Chapter 4: Becoming A Hero

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(Sunday Morning)

Yuto's Pov

My alarm clocked woke me up and checked my phone to see it was eight twenty so I gotten up and taken a shower and went downstairs and saw my family gone and left a note saying they have to go to Sazzak's baseball game, and Yuta is gone with her friends. They knows me and Yuta wouldn't go, so I just made me some cereal and started eating it, after that I went to my room and watched tv there.

Yuto: *sighing* What is there to watch? *flipping threw channels and stops on the news*

News Reporter: As of now crime rate had spiked up by 10% and as the police force is trying their best but it seems the gangs are winning.

Yuto: Hm..great crime is getting higher. *thought of something* Maybe I can help. I did made a suit and web shooters.

I soon got up and walked towards the secret part of my room and got my costume, and web shooters and started putting on the costume.

(Few Minutes Later)

After putting my costume on and I looked at myself in the mirror.

Yuto: Not bad. *flexes a bit* Alright time to test out these web shooters.

I opened my window and crawled out from it before closing it and crawled up to the roof and looked around ad saw a building near the house. I shot out a web from my left hand and took a deep breath.

Yuto: Here I go. *jumps off the roof*

As I jumped up and swang closer towards the building I quickly shot another another web making go right and I let go of web on my left hand and shot another one out and I started to get the hang of it and soon was web swinging like a pro.

(Like this)

Yuto: Woooohooooo!! Alright! *shot a web at a building*

I kept on web swing throughout the city until I heard some guns shots, so I web zip to a building and saw the police having a gun fight with some gang members.

Yuto: Alright it's hero time. *jumps off the building*

 I jumped off the building and shit a web and soon web kicked  one gang member to a wall and webbed him up there.

Yuto: Okay folks we can do this the easy way or the hard way the choice is yours. *gets into a fighting stance*

Gang Member#2: Man kill this fool! 

The gang members soon started firing while also the officers fired to but thanks to my spider sense which I just named it made me dodges the bullets. I started attacking the gang members and kicking one and spined kicked him knocking him out and soon dodges a punch from another and kicked him and web zip him to a wall and webbed him up. Finally I slide under the last member and web the ground and punched him in the face knocking him out.

Yuto: Welp that's take care of that. Your welcome officers! *jumps on a car and webs swing away*

Police Officer#1: Hey get back here!!.

Time-Skip brought to you by

It was in the afternoon and I was running off a building and webs swings, after dealing with some gang members now I'm just swing throughout the city and I smelled smoke and saw smoke a few feet away from me and made my way towards the smoke and saw a building on fire and noitced people was yelling.

Woman: Please help my baby is still in there!

Man: No you can't go in.

Yuto: Not going to happen.

I webs swing towards the building and zipped my way inside, and started searching for the kid and heard them yelled.

Little boy: Someone help me! Please someone!

Yuto: Hang on kiddo I'm on my way.

I started to make my way towards the kid and used my talons to sliced  the debrie in front of me, and punched a door opened and saw the kid who looks to be five years old.

Little boy: H-help me.

Yuto: I will kid *picks him up* Hang on tight!

I started running throughout the burning building but the fire was making it hard to run as it was getting more hotter. I noticed a window near me and I hold on the kid tightly and jumps out of the window as the building exploded more fire and I shot out a web make me and the kid land and I walked up to his mother and gave him to her.

Little boy: Mommy! *hugs his mom*

Woman: *hugs him tightly* Oh my baby! *looks at me* Thank you! Thank you so much!

Yuto: No problem. It was a hero do.

Little boy: *looks at me* Who are you mister?

Yuto: *thinks a bit* Well I'm the Spectacular Spider-Man, be safe folks. 

I jumps in the air and web swings away as people was recording me and cheering my name.

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