Chapter 37

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(Alright so ima completely skip the calvary battle since its boring and doesnt do anything for the story)

The sports Festival arena

After the giant obstacle course race it was time for the one on one matches. The very first match that was up was Izuku Midoryia. Right now he was sitting with Mei Hattsume in the break room.

Izuku: *sigh* This is it. This first battle is how I'm gonna show myself to the world as a hero.

Mei: Didnt you kinda already do that as Spidey though?

Izuku was trying to prepare himself for his match and Mei was just there for support. Izuku was paceing all around the table while Mei was tinkering with some of her babies on the table.

Izuku: I mean yes but this is Izuku thats debuting not Spiderman.

Mei: I hear you but I also dont. I honestly dont get why you insist on living a double life. Wouldnt it be easier to just pick one?

Izuku would like to say she is wrong but she has a very good point.

Izuku: I know what you mean. I was almost late to this whole thing becuase Spidey needed to stop a robbery. But I cant give up being Spider man. Its to important. Nor can I give up my dream of being a pro hero. Their both too important.

Mei could tell Izuku was worked up and all over the place. So when Izuku was paceing past her she grabbed his hand giving her his attention.

Mei: Hey. Its gonna be ok. Izuku Midoryia is gonna kick just as much butt as Spidey would any other day.

Izuku just smiled at Mei feeling light hearted at that.

Izuku: Thanks Mei. Im glad I told you about my secret life.

Then the time finally came.

Present mic on speaker: Will Izuku Midoryia and Neito Monoma please report to their events.

Izuku looked at Mei and both nodded at eachother. Izuku then walked out the door while Mei got the last word.

Mei: Just to clarify you didnt tell me your secret I found out by myself!

In the Sports Festival Arena

Izuku and Monoma were at the edges of their side of the flat rectangled concrete arena. Never letting their gazes off of eachother.

Preaent Mic: Lets start off these One on One matches with some ENERGY EH?! On the right we have class 1a Izuku Midoryia from the hero course! On the left is Neito Monoma from the lesser class 1b. Rules are pretty simple. Knock your opponent out of the ring or knock them unconscious or until they can no longer fight anymore or give up. With that being said. LETS GET THIS THING STARTED!

The two then ready themselves up in fighting positions. Waiting for the signal to start.

Presnet Mic: BEGIN!

Immediately Izuku charged up full cowling and went straight for Monoma.

Present Mic: Izuku Midoryia takes the lead and charges head on!

However Monoma instead of dodgeing took his stance and prepared to take the hit.

Present Mic: BUT WHATS THIS?! Monoma isnt doing anything.

Izukus head: What is he doing?

Monoma: Do you even know what my quirk is?

However Izuku never said anything and kept on forward. Izuku charged with a punch right into Monoma arms that he used to block himself. However Monoma skin suddenly turned into metal blocking the hit taking it full on.

Izuku: Im guessing its hardening? I have a friends quirk just like that.

Monoma: And!

Izuku then kicked himself away from Monoma range. Monoma skin then suddenly went back to normal and took a different stance this time. One similar to how Izuku first took his stance at the begining of the battle.

Monoma: I can copy the persons quirk I touch.

Izukus head: He can copy quirks?!

Monoma: Ive been meaning to try out yours. I love enhancer type quirks. Their so fun to use.

Izukus head: Wait..... My spider powers arent a quirk. So he cant copy that. Which means he copied One for all! Which also means....


All Might: If an unprepared vessel tried to use One for All full blast. Your arms and limbs would shoot off and explode from the sheer raw power.

Flashback ends

Izukus head: OH SHIT!!!

Izuku then tried to warn him before he used One for All.

Izuku: Monoma wait dont!-

Monoma: -Save it for after the fight-

Izuku began to see the red veins of energy chargeing across his arms legs and whole body. He then began to move and ready a head on attack at Izuku.

Monoma- Soon your gonna know how it feels to be beaten by your own qui-

Only for a sudden burst of wind from his arm to shoot him sideways. Sending him flying out of the ring and making a crater into a wall at the edge of the arena. Izuku could see the broken arm that he tried to use.


Izuku just cringed at the sight of Monoma arm being swolen and broken.

Izukus head: Holy crap. If I didnt have spider strength.......that would be me?!

Present Mic: Uhhh. Well......It looks like the winner is er....Izuku Midoryia?!

The audience was mixed with confused cheers and applause from everyone. As that battle was pretty pathetic in the end. Soon medic bots and Recovery girl showed up to help the poor boy.

Recovery girl: Oh dear...

Monoma couldn't believe what was happening. Feeling humiliated by being beaten by his own mistake.

Monoma: No! GAH I cant lose like this!

Monoma tried to get up only to hurt his arm more and Recovery girl was quick to push him back on the crash cart he was carried on.

Recovery girl: Sorry sunny. You lost this match but dont worry. Theres always next year. You'll get another chance to prove yourself.

As he was carried away in the crash cart he looked to the distance to see Izuku standing there suprised and dumb founded at the turn of events.

Monoma: Dammit....... if it wasnt for that stupid quirk.

With Izuku in the hallways

Izuku was walking down the halls thinking about his battle with Monoma.

Izuku head: Man all that build up and suspense kinda feels silly after the fact. I hope all the matches are this easy.

Izuku finally makes it back to the seats where class 1a resides. Spoting Bakugo keeping a close eye on the match.

Ochako: Oh hey Deku! Your match went great.

It wasnt until Ochako said hi that Bakugo noticed Izuku.

Izuku: Oh t-thanks Uraraka.

Bakugo: Sup nerd. Saw the fight. That guy was pretty pathetic. He baisically took himself out.

Izuku just sweat dropped at Bakugo usual way of thinking.

Izuku: I-I mean if I had a different quirk I'm sure it would have been bad hehe. B-But its not exactly like I did a whole lot.

Bakugo: Whatever just take the win.

Izuku then sat down in his seat next to Ochako. Seeing the next match was Kirishima vs Testutestu.

Izuku: So Kirishima is fighting up next.

Ochako: Yeah I cant wait to see how he does. Kirishima really knows how to get fired up in a fight.

Izuku then noticed how Testutestu quirk was similar to what Monoma used to fight him.

Izuku head: So I guess that was his quirk he borrowed during the start of the match. I can see what his plan was now. Monoma used Tetsutetsu quirk so he could withstand one of my attacks. Its most likely he needs to touch someone to take their quirk. In which case his plan would actually have worked since an close combat attack would allow him to copy One for All. If it wasnt for that One for All literally breaks your body.

Izuku then continued to mutter to himself. Over analyzing both Monoma quirk and Tetsutetsu quirk as well as the match.

Ochako head: There he goes again. Muttering like a rap god.

In the arena match

The 2 hard headed teenagers went at eachother with seemigly equal strength and spirit. Throwing and taking harden punches right at eachother.

Kirishima: Give up already! You cant break my spirit!

Tetsutetsu: OH YEAH!? Why dont you give up- huh?

For a split moment Tetsutetsu lost his concentration while looking at something above and behind Kirishima. However it resulted in him getting a nasty rock harden punch into his jaw from Kirishima sending him to the ground.

Kirishima: HA! What was that you were-

However Kirishima than suddenly noticed his opponents gaze left the fight and was focused on something else behind him. He suddenly looked back and had the same expression.

Tetsutetsu: uhh is that?

Kirishima: I think it is?

With class 1a in the stands

The audience looked confused at the fight. Suddenly they were going at it and just stopped.


Ochako: Did something bad happen?

Izuku: What are they looking at-

Him and class 1a along with everyone in the audience suddenly looked to where the hardening twins gazes laid on. Instantly faces of suprise and amazement began to pop up everywhere.

Mina: Holy krap is that?!

Kaminari: Its him? You think he wanted to watch as well?

Ilda: I have a bad feeling about this.

However no ones faces was more suprised then Izuku. As what he saw was simply immpossibe. On the roof of the stadium sticking to wall. Was himself. Or at least. The one one and only Spectacular Spiderman self.

Izuku head: HUH?!?! Thats......that cant......thats not ... Spidey! I'm spidey!!!

He then looked at Bakugo and could see the same reaction on his face. Bakugo then looked back and forth at Izuku and Spidey just to confirm that Izuku was actually here in front of him.

Bakugo: This is really gonna be a pain and piss me off.

Momo then suddenly let her inner reporter out. Hopeing to have a good shot for the U.A. DAILY.

Momo: Izuku!!! Quick take some shots of Spidey. Imagine the head lines. Spidey gets front row seats to Sports Festival. That'll sell some papers!

He then saw Spidey begin to run on the wall side ways. As he ran he carried a webbed up bag full of mysteries. As it was hard to tell what was in it. However he was running towards the teachers private vip seats. He then suddenly felt his Spidey sense go off like crazy.

Izuku: ....oh no

He looked at Bakugo and Bakugo could read Izukus face. It was an expression he recongnized by now after seeing his Spidey sense go off so much. It means "shit is about to hit the fan". Bakugo then looked back at the mystery imposter. He suddenly jumped from the wall ready to swing the bag he was carrying into the window of the teacher vip section. Bakugo then on instinct yelled.

Bakugo: GET DOWN!

Izuku immediately tackled Ochako and shielded her from above. As he did the teacher VIP section suddenly exploded. Probably from what was thrown by the fake red and blue wearing spandexed imposter. Suddenly the whole stadium filled with chaos. Screams of terror from civillians running in fear. Izuku looked down to see Ochako startled and freaked out but unscathed.

Izuku: Are you ok?!

Ochako: Y-Yeah I'm fine! What just happend?

The student president was quick to take charge and then chimmed in.

Ilda: All we need to know is that there is a villian attack. We need to get the class out of here and get out of the way so the pros can help!

Izuku then began to get up and helped Ochako up as well. He then looked up to see Spiderman fighting the pro heroes.

On the roof of the Sports Festival

Spidey was in his signature pose faceing off against Kamui woods and Death arms.

Kamui woods: Stop! Your under arrest for terrorism on a public event.

Kamui woods then tried to wrap Spidey in his wooden tendrils only for the mystery web head to dodge and web shoot over to Kamui Woods. When he spoke even his voice sounded the same as if Izuku was wearing the mask.

Spider man: How about you taste my Spider punch!

He then punched Kamui woods hard sending him flying. Excpet noticeably his arm had a weird glow to it. Quickly returning to normal. Meanwhile as Kamui woods was knocked off the roof and continued to fall he was caught by Mount Lady as she turned giant.

Mount lady: I got you.

Kamui woods: Thank you. I need to get back up there and help death arms.

With Death arms and Spidey

The 2 were toe to toe with the so called spiderman dodgeing and weaving all of his attacks.

Death arms: Why are you doing this? This isnt yout M.O.

Spider man: Just shut up and have a taste of my Spider Kick!

Spider man then dropped kick Death arms. Except on his shoes were wierd spring like coil contraptions that unloaded and instantly reloaded themselves.

Spider man: Now thats what you call Spider power!

Mount Lady tried to catch the electric hero but was still not close enough. Until Kamui woods ran up from her shoulder up her arm too her hand and threw a tendril out to death arms wraping it around his arm catching him.

Death arms: Nice save there!

Kamui woods: Your welcome.

After that rescue Mount lady look unamused at the lack of appreciation for helping save both their lives.

Mount lady: Oh some help I was then huh?!

With Izuku back at the ground

Izuku watched in horror as he saw the image he worked so hard to make mean something get soiled and ruin by this imposter. However he was brought back by Bakugo.


Izuku was quick to listen and followed Bakugo into the crowd. As they navigated through the chaos they found a spot near an exit to catch their breath and asses their situation.

Bakugo: Deku do you have any ideas whats going?

Izuku: ME?! How am I supposed to know?!

Bakugo then retorted back frusterated.

Bakugo: Well its not like I would have a better idea about this stuff! Your the one that fights new crazy villians every other week!!!

However as the 2 argued on what to do suddenly Spiderman swung down near the parking lot of the Sports festival near where Izuku and Bakugo were. They both then readied themselves for a fight. Only to suddenly see from the sky a figure covered in green mist and smoke wearing green armor and a purple cape along with uhhh-

???: Your chaos spree ends here Spider man!!!

Izuku head: Is that a fish bowl on his head?

The bowl headed man then shot green smoke and energy at Spiderman sending him flying away.

Spider man: And who do you think you are to challenge a handsom spider like me?

The mysterious man then landed on the ground. As Spider man landed on top of a car crouching on it.

???: Im the Mystic hero: Mysterio. And you dont want any part in this!

He then shot fire balls from his hands at Spider man sending the car under him flying. Spidey then caught the car and threw it towards a group of civillians. The new "hero" named Mysterio then quickly flew over and created a shield of green energy in front of the civillians. With the mystic shield having wierd symbols along it. The car then bounced off the shield with Mysterio struggling to block the ton car thrown at him.

Bakugo: What kinda bull shit is this?!

Meanwhile Bakugo and Izuku watched in complete disbelief at the scene unfolding before them.

Izuku: How is Spidey here? And who the heck is this other guy?!

Bakugo: I dont know but we gotta get out of here!

Bakugo then tried to pull Izuku along only for him to stand his ground.

Izuku: No way! I need to stop this copy cat!

Bakugo: And how are you gonna do that?!

Izuku then knew what he meant. He left his suit in a alley far away from the stadium from this morning after taking down that robbery car chase.

Izuku: Well I cant just sit here and do nothing!

Bakugo knew Izuku wasnt going to let up. So he quickly looked around thinking of something literally anything that could help. His eyes went wide when he found a trash bin. He quickly knocked it over and rummaged through trash. Izuku just looked at him like he was a crazy hobo.

Izuku: What are you doing? Nows not the time for treasure hunting!

Bakugo: You need a disguise right?!

Bakugo then suddenly pulled out a crumbled up paper lunch bag. Poking 2 eye holes in the bag.

Izuku:....... Your kidding right?

Izuku just looked at him with the most dumbfounded and disgusted look he could muster.

Bakugo: What its a mask right?!

Izuku: THAT is a gross trash bag that held someones lunch.


Izuku then looked at the choas unfolding around him and then to the bag Bakugo was holding. Then back to the explosions and people screaming all around them. Then back to the bag that has had god knows what inside it and has been god knows where.

Izuku: *sigh*........

He put his head down in defeat. Snatching the bag and runing away to find some corner to put the mask on and "suit up".

3 mins later

The fight eventually led to down town between Spider man and Mysertio. Other pro heroes tried to get involved only for. Spidey to take them down or dodge them easily. The only one who seemed to be able to keep up with Spidey was Mysterio.

Mysterio: You cant win this Villian! Give up!!!

Spider man: Over my dead spider body!


Izuku then could be seen jumping from rooftop to rooftop wearing a bag over his head along with his U.A P.E. uniform.

(Literally a bag on his head with U.A. P.E. uniform. Lol)

Sadly he couldnt web sling as he left those in his bag as well. So he was just gonna have to rely on his spider agility.

Izuku head: I feel so stupid with a paper bag over my head.

Izuku was catching up with the fight between Spidey and Mysterio. Mysterio attacks seemed to be diverse. Being able to "cast" spells that can do different things. He has shot fireballs at Spidey, casted shields, and is now even shooting lightning at Spidey.

Mysterio: You wont be able to avoid my mystic arts forever!

Mysterio then launched another attack at Spidey. Shooting a lightning bolt from his hand. Except he quickly dodge the attack hitting a light post.

Spider man: Woah talk about a bug zapper!

Izuku then noticed how the lightning caused an explosion on the large light post. It then began to fall heading straight for a family. The family was running away with the mom and dad both carrying 7 year olds and trying to book it to saftey.

Izuku: LOOK OUT!

The family quickly saw the light post headed for them and could only flinch in suspense of the impact. Only it never came. When they opened their eyes. They saw a man wearing a paper bag on his head holding the light post from hitting them.

Izuku: *struggling* Are you guys ok?

Dad: Yes thank you. Er uh-?

Izukus head: Aw crap. They probably want the name of the hero who saved their life. What kinda name would a hero have who wears a freaking bag over their head have!?

Izuku: Uhhh um. Im the

The family looked at their bag faced hero with not much enthusiasm for the name.

Mom: Oh well uh. Thank you Bombbastic bagman. We are grateful for you saving our lives.

Izuku put aside his pride and dignity (with what little he had left) and focused on helping out.

Izuku: Head back to the Sports festival! Its probably the safest place now that the fight left the area plus by now first responders and othe heroes have arived on scene and set up triage. GO!

The family didnt hesitate to listen to their savior.

Dad: Right! Thank you Bombastic bagman. We owe you!

Izuku just dropped the light post with embarrassment thinking.

Izukus head: You could pay me back by forgetting that stupid name....

Izuku then made his way back to the fight. Eventually reaching them in the busy streets of a 4 way traffic stop. Spidey was swinging from building to building while Mysetrio launched attacks causing colateral damage to the buildings around.

Mysterio: So the great Spiderman is just a coward who only dodges and run huh?

Spider man: I'm a spider. Its my thing yknow!

Izukus head: HOW DOES THAT MAKE ANY SENSE!?!?!?!

Mysterio then unleashed a swarm of small flying red goblins. All swarming after Spiderman. Once they reached near him they would explode. However as they did the building would get damaged and debree would start falling.

Izukus head: I cant stabilize the buildings with webs. So I have to just get everyone out of the way.

Izuku then started to quickly tackle people out of the way of falling debree. After he did he would tell them to head back to the sports festival and help anyone else along the way. Suddenly Izukus spider sense started going crazy. He looked around and saw Spidey swing above a kid leading a goblin to explode near a building causing a giant piece of debree to fall and head straight for the kid. Izuku quickly leaped to the kid. Preparing to catch it and prepare for the impact. Izuku caught the large piece of brick wall that was 5 times his size. The kid then looked above and saw Izuku struggling to keep it up.

Izuku: GO! RUN!

The kid quickly got out of the way and Izuku let the brick wall go letting it drop to the side. Izuku put his hands on his knees exhausted at playing rescue.

Izukus head: I cant keep up with this. Eventually im gonna slip and someones gonna end up being colateral damage. I need to end this fight before it gets worse.

He saw Spidey and Mysterio on a rooftop going at it once again. He then leaped up and wall jumped his way up. Spidey was webbing debree and throwing it at Mysterio and he was blocking them using his " mystical" energy shields.

Spider man: You are one tough opponet I'll give you that!

Mysterio: Then allow me to show you what the GREAT Mysterio is really capable of!

Mysterio then started to swing his arms around his body while "chanting a spell". Slowly around his body a green aura glow with scale like patterns surrounded his body spiraling around it. However while he did this Spidey was wide open for Izuku.

Izukus head: Nows my chance!

Izuku then tackled the imposter spidey into the ground trading blows with him.

Izuku: Oh Hey Spider man! Its a pleasure to meet you! Huge fan!

Spider man: Get off me you stupid hobo!

The imposter Spider man then kicked Izuku off of him sending him into a wall. Izuku though noticed the spring coils in his feet.

Izuku: Hobo?! Was it the bag?! Does the bag over my head make me look homeless?

Izukus head: His powers arent real. Good. I can use that.

Izuku and Spiderman then both charged at eachother. With Spidey getting the first punch only for Izuku to counter with a knee to the head. They both then threw a fist at eachother and both caught it. Now it was a power struggle.

Spider man: GAH who are you supposed to be?

Izuku: I can ask you the same thing?!

Spider man: Im spider man obviously!

Izuku then started to slowly overpower Spiderman. Making his hands slwoly bend and give way towards himself.

Izuku: Really? I didnt know Spider man was so weak? Whats the matter?

Spider man: grrr I didnt eat enough flies to charge up my powers.

Izuku head: WAH- Who thinks- Thats not how my powers work?!

As the 2 continued to hold each other off though Mysterio was readying his final attack.

Mysterio: Take this you villainous arachnid!

Izuku then looked to see a green glowing dragon flying around Mysterios body. He then swung his arms forward and pointed them at the 2 masked men.

Mysterio: Special move: Sacred Jaded dragon!!!!

The dragon then started to fly right at the two. Izuku then instinctively put his hands up and crossed ready for an attack only for it to never come. He opened his eyes and was suprised to see Spiderman being pushed by the dragon glowing body going through him and Izuku. Until eventually it suddenly launched only spiderman into the air off the building.

Spider man: This isnt the end "great mysterio". Im coming for you and everyone you love!

Izuku leaned on the edge to see Spiderman. Thwip away and with no spirit or instinct swing on his "webs".

Izuku: None of this makes sense.

Mysterio: What is it fellow commrad?

Izuku looked back to see Mysterio walk up to him. Izuku was on edge the whole time. However he played along and knew he'd get more out of him if he was talking as a fellow pro hero. So he quickly deepend his voice to sound different

Izuku: MHM Oh uhh um. *cough* Well its just. Spider man is known to be pretty heroic and save lives. This isnt like him at all.

Mysterio: Hmm yes. That may be true. However its immposible to tell a mans true nature if they always hide behind a mask.

Izukus head: What?! I saved so many lives and I dont even get the benifit of the doubt?

Mysterio: Thank you by the way. You really helped me with dealing with that menace in the end. Along with keeping the bystanders safe.

Izuku: Uhh your welcome. But can I ask how long youve been a pro hero?

Mysterio then with a flick of his hand made green smoke appear and suddenly a valid hero license fell from thin air into Izukus hand. Izuku read the date that showed hes been on the job for 4 years.

Mysterio: I was patroling around when I heard the call for the sports Festival. I saw Spider man attacking the stadium and acted immedietally. What say you?

Izuku: Same thing. But listen youve been on the job for 4 years. You should have known better then too endanger those people with those uhh... small red... flying exploding goblin things.

Mysterio: Oh you must mean my minions?

Izuku: Yeah whatever their called. They almost got a kid killed if it hadnt been for me.

Mysterio: Oh is that it? Fine then. Ill let you have the credit for the rescues. Its not a big deal since I mostly took down Spider man.

Izuku was blown away at that remark.

Izukus head: Credit? Thats what hes worried about right now? About who gets the credit?!

Izuku: What?! No thats not the point! Listen you could have handled that better-

Mysertio then quickly cut Izuku off and stared down at him. With Izukus paper bag mask reflecting from Mysterios bubble helmet.

Mysyerio: I do not care to listen to your lecture. Now I am grateful for your help but dont think becuase im new in town that you are more capable or experienced then me.

Izuku was about to say something back but Mysterio put a finger up enticing him to be quiet. Mysterio then listened in on the radio is his helmet.

Mysterio: Im sorry to cut this talk short. Im needed else where. May I have the name of the man who assisted me.

Izuku: *sigh* Bombastic bag man... And dont think this is the end of this.

Mysterio: Really? Thats your name? ......Hmph and here you are trying to lecture me how to do my job when your name is just literal trash.

Izuku tried to say a clever remark back only for Mysterio to suddenly throw a smoke bomb to the ground.

Mysterio: Fare well "Bag man".


Izuku: *cough* *cough*.

Izuku looked around and saw he was the only one on the roof anymore.

Izukus: Did I ...... did I just get fashion advice........ from a guy who wears a fish bowl on his head?!

Later at the U.A. dorms in Izukus room

Izuku was paceing back and forth in his room. Mei Hatsume was sitting criss crossed on Izukus bed on her laptop as Bakugo was sitting in Izukus chair at his desk. As Izuku paced back and forth his eye brows furrowed and he showed great annoyance at the recent events.

Izuku: I can't believe this is happening? Some copy cat and egotistical fish bowl are making me look like one of Batmans wacky cheesy villians from the 60s! I mean "over my dead spider body"?! Thats so terrible! I dont sound like that! Right guys?

Izuku looked at the two for confirmation. Only for Mei to look away a lil guilty while delaying her answer. Bakugo though was still straight faced.

Mei: ~Nooooo~?

Bakugo: -yes

Izuku: Kacchan?!

Bakugo: What? I though that's what you were going for? Wacky cheesy quipy vigilante.

Izuku: NO! Spidey is just a friendly smart fast quiper. I mean cmon! Mei back me up here!

Izuku looked to Mei for support but Mei just had a nervous guilty face.

Mei: W-Well I mean I get where your coming from. And most times you are......

Izuku: but.....

Mei: ~buuut~ you do come off as well just a tad bit cheesy.......sometimes.

Izuku just spined around and let his body fall on his All Might themed bed. As Mei and Izukus body bounced on the impact.

Izuku: I cant believe this is happening....

Bakugo then put his hands together leaning forward in the chair getting into thinking mode.

Bakugo: So what happend out there? If were gonna face this problem we need to know everything we can.

Izuku: I think someone is trying to make Spiderman look bad. I dont know why though?

Mei: Well alot of villains wanna make Spider man pay. Im sure its most liekly they wanna ruin his image as a hero. But how did he have your powers? He moved and even sounded just like you.

Izuku: Actually he didn't. I think this copy cat just used support gear to mimic my powers. When we fought I noticed how his suit lit up everytime it used super strength and his feet had spring coils that added more force to his kicks. Even the way he web swing wasnt real. I swing with alot more freedom and "zess". When I saw him swing away though it was completely bland and emotionless. Like just hanging on and swinging was all he could do.

Bakugo: Alright so then what about this new Pro hero. Mysterio? Whats his quirk?

Izuku: I have no idea. Maybe some kind of matter manipulation? He had such a variety of abilities. Flight, fire maipulation, energy shields, lightning attacks, minions, summonings and even making a dragon.

Mei then typed away at her computer and turned it around to show Izuku and Bakugo.

Mei: The internet doesn't even know who this guy is either. Although Mysterio is blowing up on the internet. He is getting alot of positive reviews.

Mei then played an interview on the computer with multiple witnesses.

Lady civillian: Yeah Mysterio is a real hero. He stopped that car from hitting me and my son. I wouldnt be standing here if not for him.

Then the interview changed to a man that was a literal half star fish half man.

Star fish guy: So like I was buying some fried oreos and suddenly out of no where Spiderman just shows up attacking the place. You think yknow a guy right?

Then it changed to a U.A. student in a PE uniform. She had green vine like hair.

Ibra: I was watching the sports Festival and saw spiderman throw the bombs at the vip section. Luckily the teachers all made it out ok last I heard. No deaths just some minor injuries. All Might was able to redirect the blast with a wind slash.

Izuku: oh god..... How am I gonna explain this too All Might?

Then the interview finally changed to the green mystery man himself. Mysterio.

J.J. : Mysterio! Care to comment on todays events? What do you think of the once hero now turned menace Spiderman attacking the Sports Festival.

Mysterio: I can't say I know the motives of such an evil hearted person who would terrorize such a sacred event. However what I can say is that we can no longer trust the image we once held Spider man too. Its now our responsibility to see him for who he really is in the here and now. A villain and a menace to society.

Izuku just grabbed his hair in pure stress and frusterstion. Never in his life could he have imagined a world where this could happen. Even in a world where everyone has a super power! Mei seeing this tried to calm Izuku down.

Mei: Hey its not that bad. No body watches the news anymore. This isnt as bad as it seems.

She spoke to soon however as the interview was not over.

J.J.: I think I can speak for everyone when I say thank you Mysterio for protecting us today from that web headed menace.

Mysterio: That is very kind of you sir. However not all the credit should go to me. I have to thank the Bombastic bagman for helping save the civillians so I could focus on ending Spiderman chaotic spree.

The screen then showed the absolute worse image of Izuku dressed as the bombastic bag man. Doing a stupid pose that made him look like the loony tuned character from a off brand cereal box.

J.J. : There you have it folks! The long debate of wither Spiderman is a hero or a menace has been solved in just a span of 6 hours. And the verdict. Spiderman is a Menace! Im J. Jonah. Jameson from the J.J. news. Signing off.

The video then stopped playing. Mei looked up to see Izuku face drained of any confidence or optimism it usually had. Instead it was replaced with dread, fear, and total rock bottom defeat.

Mei: Ok.......this is pretty bad.

Bakugo: Ya think?

Izuku: This is seriosuly happening? My image as Spiderman is trashed and freaking "Bombastic bagman" is the new laughing stock.

Bakugo then tried to lighten the mood up.

Bakugo: Hey. Look at it this way. If being a super hero as Spider man doesnt work out. You can always go back on Bombastic Bagman.

Izuku just put his head down in further embarrassment and shame. Mei just gave Bakugo an annoyed look.

Mei: Bakugo?! Not the time for jokes!

Bakugo: What? He makes jokes at bad times all the time and nows a really bad time.

Izuku then got up from his bed and started walking toward the air vent in his room.

Izuku: I have to fix this.

Bakugo: Deku I dont think theres alot you can do.

Izuku then continued to pull his Spidey gear out of the vent.

Izuku: I cant just do nothing while this copy cat makes me look bad or Mysterio continues to dish my name and image.

Mei: Izuku now that Spiderman just attacked the Sports Festival-

Izuku then cut her off with anger and frusteration.

Izuku: Except he didnt! I didnt!!!

Mei then spoke louder from a place where she cared to stress her point out.

Mei: I know that! We both do! But thats not how the world will. They think Spider man just turned bad and are gonna be after him.

Izuku then took his shirt off showing off his defined muscles and Mei just blushed and turned away. Izuku then continued to get suit up in his Spidey suit.

Izuku: So what? Its not like Pro heroes havent been after me already.

Bakugo: Izuku its not just Pro herors now. Its gonna be cops, villians, criminals, and now civillians. There all gonna be guning for you until your dead or in a cell.

Izuku then was finally suited up in his red tights and blue sleeveless hoodie. Holding the mask in his hands. Mei took a quick peek and saw he was finished and turned back around.

Izuku: Even so....I cant just do nothing.

Bakugo: So then what are you gonna do?

Izuku just frustratingly gave Bakugo an answer. Not even caring what he gave him.

Izuku: I-I dont know. Maybe catch the copy cat. Or talk to Mysterio and get things straightend out. I'll think of something.

Izuku then slid his mask onto his head. He then started to crawl into the air vent in his room.

Mei: Please be careful....

Izuku looked back to see Mei worried. Izuku though could only say back to her.

Spider man: No promises...... But I'll try.

He then left the room through the air vent to head out on his mission to clear his name. Leaving an angry Bakugo and worried Mei.

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