Chapter VIII: A Date With Corruption

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June 19 2023

The Time was Eight thirty two a.m. Desmond was walking through the streets of New York as he was looking at his phone as he was thinking about the gang war between Kingpin and Tombstone. He needed to stop them from creating more damage but he didn't have any evidence to prove that they are responsible for this. Desmond however was determined to stop them.

Desmond continued walking as he was fixing his hair and jacket as he continued looking at his phone until he saw an article from the Bugle.

Spider Man's Reign Of Terror continues

Desmond: *Sighs* As Always, He's throwing more dirt at me.

He sighed to himself again as he continued walking until he noticed a woman checking the car's bonnet. She was struggling to fix the car as Desmond put his phone back in his pocket and walked towards her as he saw who it was.

Desmond: Hey there.

Unknown: Oh Hi

Desmond: What's the problem?

Unknown: Its nothing honestly.

Desmond: I can help you out, You look exhausted and you need to rest up.

Unknown: *Smiles* Sure.

The Women took a water bottle and began drinking it as she sat down on a bench as Desmond was checking the car as he was looking for the problem.

Desmond: I see the problem, The Engine is badly damaged and it needs repairs.

Unknown: Oh I see now.

Desmond: Yeah, Its a bad idea to drive too? You should call roadside assistance.

Unknown: Sure, I'll do that.

Desmond saw the women calling roadside assistance as twenty minutes passed until they saw a tow truck driving towards them as they got the car and drove to the nearest mechanic shop.

Unknown: The Car will be fixed by tomorrow. Thank you so much for the help.

Desmond: It's alright. Where were you going anyways?

Unknown: To the Bank. I needed to make a deposit.

Desmond: Oh I'll drop you there.

Unknown: *Smiles* Sure.

Desmond stopped a taxi as he opened the door as the women got inside as Desmond also got inside the car as he told the taxi driver to drive them to the bank.

Unknown: Your Mother raised a well mannered boy.

Desmond smiled at her as she smiled at him back before they were looking at the city until the car stopped at the bank as both of them got out of the car as the women was gonna pay the driver until Desmond stopped her as he paid the driver and the taxi left as she looked at him.

Unknown: You already done so much for me, I could have paid the driver.

Desmond: It's alright. I would have paid him anyways.

Unknown: Sure, Wanna come with me to the Bank?

Desmond: Ummm-

Unknown: It's okay, We can also talk for some time.

Desmond: Sure.

The Women smiled at him as They entered the bank and saw how many civilians were walking around as there were employees working while walking around to talk to others as The Women and Desmond saw the bank manager talking to someone as they took their seats.

Unknown: So What's your name?

Desmond: Desmond Ketch.

Unknown: Desmond. . . .

Desmond: What's the matter?

Unknown: Your mother picked a beautiful name. You know what your name means?

Desmond: No, What is it?

Unknown: Your name means Gracious Defender.

Desmond: Oh I see now.

Unknown: Indeed. My Name is Marina Simmons.

Desmond: Beautiful Name.

Marina: Thank you Desmond.

Desmond noticed the Bank Manager was talking to his friends on the phone as he spoke to him.

Desmond: Can you stop talking to your friends and focus on your job?

Bank Manager: Shut up Kid! *On The Phone* Sorry, This Stupid Brat was annoying me.

Desmond gave him a death glare as Marina smiled at him and patted his shoulder as he sighed to himself.

Marina: It's okay, We'll wait for a little longer.

Deamond: Yeah.

Marina: Where are your parents?

Desmond: They passed away several years ago in a car accident.

Marina: I'm sorry to hear.

Desmond: Yeah. . . .

Marina: Just remember honey, Your parents are always looking out for you and will always love you.

Desmond: Thank you.

Marina smiled at him as she continued talking to Desmond as he was listening to her. Suddenly Anne along with Fancy Dan, Ox and Montana entered the bank as Desmond didn't notice them as they continued walking towards the vault. Anne had a huge smile on her face as she began using the tentacles to rip open the vault door.

Unknown: Did you know-

Desmond Spider Senses alerted him of a danger as Anne threw the vault door at them but....

Marina was shocked and scared as she got up from her seat and looked for Desmond but she didn't find him as she was worried.

Bank Manager: Wow That Boy of yours is a real hero.

Meanwhile The Security Guards had guns at their hands as they were pointing at them until Fancy Dan and Ox began fighting them as Montana and Anne were putting the money in the bag.

Anne was smiling at the money until the tentacles were detecting something as she smiled at Montana.

Anne: The Arachnid is here.

Montana: *Looks at the enforcers* Boys, Let's squash us a bug.

Fancy Dan and Ox were looking around until they saw Desmond in his Spider Man suit attacking them as he tried to hit Fancy Dan but he hit him in the back with a staff.

Desmond shot multiple webs at Fancy Dan but he was dodging them until Ox tried to charge towards him but he jumped over his head until Fancy Dan surprised him with a...

Ox began crushing Desmond as he was in pain as Fancy Dan and Ox were smiling at him.

Desmond: Look. . . If you wanted a breath mint, You just had to ask.

Fancy Dan pulled out a katana as He was walking towards The Spider until Desmond hit Ox with a...

Fancy Dan ran towards him until Desmond jumped over his head as he shot two weblines at them and began spinning them around until he threw them to the wall.

Desmond: Okay seriously, Who-

Suddenly His Spider Senses alerted him of a danger as he turned around and then...

Marina and The Bank Manager were shocked as Desmond was holding his head until he saw Montana.

Desmond: And You are?

Montana: *Smirks* Shocker!

Shocker shot a vibrational blast force at Desmond as he dodged the attack as Montana continued focusing fire on him as The Spider was dodging the attacks.

Montana: Hold still bug while I put you out of your misery.

Fancy Dan and Ox tried to attack Desmond but he jumped over their heads as Montana continued firing multiple force blasts at him as Anne looked at him.

Anne: Looks like it's my turn to play.

Desmond hit a double kick at Ox and Dan as He shot a webline and hit a swing kick at Montana as he was holding his gut. Desmond was gonna attack them until his Spider Senses alerted him of a danger as he turned around and then....

Anne: Boys, Grab the money bags. I'll deal with the arachnid.

The Enforcers grabbed the money bags as Desmond was holding his head until he noticed Anne as his eyes were widen.

(Wait a minute, Isn't that Otto's Tech?)

Anne used the tentacles to grab Desmond as she spoke to him.

Anne: Your getting on my nerves.

Desmond: I have a knack for that.

Anne: Not anymore.

The Tentacles were trying to crush Desmond's head as he was in pain until Marina shouted at Anne.

Marina: Let him go!

Anne looked at Marina as she was gonna attack her until Desmond shot a webline and threw a table at Anne as she went flying out of the bank and hit a car.

Anne was holding her back as The Enforcers went to check on her as she saw Desmond running towards her as she threw a car door at him knocking him out.

Suddenly The Group saw Roxxon trucks along with helicopters as Anne spoke to them.

Anne: Take out Roxxon! I'll deal with him!

The Enforcers nodded as Montana shot a blast force at them as Fancy Dan and Ox began taking down the guards as Anne used a tentacle to hold the bank manager hostage as she began climbing on the building while the manager was screaming at her.

Anne continued climbing until Desmond was in the way as he spoke to her.

Desmond: Let go of the hostage.

Anne: Of Course.

The Bank Manager was scared as he was gonna grab Desmond's hand until she dropped him as she gave a innocent smile to Desmond.

Anne: Butter fingers.

Desmond shot two weblines at the manager and pulled him back up as he went flying and grabbed the ledge as Anne began attacking Desmond as he was blocking the attacks.

Anne used a tentacle to hit Desmond but he dodged the attack and hit a...

Bank Manager: HELP ME!

Desmond: Hold on!

The Manager was scared as Desmond continued crawling on the wall until a tentacle grabbed his shoulder as Anne pulled him down until Both of them began beating each other up.

Anne and Desmond continued fighting each other as Marina along with the other civilians watched the fight until both of them fell off the building as they were fighting each other mid air.

Anne and Desmond continued fighting each other as she used a tentacle to grab the building as both of them were holding on.

The Bank Manager was close to falling down as he was screaming for help as Desmond and Anne continued fighting each other until Anne hit a...

Anne used the tentacle to grab the manager as she was holding him hostage until she told the Enforcers something on the radio.

Anne: Get back to the safe house.

Montana: Roger that Boss.

The Enforcers opened a manhole and got inside the sewers as Anne gave a smirk and saw Desmond getting up as she spoke to him.

Anne: Your pissing me off arachnid and now this innocent will die because you got in my way.

Desmond was holding his neck as he shot two weblines as Anne was watching him until he boosted himself towards her as Anne tried to attack him but Desmond jumped over the tentacle as he grabbed the bank manager's hand and jumped off the building as he shot a webline and continued swinging.

Anne was angry until she saw officers shooting at her as she immediately left the scene as Police and Roxxon were tracking her location.

Desmond helped the bank Manager towards an ambulance as he said something to himself.

Desmond: Did Otto gave that maniac his Tech? I need some answers right now.

Desmond shot a webline and continued swinging as he was having thoughts about Anne and the Enforcers.

Meanwhile Otto walked out of a pharmacy as he began making his way to the hospital until he heard something in a alleyway as he was confused until someone pulled him as he saw who it was.

Otto: Desmond!

Desmond: Otto, We need to talk.

Otto: I have nothing to say to you.

Desmond: Shut up! You gave that maniac your Tech?

Otto: I don't know what your talking about.

Desmond grabbed Otto and pushed him to a wall as he was holding his collar.

Desmond: Don't lie to me. I know that the AI Arms is your Tech since you used it for the tritum machine.

Otto: That is my Tech. What's the point?

Desmond: Some maniac is using that tech and robbed a bank. They stole over sixty five million dollars.

Otto: I don't know Who-

Desmond: Cut the Crap! Tell me who they are.

Otto: I don't know who they are. I didn't give my Tech to anyways.

Desmond: Listen to me Otto, If you hate me then its alright. I don't care but if you hurt another innocent over your hatred over me, I won't tolerate that.

Otto was silent as Desmond was staring at him until he spoke to him.

Desmond: If I find out you were involved in this. I won't hesitate to throw your ass to prison.

Desmond pushed Otto away as he stared at him before Desmond walked away as Otto didn't know what to say.

A/N: Thanks For Reading And Stay Cool :)

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