Chapter XLV: Beginning Of The End

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August 12 2023

The time was four fifteen p.m. Desmond was in his Spider Man suit as he was making his way to the abandoned Ravencroft Institution to stop Lucas and save Gionna. Meanwhile Her friends heard about the incident and told the police and Roxxon about it as they began searching for her. Desmond shot a web line as he continued swinging until he noticed the old institution up ahead. Desmond shot a web line and continued making his way to Ravencroft.

Meanwhile in a caged room, Gionna opened her eyes as she noticed the area around her as she also noticed Lucas walking around speaking to Venom as she yelled at him

Gionna: You sick bastard! Let me out of here now!

Lucas and Venom turned around and saw Gionna staring at them as they noticed she was scared and worried as he spoke to her.

Lucas: You need to be quiet.

Gionna: Screw you! What do you want from me?!?!

Lucas: I don't have a problem with you Gionna. I only have a problem with Spider Man.

Gionna: What? What has he ever done to you?

Lucas: That Bastard is my brother and he destroyed me so now I will destroy him.

Gionna was shocked by what she heard from Lucas as he continued speaking to her.

Lucas: And you already know his identity.

Gionna: What?

Lucas: The love of your life Desmond is Spider Man.

Gionna: Your lying! I know he's not Spider Man. Your just framing him just to get to Spider Man!

Lucas: Don't worry Liv, You'll know the truth soon.

Meanwhile Desmond was making his way around the institution until he heard some sounds as he began following the source of the sound. Desmond continued moving until he went through the ventilation system as he got out and saw the caged room.

Desmond was looking around as he noticed Gionna as he jumped down as Liv noticed him as he spoke to her.

Desmond: Hey it's-

Gionna yelled at him to watch out as Lucas shot a webline at Desmond and pulled him as he punched him in the face knocking him out.

Desmond was holding his head as he managed to get up as he noticed Lucas looking at him as he spoke to him.

Desmond: Lucas, You need to stop. It doesn't have to be this way.

Lucas: Oh really? You abandoned me! You didn't even try to find me!

Desmond: Lucas, I'm sorry for what has happened to you and I will always blame myself for not finding and saving you but what your doing is wrong.

Lucas: You don't care about me! You don't care about our family! You replaced our parents with Otto and Rosie!

Desmond glared at Lucas as he continued speaking to him.

Lucas: It doesn't matter now! We will destroy you!

Desmond: Lucas, Don't listen to that parasite. Its controlling your mind, I still care about you and I'm always there for you.

Lucas: Shut up! When I was alone, Venom was there for me, He understood me and was there for me while you forgot about me!

Desmond: Lucas-

Lucas: It's over! Only one of us is leaving this caged room alive.

Venom began to form around Lucas as Desmond told Gionna to run as she didn't want to leave him as she hid behind some boxes. She watched Lucas using the tendrils to fire multiple blades at the spider as he was dodging the attacks.

Desmond shot two web lines at Venom and pulled him as the spider hit a double foot stomp on him knocking him down. Lucas punched Desmond in the face as the spider punched him back before Venom pushed him away.

Lucas created a mace and tried to attack Desmond as he was dodging the attacks as Venom turned the mace into a scythe and began swinging it around as Desmond managed to dodge as Lucas tried to attack him but The spider hit a leg sweep on him as he grabbed Venom and threw him to the wall.

Desmond: Lucas, I know your still in there. Your stronger then the symbiotie. Don't let it win!

Lucas growled at Desmond and charged towards him as the spider jumped on the wall as Lucas also jumped up as both brothers continued fighting each other.

Gionna was watching the fight between Spider Man and Venom as Lucas created a scythe and tried to attack Desmond but he moved out of the way as he tried to attack Lucas again but he grabbed him and hit a...

Desmond was holding his back as Lucas grabbed him and threw him to the scaffolding as he was struggling to get up until Venom hit a double foot stomp on him and began beating him down as Gionna was shocked.

Venom continued beating Desmond as he was struggling to fight back until Lucas stomped on Desmond's head as he used his claws and slashed his chest as he looked at him.

Lucas/Venom: What's wrong? Too weak to fight back!

Desmond was in pain as Lucas pounced on him and continued punching him in the face as he shot a webline and grabbed Desmond as he began swinging until he kicked his brother sending him crashing towards the ground.

Gionna was horrified and shocked as Desmond was struggling to get up as Lucas attacked him again and continued beating him down as Gionna continued watching as she was worried about Desmond.

Lucas wasn't done yet as he continued stomping on the spider as he punched him in the face again as he grabbed him and threw him to the next room.

Gionna was screaming at Lucas as he ignored her and began walking towards Desmond who was struggling to get up as Gionna bumped into the crates and noticed some weapons along with grenades inside as she looked at them.

Meanwhile Lucas was smiling at Desmond who was struggling to get up as he was speaking to him.

Lucas/Venom: You know why I chose Ravencroft? It's because Drake imprisoned me in this institution just to continue his experiments.

Desmond managed to get up as Lucas punched his brother in the face sending him flying towards a wall as he was holding his gut.

Lucas/Venom: You can't win Desmond! You are too strong to have it all but too weak to take it!

Lucas created a sword as he was gonna stab Desmond until someone shot him in the back as he turned around and saw Gionna holding a pistol as he laughed at her.

Lucas/Venom: You think you can hurt us with that? Don't make me laugh.

Lucas was gonna walk towards Gionna until Desmond surprised Venom with a...

Desmond was holding his arm as Gionna ran towards him as she was checking on him as Ketch spoke to her.

Desmond: Gionna. You need to get out of here.

Gionna: I'm not leaving you.

Desmond: Just go! I don't want to lose you Liv.

Gionna: Wait what?

Suddenly Lucas created a sword and charged towards Desmond as he told Liv to run as the spider grabbed a metal grate and block the attack from Lucas until he shot a webline and threw him on the ground.

Venom was on the ground as Desmond hit a axe kick on him as he stunned until he grabbed Venom and threw him to the wall.

Lucas was struggling to get up as Gionna tried to shoot him but he pushed her away as Desmond shot a webline at a concrete derby and threw it at him as he was on the ground.

Desmond ran towards Gionna who was unconscious as he was checking on her.

Desmond: Gionna! Can you hear me? Wake up!

Lucas/Venom: *Laughs* What's wrong Hero? Lost the love of your life?

Desmond: Gionna. . . Please wake up.

Lucas managed to get up as he used the tendrils to prepare firing the blades at Desmond as he was checking on Gionna until he said something to her.

Desmond: I love you Gionna. . . . Please wake up. . . I don't want to lose you.

Desmond turned around and saw Lucas was gonna fire multiple blades at them as he protected Gionna from the blades.

Gionna opened her eyes as she saw Desmond was hugging her as he noticed she was awake as she said something to him.

Gionna: Desmond. . . . . .

Suddenly Lucas hit Desmond with a mace sending him flying towards a wall as he shot two webline at him which restrained him as he created a hammer and began beating Desmond down as Gionna was shocked.

Gionna: Desmond!!!

Lucas/Venom: See? I told you it was Desmond!

Lucas grabbed a crowbar on the ground as he began beating Desmond down as he hit him in the face which immediately removed his mask.

Lucas was smiling at him as Gionna saw Desmond staring at her as she was staring at him as she was shocked that he was Spider Man. Lucas continued beating Desmond down as he said something to him.

Lucas/Venom: You can never wound what you can't kill.

He was gonna stab Desmond until Gionna tried to attack him as he pushed her away as some metal pipes began to fall creating a sound as Lucas was screaming in pain.

Gionna managed to get up as she noticed Lucas was screaming from the sounds of the pipes falling on the ground as the pipes stopped falling. Lucas glared at Gionna as he was gonna attack her until Desmond managed to break free and attack him and then....

Lucas began screaming in pain as Desmond grabbed multiple pipes and began to surround Lucas using the metal pipes which made Lucas scream in pain even more.

Desmond continued surrounding him with multiple pipes as Gionna knew what he was doing as she grabbed one pipe and began hitting the other pipes which made Lucas growl in anger as he couldn't bear the sound.

Desmond noticed the symbiote almost breaking free from Lucas as he shot a webline and pulled Lucas out of the symbiote as he was on the ground.

Suddenly he heard the screams turning into growls as Desmond turned around and saw what it was.

Gionna and Desmond were horrified by what they saw as the Venom symbiote tried to latch on Desmond as he was struggling to break free until Gionna hit the pipes forcing the symbiote to let go of Desmond.

Gionna: Take this!

Liv gave a grenade to Desmond as he removed the pin and threw it at the symbiote as Lucas was shocked and jumped back into the symbiote which shocked Desmond.

Desmond: Lucas No!

Desmond was shocked by what he saw as he noticed the symbiote was burning as it was dead as He saw Lucas was dead too. Desmond couldn't believe what happened. He lost his brother and he closed his eyes in anger as he sat down on the ground.

Gionna placed her hand on his shoulder as he looked at her as he sighed to himself until he noticed the institution was gonna collapse as they looked at each other.

Gionna: We need to get out of here.

Desmond grabbed his mask as he carried Gionna as he shot a webline and immediately began swinging out of the Ravencroft.

Five minutes have passed as Gionna and Desmond were on the crane looking at the city as she was looking at Desmond who was looking on the ground. She still can't believe that Desmond was Spider Man and he was protecting this city from criminals who tried to destroy it.

Gionna: I had this feeling whenever I was around you. It's like I already know you and met you. To think it was you.

Desmond looked at Gionna as she was staring at him as he spoke to her.

Desmond: And You know why we can't be together. . . . Spider Man will always have enemies. I can't let you take that risk.

Gionna had a tear in her eye as Desmond wiped it off as he said something to her.

Desmond: I will always be Spider Man.

Gionna began crying as Desmond hugged her as she immediately hugged him back as she kissed his forehead as he was hugging her.

Suddenly they heard police sirens along with helicopters as Desmond helped Gionna get off the crane as she was on the ground.

Suddenly her friends noticed Gionna and began running towards her as she looked at them as they began hugging her as they were asking her questions.

Gionna didn't answer any of those questions as she saw Desmond on the crane wearing his mask as he was staring at Gionna.

Desmond looked at her one last time until he began swinging away as Gionna was watching him.

A/N: Thanks For Reading and Tomorrow is the Epilogue. Stay cool and stay safe everyone, Stay strong and hope your day is amazing :D

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