Chapter 8: The Confession/Being Found Out

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(Three Days Later)

Yuto's Pov

It's been three days since I dealt with Molten Man and Travis finding out about my secret; now I'm at lunch with Sona due to Travis having to talk to his teacher about something, and I was thinking on should I make a new version of my costume but Sona nudged me.

Sona: Hey Aku.

Yuto: Uh yeah?

Sona: You know we haven't hanged out in a way since last week.

Yuto: Yeah sorry about that Sony.

Sona: *pouts and punches my arm* Stop calling me that idiot.

Yuto: I let you call me Aku so *pokes her cheek* Deal with it.

Sona: *blush a bit* Hmph...fine.

Yuto: How about we hang out today after school since we get out early today.

Sona: How about 3:30 and you will meet at my house?

Yuto: Sure Sony and you is cute when you pout. *smiles*

Sona: *face turns red* S-shut the fuck up.

Yuto: I can't because I don't know how to.

Sona: B-baka...

Yuto: *chuckles*

(Few Hours Later)

It had been a few hours after school and I made my way towards Sona's house by walking due not trying to cause a scene and knocked on the door and one of her mothers opened it.

Ava: Oh hello Yuto what's bring you here?

Yuto: Heya Ms. Yamashita and I came here cause me and Sona are going to hang out.

Ava: *smiles* Well come in and wait cause she getting dressed now.

Yuto: Alright.

I soon walked inside and sat on the couch waiting for Sona.

Sona's Pov

I'm super nervous while trying to find something to wear and I was throwing clothes left and right and I heard a knocked and I opened it to see my other mom.

Noi: Sweetie I just saw Yuto sitting on the couch waiting for you.

Sona: Oh crap! I can't find anything to wear!! 

Noi: Sona calm down okay. Just take a deep breath.

I started to takes deep breaths and slowly calms down.

Sona: Okay I'm calm now.

Noi: Alright now let's find something for you to wear.

Sona: Alright.

We then started looking for clothes.

(Fives Minutes)

I looked at myself in the mirror in the clothes and me and mom picked out.

Noi: Awww you look so cute!

Sona: *blushing* S-stop it mom..

Noi: Hehe sorry sorry now you better go before it gets dark.

Sona: Alright. *walks to the door*

Noi: Oh and tell him you love him for god sake me and Ava are waiting for you two to get together.

Sona: *blushing* I-i'll try.

Yuto's Pov

I was still waiting for Sona to come and I heard footsteps and saw Sona.

Yuto: Took you long enough.

Sona: Oh ha ha come on. *walks to the door*

Yuto: *follows her*

Sona: I'm leaving moms!

Ava: Have fun you two!!

Noi: be safe!!

Yuto: We will.

We then leaves her house and walks off.

Time-Skip Brought to you by

After going to the movies theaters and after getting food, we are now walking to her house and made it to her front door.

Sona: Well I had fun today what about you?

Yuto: Yeah I had fun and I missed doing that with you.

Sona: Aw shut it. *pushes me a bit*

Yuto: *chuckles*

Sona: ....*thinking* 'Should I tell him now?....Fuck it got to try.' Hey Yuto.

Yuto: Hm? *stops* 

Sona: *started to blush* I-i want to tell you something.

Yuto: And that is??

Sona: T-that I-i-i-i..oh screw it! 

Out of nowhere she grabbed my shirt and smashed her lips onto mines at first I was in shocked but later on I kissed back. Few minutes later we pulled back from each other.

Yuto: Woah... 

Sona: T-there..

Yuto: So you love me?

Sona: Yeah.

Yuto: How long?

Sona: *blushing* Since we was nine.

Yuto: Heh cute *kissed her head*

Sona: *pouting cutely* Shut it.

My spider sense soon goes off as I heard a noise and saw the Vulture being chased by the police.

Yuto: *mumbles* Fucking great.

Sona: You should go and stop him.

Yuto: *looks at her* What do you mean by that?

Sona: Aku do you really think I'm a dumbass? I know you is Spider-Man.

Yuto: Wait! How?!?!

Sona: You and him fight the same, make annoying jokes and puns, the same height.

Yuto: Well shit I really didn't want you to know.

Sona: Well too back. Now go and stop him sweetie. *kisses my cheek and walks inside*

Yuto: Damn. Now to stop sky high. 

I ran into an huge alley and changes into my costume and webs it to the wall and jumps and shot a webs and made my way towards the sirens.

3rd Pov

At Danny's College

Professor Connors was doing late grading works and as he finish he looked at the mirror to see his missing arm as he sighed and looked at Mickey the mouse having all four of his arms, then looking at the serum that Danny, himself, and Yuto made. Soon later on he grabbed it and injected himself with the serums and slowly passing out.

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