Chapter 11: Lizard Attack

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Yuto's Pov

I made my way towards the bridge and landed on a building near it and saw a lizard creature attacking people in their cars.

Yuto: Huh you was right it was a huge ass lizard.

Travis: Told you.

Sona: Now kick his scaly ass!

Yuto: Yeah yeah even though I'm a sixteen year old boy fighting a giant ass mutant lizard.

Travis: Probably a human.

Yuto: I don't think so.

Sona: Just go and save people before you two argue.

Yuto: Got it.

I jumped of the building and made my way towards the creature as it threw a car.

Yuto: OI INCOMING!!!!! *kicked him into another car*

The Creature: *crashed into a car and roars*

After I kicked it back and shotted a web towards the car and attached it to the railing, and I looked back and saw the lizard trying to escape but I caught up and kicked it in the back of the head.

Yuto: Oh no you don't! *webs it hand to the ground and spined kicked it*

The Creature: *roars*

It then swipe it's tail at me but I grabbed it but soon was kicked into  another car and rips it hands free and roars at me. As I gotten up and punching him across the face and kicked him in the back of the head and shot a web at it and pulled myself to it. Before I landed another attack it grabbed me by the neck and slammed me into the ground and throws me very far into a car.

Yuto: *groans and gets off the car to see it disappears* Damnit! *gets ready to find him*

Civilian: Someone help! My kids is trapped!!

After hearing that I made my way towards one of the cars as I landed on it and ripped opened the back window to see two kids screaming for help.

Kid#1: Help!!

Kid#2: Help us!!

Yuto: Hey hey, it's alright now.

Kid#1: Help!!!!

Yuto: *takes off my mask* Hey hey see. Look just a normal teenager okay? What's your names kiddos? *look and saw some bags with the name of 'Krista' and "Mark'* Hey Krista and Mark.

Them: Yeah?

Yuto: *smiles* You guys have wonderful names, let's get you guys out of here. *makes my way to them*Alright I'm going to take your guy's seatbelts okay?

Krista: Okay.

Mark: *nods his head*

Yuto: Good now get ready 1....2.....3! *gets them out of their seatbelts* See wasn't that hurt. *smiles*

Soon enough my spider sense when off as the car caught on fire thus making my web break as I shot another one and holds the end of the car

Yuto: Guys you got to climb up.

Mark: We can't.

Krista: We're too scared...

Yuto: *saw my mask between them* Mark put on my mask and holds your sister's hand wile you climb.

Mark: O-okay. *grabs my mask and put it's on*

I watched Mark holds his sister's hand and make their way towards me but the bumpered of the car was starting to break and it broke making them fall but I shot a web as it hits Mark as he holds it with his sister too. Soon I pulled them up back to the bridge and gave them to their father.

The Father: *hugs them* Thank god you two are okay. *looks at me* Who are you?

Yuto: I'm the Spectacular Spider-Man.

I jumped off the railing and webs swing my way home.

Time-Skip brought to you by

(Two Hours Later)

Now I'm in my room telling Sona and Travis what happened on the bridge.

Travis: So it maybe a mutate or human.

Sona: Maybe or just one of Oscrop's experiment got out.

Yuto: *thinking* I don't know about that one cause the police would be at Oscrop right now.

Sona: *sighing* That's true.

Travis: Wait do we know the gender?

Yuto: Look like a male to me.

Sona: Hon you know people are going to hate you for thinking that you 'misgendering' the creature.

Yuto: I could give a rat's ass about those type of people, fuck them.

Travis: I agree but we need to focus on this lizard first. 

Yuto: *yawns* Can we talk about this tomorrow I'm tired.

Travis: Alright Sona let's go.

Sona: *hugs me* But I want to stayyyyyy!

Yuto: Your parents will be pissed that you didn't go back remebered?

Sona: *pouts* Fine. *let go of me but kisses my cheek* Night baby.

Yuto: Night babe.

As they left I went to the bathroom and took and shower then went to bed.

3rd Pov

In The Sewers

The lizard was on the ground screaming in pain as it started to change and as it finished changed it revealed to be Professor Connors. Soon he gotten up and started walking because he had come up with plan. That plan is to get to Oscrop and turns everyone into lizards so they can be saved from anything.

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