Chapter XX: Destructive Testing

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November 7 2020

Desmond and Otto helped Rosie back home as they helped her sit in the couch. Otto sat next to her as he was holding her hand as Desmond was watching them.

Desmond: I'm gonna make you some food.

Ketch went to the kitchen as he fixed his jacket as he turned the stove on as Blue Flame popped into life as he was adjusting it. Desmond began grabbing some ingredients as Otto and Rosie were looking at him as they were worried about him.

They noticed Desmond has been quiet for four days and hasn't spoken a word to them. They also noticed he stopped hanging out with Gionna and her friends. Otto went to the kitchen as Desmond continued cooking until he spoke to him.

Otto: Is everything alright kid?

Desmond: I'm fine. There's nothing wrong.

Otto: You've been acting odd for the last four days.

Desmond: Its nothing.

Otto was gonna say something until he noticed Desmond's right hand was bandaged up as he looked at him.

Otto: What happened to your hand?

Desmond suddenly felt worried, His Right hand was broken due to the attack by the Lizard but he didn't tell anyone about it. He just hid it from them.

Desmond: Well An Accident happened and my hand is hurting.

Otto: You should be more careful. Do you need anything?

Desmond: No.

Ketch finished making some soup as he gave it to Rosie as she looked at him with worry.

Rosie: Honey, What's the matter? Why are you sad?

Desmond: Its nothing.

Otto: Why did you stop hanging out with Gionna?

Desmond: Well-

Rosie: Tell us what's the problem.

Desmond: *Sighs* Its Priscilla.

Otto: You two had a fight.

Desmond: A Bad One, She hates me.

Rosie and Otto were shocked as Desmond was staring at the ground until they spoke to him.

Rosie: What even happened between you two?

Desmond: Well-

Otto: Whatever the fight is, You two can try settling this out but Gionna and the others care about you.

Desmond: The Problem is I don't wanna create any rift between the group.

Rosie: Look Honey, Gionna has been messaging you nonstop. She's worried about you.

Otto: Same with the others. Look Try talking to them whenever you have time.

Rosie: But you better talk to them today.

Desmond: I don't know honestly.

Otto: Everything is gonna be okay.

Rosie: And Don't worry, I'm sure everything is gonna be okay.

Desmond was thinking about it as Otto and Rosie were looking at him waiting for a response until he said to them....

Desmond: I'll talk to them tonight.

Otto: Also Do tell her a romantic quote too.

Rosie: Along with a poem.

Desmond: I'll do that.

Meanwhile In an Unknown Location, Some Thugs were dragging a businessman as The Businessman whose name is Roger looked at someone smoking a cigar.

Thug: We caught him boss.

Unknown: Excellent, You can leave now.

The Thugs left as Roger looked at the man as he began taunting him.

Roger: You think I'm scared of you. I'm not scared of you.

Roger heard a sinister laugh from the Mysterious Man as he dropped the cigar and looked at him as Roger had fear in his eyes.

Unknown: Your face is telling me something else. Admit it, You are afraid of me.

Roger: Please I beg you, Don't kill me.

Unknown: Too bad, You'll meet Death anyways.

The Mysterious man pulled out a gun and shot Roger in the head as he was dead.

Thug: Boss, What should we do about the New Spider Man?

Unknown: The Enforcers couldn't take him down but I know someone that can finish the job.

Thug: Who Sir?

The Mysterious Man had a huge smile on his face as he got his phone out and dialed a number as the call was immediately answered.

Unknown: I have a job for you.

Meanwhile Desmond grabbed some medicine from the Pharmacy as he looked at his phone as the time was Seven thirty three p.m.

Desmond was walking back home as he was fixing his hair until he bumped into someone as he saw who it was.

Leah was angry as she saw Desmond as she began shouting at him.

Leah: How dare you bump into me?

Desmond: Sorry-

Leah: Shut up loser!

Desmond suddenly felt angry, He didn't want to respond back something bad that will create an argument.

Desmond: Leah, I said-

Leah slapped Desmond in the face as he continued staring at her until someone called Leah's name as He saw who it was.

Unknown: Leah, Let's go.

Leah: But-

Unknown: I said Let's go.

Leah: *Looks at Desmond* This isn't over.

Leah and her friend walked away as Desmond decided to walk back home as he gave the medicine to Rosie as she took them and decided to sleep for sometime.

Desmond decided to leave the house and thought about calling Gionna. He was in his Spider Man suit swinging through different buildings as he was thinking about Gionna.

Desmond: I don't know. I hope Gionna and her friends are not mad at me. I feel like Priscilla told them about the pictures.

Desmond shot two web lines as he continued thinking about it.

Desmond: And There is Leah, She's starting to get on my nerves. I'm surprised her friends are even with her.

Desmond shot another web line as he was swinging until.....

Desmond began free falling as he shot another web line until someone threw him to a rooftop as he was holding his back. Desmond got up as he saw someone standing in front of him.

Unknown: I finally caught you Prey.

Desmond: Who are you?

The Mysterious Man had a bow as he shot an arrow on him but he dodged it as The Man continued firing at Desmond as he was dodging the arrows.

Unknown: Call me, Kraven The Hunter.

Desmond was gonna kick Kraven until he grabbed his leg and then....

Desmond was holding his back as he looked around the museum. Suddenly His Spider Senses went off as Kraven hit Ketch with a...

Desmond looked at the hyena laughing at him as he looked at it.

Desmond: *Points at the Laughing Hyena* Don't get any ideas.

Kraven: You are still inexperienced. You need to unleash your killer instincts.

Desmond tried to attack Kraven but he threw him as Kraven tried to attack Desmond but he countered into a...

Kraven threw a knife at Desmond but he dodged it as he hit a spinning roundhouse kick on Kraven sending him flying to a wall.

Desmond was staring at him until he heard his phone ringing as he saw the Caller ID.


Desmond: Oh Great.

Kraven threw a table at Desmond as he dodged it and answered the phone.

Desmond: Hey.

Gionna: Finally you answered. I was so worried about my teddy bear.

Desmond: *Dodges an arrow from Kraven* Sorry I didn't want to worry you.

Gionna: Look Desmond, Can you meet me at my house Right now?

Desmond: *Kicks Kraven in the face as he jumps to a wall* Right now?

Gionna: Yeah, Right now. Are you busy?

Desmond: *Punches Kraven as he tried to slice Desmond with a dagger as he was dodging it* No, I'm not busy.

Gionna: Okay, See you cutie pie.

Gionna disconnected the call as Desmond was shocked by her words.

Desmond: Did she-

Desmond was at the dinosaur head until Kraven charged at him and then...

Desmond shot a web line as he was swinging until Kraven grabbed him.

Kraven: You can't escape from me.

Desmond: Sorry Pal, I'm running a little late here.

Both Kraven and Desmond dropped on Street Level as Kraven tried to stomp on Ketch but he dodged it and hit Kraven with a...

Kraven tried to get up but....

Kraven: Your Good Boy.

Desmond: Alright Kraven. Why are you after me?

Kraven: You won, So it's better I'll tell you everything.

Desmond was gonna ask Kraven a question until he heard a song as he turned around and saw no one as he looked back at Kraven and he was gone as Desmond was shocked.

Desmond: Where did he- I guess there's no point.

Desmond shot a web line as he was heading towards Gionna's house.

Let's hope everything goes well there.

A/N: Thanks For Reading and Stay Cool :)

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