Chapter IX: Interactions

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June 19 2023

Desmond was sitting by the empire state building as he was thinking about everything that has happened. Anne and the enforcers have stolen over sixty million dollars and managed to escape. Desmond was even thinking about the tech Anne used in the fight. Those were the mechanical AI arms that Otto used during the tritum project two years back. He was still having doubts about Otto and had this feeling that he gave her the tech.

Desmond sighed to herself as he put his mask on as he jumped off the building and continued free falling as he shot a web line and began swinging.

Desmond was swinging near the streets as he shot another webline to boost himself as he continued swinging until he shot two web lines as he moved past a water tower.

Desmond continued swinging until he heard his phone ringing as he shot another webline and looked at the Caller ID as he answered the phone.

Desmond: Hello?

Maria: Hey Desmond, It's Maria.

Despite everything that has happened in the last two years. Maria is still friends with Desmond and even speaks to him and help him out.

Desmond: Hey Maria, What's up?

Maria: Nothing much. What about you?

Desmond: I'm swinging around New York.

Maria: Oh I see then, I saw what happened in the news.

Desmond: I can't believe I didn't stop them.

Maria: I understand how your feeling but don't worry you'll find them.

Desmond: Your right about that but still, I wonder who they are.

Maria: Hmmm, Do you know any of their names?

Desmond: I only know one enforcer and he calls himself Shocker.

Maria: Shocker? I'll see what I can find about him along with the other enforcers and their leader.

Desmond: Their Leader is using Otto's tech. Remember I told you about a mechanical AI arms that he used in the tritum project before he destroyed it.

Maria: I remember it, I noticed she made a lot of enhancements.

Desmond: Yeah, I have a feeling Otto gave her that tech.

Maria: Wait, How are you so sure?

Desmond: He hates me for everything I have done.

Maria: Desmond, Deep down in that hate Otto still cares about you. Maybe Otto didn't gave her the tech.

Desmond: I'm not sure anymore Maria.

Maria: But don't worry I'll try to find some information on them.

Desmond: Also Keep your eyes on Fisk and Tombstone. This Gang war is escalating and innocent people are getting caught in the crossfire.

Maria: Will do.

Desmond: Maria. . . . .How's Gionna?

Maria: She's doing alright. She's just waiting for Ethan.

Desmond: I see. . . . I'm glad she's doing alright. What about the others?

Maria: They're doing alright too. They're preparing for a few things and upcoming events.

Desmond: That's good to hear. I'll have to go now. Take care.

Maria: You too.

Desmond disconnected the call as he shot a webline and continued swinging as he was patrolling around the city.

Some time has past and Desmond decided to changed into his casual attire as he was walking through the streets of New York as he was fixing his hoodie jacket.

Desmond was walking past some civilians as he was looking through his phone until he heard someone calling his name as he turned around and saw who it was.

Desmond: Taynara?

Tay: Desmond, What's up?

Desmond: Nothing much. What about you?

Tay: Oh Nothing, I was actually gonna go to the movies.

Desmond: I see.

Tay: Wanna come with me?

Desmond: What movie is it?

Tay: It's Jurassic Park

Desmond was thinking about it as Tay was waiting for a response until he said something to her.

Desmond: If I say No, Will you drag me?

Tay: Probably.

Desmond: *Sighs* Fine, Let's go to the movies.

Tay had a huge smile on her face as she grabbed Desmond's hand and ran towards the theater as he sighed to himself and followed her.

Meanwhile in an abandoned warehouse showed some thugs taking to each other as they were guarding some weapons. They were Tombstone's men and were planning on attacking one of Fisk's Weapons cache.

Thug: The Boss is pissed.

Thug: No Kidding, Spider Man along with Fisk have been getting on his nerves.

Thug: Your right about that but we have to get rid of Kingpin. You know what happened to the last guy that failed Tombstone.

Thug: Tombstone killed him by breaking every bone in his body.

Thug: Yikes, Now I'm afraid to fail the boss.

Thug: Your right. Let's stay focus and hopefully when the time is right. We get rid of Fisk's other weapons cache.

One Thug was gonna say something until they heard someone whistling as they turned around and saw someone standing in front of them.

Thug: Who the hell are you?

Cloaked Man: You don't need to know that.

Thug: What the hell do you want?

Cloaked Man: Nothing, I just want to kill you guys.

The Thugs looked at each other as The Cloaked Man stared at them before they began laughing as he looked at them.

Thug: Believe me, Your not gonna kill us.

Cloaked Man: Do I look like Spider Man to you?

The Thugs had chills running down their spines as the Cloaked man had a smirk as one thug said something to him.

Thug: Screw this guy. Let's get out of here.

Cloaked Man: The only way you punks are leaving are in a body bag.

Thug: Don't act so tough.

Two Thugs walked towards the Cloaked Man as he was looking at them until he took down both of them with a...

One Thug was shocked as he moved back in fear as The Cloaked Man was walking towards him but one thug pointed a rifle behind him until he took him down.

The Cloaked Man stomped on his head as he was dead as he looked at the last thug as he began shooting at him but he didn't felt any pain as the thug was shocked.

The Thug begged for mercy but The Cloaked Man hit a spinning roundhouse but he hit a double foot stomp on the thug as he was dead.

The Cloaked Man looked around the warehouse as he grabbed some grenades from one of the caches and began throwing it around as there was multiple explosions and the weapons were destroyed.

The Cloaked Man exited the warehouse which was on fire until he heard someone speaking from one of the thugs radio as he answered it.

Tombstone: Are the weapons alright?

Cloaked Man: Nope, I destroyed them all.

Tombstone: What the? You bastard. . . . Who are you?

Cloaked Man: Fisk sent me to destroy your weapons. Good luck trying to kill him.

Tombstone was yelling at him until The Cloaked Man destroyed the radio as he smiled to himself.

Cloaked Man: He fell for it.

Meanwhile Tombstone was holding his head in frustration as he couldn't believe what was happening. The Weapons were destroyed and he was angry at the man that Fisk sent.

Tombstone: You want to play with Fire Fisk? Then you got it.

Meanwhile in another location showed some of Fisks thugs moving some weapons towards a truck in order for them to fool Tombstone and the police.

The Thugs were almost done loading up the weapons in the truck until they heard something as they turned around and The Cloaked Man threw a car at them as a huge explosion was seen.

The Thugs saw the truck was destroyed along with the weapons as the Cloaked man began killing the thugs one by one as he grabbed another car and threw it at them as another explosion was seen.

All The Thugs were dead as The Claoked Man looked at the destruction he created until he saw a radio as he picked it up and contacted Fisk.

Fisk: Hello?

Cloaked Man: Wilson Fisk, The Kingpin.

Fisk: What do you want?

Cloaked Man: Nothing much, These Idiots are fighting to claim the spot for the Kingpin of crime. For me, I'm not interested in this.

Fisk: Then What do you want?

Cloaked Man: You won't go near Spider Man because Spider Man is my target and if you get in my way then I'll kill you.

Fisk: Very well. You can handle Spider Man.

Cloaked Man: Good and by the way if your wondering where your men are at? Well they took a one way ticket to the morgue.

The Cloaked Man destroyed the radio as he heard police sirens as he jumped to a rooftop and disappeared.

Meanwhile At Scarlett's Fortune shop, She was done with her work as she was gonna close the store until she heard someone entering the store as she saw who it was.

Unknown: Hi.

Scarlett: Hello, How can I help you?

Unknown: First of all, My Name is Elizabeth Jones.

Scarlett: Nice to meet you Elizabeth, I'm Scarlett.

Elizabeth: I heard about you. Your a psychic and you have the ability to read minds and know anyone's fate.

Scarlett: That's right.

Elizabeth: But I'm looking for someone and I was hoping you can help me.

Scarlett looked at Elizabeth as she got a picture out and showed it to Scarlett as she was looking at her back.

Scarlett: Your looking for him?

Elizabeth: Yes. Do you know where he is?

Scarlett: Sorry I don't know who he is or where he even lives.

Elizabeth: Oh Its okay. Sorry for taking up your time.

Scarlett nodded as she watched Elizabeth leave the store as she was thinking about everything that has happened.

A/N: Thanks For Reading And Stay Cool :)

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