Epilogue: Forever And Always

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August 14 2023

Two days have passed since the incident at Ravencroft. Desmond and Gionna haven't spoken to each other since then. Liv knew Desmond was Spider Man but didn't tell it to anyone. She really missed him and wanted to see him again but she knew they couldn't be together. The time was three twenty three p.m. Liv along with her friends walking through the streets of New York as they were talking to each other.

Cassie: Hey Liv, Are you alright?

Gionna: Yeah I'm fine sis.

Chris: If there's something that is bothering, You can talk to us about it.

Tay: Yeah sis, What's the matter?

Gionna: I'm thinking about talking to Desmond again.

Anna: You should do that sis. I know both of you miss each other.

Priscilla: She's right Liv.

Michelle: Dont keep hiding it sis. You have to talk to him.

Gionna: I'll try today talking to him.

Maria: I hope everything goes well sis.

Suddenly they heard a explosion as the group were worried and immediately saw a crowd of people watching a fight between the police and Rhino who escaped from the Raft.

Rhino laughed at the police as he threw a police car at them as a huge explosion was seen as everyone was shocked.

Jessica: I thought he was at the Raft?

Leah: Looks like he broke out and went to cause some trouble.

Lexi: That's already not good.

Rhino was laughing as he was gonna throw another car at the police until someone grabbed the car and threw it back on Rhino as he was on the ground until he saw who attacked him.

The crowd began cheering for Desmond as Gionna had a huge smile on her face as the group smiled at him too. Rhino got up as he was angry at Desmond and began speaking to him as the spider was listening to him.

Rhino: Ugh You again? Why can't you just give up?

Desmond: Look Rhino, We all know what the result of this fight is gonna be. I beat you up embarrassing you in front of everyone and you get sent back to the Raft. To avoid that embarrassment, Just surrender buddy.

Rhino: Surrender? I'll surrender when I kill you.

Desmond smiled at him as Rhino threw a car at Ketch but he dodged the attack as he grabbed a manhole and hit Rhino with it.

Rhino was on the ground as Desmond shot multiple cobwebs at him restraining him as He saw Roxxon trucks entering the scene as he began swinging away as Gionna had a huge smile on her face.

Two hours had passed and Gionna was walking through the streets while texting her friends. Her friends thought about having a party tonight and Liv was gonna buy some things for the party. She continued walking until she heard civilians looking at something.

Gionna immediately went to check what it was as she saw something written on the bridge.

Gionna had a huge smile on her face as she continued looking at the message until he saw Desmond swinging around as he grabbed Gionna and began swinging towards the bridge as both of them were on top of the bridge as she had a huge smile on her face and looked at the city as Desmond looked at her.

Gionna: Don't you get afraid of heights?

Desmond: I used to be afraid of heights but ever since I got my powers. I'm not afraid of it anymore.

Gionna: I see. The view is amazing though.

Desmond was smiling at her as Gionna walked toward him and removed his mask as she saw some scars on Desmond's face as he looked on the ground.

Gionna: You really are strong Desmond.

Desmond looked at Gionna as she touched his cheek and said something to him.

Gionna: But I will admit one thing I know you said we can't be together because of the risks but I want to be with you. . . . I want to stay by your side and help you.

Desmond: Liv-

Gionna: You always help others and save them but isn't about time somebody saved your life?

Desmond was silent as he was looking at Gionna as she said something to him.

Gionna: I love you Desmond. I want to be with you till the end.

Desmond was silent as Gionna looked at him until he said something to her.

Desmond: I want to be there for you Liv. I'm never gonna let you go again. I love you Gionna because you are my world and my path.

Both of them had a huge smile on their faces as they were staring at each other until they shared a kiss as they couldn't smiling and began hugging each other.

Since then Gionna and Desmond bond became stronger and unbreakable. Desmond even spoke to Gionna's friends and were happy for them. Things were back to normal for them.

Gionna and Desmond were sitting at a rooftop looking at the city as they were hugging each other and continued looking at the city as they were happy.



Meanwhile in an unknown location showed someone concentrating their powers until it was revealed who it was.

A/N: Thanks for reading and here are some questions?

Q1: What is your thoughts and opinion for this story from the beginning to the end?

Q2: Favourite characters and Villains?

Q3: Favourite Fight Sequence?

Q4: What are your thoughts on the ending?

Q5: Did you enjoy the book?

Once again thank you everyone for the support and more. I appreciate it, Stay cool and stay safe everyone :D

Stay strong :D

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