Chapter XXI: Liv, Laugh And Love

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November 6 2020

Desmond managed to make it to Gionna's house as he changed into his casual outfit and fixed his hair as he looked at himself.

Desmond fixed his shoes as he went towards the house as he fixed his hair again until Dori opened the door as she looked at him.

Dori: Hey there.

Desmond: Hey.

Dori: What's that in your hands?

Desmond: That's Fruit Cake.

Dori: Ooooh Is that a gift to your Juliet?

Desmond: *In a Sarcastic Tone* Very Funny. Can I come in?

Dori let out a laugh as Desmond stared at her until he entered the house as he saw the group talking to each other while playing some music and eating some pizza.

The Group immediately saw Desmond as they all said "Hi" to him but Priscilla gave a death stare as Desmond was already worried.

Gionna: Where have you been Des? I miss you.

Desmond: I miss you too.

Priscilla: Wow Even with all that money.

Michelle: Priscilla, Drop it. There's no need to cause another fight.

Priscilla let out a chuckle and kicked a chair as she grabbed Desmond by his collar.

(Great, Its already been an interesting day for me. First I get slapped by Leah then I get ambushed by Kraven The Hunter and Now I'm gonna slapped by Priscilla again. Today is a fun day)

Priscilla: I still hate you for what you did.

Chris: Come on. We all moved on from this. There's no need to keep a Grudge.

Lexi: Exactly, Whatever happened four Days ago is in the past.

Priscilla: But I will never forget it. Desmond Ketch, You are a greedy bastard.

Desmond suddenly felt angry, He wanted to snap at her but he tried to hold it back as Priscilla walked away as Ketch was looking at her.

Jessica: Sorry about that Desmond.

Desmond: Its no problem at all.

Thea: Wanna eat pizza and play games?

Desmond: I'm just gonna leave.

Gionna: You just got here.

Desmond: I'm not in a mood honestly.

Gionna suddenly gave puppy eyes to Desmond as he was looking at her as The Others were trying to control their laughter.

Desmond: I'm not falling for that.

But He continued staring at her as She continued to give puppy eyes to him as he sighed to himself before he responded to her.

Desmond: Fine, I'll stay for some time.

Gionna jumped in excitement as Desmond was smiling at her until...

The Group shared a laugh as they all sat down and watched 21 Jump Street as Desmond saw Gionna drinking some coffee.

Desmond smiled at her as The Others were looking at him.

Cassie: Oh Love is in the air.

Chris: I can definitely sense that.

Michelle: Same here.

Desmond: That's not funny.

The Group shared another laugh as they continued watching the movie until they heard the front door opening as they saw Maria walking in as she was fixing her hair.

Lexi: Your finally back. Where were you?

Maria: Just some work at the hospital.

Desmond was looking at her as Maria sat down with the group as they continued watching the movie. Desmond couldn't help but stare at Maria texting someone on her phone until Ketch focused on the movie and saw Liv eating pizza.

Desmond continued watching the movie until it was over as some of the group was asleep as Gionna and Desmond were at the front door.

Gionna: Take care Desmond.

Desmond: You too Gionna.

Ketch was gonna walk away until he noticed Gionna staring at him.

Desmond: Uh What's the matter?

Gionna: You forgot this.

Desmond was confused until Gionna kissed him in the cheek as he began blushing as she gave him a hug as She said something to him.

Gionna: Take care Honey and Remember to Liv, Learn and Laugh.

Desmond smiled at her as she walked back to the house as he looked at her.

(She sure captured your heart Ketch)

November 7 2020

Desmond was sleeping peacefully as The Time was ten fifty two a.m as he heard his phone ringing as he tried to ignore it until he heard something.

Police Officer: All Units, The Underground has been spotted in the Auditorium in the Upper East End.

Desmond immediately woke up as he fixed his hair and put on his Spider Man Suit as he jumped out of his window and fired a web line as he began swinging.

Some Time Later, Desmond managed to make it to the Auditorium as he saw some Underground Members working on something as he was looking at them.

Underground Member: Tinkerer said to wrap this up fast.

Underground Member: How long Before Roxxon gets here?

Underground Member: Maybe Ten Minutes. That's why we better be quick.

Desmond jumped down and did a double takedown on Two Underground Members.

Desmond continued crawling on the ceiling as he took down three Underground Members with a Stealth Takedown. Desmond jumped back down as he took out another member with a..

The Underground immediately spotted Desmond as They all used Programmable Matter to create weapons.

One Underground Member tried to attack Desmond but he countered into a...

Desmond shot two web lines at Two Underground Members as he threw them at the wall knocking them down. The Last Underground Member tried to shoot Desmond with a mini gun but he countered into a..

The Auditorium was clear as Desmond activated a switch and saw something in front of him as he realised what it was.

Desmond: Nuform.

The Nuform was in front of him and he can see the energy flowing through the canister. Desmond looked at it until...

Tinkerer grabbed the Nuform Canister and looked at it as she was talking to Desmond.

Tinkerer: I finally have it. Now My Revenge will be done.

Desmond tried to shoot a web line but Tinkerer grabbed the Nuform and escaped from the Auditorium as Desmond began following Maria. Ketch fired two web lines to boost himself as Maria was firing grenades at him.

Desmond managed to shoot a web line and knock Tinkerer on the ground as he was holding her.

Desmond: Stop Maria!!!

Tinkerer: How do you know my name?

Desmond tried to say something until Maria spoke to him.

Tinkerer: Your not gonna stop me Spider Man. I will have my Revenge.

Desmond: Wait-

Desmond continued chasing Maria through the city as she began firing laser beams at Ketch as he was dodging the attacks until he got a phone call from someone as he looked at the Caller ID.


Desmond got shot with a laser beam as he was holding his chest as Maria continued jumping through different buildings.

Desmond: Hello?

Gionna: Desmond, My Adorable Cupcake. How is your day going?

Desmond: *Dodges Laser Beam* Spectacular Day so far.

Gionna: I'm glad your having fun. I want to tell you something.

Desmond: *Dodges Multiple Lasers and Grenades* What is it?

Gionna: Would you. . . . . .

Desmond: *Dodges a car along with Multiple Bullets, Greandes and more as he shot another web line to a building* What is it?

Gionna: Would you go on a date with me tonight?

Desmond: Oh, Ummm. . . . . Sure.

Gionna: Awesome. Well see you soon.

Desmond disconnected the call as He realised Tinkerer is gone as he kicked a car in anger.

Desmond: Where would you go Maria? What are you gonna do with the Nuform now?

A/N: Thanks For Reading and Stay Safe :D

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