mental note of Midoriya's name. 

Aizawa: Izuku Midoryia huh?...

His instincts were screaming that there was more to this boy than met the eye, and he had every intention of finding out what.

U.A. high school P.E. training grounds

Izuku, Bakugo, and Power Loader stood amidst the open space, where Bakugo was decked out in his new support gear. Bakugo flexed his arm with a massive grin, admiring the oversized, grenade-shaped gauntlet now attached to him. The final product of all of Izukus hard work. 

Bakugo: Man, this looks so cool! My arm is a freaking grenade!

He boasted, clearly hyped about his new toy. Izuku, holding a clipboard with schematics, jumped in to explain how the gear worked.

Izuku: Inside the gauntlets, your gloves are made from a special sweat-absorbent material. As you produce sweat from running or fighting, the gloves pull it through a diffusion process, using isotonic pressure to suck up the fluid. The sweat then gets stored in a compartment for later use.

Izuku then gently grabbed Bakugo's arm, pointing it straight outward and cocking the gauntlet back to reveal a pin underneath. 

Izuku: To activate a full blast, slide this back, and the pin will pop out and show itself. When you're ready to fire, you pull the pin.

Bakugo was about to yank the pin in excitement, but Izuku quickly shouted, 

Izuku: Wait!NOTYET!

Stopping him in his tracks. 

Izuku: Just hold off trigger happy. You're about to fire off a full-power attack. Be careful of the recoil—it's going to be intense. And also wait for me to get out of range. 

Izuku and Power Loader cautiously walked a safe distance away, leaving Bakugo to brace himself. 

Bakugo: Alright...time to nut up or shut up.

Bakugo took a deep breath

Bakugo: 1...

Tensing every muscle he had. Stiffening his arm up. 

Bakugo: ...2...

Then closing his eyes hard as he braced for the recoil. 

Bakugo: ... 3!!!  

And then pulled the pin. For a brief moment, nothing happened. Bakugo raised an eyebrow, half-annoyed. 

Bakugo: Oi, Deku I think this one is a dud or—

Before he could finish, a massive explosion roared out of the gauntlet, sending a shockwave of fiery wind across the field. Izuku and Power Loader stumbled back, struggling to keep their footing, while Bakugo gritted his teeth, bracing against the overwhelming recoil. 

Bakugos head: HOLY SHIT! Deku wasn't kidding about the recoil! My arm feels like its about to pop off!

His feet slid backward, carving grooves into the ground as he fought to stay upright. The blast finally dissipated, leaving Bakugo wide-eyed, his mouth agape. Seeing the after match in front of him. The dirt ground having a giant blast trail of scorch marks. 3 times Bakugo's size. 

Bakugo: That was... FREAKING AWESOME! 

Bakugo shouted, his excitement spilling over as he turned to Izuku. 

Bakugo: Did you see that?! The blast was fucking HUGE! 

Izuku, recovering from the shockwave, grinned. 

Izuku: That's not all. 

He then pulled a grenade from Bakugo's hero suit case and, with an impressive toss, hurled it far across the field. Power Loader gave an impressed nod. 

Power Loader: Oh wow. Nice arm. You don't look it but you got quite the athletic skill. 

He commented. Izuku winced, realizing he may have thrown it a bit too far, but just as the grenade landed, another explosion echoed across the field. This one was smaller than Bakugo's gauntlet blast, but still powerful.

Bakugo: WOAH! Wait—did you seriously give me grenades?

Bakugo asked with wide eyes, both thrilled and skeptical. Izuku held up another deactivated grenade. 

Izuku: Not exactly. These aren't as lethal as real grenades. They don't have shrapnel. They're designed to hold your sweat in this storage compartment, and once the pin is pulled, a pressurized cartridge inside arms the grenade. When it hits something, the pressure cartridges then shoot out air along with the nitroglycerin sweat. The kinetic force ignites your nitroglycerin sweat, which causes the explosion. 

Bakugo's grin widened. 

Bakugo: So, it's like I get to throw mini-versions of my quirk? That's genius!

Izuku: Well thanks for telling me something I already know. I figured it would come in handy if you over used your quirk or wanted to give someone else some fire power when your working with them. The grenades have a latch that attaches to the storage tank of sweat in your gauntlets. That way you can refill them in the field. 

Suddenly, Bakugo grabbed Izuku in a side hug, shaking him back and forth with a wild grin. 

Bakugo: I knew it! I knew if I kept you around long enough you'd finally lay some damn golden eggs! You're a freaking genius, Deku! 

Izuku: Again with the goose analogy? 

Izuku laughed nervously as Bakugo kept shaking him, though he was happy his work was appreciated. Bakugo then added, more seriously. 

Bakugo: I never even thought about using support gear to ease the strain on my quirk.

Power Loader chimed in with a proud nod. 

Power Loader: Izuku showed determination in figuring out how to make the gauntlets as lightweight and easy to use as possible. You have no idea how many experiments and broken prototypes we went through.

He gestured to the scorch marks scattered across the field. 

Power Loader: Those were from testing dozens of different variants to ensure they worked safely. Now that we've got the final designs, the rest of your costume, along with the support gear, will be sent to a support company to be manufactured and patented under Izuku's name.

Izuku chuckled. 

Izuku: Looks like it's your turn to be the 'golden goose' and make a name for me using my support gear. Once they hear the great Katsuki Bakugo they'll think of MY inventions. 

Power Loader: You made a good call with choosing Izuku as your support designer and engineer. Kid's a natural at it. 

Bakugo then joking at Izuku then cockily stated with his arms back on his head.

Bakugo: Good to know keeping your useless ass around all these years finally paid off. 

Izuku playing along kept with the act. Poking fun back at him

Izuku: Oh c'mon! How many tests and school assignments did you pass because of me!

Bakugo: I would have been fine on my own! Your the one who needed me all those years to protect you from the dumb jocks at school. 

Izuku: are one of those dumb jocks. 


As Izuku and Bakugo walked off, Power Loader couldn't help but reflect on how proud he was of his student. Izuku's dedication reminded him so much of Mei—both of them always trying, no matter how many times they failed.

Power Loader head: I have to say I'm very impressed. I can see why him and Hatsume get along so well. There both very determined to see a project through. Each of them willing to fail over and over but learn something new each time. I can't wait to see what else my students have to offer. 

Then, almost as if the thought hit him like an explosion, Power Loader sighed deeply. 

Power loader head: Ah...Mei... 

His mind wandered to the realization that she was at the age where she was starting to notice boys. 

Power loader head: That girl is going to be the death of me... 

He thought, feeling like an overprotective father, already dreading the chaos that lay ahead with someone as socially intelligent as a goldfish trying navigate dating in highschool. 

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