Chapter 3: A Purpose

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(Couple of Days Later)

Yuto's Pov

It had been a couple of days since I got my powers and was secretly testing them out  on the limit of them. And I found that I can picks up a car with ease, run as fast as a speeding car, I have night vision. And now I'm outside hanging out with Travis and Sona since it's a saturday and we just left the mall.

Sona: I still can't believe you beat Kevin with just one punch, like he is really strong in a fight.

Yuto: *shurgs* Meh remember my pops use to be a martial arts teacher so he have to teach me and my siblings how to fight.

Travis: True true. 

Sona: I remember that time when you did a spinning kick to that guy in middle school.

Yuto: He talked shit about my pops, wasn't going to let him slide with that.

Travis: I was dying laughing for weeks cause he was crying. *laughs*

Yuto: Like a little bitch that he was.

Sona: *sighing* Still though didn't have to break a few bones of his.

Yuto: I did that because I felt like it.

Sona: *hugs him* Just don't every do that again please.

Yuto: *blushed a bit* Can't promise that, but I'll try.

Travis: *smirking* Heh. *hears his phone ring and answer it* Hello? Why do I need to come back home? *sighing* Fine I'm on my way, yeah yeah I know. Bye. *hangs up* Sorry guys my sister called and I have to go back home.

Sona: That's fine tell her I said hi.

Travis: I will. *walks off*

Yuto: Be safe on your way!

Travis: *puts a thumbs walking away*

Yuto: I sure walk you home too.

Sona: I can take care of myself.

Yuto: I know I just want to do it.

(Sixteen Minutes Later)

After walking with Sona to her house, now I'm making my way back to my house and on my way I heard some yelling and turned my head and saw a groups of thugs aka idiots trying to rob a couple.

Thug#1: *pressed a gun on the man's head* Gives us your fucking money already!

The Man: B-but we spend it all!

Thug#1: *pistol whips him to the ground* Bullshit!

The Woman: Honey! *runs up to him*

Thug#2: Man Just kill them and we can take what that have!

Thug#3: These bitch ass idiots are annoying me!

Yuto: *walking towards them* Oi fuckers!

The Thugs: *looked at him*

Yuto: Leave them alone you slow shit heads.

Thug#2: Man mind your damn business kid! Stay in your fucking place or we have to teach you a lesson.

Yuto: Tch a lesson? A lesson on how not to be a deadbeat like you guys?

Thug#3: Oh it's like that huh? *walks up to me* 

When one of the thug came up to me and tries to push me but that sense kicked in and I dodges the push and rounded house kicked him knocking him out. After I did that one of his other friend ran up with a crowbar and started swinging it but this sense is helping me dodging the swings and I grabbed his arm and started punching him in the chest with a little bit of my strength and as he hit the ground I punched him in the face also knocking him out. I looked at the last thug pointing at the man.

Thug#1: Don't move or I'll shoot him! *press the gun to his head in a violent way*

Yuto: ....*runs up to him*

As I ran towards him and grabbed his hand before he pulled the trigger and shooting the gun in the air I headbutted him and flipped him over me and punched him in the face.

Yuto: *pants a bit and looks at the couple* You guys okay?

The Man: Y-yeah..t-thank you.

Yuto: No problem, call the police alright?

Them: *nods*

Yuto: Okay see ya. *walks away*

Time-Skip brought to you by

I made it back home and saw my mom sitting on the couch looking very pissed off and I look over at the clock and it was nine p.m., and now I'm sweating bullets because there is only one thing that I fear and it's my mother's rage. But I told her why I was late and what I did so she was shocked and hugged me very tightly.

Charlie: You could of got hurt or even killed!

Yuto: I know but I didn't mom. I save those two people.

Charlie: *sighs* I know but you need to be more careful though. *lets go of me*

Yuto: I will mom. I'm going to my engineering area alright?

Charlie: Okay don't make a mess like last time.

Yuto: *sighing* I won't jeez.

I made my way towards my engineering area which have it own rooms since I needed the space and it was big inside and after dealing with those thugs I'm thinking maybe I can help people out more but need to hide my face, and a way to travel around. For the past forty five minutes I was working on the webs shooters and making the fluids was hard but managed to make it due many fail attempts' and the what to shoot them out from. Now I'm working on the costume and started making the mask and it took ten minutes to make it and I put it on a dummy and see if it works.

Yuto: *wipes off the sweat from my forehead* Alright that is working well. Now for the rest of the costume.

(Thirty Minutes Later)

I have finally made the suit and web shooters and I checked my phone to see it was eleven thirty p.m. and I was thinking of where to put these things and I figure out to put them in my room in a secret part of it. So, I went to my room and hid them. After doing that I went to take a shower and put some shorts on and flopped on my bed and fallen asleep.

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