Chapter 12: Fighting Hydro-Man

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(A Week Later)

Yuto's Pov

It's been a whole week since fighting the lizard and since that day me, Travis, and Sona was trying to figure out who the lizard and we couldn't find any leads yet. Now I'm just swing throughout the city trying to find a single clue of who it was. As Travis and Sona was trying to search up it's patterns while I was in the city.

Yuto: *swinging* Anything on the lizard yet guys?

Travis: No not yet.

Sona: Why the fuck is it so hard to find?!

Yuto: Calm down Sony we'' find a lead on it. Anything related to a lizard creature on the news?

Travis: No nothing at all since the bridge attack.

Sona: Probably in the sewers hiding.

Yuto: Hmmmm...Maybe need to check that later. *hears sirens as police cars was driving in a direction* Shit I gotta deal with this first then we'll talk more on the lizard.

Travis: Got it man.

Sona: Kick their ass Aku.

Yuto: Heh will do.

I made my way towards were the police cars was going and noticed water everywhere and as I was getting closer my spider sense went off as I got get with water and crashed into a building and falls to the ground. I gotten up and saw a man near me.

???: Spider-Man...

Yuto: *gets up* Okay so you got water power. So let me guess your name is water boy?

???: No.

Yuto: Aqua Land?

???: *slowly getting pissed off* No.

Yuto: I got it Water Man!

???: No! It's Hydro-Man!! *fires water at me*

Yuto: *dodges* Really Hydro-Man? That's the best you got? Really? *shakes my head* That's one of the most dumbest names I ever heard! Oh wait molten man.

Hydro-Man: Shut up!

He soon fire more water at me but I dodges and shot webs a thw building behind him and pulled myself towards him and punched him but my punch went through him. As soon my punched went through him he punched my in the face as I flew into a car as I gets up i see him leaving and I started following him.

Yuto: Hey! Don't you leave Hyper-Man!

Hydro-Man: *running* I said it's Hydro-Man!!

He fired even more water at me but I dodges them and fires webs balls at him but it went inside of him as he kept firing at me and still I was dodging them while trying to come up with a plan to capture him. Soon enough I came up with a plan to try and use my web shooters to trap him. I started shooting many webs balls at him. As the plan was working a bit Hydro man soon noticed it and soon fires more water as it hit me as I crashed into a wall and falls on the ground.

Yuto: *getting up* Getting really tired of this Water Boy.

Hydro-Man: Just shut up! *fires even more water at me*

When he did that I crashed through the wall and into the building and into a wall as it cracked as I impacted into it. I dropped to the ground groaning in pain and I noticed two fire extinguisher and grabbed it activated my talons and cuts it as it let out foam and I jumped out of the building and throws it at him and they hit him.

Hydro-Man: Is that it?! *chuckles but stop as the foam started to cover him* What is going on?!

Yuto: Since you is made out of water I though of throwing the foam at you so you can't move and it's working. Time for you to go to jail Water Man. 

I soon started webbing him up all around and after some time he was covered in web and was stuck to a lamp post.

Yuto: Water man. *writes a note to the police and put it on him* There, now don't move oh wait you can't.

Travis: Really dude?

Yuto: Oh shit I forgot you and Sona could hear me.

Sona: Yeah and how can't you remember his name at all?

Yuto: *shurgs* Just can't. See you later Water man. *webs swings away*

Time-Skip brought to you by

I was web swinging towards home to take a rest while talking to Travis and Sona but soon I felt my phone vibreate.

Yuto: Uh Guys I need to take this to see who it is. *lands on a roof*

Travis: Alright.

Sona: Hmmm fine.

Yuto: *pulls out my phone to see it's Danny and answered it* Yeah bro?

Danny: Yuto can you come here to my college!!

Yuto: Woah woah what's going on?

Danny: A mutant is chasing me!! *hears roaring* Please hurry up!

Yuto: Okay okay try to hide! *call get ended* Danny?! Danny?!?! Damnit!!

Travis: What is going on Yuto?!

Yuto: My damn brother is in trouble!

I ran and jumped off the roof and made my way towards Danny's College faster than the way I usually web swing.

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