Chapter 10: New Suit

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(Next Day)

Yuto's Pov

It had been a whole day since taking the Vulture to the police and now I'm at school at the football field with Sona, and Travis since it was our free period, while Sona was sitting on my lap.

Travis: So you knew that he was Spider-Man?

Sona: Yeah it wasn't that hard to figure it out and plus I knew Yuto longer than you.

Yuto: Well she's not wrong on that.

Travis: Ssshiiitt man and I saw the news that you finally stopped the vulture.

Sona: Yeah good job babe. *kissed my cheek*

Yuto: Thanks guys and at the end my costume got damaged even more after he crashed my through a window, and ripping a piece of it too.

Travis: Welp like I told you that you need a new suit.

Yuto: Yeah yeah I know.

Sona: Maybe we can help you with making it.

Yuto: Eh I don't know....

Travis: Come on man we can help you so stop being selfish.

Yuto: *sighs* Fine you guys can help.

Sona: *hugs me* Hehe!

Travis: *smiles*

(Several Hours later)

After school I lead Travis and Sona towards my house and I entered inside and saw Mom and Danny talking.

Yuto: Hey mom, Danny.

Travis: Yo Ms. Akumu, and Danny.

Sona: Hiya Ms. Akumu and hi Danny,

Danny: Hey guys.

Charlie: Hiya kids, what are you guys up to?

Travis: Well we was going to Yuto's engineering area to help him with something.

Charlie: Oh and what doe she need help with?

Yuto: I need to remake something cause it broke.

Charlie: Oh well don't cause a mess in there.

Yuto: *grumbling*

I lead them towards my engineering area and told them to stay there as I went and grabbed my torn suit and brought it there and showed it to them.

Travis: Damn this went through a lot.

Sona: Jeez Aku is this a fist print?

Yuto: yeah dealt with a guy who is like literal fire.

Travis: Alright let's get to work.

Sona: Right.

Yuto: Hm.

So we started working on separate things: Travis is working on making more web fluid, Sona was designing on a new suit, and myself was working on making a new mask as the old one was good but could be better. After some time Travis had gave more more webs cartridges and Sona gave me a suit design.

Yuto: I like this thanks Sony. *kisses her cheek*

Sona: *pouts* I still hate that name.

Yuto: Deal with it. Now Let's get to making the suit.

Time-Skip brought to you by

After some time later we finally made the suit and I put it and looked in a mirror.

Yuto: Heh I like it.

Travis: Hm it does look cool.

Sona: Fucking hot as hell~ *looking at me up and down* Hehe~~

Yuto: *blushes* Uh Sona..Travis is here.

Travis: Yeah.

Sona: 8snaps back to reality* Oh shit sorry.

Yuto: *shakes my head* It's fine. I'm going to test this suit out. *opens a window* Better make sure you guys close the window.

Travis Yu wait! 

Yuto: Huh? 

Travis: *toss something at me*

Yuto: *caught it and it was a comms* What is this?

Travis: Something that me and Sona have a way to talk to you.

Yuto: *opens my mask and put it on and closed the mask* Thanks man. *jumps out of the window and webs swings away*

As I left my house and webs swings as I was starting to get the hang of my new suit.

(Like this)

Yuto: I love this new suit! *web swinging and lands on a building*

I then jumped off the building and started to web swing some more until I heard Travis voice.

Travis: Dude there is a man lizard thing attacking on the San Francisco Bay Bridge.

Soon  my spider sense with off and saw police cars heading towards the bridge, and I started to follow them.

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