Chapter 7: Travis Found Out

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(Next day Later)

Yuto's Pov

I was in school thinking about the situation with the vulture and wondering where he could have gone but I interrupted by Travis.

Travis: Man you good?

Yuto: Huh? Oh yeah I am why asking?

Travis: Because you look like you was planning something.

Yuto: Oh yeah just something, don't worry about it.

Travis: Last time you said that, you caused fire to the chemistry lab.

Yuto: *glares at him* It was an accident I was distracted.

Travis: *smirks* Distracted by Sona.

Yuto: *blushed a bit* Shut the fuck up.

Travis: Come on me I know you have a crush on her, so go ask her out.

Yuto: It's not that simple you jackass.

Travis: *laughs* Alright then. Hey Yuto question.

Yuto: Yeah?

Travis: Can I come over your house?

Yuto: Uh why?

Travis: My little cousins are annoying me and I can't finish shit in my own damn house.

Yuto: Sure you can come over.

Travis: Thanks man.

(Several Hours later)

School was over it and I changed into my costume that I packed with me and now I'm just web swing throughout the city and I heard and explosion and I turned my head to see couple of car on fire and made my way there ad landed on the ground and started looking around for who had caused it and as I was looking around my spider sense activated and I turned and saw a fire ball coming at me so I dodges and saw what threw it.

Yuto: Woah that fire man thing?

???: I'm not a thing!!

Yuto: Then what should I call you?

Molten Man: I am Molten Man.

Yuto: *gave him a blank stare* I could of called you fire boy but whatever.

Molten Man: Fire Boy?! *shots  fires ball at me*

After he threw those fire ball I dodges them and shot out webs at him but he grabs the webs and slammed me into a wall and onto a car, then pulled the webs getting me close to him he punched me in the chest as I flew into a car.

Yuto: *gets up* Ugh shit *looks at my chest to see and fist imprint* Oh come on! First the Vulture and now you?!  

Molten Man: Just die already! *firing fire balls*

He kept thrwoing fire balls and I kept dodges them and I shit webs beside him and kicked him in the chest making him crashed into the building and jumps in a lamppost. He soon burst out of the rumble and ran towards me and grabs the lamppost as it started to melt but I jumped off and I was in the air I saw a fire hydrant and lands on it.

Yuto: Hey fire man your aim is like a stormtrooper can't shot for shit! 

Molten Man: *growls at me*

Yuto: Come on Lava girl's forgotten brother!

Molten Man: !!! *charges at me* 

I saw him charges at me and I jumped over him and kicked him into the fire hydrant and he gets up, so I jumps over him shooting a web at his arm and placed it on a lamp post, and started doing the same with his other limbs. After I finished he was webbed up while getting hit by water.

Yuto: Well stay they fire boy and the cops will get you down soon. *hears sirens* Look like they are on their way. See ya. *shot a web and leaves the area*

Time-Skip brought to you by

I made my way home after dealing with the fire boy and I opened my window and crawled on my ceiling and dropped down taking off my masked, then I heard something dropped so I turned around and saw Travis.

Yuto: Oh fuck!

Charlie: *in the kitchen* What is going on in there?!

Yuto: Uh nothing mom.

Travis: Your the spider guy?

Yuto: *taking off my costume* No the hell I'm not.

Travis: Dumbass you was on the damn ceiling. Do you really think I'm that dumb?

Yuto: *sighing and put some clothes on* Shit...yes I am Spider-Man but kept this a secret alright?

Travis: Dude your secret is safe with me.

Yuto: Alright

Travis: So how did you even get those powers?

Yuto: Remember I got bit during the trip to Oscrop?

Travis: Yeah? wait so that missing genetic spider bit you and you gain powers?

Yuto: Yeah. *hides my costume in the hidden spot.

Charlie: *walks in* What was all that noise?

Yuto: Oh we just disagreeing with something.

Travis: Yeah just a small argument that all Mrs. Akumu.

Charlie: Alright I hope it's over and no fighting you two.

Yuto: Yes mom.

Travis: Got it Ms. Akumu.

Charlie: *smiles and leaves*

Yuto: *sighing* Great.

Travis: So does Sona knows?

Yuto: No and I'll never tell her hopefully.

Travis: Alright and I saw the suit and you need to make a new one.

Yuto: Yeah I know.

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