Chapter XXVIII: Accomplices

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December 5 2020

As Desmond was fighting Mysterio, Electro, Scorpion along with the other prisoners in the Raft. Meanwhile Gionna was looking at her phone's gallery as she was looking at some pictures of Desmond and her together. Gionna smiled at the pictures until she sighed to herself as She decided to call Desmond again. She was worried about him, He's been acting odd for the last two months and he didn't tell her what was the main reason behind Priscilla hating him.

Desmond didn't answer her calls as she sighed to herself until she received a text message from someone as she saw who it was from.

Desmond: Hey Gionna, Sorry my phone is almost out of battery and Its acting odd. When I get back home, I'll call you. Sorry again Liv.

Gionna looked at the text as she texted him back as she smiled to herself.

Gionna: Its okay Ketch, Whenever you have time. We really need to talk, Remember I care about you and I'm always here for you. Take care Love❤

Meanwhile In The Raft, Desmond was dodging the attacks from Electro along with Mysterio throwing multiple swords and lasers at him as he saw the text message from Gionna as he smiled to himself until his Spider Sense alerted him of a danger as he dodged a tail strike from Scorpion.

Mac: Hold still!

Desmond punched Scorpion in the face as Ketch heard another notification on his phone as he looked at the message and it was from Rosie. Desmond was gonna text her but...

Desmond was holding his arm as Electro continued shooting multiple electric bolts at him as he was dodging them until Ketch threw a chair at him as he was shouting at him.

Mysterio summoned more goblins at Desmond as he shot three webs at them as the goblins couldn't move. Felicia threw a smoke bomb as the prisoners along with Electro, Mysterio and Scorpion were looking through the smoke until they realised Felicia and Desmond were gone.

Electro: Damn those two.

Mysterio: Leave them, Let's get out of this hell hole first.

Scorpion: You read my mind.

Meanwhile Felicia and Desmond were crawling through the vents as they were talking to each other.

Felicia: Don't get distracted.

Desmond: Just Keep going.

Felicia gave a smirk as they continued crawling through the ventilation ducts as Desmond's Spider Senses were going crazy as he was holding his head.

Felicia: What's the matter?

Desmond: Spider Sense is going crazy, I don't know where the danger is though.

Felicia: Well Let's not stick around to find it, Come on now.

They continued crawling through the ventilation ducts until someone grabbed Ketch's leg through the vent as he began to kick him in the arm.

Desmond: Go get your own air vent.

Ketch was pulled out of the vent and thrown to the wall as he was holding his back as he saw who it was.

Rhino: There you are bug!!!

The Rhino grabbed a pillar as Desmond was holding his head until Rhino threw it at him.

Rhino: Hope you like our surprises Spider.

Rhino charged towards a door as Desmond was gonna chase him until he was surrounded by the escaped prisoners as they were all glaring at him.

Two Prisoners were gonna attack Desmond until he jumped over their heads and hit a...

One Prisoner grabbed Desmond from behind as another prisoner had a knife in his hands.

Prisoner: Let's watch the Spider Bleed.

Felicia: Hey Boys.

The Prisoners turned around and saw Felicia looking at them as she spoke to them.

Felicia: You do realise Spider has a dance partner.

The Prisoners were distracted as Desmond hit two prisoners with a...

Felicia threw three shock grenades knocking down some of the prisoners as Desmond attacked the last two prisoners with a...

Both Felicia and Desmond heard a explosion as they saw Electro shooting electric bolts along with debris until Ketch hit a...

Both Electro and Desmond were outside the Raft as Electro began gliding around the prison as Desmond was following him.

Meanwhile Otto and Rosie looked at the news as they continued to call and text Desmond to get an answer and so far there was no response.

Otto: Is he trying to scare us to death? Why can't he just answer us?

Rosie: Should we go to the hospital?

Otto: I think we should.

Rosie: Let's go then, I hope he's alright.

Otto: I hope so too Rosie.

Meanwhile Desmond was chasing Electro around the Raft until he managed to throw him to the wall as he was holding him down until....

Desmond was struggling to break free as he saw who his attacker was.

Vulture: Come my pretty and I'll take your little soul. *Let's out a maniacal laugh*

Desmond shot a web at his face as he kicked Vulture and began free falling until he landed on the rooftop as he saw Electro smiling at him.

Desmond: Nowhere to run now.

Electro: Oh But There is nowhere left for you to run.

Desmond was looking at him until he saw Rhino standing behind him as Scorpion along with Mysterio and Vulture were looking at him.

Mysterio: Look at that, Its Five vs One.

Scorpion: Should we really do this?

Desmond: Well we don't need to do this.

Rhino: We definitely want to.

Electro tried to attack Ketch but he dodged it as he kicked Vulture to Scorpion as he was trying to attack Rhino but Rhino threw him to Mysterio as he shot laser beams at Desmond as he was dodging it.

The Odds were against Desmond as he tried to fight back but.....

Desmond was on the floor as all five villains began beating him down as he was trying to get up but it was no use. Rhino began stomping on Desmond's chest as Scorpion kept hitting him with his tail as Mysterio smashed Desmond's head with a concrete debris as Vulture impaled Desmond in the arm with a blade.

Electro began to electrocuted Desmond as he was struggling to get up until he saw something rising from the prison.

Mysterio: Ha, Now Its Six on One.

Desmond saw Sandman smiling at him as Scorpion and Vulture were holding Ketch down as he was struggling to get up until Sandman hit him with a...

Sandman continued smashing Desmond's body as he wasn't able to get up as he continued beating him down until.....

Desmond wasn't moving at all as Everyone looked at his lifeless body as they spoke to each other.

Vulture: The Spider is dead.

Sandman grabbed his body and threw him to the sea as the villains saw a helicopter flying around them as they saw Sliver Sable looking at them.

Sable: The Big Man wants to meet all of you right now.

Electro: Will do.

Sable: Also What happened to the Spider?

Scorpion: We killed him and threw his body to the sea.

Sable: I see, Now get going. He doesn't like waiting.

The Helicopter flew away from the Raft as the Villains managed to get out of the prison and went straight to meet their boss.

Meanwhile Desmond wasn't moving at all as he was close to drowning until someone grabbed his arm as they picked him up and put him in the boat.

Meanwhile The Villains were at the tower as Sable was telling the boss about their new Accomplices.

Flint: We squashed the bug, You must be happy huh?

Unknown: I am however I know he's still alive.

Rhino: We made sure he's dead and-

Kraven: Foolishness Rhino, The Prey always comes back strong. Never ever underestimate your prey.

Mysterio: So What's next for us?

Unknown: I want you all to hit every week point on Roxxon.

Electro: Power Stations. I could target that.

Rhino: I'll target the shorelines.

Scorpion: I'll handle the police and Roxxon Security.

Vulture: I'll target the medical centres.

Flint: Guess me and the magician can handle the banks.

Mysterio: That's a good idea.

Sable: What about you Kraven?

Kraven: I'll keep a lookout for our prey.

The Big Man had a smirk as everyone was looking at him as they saw who it was.

Scorpion: Ahhh So Mister Politician Jospeh Martello is also a criminal mastermind.

Joseph: *Smirks* Or you can say the next crime lord of New York.

Electro: I see.

Joseph: Also Don't call me Joseph, Call me Hammerhead.

Meanwhile Daniel and Scarlett helped Desmond to their hideout as they helped him laid down on the table.

Scarlett: Hold on Desmond, You'll be fine.

Scarlett went to grab some medical supplies as Daniel was gonna help her until Desmond was holding his hand.

Desmond: I'm. . . . . Sorry.

Daniel: Hey, You'll be okay.

Desmond:. . . . I failed. . . . everyone.

Daniel: You didn't-

Desmond: I. . . . need to. . . . stop. . . them.

Daniel: You need rest first.

Scarlett was calling Daniel's name as he went to help her as they were gonna help Ketch but he was gone as they were confused but they decided to look for him.

Meanwhile Desmond who is battered, bruised, injured and on the brink of death managed to get back to his home through the window as he removed his mask and sighed to himself.

Desmond was gonna walk towards his closet until he heard the door opening as Otto and Rosie looked at him as they were gonna walk towards him until they saw his suit as they were shocked.

Otto: Desmond? Your Spider Man?

Desmond was silent as they continued looking at them as he looked down on the ground.

A/N: Thanks For Reading Today's chapter and here's a little note.

Sorry Guys if I haven't responded to anyones stories or private messages. I've been dealing with a bad headache and sore throat and I decided to take some rest, I'm also dealing with some bad internet.

I'll try to respond to everyone's stories and messages. Sorry again guys.

Stay safe and stay cool everyone.

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