Chapter XXII: Wavelength

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A/N: Today is the 20th Anniversary Of 9/11 one of the most tragic events in history. My Prayers goes to the families that have lost their love ones on that tragic day

My Prayers also goes to the people who risk their lives to save many lives and stay strong during this tragic day.

Never forget and God Bless Everyone ❤
November 7 2020

Gionna was at the house as she was putting her makeup on. She looked at the time and it was Six Thirty Two p.m. Gionna finished her makeup as she got up and looked at herself in the mirror.

Gionna smiled to herself as she texted Desmond.

Gionna: Meet me at the Restaurant. I'll be waiting for you ❤

Dori: Look at you.

Gionna jumped as Dori smiled at her as She hit her shoulder as Dori continued laughing.

Dori: You got scared easily.

Gionna: Whatever Dori.

Dori: So You and Desmond are going on your first date. I'm happy for you.

Gionna was blushing as Dori smiled at her as she touched her shoulders.

Dori: You really like him huh?

Gionna: Yeah I do. He's nice, caring and adorable.

Dori: That's great to hear.

Gionna: I hope he shares the same feelings as I have for him.

Dori: I'm sure he loves you too.

Gionna: Thanks Dori.

Dori smiled at her and gave her a hug as she hugged her back tightly.

Gionna: For some reason Desmond didn't responded back to my message.

Dori: He's probably busy or maybe his phone is out of battery. I'm sure he'll come.

Gionna smiled at Dori as she went downstairs as the others smiled at Gionna as they said "Bye" to her as she left the house and texted Desmond again.

Gionna: I'm waiting for you Cupcake❤

Meanwhile Desmond was at a rooftop as he was looking for Tinkerer. He was worried about what Maria was gonna do now with the Nuform and he needed to stop her fast.

Desmond: Think, What would she do? Expose the Nuform to enough energy to destroy the whole city or start a plague. What-

Desmond got a phone call from someone as he looked at the Caller ID and it was from an unknown number. He answered it as he heard someone's voice.

Daniel: Hey Desmond.

Desmond: Daniel, What do you want?

Daniel: Well I was watching the news and reports of Spider man and Tinkerer fighting was shown. What's the matter?

Desmond: Maria has the Nuform and I dont know her next move.

Daniel: Well Your Friend hates Roxxon so Maybe she would take Roxxon Plaza first.

Desmond: How are you so sure?

Daniel: Trust me, I know.

Daniel disconnected the call as Desmond looked at her phone until he heard something from the Roxxon Broadcast as he was listening to it.

Roxxon Guard: All Units, Roxxon Plaza is being under attacked by the Tinkerer and The Underground. The Tinkerer has Simon Krieger hostage. I repeat The Tinkerer has Krieger hostage.

Desmond: I'm gonna end this Maria.

Meanwhile In Roxxon Plaza, Simon saw Maria putting the Nuform in the reactor as she was gonna activate it until Simon spoke to her.

Simon: Stop, Your gonna kill everyone.

Maria: You didn't care about people's lives. Why are you caring now?

Simon: Tinkerer You dont need to this. Please think about this.

Maria: I already thought about, I'm gonna destroy everything that you built.

Maria was gonna activate the reactor until Someone fired at webline at her hand as she saw Desmond.

Maria: Your really getting on my nerves since you showed up.

Desmond: Maria Stop, You dont need to do this.

Maria: Why are you protecting him? Why?

Desmond: What did he do?

Maria: That Bastard killed my family.

Desmond eyes were widen as Maria continued talking as Simon was even more shocked.

Maria: My Parents created the Nuform as a new Energy Source many years ago. It was used to power up a city for 500 years. They planned on creating more for the whole world.

Maria had a tear falling from her eye as Desmond looked at her.

Maria: But It was unstable. A Small leak can infect an entire city or With Enough Energy, It will destroy a city. My Parents tried to shut down the Nuform Reactor but. . . . .

Simon put his head down in shame as Maria continued talking.

Maria: Simon was greedy, He locked my parents inside the reactor as it exploded killing them. Simon didn't care about people's lives. All he cared about is Profit.

Desmond was quiet as Maria continued talking about her past.

Maria: I spent so many years in anger, My Sister was sad over their passing. Ever since then, I promised them that Simon will pay for everything he has done.

Desmond: But Krieger paid for his crimes many years ago. The Agency arrested him and sent him to prison for a long time.

Maria: But I won't forgive him for what he has done.

Desmond: Maria, Please Don't do this.

Maria: I'm sorry but it has to be this way.

Maria was gonna activate the reactor but Desmond attacked her and shot multiple webs at her as she was stuck.

Desmond: How do I remove the Nuform from the reactor?

Simon: I'll do it.

Krieger was on the reactor as he was trying to extract the Nuform out of the reactor as Desmond continued firing multiple webs at Maria as she was trying to break free.

Simon: The Nuform is secured.

Desmond: Get out of here, Destroy it.

Maria: No!!!!

Simon grabbed the Nuform and exited the Plaza as Maria managed to break free and began punching Desmond in the face and gut as she was angry.

Maria: You ruined everything!!!!

Tinkerer continued beating Desmond down until he kicked her as Both of them went through the window of the Plaza as they landed on the ground.

Maria: I'm gonna kill you first then I'm gonna kill Krieger.

Tinkerer jumped to a building as Desmond fired at webline at the building and began following her.

Meanwhile Gionna was at the Restaurant as she was looking at her phone and the time is Eight thirty two p.m.

Gionna: Where are you Desmond?

Meanwhile Tinkerer fired multiple bullets at Desmond as he was dodging the bullets until he hit Tinkerer with a swing kick as she was angry.

Tinkerer jumped up as Desmond was following her until his Spider senses were going off as he turned around and saw the Underground operating a drone.

Three Drones were firing at Desmond as He created a cobweb as all three drones got caught in it.

Desmond saw more Drones flying towards him as Tinkerer created a gauntlet and punched him in the face as he went flying until he fired another webline as he continued swinging.

Six Underground Members were flying towards Desmond as he managed to shoot web balls at their weapons as he began destroying their tech as all six of them were gonna fall until...

Desmond jumped to a rooftop and took down seven Underground Members as Three Drones were firing at him until he shot another large cobweb at it as the drones were caught in it.

Desmond continued swinging until Maria threw three grenades at him knocking him down as she created a sword and sliced him in the back as he began free falling until he shot two weblines as he surprised Tinkerer with a...

Tinkerer managed to save herself as Desmond kicked her again and then...

Tinkerer created a sword and sliced the webs as She was gonna fly away until Desmond fired a webline at her leg as they were both high up in the air as Tinkerer sliced the web off her leg as Desmond was gonna fire another webline but....

Desmond: Don't Panic, You still have one more web shooter left.

Desmond tried to fire another webline from his left wrist but it was out of web fluid as he looked at himself.

Desmond: Okay, Time to panic.

Meanwhile Gionna was drinking some water as she looked at her phone and the time was Nine Fifteen p.m as she sighed to herself as a waitress walked towards her.

Waitress: Would you like to order something?

Gionna: Not yet.

Waitress: Is your friend late?

Gionna: Yeah he's late. He didn't reply to my messages also.

Waitress: I'm sure he's busy right now. He'll be here soon.

Gionna: I hope so.

Meanwhile Desmond was free falling as he managed to reload both of his web shooters as he fired a webline on a building as he began swinging.

Desmond: Yes! Webhead One, Gravity Zero.

Suddenly His Spider Senses went off as Tinkerer hit Desmond with a...

Desmond was in pain as Maria hit a uppercut on him sending him flying as she grabbed his leg and began throwing him to different places until Tinkerer threw Desmond and then...

Desmond began falling down again as Tinkerer hit another uppercut sending him flying to a rooftop as he was holding his chest.

Maria: What's wrong Spider Man? Up your game?

Tinkerer tried to shoot a laser beam at Desmond but he dodged it as he began talking to Maria.

Desmond: Nah Games Good Tinkerer. Just getting acquitted to the rules.

Tinkerer used a sword and slashed Desmond in the chest as he began falling as Maria was speaking to him.

Maria: Rule One: Squash The Spider.

Tinkerer tried to throw another bomb but Desmond dodged it as he spoke to her back.

Desmond: Rule Two: Ignore Rule One.

Tinkerer was gonna attack Desmond until he jumped on her back as Maria tried to throw him to a wall but he countered into a...

Maria Tech was beginning to fail as she tried to reprogram it but Desmond stopped her as she began punching him until both of them landed on the construction site.

Meanwhile Gionna was starting to get a little annoyed as she began texting Desmond.

Gionna: Where are you?

Meanwhile Desmond and Maria began fighting in the construction site as Tinkerer tried to hit The Spider but he was dodging the attacks until she surprised him with a...

Maria: Now I'm gonna close the Chapter of the Spider once and for all.

Desmond managed to drop a beam at Maria as she dodged it as Desmond was holding his chest. Maria tried to create another weapon but Desmond fired multiple webs at her as he destroyed her tech as She couldn't move or create any weapons.

Desmond: Its over Maria.

Maria was silent as Desmond was looking at her as he began speaking.

Desmond: You didn't need to take this path. I know you hate Krieger for what he has done to your parents but in the end Justice always wins.

Desmond was gonna say something until Maria spoke to him.

Maria: Desmond. . . . .

Desmond: How did-

Maria: I knew You were the new spider man but listen to me, I'm sorry for what I did.

Desmond was silent as she continued talking to him.

Maria: Promise me, Don't let my sister take this path.

Desmond:. . . . .

Maria: Now I realised that Revenge is a poison and it can destroy anyone.

Desmond: That's true.

Maria: Just take care of her and. . . Tell Gionna and the others that I'm sorry.

Both of them heard Police Sirens as Desmond looked at her.

Desmond: Whenever I have time, I'll visit you.

Maria: *Smiles* Thank You Desmond.

Desmond: See you soon Maria, Take care.

The Police arrested Maria along with the other Underground Members as Desmond looked at Simon and Rio.

Desmond: You better find a way to destroy that Nuform.

Simon: That's what I'm doing. I'll find a way to destroy it.

Desmond was gonna walk away until Simon spoke to him.

Simon: I'll be honest, Its true. I killed Maria's parents many years ago, I locked them in the reactor room and let the Nuform explode.

Desmond was silent as He continued speaking to him.

Simon: I've done a lot of Terrible Mistakes, I killed a lot of people just to be rich. I still regret those days no matter how many years have passed.

Desmond: Your know You can't change the past but you can change the future.

Simon: That's true. That's why I started Roxxon, To protect the innocent and make sure they're safe and happy.

Desmond nodded at him as he was gonna walk away until Rio spoke to him.

Rio: Thank you Spider Man. Thank you for everything.

Desmond: No Problem.

The Spider shot a webline as he began swinging until he looked at his phone and looked at the time and notifications he missed.

Desmond: Oh Crap, I'm late.

Ketch managed to make it to the Restaurant as he changed into his casual outfit as he went inside the restaurant and a waitress was looking at him.

Waitress: Are you a friend of Gionna?

Desmond: Yeah, Where is Gionna?

Waitress: She left the restaurant ten minutes ago and She was upset.

Desmond sighed to himself as he left the restaurant as he began holding his head while a thought hit his head.

(Gionna was gonna kill me)

A/N: Thanks For Reading And Stay Cool :)

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