Chapter XXV: Natural Selection

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November 30 2020

Desmond woke up around Six thirty two A.M as he took a shower and changed into his casual attire. He was wearing a black hoodie jacket, dark blue v neck shirt, dark blue jeans and military boots. Desmond grabbed his backpack and his phone as he walked out of his room until Otto stopped him as he wanted to talk to him.

Otto: Where are you going Kid?

Desmond: Horizon University, I'm gonna meet one of Gionna's Friends there.

Otto: Alright Kid.

Desmond: How's Rosie?

Otto: She's doing better, She just needs more time to recover.

Desmond: I hope she'll continue to get better.

Otto: I hope so too.

Desmond: I gotta go now, I'll come back soon.

Otto: Take care Kid and Be careful, A Lot of crazy things have been happening since the Underground was stopped.

Desmond nodded as he left the house and was walking through the streets until a car stopped in front of him as he was looking at them until the windows rolled down and he saw Scarlett and Daniel.

Desmond: Surprise to see you two.

Daniel: Where are you going?

Desmond: Horizon University

Scarlett: Be Careful Ketch, Something bad is gonna happen there.

Desmond: I'll keep a lookout.

Daniel: So Who tried to kill Rio and Simon last night?

Desmond: Curt Conners AKA The Lizard.

Scarlett: That's strange, The Lizard looks like he can invade a blood bank. Why would he attack Rio and Simon?

Desmond: He was sent by someone.

Daniel: Who is it?

Desmond: Don't know but the guy was referring to himself as The Big Man.

Scarlett: Hmmmm.

Desmond: Any idea as to who it is?

Daniel and Scarlett were thinking about the name as Desmond was looking at them until they responded to him.

Daniel: I don't have any clue behind the identity of the Big Man.

Scarlett: But We'll look into it.

Desmond: That's not all, Looks like the Big Man has a grudge against Rio and Simon.

Daniel: That explains why he sent Conners to kill them.

Desmond: Look I gotta go, Gionna and The Others are waiting for me.

Scarlett: Keep your eyes open, You don't know when danger shows up.

Desmond: Got it.

The Car drove off as Desmond was looking at it until he was holding his head before he continued making his way to the University.

Two Hours Later

Desmond made it to the University as he saw Gionna and the others waving at him as he walked towards them as they greeted him.

Dori: Come on inside, I'm feeling cold.

Jessica: Me too.

The Group walked inside the University as they saw students talking to each other while Teachers were walking to their offices as Desmond was looking at them. Suddenly The Group saw some jocks bullying some students as they looked at each other.

Chris: Those Bastards deserve a good beating.

Cassie: That's true, I hate jocks.

Michelle: I agree on that, Jocks are the worse.

The Group continued walking through the hallways as they were talking to each other.

Desmond: So Who are we meeting?

Gionna: A Friend of mine.

Cassie: She's really nice and caring.

Lexi: Also She's really cool.

Thea: Don't forget She's also a badass.

Desmond: I see.

Priscilla: Walk faster.

Desmond rolled his eyes in annoyance, He was starting to get tired of Priscilla's Attitude but he's trying to stay calm.

Dori: Priscilla, Now is not the right time to start a fight.

Chris: She's right, Just Relax for sometime.

The Group continued walking through the hallway until Desmond bumped into someone as he dropped his books as He looked at him.

Desmond helped the student as he grabbed his books and smiled at Ketch.

Desmond: Sorry about that.

Unknown: Its okay, We're cool.

Desmond: Again I'm sorry buddy.

Unknown: Its alright man. Don't worry about it.

Desmond looked at his Student ID as he looked back at him.

Desmond: Miles Morales.

Miles: That's my name.

Desmond: Wait, Your the son of Rio Morales.

Miles: Yeah I am. I think I saw you at F.E.A.S.T, Your name was Desmond I think.

Desmond: Yeah My Name is Desmond Ketch.

Miles: That's awesome man, Nice to meet you. I'm a Volunteer at F.E.A.S.T too.

Desmond: I see.

Miles: I gotta go man. Its was nice talking to you.

Desmond saw Miles running towards his friends as he continued following the Group until Gionna saw her friend as Desmond saw who it was.

Gionna: Sasha!!!!

Sasha smiled at Gionna as Liv immediately hugged her as Sasha hugged her back as Desmond was looking at her.

Desmond: Wait, I remember you.

Sasha: Yeah I'm Leah's friend but you can also say I'm Liv's Best friend.

Gionna: How are you?

Sasha: I'm doing good Liv and what about all of you?

Michelle: We're doing great sis.

Chris: We heard you were in Horizon University so we decided to meet you.

Sasha: *Smiles* I'm glad all of you are here.

Meanwhile In The Bathroom, The Janitors were cleaning the toilets until one of them was destroyed as one janitor stepped back until he saw something coming out of the hole.

The Janitors ran away as The Lizard let out a menacing growl. Meanwhile Sasha and the others were exploring the University until Desmond's Spider Senses went off as he looked around until the group noticed all the students and teachers running away.


Gionna and The Others were confused until they saw the Lizard growling at the students as they all ran towards the crowd as Gionna didn't notice Desmond.

Gionna: Desmond? Where are you?

A Teacher told Gionna to exit the School as she didn't want to leave but she was forced to go as she was worried about Desmond.

The Lizard let out a growl as he saw Desmond wearing a hoodie as The Lizard charged towards him but Ketch slide under his leg and shot two weblines knocking him down.

The Lizard was stunned as Desmond began punching it and hit a spinning heel kick but the Lizard grabbed his leg and threw him to the locker as he grabbed The Spider again and then...

Desmond was holding his back as The Lizard stomped on him and tried to slice him but he dodged it as The Lizard was getting annoyed.

The Lizard: Hold Still Boy!

Desmond saw his backpack as he shot a web line and grabbed it until the Lizard hit a...

The Lizard saw some chemicals on the table as he mixed two chemicals to create a bomb as he threw it at Desmond.

The Lizard: You stopped me once at Roxxon Headquarters but you won't stop me again. I'm getting stronger every day!!!

Suddenly Desmond threw a shoe at Conners as he let out a growl until he saw Desmond wearing his Spider Man suit as he immediately began fighting the Lizard.

Meanwhile All The Students were outside the University as Gionna was trying to call Desmond but he wasn't answering the phone.

Gionna: Come on Ketch, Pick up the phone!

Priscilla: Maybe he ran away like he always does.

Gionna slapped Priscilla as The Group tried to calm them down before a fight would erupt between those two.

Meanwhile The Lizard threw Desmond to another classroom as Conners tried to attack him but Desmond threw acid at his face as he was growling at him.

The Lizard was stunned as Desmond jumped on the ceiling and hit a....

The Lizard growled at Desmond as He hit Desmond through the ceiling and threw him out of the window.

The Lizard jumped out of the window until Desmond surprised him with a...

Desmond shot a web line at the manhole as he threw it at Conners throwing him back inside the University.

Desmond tried to get inside but Conners threw a table at him knocking him down. Some Students helped Desmond up as he saw Conners walking through the main hall as he jumped on wall and surprised Conners with a...

Conners grabbed Desmond by his head and threw him to the ground as he was gonna kill him until someone hit the Lizard in the head with a baseball bat as he turned around and saw who it was.

The Lizard: Miles!

Miles stepped back as Conners was gonna attack him until Desmond shot multiple cobwebs at Conners slowing him down as Desmond looked at Miles.

Desmond: Get out of here.

Miles: No I can-

Desmond pushed him off as he shot a web line as Miles was holding it.

The Lizard managed to break free from the webbing as Both Conners and Desmond heard police sirens in the distance.

Desmond: Oh. . . Someone's been a bad Lizard.

Meanwhile Otto and Rosie were looking at the news as it showed the headlines which said "Attack At Horizon University". They were trying to call Desmond but he wasn't answering his phone.

Otto: Come on Desmond. Answer the phone already.

Rosie: Otto, I'm scared. I'm worried about him.

Meanwhile Desmond and The Lizard continued fighting through the main hallways as The Spider crawled on the ceiling as Conners was also crawling with him.

Desmond: Hey Wall Crawling's my Schtick! Hey you start spinning a web and I'll sue.

Conners threw Desmond to the gym as The Lizard tried to attack him but Desmond jumped on the ceiling as The Lizard also jumped as Both of them continued fighting each other until...

Desmond and Conners was on the ground as The Lizard tried to attack Desmond but he hit a kick on him before Conners threw him.

Desmond was holding his head as Conners tried to throw the stage at him but Desmond dodged it but Conners attacked him mid air.

Desmond fell down on the ground as Conners tried to attack him but Desmond grabbed his tail and threw him to the locker room as he followed it up with a web kick.

Both Of Them were at the locker room as Desmond threw a locker at Conners as he was stunned until he followed up with a...

Desmond tried to punch the monster but Conners slashed his chest and punched Desmond as he was stunned until The Lizard hit a...

Desmond was at the showers as Cold Water began to splash him as he wasn't moving at all. Conners was gonna kill him until he heard sirens and helicopters as he growled at Desmond and walked away as Ketch tried to get up but failed as he fell unconscious.

Twenty Minutes Later

Desmond felt someone touching his shoulder as he opened his eyes and saw Scarlett and Daniel looking at him as Daniel helped him up.

Daniel: The Police are still investigating the hallways. They are yet to check out the gym.

Scarlett: We were lucky to find you first.

Desmond: Where's. . . . . Conners?

Daniel: He must have escaped. I didn't see him.

Desmond: He was here. . . . . Oh God, He was here to kidnap Miles.

Scarlett: That Explains why he attacked Horizon only.

Desmond: I need to find him and figure out who this Big Man is.

Daniel: Last I saw, He opened a hole in the other shower room. It probably leads to the sewers.

Desmond: You guys go. I'm going Lizard hunting.

Scarlett: Not without this.

The She Devil gave Desmond a syringe as he was looking at it until she spoke to him.

Scarlett: That's the antidote to the Lizard serum.

Daniel: Good Luck Kid.

Desmond saw the hole as he jumped down and began swinging through the sewers as Daniel and Scarlett left the scene.

A/N: Thanks For Reading And Stay Cool :)

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