Chapter 8

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In the class room 1 week after his fight with Kamui woods

Izuku is in class at the moment as they were all listening to the teacher go on and on about chemistry. However he was not paying attention at all. He was instead inside of his own little world as he drew on the pages of his book. He had started to create designs along with new ideas for his identity as spider man. Jotting down as much as he could so he wouldn't forget anything. On one page was some designs of a mask and of his old suit and other spider logos and symbols. He had previously an idea for his hero suit wanting it to resemble All Might his idol. However with his new powers he wanted it to now have more spider theme. All of what he had were rough ideas.

At the moment he was working on the formula for his web shooters along with other designs for the mechanical parts that would shoot the fluid.

Izukus head: I know I'm a really smart guy. However I'm surprised that even I was able to come up with something like this? Scientists have been trying to crack down the code for artificial webbing for years since the late 1990s. Nearly  110 years we have tried. So the fact a 15 year old kid is able to crack the code should be impossible. I wonder though...

Izuku then began to mumble to himself. As he did the rest of the class sighed and the teacher slowly became annoyed and just dead panned looking at Izuku. Bakugo who was sitting close next to him. Even began to look at Izuku with a hint of frustration because he was trying to learn from the teacher but cant because he just wouldn't stop mumbling to himself. Thankfully no one could even understand his mumbled jargon of words.

Izuku mumble: Did the spider that bit me pass on some type of web making knowledge? Like how to combine certain enzymes together, what proteins to use, and even how potassium works with surface tension by-

Bakugo then kicked Izukus desk with just his foot making his desk lightly shake and got Izuku out of his day dreaming.

Bakugo: DEKU! Will you shut up! Trying to learn here!

Izuku: WHA-?! OH...uh. um....s-sorry.

The teacher then called on Izuku to answer a question presented on the board. Hopeing that since he wasn't paying attention this could be a chance to show him he needs to listen.

Teacher: Midoryia. If you've been taking notes. Explain the concept of electronegativity and how it influences chemical bonding.

Izuku then calmly answered back to the teacher with no issue at all.

Izuku: Electronegativity is a measure of an atom's ability to attract electrons in a chemical bond. It influences the type of bond that will form between atoms: if the electronegativity difference is large, an ionic bond forms, while if it's small, a covalent bond forms...

The teacher just stood there silent for a solid 4 seconds. Realizing that its gonna take more than that to get the jump on Izuku.

Teacher: ....anyways. As I was saying-

The teacher then continued on with his lesson. Izuku then went back to working on his new invention. Making Bakugo give him a look of curiosity wondering what his friend is working on.

In a chemistry lab at another highschool at night

The school Izuku went to did not have any type of chemistry lab or the equipment and supplies he needed to make his web fluids. So he did some research and found another highschool close by that does have what he needs.

Izukus head: It looks like the coast is clear. All the faculty at this school left and the janitors should be gone for the night. The lab im looking for should be on the 3rd floor.

He then waited till night time and snuck into the lab. He was currently not in costume and wore his normal street clothes. Wearing his backpack, a simple green hoodie and brown shorts with a black shirt. He took a look around making sure no one could see him. When he checked to make sure there were no cameras. He then used his spider strength and agility to jump over the fence in one go. He then quickly ran to the side of the school hugging the wall. He then started to crawl on the wall. Continuing to look around and make sure no one can see him. He then crawled over to a window on the 3rd floor of the school. Opening the window easily as it wasn't even locked. He then crawled inside the class room. Seeing a proper lab with glass vials, sinks, fletchers and all other sorts of things.

Izuku: Oh this is great. I should be able to make what I need here.

Izuku then let his back pack on the ground and headed to a closet. Picking out a white lab coat and safety glasses. Taking off his current green hoodie and sliding the coat on. 

Izuku: I just needed a space to work and properly perfect my web formula. Once I work out all the kinks in my web making process. I can produce it at home easier.

Izuku then began and started to get to work. Knowing he only had tonight to perfect the web making process. He started to set glass vials up and a Bunsen burner. He then started the complicated process of making his web fluids.

Izukus head: The fluid that I'm making is a sticky compound that has incredible tensile strength. Normal spider silk is incredibly strong and has a tensile strength 5x stronger than steel. Spider silk has a tensile strength of around 1.1 gigapascals (GPa), or 160,000 pounds per square inch (psi) on average. This means that spider silk can support up to 392.4 pounds per square millimeter, or 178 kilograms. If my math is right. I should be able to produce a silky thread that can hold back any bad guy or villian that gets caught in it.

Izuku had then poured in a glass vial inside a large beaker he was making the fluid in. However it then suddenly started to foam and grow extremely fast. Izuku had grabbed the glass vial with one hand and got it to the sink before it over flowed on the counter. However as it finally stopped foaming up. Izuku noticed his hand was covered in a white silk like material. He tried to pull his hand out of the sink but was stuck inside it.

Izuku: Oh great not again! First my stick em powers and now my webs! Why cant I just stop getting stuck on things!?

20 mins later

Izuku had some how managed to get himself free. He had changed a few things in his formula this time. He had brought a bike pump and built a nozzle with a hose and connected it to a pressure chamber.

Izuku: Ok... I changed a few things so now the web fluid should be less reactive to carbon dioxide which caused it to expand and cement so fast. Now to test if I can shoot it through this nozzle I made.

Izuku then poured his web fluid into the pressurized chambers. Sealing them off and then using a bike pump to pump the chamber with air pressure. He then began talking to himself.

Izuku: So how it should work is the pressure building up inside the chamber. Will force the web fluid out of it. The nozzle then shapes the fluid into a thread or any other shape I want the web to come out as.

Izuku then stopped pumping the bike pump and grabbed the hose nozzle. He then ever so gently released the trigger on it-POP/THWIP!

Izuku: GAH!!!

Izuku whole face was then covered in webs and fluid. Taking his safety glasses off and seeing the nozzle had popped right off the hose.

Izuku: ..... I think I used to much pressure.

1 hour later

Izuku had fixed his nozzle again and once again made more web fluid to test out. This time not using as much pressure in the web chambers.

Izuku: Ok...lets try this again.

Izuku once again got set up. This time being more careful with the trigger and even squinting his eyes ready for it to explode again. He pressed the trigger making a THWIP sound in the room. Izuku opened his eyes to see a spider silk line being shot and stuck to the wall on the class room.

Izuku: YES!!!!

Izuku then however saw the web begin to quickly melt and eventually unstick to the wall.

Izuku: ....NO!!! DAMMIT!!! Its not sticking enough!

Izuku then examined the web line he shot. Seeing it already begin to decompose and degrade in his hands. He then realized the issue.

Izuku: *sigh*. The oxygen in the air is acting on the catalyst too quickly. If I decrease the catalyst inside the web it should have a longer life span. I wanted the webs to be biodegradable and dissolve after while. SO THE NOZZLE WORKS! But its back to the drawing board with the fluid again.

30 mins later

Izuku had once again changed the formula for his fluid. He set up the web chamber, added pressure and this time aimed the hose nozzle at the roof on a metal support beam. It had successfully shot and stuck to it. Izuku cut the web line off the nozzle and now let the web line hang from the roof.

Izuku: Ok. So far so good.

Izuku then gave the web line a few tucks. Feeling it still hold strong to the support beam. Izuku smiled enthusiastically.

Izuku: So far so better!

Izuku then grabbed the line and hung on it. Now fully letting it carry his weight. He then even started to hang upside down from the web smiling at his success....until.


Izuku: AHH-! OW FRICK! SSSSSahhh...My head! *sigh* So close.

The line had snapped on Izuku and he had fallen head first on the ground since he was upside down. He then laid on the floor looking up. Seeing the anchor that the web line was attached to had broke.

Izuku: The webbing isn't sticking enough to surfaces. I need to try a different acid base that will cement harder once exposed to outside air. *GROAN*

Izuku had slapped both his hands on his face groaning at going back to the drawing board yet again with the web formula.

1 hour later

Izuku was now once again ready for another test run.

Izuku: Ok. This time the web fluid should be fine. The nozzle and pressure chamber works great. So this time. It should work!

Again he aimed the hose nozzle to the ceiling. Shooting a web line. It had shot up successfully and attached to the roof support beam.

Izuku: Ok. It's attached successfully.

He then tugged at the line more now then before. Using more strength to hopefully make sure it sticks this time.

Izuku: Ok. This is holding up pretty well.

Once he finished tugging at it. He once again grabbed onto the web line and hung from it with his hands. The line was still attached to the ceiling and able to hold Izukus body weight.

Izuku: ...Holy crap....I....I did it.

He them started to lightly swing from the line. Using his legs as momentum. He smiled and laughed at his success in creating a synthetic spider web.

Izuku: HAHAHA I DID IT! I made web fluid! I just did what could not have been done for the last 110 years!!!

The next day in the Izukus room

Izuku had written down and recorded the process he used to create his web fluid so he can replicate the process at home and make more. The only issue he is gonna have is getting the materials he needs to synthesize his webbing. Now came the next part. Creating wrist mounted pressurized web-shooters.

Izuku was currently wearing some PJ pants and plain grey shirt. Izuku was currently tinkering with on his desk his web shooters. Using supplies from his dads tool box and what he is "borrowing" from the maintenance crew in the apartment building he lives at. Along with finding the supplies he needed at a junkyard on the beach.

Izukus head: I got lucky finding a lot of junk at the beach this morning. I was able to pull buttons some sensor buttons from a robot vacuum, a box of cartridges, and spare metal and wiring from a fridge and laundry machine. I even was able to use a microwave's motherboard and convert it into a mini timer mechanism for my web shooter.

Izukus head: The idea is the same thing as before. Using air pressure to shoot fluid out. However the issue is finding the right mixture of fluid and air. If I try to store too much fluid and not enough air. I wont be able to have enough range for my webs and run out of pressure before I do webs. On the other hand I don't wanna over pressurize the cartridges that they don't have room for any fluid or worse they explode-

Just as Izuku said that the web cartridge he tried to jam in the shooter accidentally misfired releasing the web fluid and covering his head and shoulders in webbing.

Izuku: ...... gonna have to make it easier to reload these things.....and maybe decrease the pressure.

After he pulled all the webbing off of himself. He then went back to tinkering with his web shooters. After finally making the last adjustments on the clips that attached to each other locking his shooters on his wrist. He was finally ready to try it out.

Izukus head: I think I finally finished!

He then attached both of his web-shooters to his wrists. Starting to explain in his head how they worked.

Izukus head: I created pretty much a pressurized water guns mounted on my wrists. The web fluid will be ejected through a very thin nozzle that spins the fluid into a web. Just like a spiders Spinneret on its abdomen. The pressure is released when I double tap my 2 fingers on this electro magnetic trigger mounted near my palm which requires a specific amount of pressure and 2 clicks so that it shoots a web. That way I don't accidentally fire a web when I grab something or make a fist.

Izuku then tried his web-shooter out. Making the iconic hand gesture with two middle fingers in his palm and his pointer, pinky, and thumb all pointing out. Shooting a web at a soda can sitting on his desk. Hitting it and quickly pulling it into his hand. He smiled at his accomplishment. If it wasn't for the fact his mother was still home. He would have yelled out in celebration.

Izkukus head: and thats not just all. By twisting and adjusting the nozzle on my web shooters I can change the stream of fluid to create different type of webbing. Like changing the setting on the head of a garden hose.

He then started to change the nozzle to create a more goo like webbing. Then making it spread out and he then started to spray over the goo and rolled it into a ball until eventually he had a web ball in his hand. He then began to bounce it up and down and set it down on his desk.

Izukus head: By changing the way I shoot my webs from thin lines, to large broad nets, and even paste and glue. I can change the way I spin my webs. Creating different shapes and tools.

Izukus head: The possibilities are endless! However its gonna take some practice and getting used to before I get good at making different types of webs. Actually maybe I could create other gadgets that could create different webs as well?

Izuku then grabbed an old brief case in his closet and opened it revealing his thrift shop spider costume.

Izukus head: I guess I need to save those ideas for the future. Now its time I finally test these web shooters out in the field.

The next day in the city of Musutafu

Izuku was walking the streets in his casual clothes wearing a blue hoodie and cargo shorts. Wearing his yellow back pack. He then casually strolled into an alley way taking quick glances behind him and around himself to make sure nobody was around. He then took his back pack off opening it revealing his spider costume.

Izukus head: Its finally time! I cant wait to try out and see what these web shooters can do.

He started to take his clothes off changing in the alley way. Starting to feel the cool breeze and feeling vulnerable and exposed being in just his boxers in public.

Izukus head: Maybe I should look into getting a costume I can actually fit underneath my clothes.

After finally getting his clothes off and bagging them up into his back pack. He pulls out his web shooters from his back pack. Attaching them to his wrists.

Izukus head: There a little snug. Buuut since im gonna be swinging from these things I definitely dont want them to fall off.

He then pulled out a utility belt from his back pack. On it were clips of other web cartridges he made.

Izukus head: I'm also glad I thought of building a utility belt which has more storage for web fluid. I originally built a design of my web shooters being mounted to a pressure tank and fluid tank on my back. With hoses and wires leading to my arms. However I knew it was gonna be way to heavy and a giant target on my back when fighting villains.

Izuku then unbuckled the belt and looped it around his waist under his shirt and clipped it in place.

Izukus head: So I instead built a belt which stored more web cartridges. When I run out of wen fluid I can quickly eject and reload my web shooters by turning the brace a certain way and pressing a button.

He then put his shirt over the utility belt hiding it well. He then hides his back pack behind a dumpster hoping nobody would find it.

Izukus head: Ok....its show time now.

Izuku then got on top of the dumpster. He shot a web onto the roof of an alley way above him.

Izukus head: Lets just start off with something easy. Just a simple swing.

He then held on tight to the web. And then jumped off the dumpster hanging on tight. His body swung through the alley way swiftly. He didnt go to far and swung right back to the dumpster. He landed on it with only a little loss of balance.

Spider-man: far so good. The web held nicely. I didn't fall. Thats a plus. And the mechanism in my web shooters seem to be working. Lets try something a little harder now.

Izuku then used his powers to jump up from a fire escape. Now climbing the stairs. Until he was a good 2 stories off the ground. He then held his hand out again. Now being a little higher he got more nervous.

Spider-man: Ok Midoryia... you can do this. Lets just try to swing. And come right back. Get used to being high off the ground and swinging.

He then sat on the outside edge of the fire escape. Izuku shot a web line again to the alley way roof ledge. He held on tight to the webbing taking a deep breath. Before he let himself fall off the fire escape one again. He flew through the air. However above him the brick ledge his web was attached to suddenly broke. Making him fall.

Spider-man: AHHSHIT!

Izuku then tried to shoot another web line. However instead of hitting a solid wall or roof or building. It grabbed a flower pot on someones window garden. Pulling it off as Izuku fell. Izuku using his agility was able to maneuver and land on his feet.

Spider-man: OHH-k that was clo-*pot shatter*

A pot had then landed on Izukus head shattering on impact and spreading soil and a yellow flower on him. Izuku never reacted or flinched. Instead stood still and staring at a wall. Only saying-

Spider-man: .....ow.

Izuku then shook his head and the dirt from the flower pot off of himself.

Spider-man: Ok. Maybe web swinging will be a little harder than I thought. I just need to practice.

He then jumped and clung to the wall on a alley way climbing half way up the 4 story building.

Spider-man: At least I'm getting better at wall crawling.

Izuku then perched on the wall where he was at. Having a clear path of an alley way in front of him. Ready to try again.

Spider-man: Ok. This time I'm gonna try swinging from one web and making another to swing on. All those hours playing grapple man on my phone are gonna finally pay off.

Izuku then launched a web to the wall of an alley way. Tugging on it and seeing it hold well. He then let go of the wall he clung to with his stick em powers. He swung through the air and alleyway feeling the momentum in his gut.

Izukus head: Ok here goes the second swing!!!

Izuku then with one hand out still hanging on to the web. Shot another web line to an opposite alley wall. He then let himself fall and was holding himself in the air with 2 webs. He then let the previous web line go. Now swinging in the air again.

Spider-man: It worked!!! I did it!!!

Izuku then got ready for another swing. Shooting a web again and swinging through the alley.

Spider-man: I can't believe I'm actually doing this! This is so awesome!!!

He then continued this over and over. Getting used to the repeated process of thwiping, catching, swinging, and releasing.

Spider-man: Ok. I think I got the hang of this. Now to really test what I can do...

Izuku then eventually swung onto the side of a taller office building. Now climbing the glass tower. On his way up he had gotten some looks of the office people inside. Watching him climb up the building with ease. Eventually he made it all the way to the top. Climbing on the edge of the building onto the roof. He then looked down. Seeing how high he was above the ground now. Easily 20 stories high.

Spider-man: Oh....crap. Im....really high.

Izuku looking over the edge began to feel the world spin and his stomach dropped getting sick. Feeling his skin suddenly have chills and sweat run through it.

Spider-man: Oh boy.....I'm gonna be sick.

He was about to barf in his mask but quickly swallowed it back down. Taking a sigh of frustration.

Spider-man: Oh cmon Midoryia! Don't tell me your getting cold feet now! I didn't even know I was scared of heights until now!

Izuku started to face slap himself trying to get it together.

Spider-man: You've already made it this far! Your not backing down now! And besides theres only one way down and thats.....down.

Izuku looked over the edge again. This time climbing onto it. One wrong step and its a 5 second drop and splat. Izuku took a bug gulp. Hyping himself up.

Spider-man: *gulp* can do this. You know your web shooters work. You did the math. You got the practice. So....sigh*...tally hoe.

Izuku then fell forward letting gravity do the work. After 2 seconds of falling he shot a web-line to a building.

Spider-man: It'll work!!!! Because it has too!!!!

The line caught tension and began to swing Izuku fast through the air. It then lifted him forward and into the air. Izuku let go of the web. Letting himself fall through the air before shooting another web and swinging on it again.

Spider-man: Im doing it!!! IM DOING IT!!!

He began to do this over and over. Once again getting used to the high speed traveling of web swinging. And what a rush it was.

Spider-man: MAN is this better than any roller coaster ride I've ever been on!

Izuku enjoyed the feeling web swinging gave him. He used to feel stuck on the ground looking up and hoping. And now he gets to soar through the sky with such freedom and grace. Seeing the people below him small.

Spider-man: If only the other kids at school could see me now! Going from quirkless nobody to boy genius who creates web swinging!

Izuku however was to busy enjoying his accomplishment he failed to see the dead end he was swinging towards leading to a build board. As he shot his last web shot onto a building he realized his mistake.

Spider-man: OH CRAP! HowdoIturn?!?!!

Izuku tried to shoot a web line to the side but entirely missed a building due to him panicking. He then swing face first right into a build board advertising dental care. Going splat onto the building and letting go of his web. Sliding down the build board. He landed on the ground in a painful grunt. Laying on his back groaning in pain.

Spider-man:*groan* and my big fat mouth.

2 hour later in the neighborhood of Midoryia apartment complex

It was now later on in the day getting close to night time. Izuku was currently swinging through his neighborhood heading on back home.

Spider-man: I can't believe someone stole my back pack! Now I gotta sneak in through my room and get a change of clothes and climb back out into the front door so mom doesn't suspect anything.

Izuku had then swung and landed onto the wall to the apartment building he lives in. Starting to climb towards the window to his room.

Spider-man: ...and now I need a new back pack too.

Izuku using his stick em powers clung onto the glass of his window opening it carefully to not make any noise. He then started to crawl from the outside onto the roof of his room. Seeing the door to his room open. He crawled over on the roof and shot a web line onto the door. Able to see his mother in the kitchen through a small glance. Slowly and carefully shutting it. He then with one hand dropped himself onto the ground of his room staring at the door. Izuku then took his mask off taking a deep breath of relief. He then turned around suddenly freezing where he stood.....seeing his friend Bakugo on his desk studying.

Bakugo: Guh......

Izuku: .....uhhhhh

They both stood there dead silent. Both shocked to see each other.

Bakugo: D-Deku?!

Izuku quickly shushed his friend trying to get him to shut up. However it was to late.

Inko: Katsuki? Did you say something?

Inko had heard Bakugo and started to go into his room. Izuku quickly jumped onto the roof making a loud thump noise. However he was able to dodge the sights of Inko. He now clung onto the roof and wall above Inko. Bakugo currently awe struck at the sight in front of him.

Inko: Did you say something Katsuki?

Bakugo: Uhhhhh-

Bakugos head: what the hell should I say?!?!

Izuku pleaded with his eyes and face at Bakugo. Trying to convey to NOT say anything.

Bakugo: ....I was saying. Where the hell- I mean...heck is De-I mean Izuku.

Inko: Yknow I really appreciate you holding your tongue and trying not to curse or swear around me. But you really shouldn't be talking like that on instinct in the 1st place Katsuki. Its bad manners.

Bakugo tried to brush the comment about his language off. Knowing if she could see her son right above him she would be having a fit over that instead.

Bakugo: Right....I'll try to do better.

Inko: Thank you. But yeah I'm starting to worry too about where Izuku is. Its already 7pm and he's still out late. Do you know what he could be doing out this late?

Bakugo just took another look above Inko seeing Izuku in a spider theme costume sweating bullets.

Bakugo: Hes....probably out uhhh.... Trying new coffee places...

Izuku while above cringed at Bakugo.

Izukus head: Really?! Out of all the things?

Inko: Coffee places? This late? And at his age?! Oh no thats not good at all. Im gonna have to have a word with him about that. I have had enough patients get A-fib from to much caffeine at such a young ages. Anyways Im gonna give him a call. Im sorry he's been out so late and left you waiting.

Izukus head: Im so looking forward to that conversation.

Bakugo: Well I tried to call and he wouldn't answer. I didn't tell him I was coming over either. So its fine.

Inko: Well you can stay for dinner. We're having chicken curry and rice.

Inko had left and shut the door. Making Izuku take a deep sigh of relief. Once again letting himself down off the roof with one hand. He then quietly said.

Izuku: *sigh* that was so close-

Bakugo then aggressively whispered to Izuku.

Bakugo: What the hell is the matter with you!?!?

Izuku tried to shush Bakugo but instead he caught his hand before he could get it on his mouth.

Bakugo: Dont try and shush me! What are you doing coming in through your window! And whats with the new outfit!

Bakugo while trying to over power Izuku realizes it wasn't working. Seeing Izuku not even break a sweat. Izuku started to whisper back as well.

Bakugos head: Wow....he really is stronger now.

Izuku: I didn't know you were gonna be here. What are you doing here anyways!?

Bakugo: I was gonna ask you to help me study. You get physics and are way better at the math. And stop dodging the question! Whats with the costume! Your not going to that wrestling place again are you!?

Izuku shook his head side to side shaking his hands in denial.

Izuku: No! God no!

Izuku let go of Bakugo hand and took a seat on his bed while Bakugo sat on Izukus chair to his desk.

Izuku: ....I've been...Going out trying to find the villain who killed my dad.

Bakugo was surprised and showed great concern for his friend. Still keeping his voice down but clearly showing a stern tone.

Bakugo: Your becoming a vigilante! Thats so stupid! What if you get caught or worse killed! Deku it hasnt even been 3 weeks since you first got your powers! Just because you have powers now it doesn't mean your ready to be a pro now! Especially when you don't even fully know whats going on with your powers or whats happening inside you!

Izuku: I know that! But what else am I supposed to do?! He's out there and every day he is, he's closer and closer to getting to freedom! If he isn't home free from the authorities already?!

Bakugo tried to reason with his friend.

Bakugo: Then become a pro hero! Like you always dreamed of doing! Take him in the right way. One that doesn't involve you going to jail!

Izuku: That can take years Kacchan. I don't have that kind of time. And like you said I have no idea what my powers are like yet. I don't know how everyone or the government will react if they found out a quirkless kid was given powers.

Bakugo: So then whats your plan?! Run around in your thrift shop get up. Getting yourself into trouble until eventually you find them. And then what are you gonna do!?

Izuku went silent for a few seconds. Thinking about what he should say. But ultimately couldn't come up with any good answer.

Izuku: I....I don't know. I can figure that part out when I find him and beat him and-

Bakugo cut him off though. Seeing a look he never saw Izuku have before. A look of anger, resentment, and of revenge.

Bakugo: -and what?! And what Deku?!

Izuku said nothing back. Unable to admit his bloodthirsty motive of revenge. For killing his father. Bakugo had gotten up and started to walk out his room.

Bakugo: I cant let you keep doing this. Im telling your mom-

Izuku quickly however shot a web shot at Bakugo hand making it stick to his dresser. Surprising Bakugo. He then still whispering asked him angrily.

Bakugo: What the-?! Did this stuff come out of you?!

Izuku shook his head no. Sliding his sleeves up to show his web shooters he made.

Izuku: No I made it. There web shooters. Pretty cool right.

Bakugo: Not when you stick me to your dresser Deku no! Not cool! ...Seriously what is this stuff its so strong!

Bakugo tried to rip his hand off but was unable too.

Izuku: You cant tell mom! She can't know about this or else she'll freak out. You know how she gets with me.

Bakugo: Yeah because your her only son who is powerless and she just lost her husband! Of course she would freak out about her kid going out and almost getting himself killed!

Izuku finally had enough and started to let out everything he had been keeping to himself. Everything he kept inside to let out on the streets as Spiderman. Because he knew it was the only way he could make Bakugo understand why he has to do this.

Izuku: I know that Kacchan! I do! But I cant....I cant keep going like how things did before. Like they still are. I see him. The villain who killed my dad. I see him everywhere I go and every time I close my eyes...he thanked me. I had a chance to stop him and I didn't. He thanked me and ..... then killed my father.

Izuku was always a cry baby. However this time he only teared up. Quickly whipping them away.

Izuku: If I had just stopped him. If I had just went to pick my mom up like I was supposed too. If I had just LISTENED to what my dad said what he was trying to tell me. He would still be alive.

Bakugo once again had to navigate an unfamiliar emotion. Empathy. He tried to comfort his friend. The best he could.

Bakugo: didn't kill your dad. That villain did.

Izuku wouldn't listen though.

Izuku: He always said with great power there must also come great responsibility. He tried to tell me that before he died. I didn't listen and now because I wasn't responsible.....hes dead.

He clinched his fist with conviction staring at his friend dead on and committing to what he said.

Izuku: I have a chance now though. I finally have power. Now its time I take responsibility and take down the monster who killed my dad. I know the risks. But I have to do this Kacchan. I have to do this for my dad. Even if it kills me...

Bakugo had rubbed his neck looking around. With his other hand still stuck on the dressing drawer from webbing. Eventually having a big sigh of defeat.

Bakugo: *siiiggghhhh* ...fine.

Izuku with a few seconds of silence asked prolongingly.

Izuku: ......fine as in?

Bakugo snapped back frustrated.

Bakugo: Fine as in I wont tell Inko about your stupid vigilante hobby!

Izuku: Thank you Kacchan.

Bakugo: .....can you get this stuff off of me now!?

Izuku quickly got up grabbing a spray bottle from his closet.

Izuku: Yeah I made some web dissolvent.

Bakugo: So you really made all this? The web stuff and shooters and dissolvent?

Izuku: Yep. Pretty cool right?  The dissolvent I recently made because I also kept getting myself stuck to my webs.

Bakugo then mentioned to Izuku. Making sure to clearly state his intentions for the sake of no confusion.

Bakugo: .....this doesn't mean Im gonna help you. I need to focus on being a pro hero too. If I get caught or involved with you being a vigilante. My chances of going to UA or any other hero school is over.

Izuku understood and would never wanna hurt his friends chance as a pro hero.

Izuku: I get that. I wont ask you to do anymore or get involved. Just keep my secret and don't tell anyone please.

Bakugo then finally pulled his hand out of the webbing. Wiping away the web fluid left over on his hand with a towel. He threw it over his shoulder onto the floor walking to the door.

Bakugo: I'm going home. You should also get out of here and head back in the front door so your mom doesn't get suspicious.

Izuku smiled at his friend. Despite his tough guy act and all the tough love he gives. He knows he can count on him as a friend.

Izuku: Yeah I plan on doing that.....thanks Kacchan.

Bakugo scoffed at Izuku. Still believing him to be a fool for trying to be a vigilante.

Bakugo: ......tch....whatever.

After Bakugo had left Izuku changed into his casual clothes. Wearing a green hoodie and black gym shorts. He started to think to himself as he began to crawl back out his window to the ground.

Izukus head: Now that I mentioned it earlier. I still don't have a full grasp on my powers or what happened to me. Maybe it would be a good idea to try and find out what's happening to me. Y'know make sure I don't mutate into a mutant spider monster or turn into a puddle of cells.

Meanwhile Bakugo was on the side walk outside the apartment building. Seeing Izuku crawl back into the ground and eventually jump off with a back flip. He then casually walked to the front door of the apartment complex to make his way back upstairs. Bakugo began to think to himself. Pondering Izukus situation.

Bakugo head: ..... Did I do the right thing? Should I have stopped him?.... I honestly don't think I could have. Not without using force. He really is determined to catch the guy who killed his dad.....if it were me. I know nothing could stop me from.....and if Im being honest with myself. I really do hope Deku can catch the guy.

Bakugo stood still in his path. Taking a sigh and looking up at the stars. With everything that happened with Izuku. He also failed to realize that Bakugo. Is also grieving over the loss of his own father figure.

Bakugo: *sigh* yknow old man.....this is usually the part you give me some wise advice. On what I should do..... I know you told me to try and be there for your son. My friend. But should I do it at the expense of my own future...... Do you got anything?

Bakugo listened to his surroundings in silence. Of course he knew he was walking to himself. And he knew he wasn't gonna get some response from life or the after life. And yet......he couldn't help but hope. Sadly though there was no message from the universe. So Bakugo continued walking. Sadden and looking at the ground.

Bakugo: I didn't think so....

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