Chapter 6

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On a subway cart 8:00pm

Hisashi was standing in a subway car. Wearing jeans, a brown bomber jacket and grey shirt. On the phone currently with his wife. With a furious look on his face as he yelled into the phone. Thankfully he was the only passenger riding the subway cart he was on. 

Hisashi: I cant believe he didn't pick you up!!! 

Inko phone: Honey its completely fine. I'm perfectly capable of walking home by myself. Besides the admission floor had gotten slam and needed some help. So I got some overtime. 

Hisashi: ITS- *sigh*

Hisashi then collected himself. No matter how mad he might be at his son. He knew it didn't give him any right or reason to yell at his wife. Even if hes just venting his frustrations. 

Hisashi: Its not about that. Izuku is old enough now to where he should be handling his responsibilities better. I told him 2 times already. Once when he left and again when I had to deal with that incident at school. That he needed to walk you home. And after what happend at school he has the audacity to leave you by yourself!

Inko then tried to reason with her husband and father of her child. Not wanting to scold Izuku but instead try to understand what's going on with him. 

Inko phone: Maybe....maybe Izuku is just going through a lot right now. He's going into high school now. And.... maybe hes lashing out from realizing his dreams..... arent coming true. 

Both Hisashi and Inko love there son. They do there best to raise and prepare him for the world ahead oh him. However they both know his dream is to become a pro hero. They know that because he doesn't have a power it wont be possible to do so. They both had hope he was maybe a late bloomer. Taking a chance and telling him it was possible to be a hero at such a young age despite being quirk less. However it never happend (as far as they know now). So they now had hoped Izuku would eventually realize that on his own. Thinking it would be easier on him to realize its impossible on his own. Rather then both of his parents tell him he would never accomplish his dream. 

Hisashi: Maybe...... maybe your right. I can understand how with him being quirk less, the constant bullying, and then realizing he cant join UA's hero course. I can see how that could have piled on like a snowball effect. 

Inko phone: We just need to give it time. Try to communicate with our son and see what we can do to help him. 

Hisashi: Still though. Its absolutely no reason to have left you hanging like this. 

Inko phone: Try not to be to hard on him when we get home. After all we were much worse at his age remember? Remember the time my dad through you off a building for sneaking into my room?  

Hisashi smiled thinking about the good ol days in his youth. When Inko and Hisashi first started to go out in highschool. 

Hisashi: Oh man dont remind me. I would sneak out every night, throw rocks at your windows and climb the fire escape to your room just to see you. 

Inko phone: *giggles* And then my father would barge in throw you out the fire escape and use levitate just before you hit the ground. Then call your parents and you'd get grounded for staying out late when you were SUPPOSED to be studying for school. 

Hisashi: Hehehe. Those were good times. 

Inko phone: And Izuku is at that age now where he is going to start getting rebellious, take more risks, and even have trouble talking to us. Maybe even keep secrets of his own. 

Hisashi: ok.....I wont go to hard on him. I'll talk to him. WE can talk to him. 

Inko phone: Thank you....OH I have to go now. A new patient was just admitted from the ER. I'll finish up with him, give report to the night shift nurse and meet you at the ER lobby. 

Hisashi: Sounds like a plan beautiful. I love you.

Inko phone: Love you too sweetie. 

Once he hung up the phone his stop had finally arrived. He began to get off the subway and head up some stairs exiting the station. He had tried to call his son again. Hearing the phone ring all the way through. 

Hisashi: .......

Izukus mail box: Hey...

Hisashi: Hey son where-

Izukus mail box: sorry I missed your call. Leave a message and I'll try to get back to you. 

Hisashi: *sigh* We are gonna have a LONG talk about answering your phone when  your parents call you. 

Hisashi then waited for the beep in the voice mail and left one. Once he finished it he hung up again. He now began to walk on the sidewalk making his way to the Musutafu hospital. As he walked there was also another girl right behind him. He took a quick look behind hearing foot steps. The girl he saw had long green hair, larger than usual eyes, and he tongue sat a little outside her mouth. Having a very frog like appearance. She wore a casual green shirt with tan shorts on. 

Hisashi head: She looks as old as Izuku. Wonder what she's doing out this late at night. 

Hisashi then stopped walking a bit and let the girl catch up to him. She gave him a quick look taking notice of his presence. Hisashi then broke the silence being a people person. 

Hisashi: Its nice out tonight isn't it.

???: Oh ...yes it is. 

Hisashi: I know its not safe to talk to strangers. But you look as old as my son and I would be worried about him being out this late at night. So what are you doing out so late? 

???: Well I'm heading back from the admission offices for UA. I'm applying for the hero course. My house isn't too far from here. 

Hisashi: No kidding huh? My sons trying to get in there too. 

???: Maybe we will be class mates next semester then. What's his name and quirk?

Hisashi: uhhh. Yknow.....nothing to .... impressive. 

The girl obviously telling it must be a touchy subject left it alone. Trying to not be rude.

Hisashi: His names Izuku. Izuku Midoryia. 

Hisashi then gave his hand out to the girl introducing himself. 

Hisashi: My names Hisashi Midoryia. 

Tsyu: My names Tsyu Asui. My quirk is frog. 

Hisashi: Really? Thats super interesting. So you can do anything a frog can? 

Tsyu: Yep. I can jump really high and far, shoot my tongue out, hold my breath for 2 hours. Oh and I can spit my stomach out.

Hisashi did his best to ignore that last power and stuck with the rest giving her compliments. 

Hisashi: Well those all sound like very handy powers to have. I'm sure you'll do great in UA. Best of luck. Get home safe. 

Tsyu: Thank you sir. I hope I see your son in class. 

Hisashi had turned his head facing forward again starting to walk at a faster pace. Not paying much attention to her anymore. The girl also was lost in thought. Only focusing on walking on the sidewalk one foot at a time. Unbeknownst to the 2 of them though. Someone was watching the both of them. A tendril with an eye had peaked out of a corner leading into an alleyway. Watching Hisashi walk by first. It then set its eyes on the frog girl. As she began to walk by the empty alleyway. More and more tendrils started to grow from the alleyway surrounding the girl. Before the girl could even notice. A tendril had shot itself into her mouth filling it with green sludge. She instinctively tried to scream out. However it was unsuccessful and it was muffled. Her hands and legs were then tied and trapped with other slime tendrils. She was then pulled into the air and then into the alley way the tendrils came from. Hisashi had turned his head hearing a sudden swift of the air. However when he turned around he saw no one. The girl had gone missing as well.

Hisashi: Where...did she go?

Inside the alleyway the frog girl thrashed around being trapped inside a giant blob of green sludge. She kept trying to scream and couldn't. She felt the liquid, thick sludge fill her airway making her choke and gag. The sludge had then rolled out 2 eyes, teeth, and arm/leg extremities. Trapping the girl inside its body. 

Sludge villian: Stop thrashing around kid! I need to borrow your body for a second. 

The girl eyes went wide. She fought harder and harder. She then in a last ditch effort had tried to take as deep a breath as she could through her nose. 

Sludge villian: The more you struggle the longer it'll take me to kill you and take over. So just let me make this quick for the BOTH of us! 

She then puffed her chest out, and quickly shot her tongue out into the air easily reaching longer then 20 feet! 

Sludge villian: WHAT THE?! What kind of quirk is that!? 

Blasting the sludge out of her mouth and once she retracted her tongue into her mouth she screamed as loud as she could. 


The villian then tried to suffocate her again with slime. However this time the girl kept her mouth shut. Trying to not let the villian back into her airway again. However Hisashi had heard her cry for help. He immediately pulled his phone out. Quickly pressing an SOS button and app. 911 services along with hero agencies are now being dispatched to there location. He then quickly ran towards the alleyway he heard the cry for help from. He saw the girl trapped inside the sludge villian. Without hesitation he acted. 

Hisashi: LET HER GO NOW! 

Sludge villian: Oh great! There's 2 of you I have to kill now! 


Sludge villian: Who do you think you are to be making demands! 

Hisashi then tried to calm down. Trying to not let the adrenaline rush over take him. 

Hisashi head: I need to get him to let go of her. She said she can hold her breath for 2 hours. But hes trying to suffocate her lungs. I need to get her away from him. 

Hisashi: I already called the police! There gonna start sending pros over here as well. You might as well just drop her and run! She'll only slow you down! 

Sludge villian: LIKE HELL I WILL! I wont be able to out run them! I've gotta hide! AND I HAVE a perfectly good skin suit to do it right here! 

Hisashi then had an idea. He felt his back pocket making sure it was there. He had brought a high voltage tazer with him. Never hoping he would have to use it. But he knew today was the day he had to. 

Hisashi head: I dont even know if electricity will work on him. But its my only choice right now! I gotta gamble it and get her out of him! 

Hisashi: Her quirk lets her hold her breath for 2 hours! There's no way your gonna suffocate and kill her before that happens! So....let her go....and take me instead. 

Sludge villian: Well well. You certainly have balls dont you. What's stopping me from just killing the both of you and wearing you either of you as skin suits. 

Hisashi: Your running out of time. The heroes will be here any minute. So take me...and let.her.GO! 

The sludge villian had thought about it. Then after a 4 second pause. The sludge villian had quickly threw the girl out of his body. She hit the wall sliding onto the ground. Able to move and groan in pain. The villian had quickly dashed at Hisashi expanding his body and ready to swallow him whole. 

Sludge villian: YOU GOT A DEAL "HERO"! 

Hisashi then quickly pulled his tazer out and as the villian had begun to engulf him he full blasted the villian with electricity. Making the villian retract and scream out in pain. 

Sludge villian: GGGAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

 Once the tazer had died and ran out of battery. Hisashi quickly made a dash towards Tsyu. She had just gotten up and Hisashi grabbed her hand trying to lead her away. 

Hisashi: RUN KID! Before he gets back-

However a tendril quickly grabbed his leg. 

Hisashi: Oh crap-

Sludge villian: I gotta hand it to you. You gave me quite the surprise there. 

The sludge villian began to pull him away and he fell onto the ground. Tsyu tried her hardest to hang on to his hand. 

Tsyu: Hang on sir!

Sludge villian: So let me PAY IT BACK!

The sludge villian then swung Hisashi's body away. Ripping him out of Tsyu hand making her fall back and gasp. Her eyes went wide seeing Hisashi's body hit a wall on the alleyway, barrel rolling out into the street before finally hitting a car. Blood being splat onto the concrete he hit and his head beginning to bleed. 

Tsyu: MR. MIDORYIA!!! 

The sludge villian then started to make its way to Hisashi. Who was only barely breathing. 

Sludge villian: Damn. I might have banged your skin up more then I wanted to. Oh well. If your dead it just means less resistance to take over your bod-YYAAAHHH! 

Suddenly a car had been thrown in the middle of street splattering the villian on it and making him go slide down the road. Where the car originated from was a hero named Death Arms having a big hulking figure and 2 static generators on his fist. His quirk gives him super strength when charged with electricity. 


Death Arms began to chase after him. The sludge villian then quickly reformed and started to make its get away. 

Sludge villains: I gotta get out of here! 


Tsyu quickly ran to Hisashi. His body slumped over with blood trailing onto the concrete. He was barely breathing now. 

Tsyu: Sir please wake up! You have to wake up! 

She tried to shake him awake and she put pressure on his head wound trying to stop the bleeding. Soaking her hand in her blood. Another hero had then showed up. This time Kamui woods. A hero able to grow wood like appendages. 

Kamui woods: What happend?!

Tsyu: PLEASE call the medics! He got thrown by that villian! .....He....he saved me. 

Kaumi woods then had started to call someone on his ear coms. 

Kaumi woods: This is Kamui woods. I need an ambulance sent to my location. I have 2 victims. One is stable and the other is in severe condition with a head injury along with multiple broken extremities. Call in the nearest hospital and let them know we will be on our way soon. 

At the Musutafu Hospital Emergency room

Inko was waiting patiently at the nurses station. I was now already past 10pm. She began to get anxious seeing the clock turn 8:30pm. A co-worker then came up to her concerned. 

Nurse: Inko shouldn't you be out of here? Your shift was already from 7am-7pm. Then you even stayed to help out when it got busy. Plus there's a trauma coming in. You dont wanna get stuck with that on top of everything. Go home girl! 

Inko: I wish I could. My son was supposed to pick me up but something happend at school so my husband is now supposed to be picking me up. I dont want to leave if hes on his way. He isn't picking his phone up either. I'm starting to get worried. 

Before the nurse could try to re-assure her friend though. They suddenly started to get the report of the trauma alert they were notified about.

Radio: Musutafu this is rescue 9 coming in with a level 1 trauma. 

Nurse: Dr. Strange. Come listen!

The nurse picked up the radio ready to receive to encode. She also waved down the doctor letting him also hear in case she missed anything. 

Nurse: This is Musutafu ER go ahead. 

Rescue Radio: Coming to your facility with a 50 year old male. Pt was involved in a villian attack suffering from multiple blunt trauma everywhere. Pt suffered a head injury and does have a history of blood thinners. C-spine precautions used. Pt had a tension pneumothorax which was fixed with needle decompression. Pt showed symptoms of shock and was started on fluids running wide, intubated in route to facility. He has 1 io established and 2 18G IVs established. Pt went into V-TACH with no pulse and had 2 rounds of epi/CPR and 1 defib. We do have ROSC now. Current blood pressure is 90/54, HR 52, SPO2 89%. ETA to your facility is 5 mins any further questions or orders? 

Before the nurse could answer however Inko had put her hand on her arm she held the radio with.

Inko: My husbands the same age....and he also takes blood thinners. Can you ask him his hair color? 

The nurse reluctantly then asked on the radio. Worrying there fears were right. 

Nurse: What color is the patients hair? 

Rescue radio: Uh pts hair is green and messy. 

Inkos eyes widen at the sudden reality her husband is in bad condition. 

Inko: *gasp*Oh my god!

Dr. Strange: Inko listen to me-

The doctor then interjected putting a hand on Inko shoulder forcing her to look at him. Meanwhile the nurse who took report had started to get everyone ready for the trauma alert. Making sure the crash cart was ready and blood, fluids and any medications they needed were already on hand, drawn and ready to be pushed. 

Inko: T-Thats my husband. Oh my god he was attacked. Ohmygod-

Dr. Strange: -LISTEN! We dont know if its even him yet we haven't confirmed-


Dr. Strange: -We are gonna do everything we can! I need you to tell me his medical history and then go into the break room while we work him up. 

Inko: H-H-Hes my husband. I cant...I cant just

She started to cry and tear up. However the doctor held her and reassured her. 

Dr. Strange: Inko I get it. But you know the rules. You cant treat family members. You'd only get in the way. 

Inko then tried to push it down. Push down the worry, and fear, and dread, and heartbreak going on. And focused on giving the Doctor his medical history and everything relevant. By the time she finished.....He was finally here.

Paramedics: COMING THROUGH! 

The medics had burst through the doors already making there way into the trauma bay. As they began unloading the patient into the trauma bay. Inko had finally got a good look at the patient. She begged for it not to be true. Begging for it to be a coincidence. It wasn't though. She had seen her husband with dried blood all over his face and all the tubes and catheters inserted into him and wires surrounding him. With obvious deformities to his arms and legs. She broke down crying on the floor. 

Inko: Oh god....HISHASHI!!!! 

Another nurse had suddenly came to pick her up. With Inko legs giving out and her friend trying her best to carry her into a break room. Trying to not let her see the horrible sight in front of her. The only sounds to be heard in that ER were of a team of nurses and doctors trying everything to save someone. And of a woman crying. Begging for him to be ok. Praying to god her loved one would make it out of this.  

Meanwhile at 9:00pm in the neighborhood of Midoryias apartment complex

Izuku was still wearing his all might hoodie and costume from his wrestling fight. This time without the mask. He was walking the sidewalk making his way home. He was in his own head about his current problem and situation.

Izukus head: Dad is gonna kill me. I completely forgot about picking mom up today. He texted me and said he would pick her up instead. I'm glad Kacchan made an alibi for me saying I was helping him study at the library. 

As Izuku got closer to his apartment he started to see red and blue sirens of a cop car. 

Izukus head: The police? Did something happen?...wait.....oh no did mom or dad call the cops and say im missing?! I texted them I was heading back home!

Izuku made his way up the stairs and to his front door. Opening it and seeing his mother in the living room and next to her on the couch was Mitsuki. Bakugos mother. Along with 2 police officers sitting in some chairs across from them.

Inko: Izuku!!!

Izuku was immediately hugged by his mother. She held a tight grip on her son. He then began to apologize. 

Izuku: Mom I'm sorry I was out so late. Me and Kacchan were-

She then tightened her grip making Izuku stop in his sentence. When she looked up she could see dried tears in her face making him worry. 

Izuku: Mom.... is everything ok? 

She tried to speak. But as she tried to find the words. She started to break down crying again. Falling onto her knees in front of her son. He looked up at Mitsuki confused and more concerned now. However she also had tears in her eyes. She had heard the news from Inko and immediately came over for support. 

Izuku: What happend? 

He asked looking at Mitsuki. However one of the officers then came up. He was sincere. But direct with Izuku. 

Police officer: I'm sorry son... Your father is dead....He was murdered by a villian on his way to pick up your mother from work. 

Izukus eyes widen in shock. And all he could hear was his mother sob and feel her tears soak his hoodie. He then also fell to his knees hugging his mom. Holding her as he also cried over the loss of his father. And the loss of her husband and one true love. 

Later on in Izukus room

Izuku was now sitting in his bed. Processing the news of not only his fathers death. But of who killed him. The police had given them a description of the villian who attacked him and reassured that they put a bolo out. So now every cop and pro hero in this sector and the 6 next over will be now looking for the Sludge villian. However Izuku.....Izuku could only blame himself. Now knowing that the villian he let go. The villian he decided to look the other way for. Killed his father.

Izuku: Its my fault...its all my fault. I.....I let this happen. I let the villian get away. I didn't pick mom up and dad had to instead.....Hes dead.....because of me.

He then held his head in his hands sitting in bed. Tears streaming down his face as he now spoke to a ghost. 

Izuku: Dad....Im so sorry.....

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