Chapter 7

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At Izukus school 1 week after the death of Hisashi

Izuku walks the halls of his school. Kids would bump into him by accident and they would apologize. However Izuku wouldn't even give a response. Keeping his eyes focused on the ground. Heading to his locker. In his head. He repeated that night. Over and over. Every time he did. He would remember the villian he let go. And even the villain thanking him. To hear those words over and over. "Thanks kid". It made him boil up in rage. As Izuku was messing with his locker. Flash Thompson had walked by. He saw Izuku and instead of his usual insults to the boy or daily beating. He had a look of empathy. Everyone had heard what happend to Izukus father. Flash then walked over to Izuku behind him. From a distance Bakugo had just turned a corner in a hall to watch. Hoping to find Izuku.

Flash: Hey...uh Midoryia.

Izuku just frowned hearing his bullies voice. Not in the mood to deal with another on slot of insults and beatings...not that he could anymore.

Izuku: Not today Flash.

Flash: I know but listen I-

Flash then grabbed Izukus shoulder. He didnt mean to come off threatening. However Izuku took it as such due to a pattern of behavior with Flash. He quickly grabbed his hand turning him around. He grabbed Flash by the collar of his uniform curling the clothes in his hand. Slamming him against the lockers. Surprising Flash and everyone. It was certainly a sight to see the local meek quirk less nerd stand up for himself in such an aggressive way.

Izuku: I SAID! ...not today!

Flash never fought back though. He didn't even get mad or try to create more conflict. Instead he showed empathy. In all the years he knew and bullied Izuku. This was the very first time he was ever trying to be kind.

Flash: I get it. Im a jerk. And I deserve that... I do.... I dont wanna mess with you. I just want to say....I'm sorry.

Everyone was so surprised. Not just the students but Bakugo watching as well. Even a teacher who watched to make sure nothing got out of hand.

Flash: I'm sorry I bullied you. I'm....I'm sorry about what happend to your dad.

Izuku...almost felt dissatisfied. He was so angry. His blood was boiling. His eyes with tears barely leaking out. The one time he finally has power, the one time he can let his anger out. He cant do it. Because the truth is. It did mean a lot to Izuku. To finally hear Flash apologize. He slowly let go of Flash. Letting his shirt go.

Flash: ....I'm sorry.

He grabbed his bag from his locker. And without saying a word left.

Bakugo: Deku wait up.

Bakugo who watched the whole ordeal stopped Izuku in his path. Bakugo had a look of hesitation for a second and Izuku before he could say anything. Was hugged by Bakugo. Making his eyes go wide a little. Bakugo is not a guy who likes to hug or talk about his feelings. The only emotions he usually shows are anger, pride and laughter. It's not to say he doesn't have other emotions. He just doesn't like to show them. He then lets go of Izuku awkwardly stepping back. Still obviously getting used to showing empathy. He then speaks again. With the most empathy and kindness Izuku has heard from Bakugo in awhile. Even calling him by his name instead of his nick name.

Bakugo: Dek-...Izuku.....I'm sorry about your dad. I'm sorry about Hisashi. He was....a really good man. I....I should have never brought us to that wrestling place.

Izuku then though. With a depressed look. Instead corrected him.

Izuku: Yeah... he was. It wasn't your fault though was mine.

Before Bakugo could say anything the bell had rung. To Izuku it was a perfect excuse. While he appreciates his friend going out of his way to comfort him. He just wants to be alone.

Izuku went about the rest of his day like usual except today he was never once insulted. Never had a paper ball or spit bomb thrown at him. No wedgies or bathroom beatings. No tripping in the hallway. Which gave him plenty of time to drown in pity and depression. Once again unable to forget that night. The way the sludge villian ran. The con man who yelled at him to stop him. The subtle slide in his steps letting the villian past. And those 2 words of the man who took his father away.

"Thanks kid"

Later at the Midoryias apartment

Izuku walked into the door. Taking his shoes off near the front rug with a welcome.

Izuku: Mom I'm home.

However he heard no answer. He dropped his bag next to the door to his room and called out again.

Izuku: Mom?

He didnt see her in the kitchen/ living room and so he looked into the last place which was his parents only his mothers. He open the door to see her laying and sleeping in bed. With crumbled tissues, loads of junk food, and a messy blanket bundled up. With her hugging it like a body.

Izukus head: She must have been crying again.... Also stress eating.

Izuku and her mom were alike. Huge cry babies who would eat there feelings when stressed out. Izuku grabbed another blanket and put it on top of his mother. Once he did. She nuzzled and groaned into the pillow and blanket.

Inko: mmm....Hisashi....

Izuku froze hearing his name. But stepped back knowing she was dreaming about him. Izuku would imagine she is remembering the good parts of there lives together. To Izuku those two were the ideal picture of love and commitment. He almost envy her. Because his nights....are only filled with guilt ridden nightmares of that night. Playing over...and over........and over.

Izukus head: Why.....Why didn't I........

Izuku: *sigh*

Izuku then walked out of the room. Shutting the light off and closing the door. He then went to the kitchen to try and also eat his worries away. He grabbed a ramen packet and as he tried to rip it open. It instead exploded into a bunch of pieces because Izuku used to much strength. Izuku then stayed there silent. Listening to the last bits of dried ramen hit the floor.





He then raised his hand up in anger. Wanting to slam his hand down on the counter. But instead stopped himself. Knowing he would only break it. Which wouldn't make the hurt go away. He cleaned everything up throwing it away. He then went to his room instead. Closing the door and isolating himself. He sat on the edge of his bed. He pulled his phone out and looked into his voicemail. Only showing 1 message. It was from his father. The night he tried to call him before he died. Izuku hesitantly pressed the button on the voicemail. Putting the phone to his ear.

Phone: You have 1 new voice mail. *beep*.

Hishasi phone: Izuku its dad....I just wanted to call and check in on you....I know....I know things have been difficult lately-

However before Izuku could finish the message he hung up. Starting to cry into his hands. Unable to listen to the sound of his fathers voice.

An hour later in Izukus room

Izuku sat on his bed. His feet and butt sitting flat holding his head in his hands between his legs. He then hears a knock on his door. Assuming it to be his mom.

Izuku: Come in.

His mom then came in. A little more cleaned up after she wiped the dried tears from her face.

Inko: ....hey son. How long have you been home?

Izuku: Just about an hour.

Inko: Well... are you hungry? I can make some dinner soon...

Izuku: I'm .....*sigh* not hungry.

Inko knew her son was hurting. She felt bad to be the only one crying all day. She offered to let Izuku stay home from school. But he refused. He wanted to try and feel normal like it was any other day. He couldn't though. Inko then sat on the bed with her son. After the few seconds of silence. Izuku broke it admitting to his mom.

Izuku: I...I missed him a lot today.

Inko: I know....I miss him too....

Inko tried to smile saying.

Inko: But....he was there.

Referring to feeling her husband with her. Even when she knows he is gone.

Izuku: I cant help but thinking about....the last time I saw him. The last things that I said to him.

Inko listened to her son. Knowing that it has been eating at him since he heard the news.

Izuku: He tried to tell me something important...and I....I basically threw it in his face.

Inko then put a hand on her sons shoulders. Soothing and comforting him.

Inko: You loved him...and he loved you....He never doubted the man you would grow into. He knew that you were meant for great things.....You wont disappoint him.

Inko then got up. Reaching for her phone and starting to leave his room.

Inko: I'm gonna order some pizza. You can have some if you'd like if you start to feel hungry.

Izuku then got up from his bed and looked down on his desk. Seeing a sketch art of the sludge villian. They have been calling every morning getting updates on the villian. He is still on the run. They dont believe he was able to escape yet. The thought of that happening made his anger seap through again. He then looked in his closet. Finding the costume he used during the wrestling match where he first appeared as "Spider-man".

Izukus head: I cant do it. I cant just sit here anymore in self pity and a well of guilt.

He then grabbed the mask taking a look at it with both his hands.

Izukus head: I'm not gonna just let my dads killer walk away. So now he doesn't just have to worry about the pros and police after him.

Izuku then slipped the mask onto his face.

Spider-Man: He's gonna have to watch out for "Spider-Man" now.

On the rooftops of Musutafu 3 days later at night

Izuku had now gotten a new suit. Moving up from his All Might hoodie and sweat pants. He made a trip to some pawn shops. Finding a spider theme hoodie with a ski mask and new goggles. Buying used mountain bike pads and gloves for his knees and elbows.

Izuku was then jumping from roof top to roof top. Adding in bits of parkour to get around faster. He then stopped on another roof pulling his phone out. He had found a old police scanner radio in the trash of a radio shack store. He was able to fix it back up and connected it to his computer which is now connecting to his phone. Giving him access to real time police broadcasts and dispatch information.

Izukus head: The guy I'm looking for has a mutation type quirk. His bodies a liquid which makes it easy for him to get around and hide. Its huge however. So when he is on the move someone is sure to see him. I also dont know if he can transform back in forth from his sludge form and a more human form. So if I hear anything even remotely suspicious of him on the radio. I gotta check it out.

He then finally hears something over the radio.

Police scanner: This is sector 4 of Musutafu. Be advised there's been reports of a suspicious person loitering around. Caller saids he has some type of mutation quirk. More info being dropped to your units.

Izukus head: To bad I cant get access to there networks yet. Sector 4 should be 3 blocks down though.

Izuku then began to jump from building to building. Eventually reaching his destination. He started to look around from the roof tops. Not seeing anyone out in the open streets. He then heard some metal hitting against metal with loud clanks.

Izukus head: What was that?

Izuku had then started to make his way over there. After making it to the building he heard the noise come from. He started to wall crawl on the side of the building. Staying to the shadows. He then spotted multiple thugs opening a garage door.

Izukus head: What are these guys up too?

Izuku then started to listen in on the conversation. Still hidden above them clinging to the walls hiding in the corner of a shadow.

Thug 1: When is the ETA there supposed to get here?

Thug 2: Any minute now they said. Lets make this quick. They said the heroes are hot on there tail. Hey Kuma you ready.

Kuma: Yeah yeah I got it.

Then walked out a giant bear person. He then grabbed a large dumpster and pushed it closer to the garage door.

Izukus head: This bear guy might be the suspicious guy I heard about on the police scanner. Hes not the guy I'm looking for though. I should keep watching and see what happens.

Izuku then saw another car drive by and up to the garage door.

Thug 2: This is them!

Thug 1: Kuma start pushing!

The bear man growled at the 2. Making them both jump up scared.

Kuma: You take orders from me got it! This is my operation I got going on.

They both gulped and noded.

The car then drove into the garage door opening of the building while the bear man pushed the dumpster in front. One of the thugs then closed the garage door and slipped a brick theme wall paper over it. Kuma then ran to a back door entrance after he finished moving the dumpster in front. They had created a camouflage for there base. Then only 10 seconds later a cop car started to patrol buy. Then on another roof top Izuku spotted and recognized another hero. Letting out just a bit of his fanboy self out.

Izukus head: Thats Kamui Woods! He must be after these guys. It's actually so cool to see him in this kind of angle!

Kamui woods then signaled on his ear com to dispatch.

Kamui woods: No sign of them. Are you sure they went this way?

The hero then shot a tendril out and pulled himself up to another building. Continuing his search.

Izukus head: I get it now. So there hiding right now. They must specialize in keeping villains and criminals on low profiles when the cops and heroes are after them....which means the sludge villain could have done the same. I need to find a way in. And get more information. This could be my first lead.

Izuku then started to crawl on the wall around the building. Eventually able to find an air vent. He perched in front of it and began to pull it off.

Izukus head: This looks like an Air vent. I might be able to sneak inside through here.

Izuku after prying open the vent had then started to climb in feet first through the vent. Once his whole body was inside. He then tried to put the vent panel back on. However it wouldn't fit and he instead ended up dropping it. Making a loud crash sound.

Spider-man: Oh....shit.

Izukus head: I hope they didn't hear that.

Then out the side door had come out a thug. Izuku hid inside the vent not letting him see him. The thug had looked all around but saw nothing but the cent pannel on the ground. He looked up to see it open. Izuku while inside was sweating bullets.

Izukus head: Please be stupid. Please be dumb. Please just ignore it!

Thug 2: Huh.....guess uhh there must have been a lose screw or something. It is getting windy tonight.

The thug then went back inside the building. Making Izuku sigh in relief. He began his decent into the building's ventilation systems. He eventually was able to find another vent panel. He was able to see a garage with multiple cars on lifts including the one that just made its escape from the police. He saw a tv set up on a wooden table and power cables. With a very run down green dirty couch and lawn chairs. Sitting on the lawn chairs was the 2 thugs from before.

Thug 1: So what was the ruckus?

Thug 2: A vent fell off from the wind. It's nothing.

Then the hear quirk user had walked in from a different room. Watching the two watch TV.

Kuma: Our new guest have settled in. They'll stay for a couple nights until the heat dies down. They already paid in full. So lets not make any slip ups. Stay away from cameras, populated areas, and limit contact with people.

Thug 1: I mean doesn't that advice apply to you offense but you are a talking bear.

Kuma just growled at the thug. Making him throw his hands up admitting to back off the tooic.

Thug 2: We already stocked up on food and water. Should be good until then.

Kuma: Good. We should be fine then. Hey turn it to channel 52. Japan got talent is supposed to be on.

Izukus head: So I was right! This is a place where villains hide. I can't believe I got so lucky on my first night out on patrol. I need to try and find some type of record book. I doubt it's likely since there criminals and they do things off the books. But its the only other thing I can do right now.

Izuku then tried to move through the vents again. Doing his best to stay as quiet as possible.

Izukus head: YKnow now that I'm thinking about it and crawling through these vents. Im kinda surprised how big these vents are. You always watch them in movies and say "vents are never that big to fit a person". So the fact it can hold me is pretty cra-

However suddenly as he moved through the vents it suddenly collapsed. Making the current section he was in tilt forward.

Spider-man: -AHHHH!

Izuku then before he could use his stick em powers to catch himself. Slipped out of the air vent head first. Landing on the hood of a car that was recently driven into the garage.

Kuma: What in the hell?!

Thug 1/2: Shit!!/ Fuck!!

The thugs had looked back to see a man in his spider theme outfit. Making them go wide eye.

Thug 1: Oh crap is that a pro hero?!

Kuma: Wait....I dont think so?

Thug 2: Lets get out of here! Before more show up!

Kuma grabbed both of his men though and calmed them down. Meanwhile Izuku started to get back on his feet. Rubbing his head in pain and rolling his neck.

Kuma: Look at his outfit. Theres no way this guys a pro. It looked like he got his costume out of a thrift shop.

Izuku then was finally back on his feet and seeing the 3 criminals in front of him.

Izukus head: Oh great! So much for stealth. I was hoping to stay away from fighting.

Thug 1: Oh shoot. Your right boss. You think he's a vigilante?

Thug 2: Or a spy?

Kuma: He's trespassing on private property is what he is doing! Get em!

The 2 thugs then ran after to Izuku. Izuku quickly dodged one of the thug's punches. While grabbing the 2nd thug by his sleeve and throwing his fist at his friend.

Spider-man: You know we don't have to do this. You guys can just tell me what I want to know and I can be on my way.

One of the thugs then recovered onto his feet. Grabbing a crow bar from behind Izuku. Suddenly Izuku spider sense went off. As the thug swung for his head he bent down quickly, leaning backwards and onto his hands and then doing a standing upper drop kick to the criminal's face. Making him fly in the air as Izuku also did from pushing off the ground. The thug had landed on his back and Izuku landed on his stomach landing one final blow knocking him out. Now stood Izuku and the Bear leader.

Kuma: I aint telling you nothing! You know how it goes. Client and customer privilege er that sort of thing.

Izuku then dashed at the bear with the bear running at Izuku. Izuku then slid down onto the ground dodging a slash attack from the bear man. He then hit him right in his stomach surprising the bear quirk user.

Kuma: For such a small punk! You pack a punch!

However Kuma was able to get back hand in with Izuku so close to him. Knocking Izuku away. He was knocked into some hanging chains with Izuku quickly grabbing them and swinging.

Spider-man: Well you know what they say. What comes around goes around!

He then did a round about turn swinging himself back into the fight. Doing s wrecking ball kick to his body knocking him a few steps and taking away his breath. He then bounced off his body and to the wall. This time sticking to it.

Kuma: Grah! *gasp* Im gonna kick your ass you little punk!

Spider-man: Settle down. Yogi bear. Im not after your picnic baskets! Just what you know!

Then before the bear man could recover Izuku had jumped and dashed to the couch sitting in the garage.

Spider-man: Hey Smokey the bear! Catch!

He quickly lifted it up and threw it at the villain with ease.

Kuma: My couch!

The villain caught it with only some what trouble. However Izuku then using the couch he held. Bounced off it doing a double upper cut to his nose. Knocking him back onto his back as Izuku did a back flip landing on the ground perfectly.

Spider-man: You had enough yet!

Izuku then went to the bear quirk user. Grabbing him by his fur in his neck and beginning to interrogate him. Meanwhile another thug from behind him began to wake up.

Spider-man: I want the next sentences out of your mouth to be answers to my question!

Kuma: I told you I ain't talking!

The thug from behind Izuku. Then quietly grabbed the crow bar again. Taking little steps towards Izuku and lining up for a swing. Then as soon as he got into position he made a hard swing for his head. Except with only one hand Izuku caught the crow bar. Quickly pulling it out the thugs hands and then quickly returned the favor knocking him out with the crow bar.

Spider-man: That stunt didn't work last time!

Izuku then took the crow bar and started to wrap and bend it around the neck of the bear man. Making his eyes go wide.

Spider-man: I'm done asking nicely. LAST chance! Tell me what I wanna know! Or I swear to god Fozzie I'm gonna make you a new collar and hang you by it!

The villain then finally gave in. Starting to plead for his safety.

Kuma: OK OK! I'll talk just stop before you choke me!

Izuku then stopped bending the crow bar around the villains neck. Already making him have a nice iron made collar.

Spider-man: What do you know about a sludge villain? Have you been hiding anyone or know someone who has the ability to turn there body into liquid sludge?

Kuma: I-I mean I know some guys from years ago who you might be talking about-

Izuku grabbed the crowbar collar slamming his head on the ground making it clank together loudly.

Spider-man: I mean RECENTLY!

Kuma: NO! No not recently! I haven't had anyone come by for my services that fit that description.

Izukus head: Dammit.

Spider-man: Are you lying to me?!

Kuma: NO! Honest! I swear thats everything!

Izuku then stood up. Dragging the villain by the back of his collar. Making him begin to freak out.

Kuma: WAIT! I told you everything! Honestly I dont know anything about no sludge guy your looking for!!!

However before the villain could process anything. He suddenly felt chains being wrapped and bent into the metal of his crowbar collar.

Kuma: Wait! What are you doing!?

Spider-man: You thought I was gonna let you go? No. The authorities will be here soon.

Izuku using the chains made a make shift leash for the bear bending the metal into the frame of a car so it couldn't move. He then grabbed more chains from around the garage and tied up the hands and legs of Kuma. Then used just some more on the remaining criminals. This time hanging them from the roof. Spider-man stepped back clapping his hands of the dirt.

Spider-man: There. You guys shouldn't be able to get out of that.

Izuku then suddenly heard a door open behind him. He turned around and saw another man walk out holding an empty roll of toilet paper. Presumably the guy who hired the other 3 for protection and a place to lay low.

Criminal: Hey do you guys even keep freaking toilet paper here?! I paid you guys 100,000 yen for a safe house and you guys cant even keep some-

The criminal then stopped in his track. Seeing the sight of the biggest villain with a strong quirk he could hire and 2 of his other body guards. Knocked out and tied in chains hanging from the roof. And then a man in a spider theme costume. Obviously responsible.

Criminal: .....shit.

Spider-man: listen if you could do me a favor and-

*criminal begins to frantically run away*

Spider-man: -not *sigh* .....not do that.

The criminal then booked it out of the room. And out of a door leading outside. Izuku then tried to run after him. The man once outside started to run as fast as he could into the back streets and alleyways. Izuku had no sight of him.

Spider-man: Crap. I lost him.

Izuku looked on the ground seeing a flip phone.

Spider-man: Flip phone? These things are ancient. It must be some type of burner for that guy. Is there anything useful on here?

Izuku looked through the phone only finding random numbers without contacts. And a call history with no names except numbers.

Spider-man: I guess not. I could try and hack the phone and see which cell phone towers connected to this phone.....except I have no idea how to do that.

Izuku face palmed into his mask. Knowing this vigilante gig is gonna be harder than the movies make it seem.

Spider-man: I can at least make a call to the authorities. They can pick up the 3 guys I did catch. They might have a better chance on finding more clues or evidence at this safe house to my dad's killer on this end "IF" there is any connection.

Izuku then dialed 110 (japans police number like "911"). Waiting for it to pick up. Until eventually a female dispatcher answered.

Phone: This is the Musutafu police dispatch. Are you safe right now?

Izuku had scoffed out and deepened his voice.

Spider-man: Hi. Yes I am.

Phone: What is your emergency?

Spider-man: *grunt* Well I was driving by and I saw these uhh....hooligans..... making a lot of noise on. 86th street at some garage place.

Phone: ....sir are you deepening your voice?

Izuku froze for a second. Embarrassed how obvious it was.

Izukus head: ....crap.

Izuku then said in a more normal voice. Hoping if he acted more natural it would be less suspicious. However it just sounded like a higher pitched voice now.

Spider-man: I

Phone: Are you a kid?

Izukus head: How is this lady so perceptive on just a phone?!

Phone: You know its a crime to prank police dispatch or not use this line for real emergencies right?

Spider-man: This is an emergency!

Phone: Ok kid. Are your parents around?

Spider-man: IM NOT A KID!

Izukus head: Oh god is it to late to hang up now?!

Meanwhile in a alleyway not so far

The criminal Izuku had let escape was still running and making a get away. He was however making noise because he was freaking out from the adrenaline. Now knowing a figure from above was getting closer and closer.

Criminal head: God dammit! This whole day has been a bust! I got double crossed in a spring! I get chased around by pro heroes and cops! I lost my car and a 100,000 yen on a safe house that gets busted by some spider creep!

The criminal had then tried to jump a fence. Very clumsily getting over it.

Criminal: Can today get any worse!?

Just as he jumped down though he felt a wooden tendril wrapped around his waist. Feeling his feet never hit the ground.

Kamui woods: You know I just love when I can jump in when criminals and villains say lines like that.

Criminal: Oh crap!

The criminal them tried to thrash his body around to get lose. However it only caused Kamui woods to further restrain him. Until eventually he was wrapped in a wooden cocoon. With only his face visible.

Kamui woods: Ive been chasing after you all day. So it gives me great pleasure to say that you are under arrest for armed robbery, assault with a deadly weapon and, fleeing from police and pro heroes!

Criminal: Yeah whatever you say man! Honestly at this point take me to jail! Just keep me away from that spider freak!

Kamui woods tilted his head confused.

Kamui woods head: Did another hero get to him before I did? And why did they let him get away?

Kamui woods then started to back trace the way the criminal came from. Making his way to the garage place.

Back with Izuku at the garage building

Izuku was still on the phone. Clear from his body language that he was pissed off. All he wanted to do was place an anonymous call to the police for some bad guys and this lady just wouldn't listen to what he's saying.

Phone: Listen sir! I cant just send police units over to you without an actual reason besides "suspicious person/activity".

Spider-man: WHY NOT!? Just*sigh* I promise you that you will find something there! Something that the police will definitely want to get!

Phone: You do you realize that I need to take that as a threat theres some type of bomb or care package right?! Now I'm definitely not sending police units  over there and sending a hero!

Spider-man: FINE! Whatever! Thanks for the help!

He had said sarcastically.

Spider-man: And just to clarify! There is NO BOMB!

Izuku had threw the phone on the ground hanging up after yelling at the piece of plastic for 5 mins arguing over the phone lady. He then slammed his foot down on it. Breaking it in 2.

Spider-man: FINALLY! I've always wanted to do that! Now to get out of here and go-

Izuku then began to turn around and walk away from the building. However as he only took a few steps he then heard a loud voice above him.

Kamui woods: -Did you call for a hero!?

Izuku froze with a chill running up his spine. He looked behind him seeing the pro hero Kamui woods. Holding the criminal that got away from him in a wooden cocoon. The hero then jumped from the building and landed a few meters away from Izuku. Letting a tendril drop him down next to the building the criminal had escaped from. They were now in a stand off.

Izukus head: Ohmygod!ohmygod!OH.MY.GOD! Its Kamui woods!!! Hes a new upcoming hero. He just made his debut last year and is already in the top 100!

Kamui woods: I saw that whole conversation you were having.

Izukus head: ....uh oh.

Izuku then began to realize his situation that he was in.

Kamui woods: Do you mind explaining why it is you need police or a pro hero to check this place out?

Izukus head: Im....IM UP AGAINST A PRO NOW!

Spider-man: W-Well you see. If you look inside. You'll see that I caught 3 bad guys for you and restrained them. So you definitely have yours hands full with thay guy you just caught as well. So I will just be on my w-

Izukus head: GAH! That ringing again. Its...telling me to ....DUCK!

Izuku spidey sense then made Izuku dodge the tendril that was thrown at Izuku. He then dodged 4 more tendrils all aimed at his limb or body. All of them just barely missing.

Kamui woods head: His reflexes are incredible. It takes crazy speed to match against my wood bindings.

Izukus head: Holy crap that was close. If I didn't have this spider sense. I would have been caught by all of those!

Kamui woods: I'll give you credit. Not everyone can dodge my wood bindings like that. Let me guess. From your outfit I would say a spider quirk? Meaning spider speed and reflexes.

Spider-man: Uh yyyeah.  Something like that.....Like the fit?

Kamui woods: It looks cheaply made and like you got everything out of a thrift shop.

Izukus head: ......hes not wrong.

Spider-man: We don't have to do this! I don't want to fight you! Im actually a really big fan!

Kamui woods: Then turn yourself in! I don't know what your reasons are. But you illegally used your quirk and acted as a vigilante. So I have to turn you in. I promise to go easy an you since your a "fan".

Izukus head: Oh crap this isn't good. I need to get away from him. If he captures me and finds out who I am and that I'm really quirk less. My life is just not over. Im the new science fair guinea pig for every mad government scientist.

Izuku then did the first and only thing he could think of.

Kamui woods: Look just turn yourself in and make this easy and I wont have to-

Spider-man: Oh crap that bad guy is getting out of his restraints!

Kamui woods: What?! That's impossible. He doesn't have a quirk that can-

Kamui woods then looked behind and then saw that the criminal including the ones that Izuku caught and were all tied up in the garage are

still restrained. He then looked back at where Izuku was standing. Seeing him missing. He then looked around and saw him running across the street to another building.

Kaumi wood: WAIT STOP!

Kamui woods head: I can't believe I fell for that!!!

Izukus head: I can't believe he fell for that?!?!?

Izuku then made a huge leap to the building easily covering half its height. He then clung to the wall and began to crawl up it.

Kamui wood: Another spider power huh? No matter.

Kamui wood then while following Izuku. Shot a tendril onto the railing above the building. Using it to pull himself into the air.

Kamui woods: Its still not enough to out run me!

Izuku had finally made it to the top of the building. He quickly dashed away. Jumping roof top to roof top. Trying to out run him. However Kamui was hot on his tail.

Izukus head: Shit! In terms of speed and agility I technically have the advantage! But Kamui quirk Arbor allows him to graple from long ranges. Plus his years of experience and training! Im the one at a disadvantage here!

Izuku then made a giant leap across 2 buildings. Taking advantage of a wall between them and wall running for the 1st time. He jumped off the building and did a safety roll to the ground. Continuing to run but taking a quick look behind him. Seeing Kamui wood just shoot a wood tendril and grapple over easily.

Kamui wood: Give it up spider guy! You can't escape me with just your quirk!

Spider-man: Its Spider-man! And just please give up on me!

Izuku then noticed he was starting to get closer to train tracks. Suddenly getting an idea. He looked at his watch while running on a roof top.

Izukus head: Its almost 9pm. The next train should be showing up any minute now. Maybe this is my chance to give me some space from him and a chance to hide and lay low!

Izuku then started  to run on the tracks themselves. This time trusting his pure speed to get him away from Kamui woods.

Kamui woods head: Damn! This guy is fast! I was only able to keep up from grappling so much. But now that its just a straight race. I wont be able to keep up. I have to end this now before he gets away!

Izukus head: Ok I have to time this just right. Otherwise I'll go splat!

Izuku then made a huge leap over the rail road track which was close by to a tunnel.

Izukus head: As long as he doesn't use his ultimate move Lacquered Chain Prison I should be-

Kamui wood: Lacquered Chain Prison!!!

Spider-man: OH CRAP!

Kamui wood had then used his ultimate move on Izuku while he was mid air. Wrapping his arm and leg in wooden tendrils. Luckily Izuku was able to land on the other side of the train tracks. It was now a tug of war between the two. Kamui tried to pull Izuku to him using his tendrils while Izuku used his stick em powers to stay stuck on the ground with his feet and keep himself in place. All while the tendrils already around his arm and leg started to grow more. Trying to wrap more of his body up.

Spider-man: Yknow*grunt* under different circumstances! Mmmm*grunt* This would be so much cooler getting your ultimate moved used on me!

Kamui wood: Im glad you could feel so honored! Now if you would kindly surrender so I can take you to the police station!!!

Izuku then began to hear the train finally come. Knowing its a bullet train it was gonna come in super fast at 250 mph. Faster than a normal human could process or dodge. Izuku then started to flex and resist his bindings. Slowly breaking the wood that kept continuing to grow.

Kamui woods head: He has super strength too! This guy is becoming more of a pain in the ass every second!

Izukus head: Cmon Midoryia! You can do it! Just!BREAK! FREE!

Izuku then using everything he had. Stretched his arms out. Shattering the wood over his upper body suprising Kamui woods. Then at lightning speed. Suddenly a train smashed into the wooden tendrils connecting him to Izuku. Shattering it to thousands of peices and also releasing Izuku. Izuku quickly used the chance to escape. Dropping off the train rail and running away from Kamui as fast as he could. Once the train had finally passed for Kamui. Spider-man was no where to be found. And Kamui was trying to grow back his hand and arm alone on the track.

Kamui woods: Dammit! I lost him. Its gonna take me 2 minutes to grow my arms back. Let alone use them to grapple and parkour. Ugh. Mt lady is gonna rub this in my face way too much!

Kamui woods then looked into the distance. Thinking back in his chase with Izuku. Even nodding in acceptance of his abilities.

Kamui woods: Spider-man huh? HM...... its catchy.

Meanwhile with Izuku in his room

Izuku had climbed into the window of his room. Opening it from the outside and crawling through. He then threw his mask off his face. Feeling the relief of taking the hot sweaty ski mask off.

Izuku: Oh man....that was....crazy.

Izuku then collapsed on his bed. Feeling his bed bounce and shake until rested still. His exhausted muscles sinking into the bed. He then thought back to his night. Going over everything that had happened.

Izukus head: I didn't end up getting anywhere with dads killer. I fought the wrong guys. Then to top it all off. Had to face off-.....more like run away. From a pro hero so I wouldn't get caught.

Izuku had doubts about what he was doing. He never wanted to be a vigilante. He thought once he got his powers he would finally get to be a hero. To be just like All Might. Like he had always dreamed of.

Izukus head: Am I....doing the right thing?

However he then turned his head to his desk. Seeing a picture of him and his dad together when he was younger. It was of him and his dad doing a science project together working with a chemistry set. With his dad pouring chemicals into a vial creating a foam stream shooting out. And he had a smile on his face wearing his goofy protective glasses and science coat that was to big on him.

Izukus head: No....I am. I cant let that villain walk away. Not after what he did....and.....and I have to make up for what I didn't do. No matter what.

Izuku then kept looking at the photo of his father. He remembered it like it was yesterday.

5 years ago. When Izuku was 10. In the same apartment

Hisashi was giving Izuku another gift. At the party was his father, his mother (who was a little thinner) and Bakugo. He invited other kids....they never came though. However in that moment Izuku didn't care. He was to busy enjoying his gifts.

Hisashi: Hear you go son.


Hisashi: I figured it could be something fun for you to play with. After all you do so well with science.

Izuku: Do you think I can give myself a quirk with this?

Inko had gulped and Bakugo had cringed and hid his face. Knowing how every year goes. However Hisashi instead didn't let it faze him. He knew what getting a quirk meant to Izuku. But he also knew Izuku was much more than that. And this was a chance to prove it.

Hisashi: You kidding son! You can do way cooler stuff with this! Let me show you!

His father then took a part the scientist kit he bought for Izuku and set it up for him. Meanwhile Inko had put eye goggles and gave Izuku and Kacchan matching white science coats. Both of them being a little to big. Izuku letting the sleeves hang and Bakugo rolling them up all the way to his lil bicep on his lil arms. Hisashi then set everything up. Having various glass vials and beakers set up on the table. Each with different vials of chemicals.

Hisashi: Now what we are gonna be making is called elephant toothpaste.

Bakugo then chimmed in trying to be funny.

Bakugo: I didnt know elephants needed to brush there teeth.

Hisashi joked back at the spikey haird boy.

Hisashi: Well elephants need good hygiene to. Maybe you should be more like elephants Katsuki.

Bakugo: Tch....whatever.

Hisashi continued with his demonstration.

Hisashi: Elephant tooth pastes needs only 4 things. Warm water, yeast, and hydrogen peroxide!

He then poured the hydrogen peroxide and water together. Leaving the yeast and dish soap out.

Hisashi: The hydrogen peroxide stores oxygen inside itself. When it begins to break down over time. It releases that oxygen in the form of gas.

Hisashi then grabbed some dish soap and food coloring pouring them into the vials.

Hisashi: Then we are going to add some dish soap. To make our little concoction more bubbly. And some green dye for color.

Izuku: Hey it's gonna look like our hair!

Hisashi: I mean if it looks good on us it'll look good here!

After he finished mixing all the ingredients he then waited as his son and his friend watched anxiously. Meanwhile Inko had her camera out.

Hisashi: Now the yeast is a catalyst which accelerates breaks down chemical bonds faster. Which in this case the yeast will break down the hydrogen peroxide faster making it produce much more gas!

He then added the yeast. Making the vial begin to foam.

Hisashi: The dish soap then traps the gas in its bubbles! And as the gas tries to escape it only can go one way which ends up making!-

Then the vial of glass started to foam steaming green foam.

Izuku/Bakugo: Toothpaste!!!

Inko had took the picture of the moment and Hisashi started to set up the next experiment for the kids. With the two kids grabbing playing with the tooth paste. Staining there hands with green dye.

Hisashi: Now. What do you think will happen if I did the same thing! But this time covered the top?

This time Hisashi had mixed all the chemicals inside a beaker now. This time with a larger amount and using blue food coloring instead. Inko than also began to observe from behind her husband. Not knowing the danger he now poses.

Izuku: Um....the gas cant escape?

Hisashi: Thats exactly right!

Hisashi then mixed all the chemicals again. This time covering his hand tight over the lid of the beaker. Which began to foam more and more filling it with blue foam and pressure.

Hisashi: Since the gas being made has no where to go. It will start to build and build pressure. Until it can find a way to escape. Now what does that make me have in my hands?

Bakugo questioned curious. Only able to barely follow what he was saying.

Bakugo: What does that make Mr.Midoryia?

Hisashi then quickly jumped out of his chair surprising the 2 boys. He then pointed the glass beaker at his wife. Still holding pressure on it. She immediately had a look of fear....and yet a smile as well. Knowing what stunt her husband was about to pull.

Inko: OH NO! *giggle* DONT.YOU.DA-


Hisashi then let go. Shooting a massive stream of blue foam at Inko with it spraying all over her apron, and face. Luckily she also had safety goggles. And the 2 boys laughed hysterically! Izuku then grabbed the kit bringing it outside so they can play more with there new toothpaste experiments.

Izuku: Kacchan! Lets try different measurements of hydrogen peroxide and yeast!


Inko: Leave the door open so we can keep an eye on you!

Izuku/Bakugo: KAY!!!

Now that the 2 boys left. It was now Hisashi and his foam covered wife. Hisashi and her laughed together.

Inko: I CAN NOT believe you just did that!

With Inko taking her goggles off, wiping foam off from her face and apron. And slapping it on his shirt! Hisashi just laughed it off.

Hisashi: Oh cmon the boys loved it!

Hisashi tried to go for a hug but his wife put a hand up denying him. Still laughing playfully.

Inko: You ruined my apron!!! Food coloring and hydrogen peroxide doesn't come out! I look like a smurf!!!

Hisashi though grabbed her from behind hugging her. Giving Inko no choice but accept his physical affection.

Hisashi: Oh but your such a sexy smurf though. I even "blue" my load all over you!

Hisashi had laughed hilariously at his sex joke and Inko blushed and smiled slapping her husband with a near by dish towel a couple times.

Inko: NO! *smack* Bad boy! *smack* BAD! You *smack* dirty old man!

Hisashi: Hey if I'm old your old! And you love it...

Inko then finally gave in. Wrapping her arms around her husband neck. Giving him a quick kiss.

Inko: Your such a child sometimes. Maybe thats why your so good with the boys?

She had teased at her husband. Hisashi though just hugged his wife again kissing her back and shutting her up.

Hisashi: And your parents said I was gonna be a terrible parent!

Inko: Hardy har....I guess you proved them wrong. You did great with Izuku today.

Hisashi: We BOTH did great....

However then from outside they both suddenly heard there son from outside yelling at his friend.

Izuku: Kacchan! We can make something called called devils toothpaste! ITS LIKE 10X more explosive and reactive!


Hisashi/Inko: Devils toothpaste!?!?!

Both Hisashi and Inko didn't like the sound of that and immediately went over to check on there sons before they blow up the building with rainbow foam.

Present time in Izukus bedroom

Izuku was now coming back to his reality. He wish he could go back to those simpler times. But he cant turn back the clock. However. That memory now gave him an idea.

Izukus head: I....I think I have a new idea.

Izuku then grabbed an empty note book. Pulling from his shelf of previous hero journals he made. He started to sketch out some designs of watches and gauntlets. Throwing out ideas and tweaking them out.

Izukus head: I was barely able to escape tonight with just my spider agility and strength. I need to find a way to get around faster if I'm gonna find this villain as quickly as I can. Not to mention I realized with my fight with those criminals and Kamui woods. That in a long range battle I'm at a disadvantage. And I also need a way to catch the bad guys when I beat them. I wont always keep getting lucky with finding chains and ropes to use tying them up.

After Izuku had finished his sketches and design. He finally had it. On the page was titled web shooters: mk 1. Under it a design of a gauntlet with triggers on the palm and a spray like nozzle in the end of its wrist. Along with other mechanical parts.

Izukus head: A spiders greatest weapons is its webs. If I can find a way to make them. This could be a huge game changer for my vigilante nights!

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