Chapter XXX: The Storm

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December 10 2020

Desmond was at F.E.A.S.T helping Harry and Miles in the kitchen as they were talking about the rally incident a few days ago. Miles was worried about his mother's safety but Roxxon is doing everything they can to keep her along with everyone else safe. There was only three weeks before the elections and the people of New York believe that Rio Morales will be the next mayor however there are others that believe Joseph will be the next mayor.

It was seven thirty two p.m, Harry along with Miles and Desmond were done with their tasks as they decided to go outside as they were talking to each other.

Harry: So Is anyone dating?

Miles: Nah, I'm single. What about you Desmond?

Desmond: Well I'm actually in love with someone special.

Harry: Who is it?

Desmond: Gionna.

Miles: Wait Liv? She's a model and an actress.

Desmond: That's right Miles.

Miles: Have you told her your feelings?

Desmond: Not yet.

Harry: You should really tell her your feelings, You can't keep holding it back.

Desmond: Your right Harry.

Harry: I'm sure she also loves you too.

Miles: Yeah man, Just believe in yourself.

Desmond: Thanks guys.

The Trio continued walking until they saw a car in front of them as they were looking at it until they saw it was Gionna and her friends.

Gionna: Hey Desmond.

Desmond: Hey Liv, Hey Everyone.

The Group all greeted him except Priscilla who was giving him a death stare as Miles spoke to Desmond.

Miles: She's mad.

Desmond: Yeah, She doesn't even like me.

Harry: Hmmmm.

Chris: So Ketch, We're actually going to a party tonight.

Michelle: So we were wondering if you wanna come with us.

Priscilla: If he comes with us then I'm leaving.

Cassie: Come on Kelly.

Priscilla: I'm serious, I don't want him anywhere near us.

Desmond looked down on himself as Gionna felt sad as she looked at Priscilla.

Gionna: You need to stop being immature Kelly or I'm gonna kick your ass right here, right now.

Desmond: Gionna-

Gionna: No, I'm tired of her always carrying that grudge.

Priscilla: So your taking that bastard side?

Chris: What's your problem? If it's about that incident then you need to drop it.

Dori: He's right, We all moved on from this and you should too.

Priscilla: Wow So your all against me?

Michelle: Maybe she does need an ass kicking.

Desmond: Wait everyone-

Priscilla: I'm honestly shocked that your still friends with a guy that-

Gionna: That's enough!

Everyone was silent as Gionna was gonna say something until Desmond stopped her.

Desmond: Its okay guys, You can go to the party, I have some work to finish.

Lexi: But-

Desmond: I'll see you guys later.

Harry along with Miles and Desmond walked away as The group were upset by Priscilla's behaviour as they decided to keep driving.

Miles: She really is immature.

Harry: No Kidding, I don't know what happened you and her but if she doesn't need to hold a grudge its unhealthy.

Desmond: That's true.

The Trio grabbed some items for the centre as they went back and began working around the F.E.A.S.T Centre.

One hour later, Desmond was fixing a television for someone as he was done until he received a phone call from someone as he looked at the Caller ID and it was Otto as he answered it.

Desmond: Hello?

Otto: Desmond, Please come to Mercy Hospital!

Desmond: Mercy Hospital? What's the matter?

Otto: Gionna. . . . .

Desmond: Otto, What happened to Gionna?

Otto: She's at the hospital along with the others.

Desmond: Hold on, I'm coming.

Harry wanted to ask Desmond something but he didn't answer him as he left the centre. Twenty minutes later, Desmond made it to the hospital as he saw Otto and Rosie.

Desmond: What happened to Gionna? Is She alright?

Rosie: Gionna along with her friends suffered an accident.

Otto: Her Friends are alright but. . . .

Desmond: Where is she?

Rosie and Otto guided him as they saw her friends standing outside a room as he was listening to them. A Doctor exited the room as the group spoke to him.

Jessica: Is she alright?

Doctor: Mrs. Daddio condition is very critical.

Dori: Oh Dear God.

Doctor: What happened to her?

Michelle: I don't know, One minute we were driving then suddenly something hit our car and everything faded to black.

Chris: We all managed to get out but Gionna. . . . .

Doctor: Stay Strong, She'll be alright.

Desmond looked through the window and saw Gionna as he closed his eyes in anger.

Rosie: Desmond Please, You need to stay strong for her.

Desmond was gonna say something until the hospital lights began flickering as everyone was confused until the power went off.

Chris: What the hell?

Michelle: Get the power back online.

Jessica: Wait guys, Look outside.

The Group looked outside as they saw the whole city didn't have power as it was a blackout.

Dori: The Whole City is in the dark.

Priscilla: What the hell is going on? We need power right now.

Otto and Rosie looked at the city as they were confused until they saw a building with lights in the far distance as they wanted to call Desmond but he wasn't here.

Otto: Desmond?

Rosie: Oh No, I know where he's going.

Otto: *Looks at the building* The Eye of the storm.

Meanwhile Civilians were running in terror as destruction and mayhem was happening in the streets.

Desmond shot a web line as he continued swinging as he saw the cause of the attack.

Desmond was sitting by the rooftop as he saw Electro letting out a chuckle as he looked at him.

Electro: Do you see me now Spider Man? It's time we meet our destiny.

Desmond continued chasing Electro as He continued moving through different buildings as The Spider continued chasing him down.

Meanwhile In F.E.A.S.T, There was no power as Harry was telling the Civilians to calm down as he spoke to Miles.

Harry: Miles, Stay here. You take care of everyone.

Miles: But-

Harry: I'm gonna get the power back online.

Miles: But How?

Harry: I'll figure it out.

Miles was gonna say something but Harry left F.E.A.S.T as Miles was in charge of everything.

Meanwhile In Airport Command Tower They were having some problems.

Controller: Sir We have a problem.

Boss: What is it?

Controller: There are two Planes moving in intersecting pathes. They're gonna crash into each other.

Controller: Sir, Without Power we can't contact the pilots on both planes.

Boss: Oh Dear. How many seconds till impact?

Controller: Six Minutes till impact.

Boss: God help us.

Meanwhile In The Hospital, All The Doctors and Nurses were running away helping other patients as Gionna's friends were scared.

Dori: Stay Strong Liv, Please for us.

Liv was breathing slowly as The Group were scared and holding each others hands as they looked at the clock.

Meanwhile Desmond made it to the Roxxon Power Plant as he saw Electro standing as he looked at him.

Electro: Your too late Spider Man, Soon This City will be in darkness and death will be in your hands.

Desmond was looking at him as Electro continued talking.

Electro: New York will live in my world, A World without a light and I will be like a God to them.

Desmond shot a web at Electro as he immediately tried to shoot him with a electric bolt but he dodged it as Both men began fighting.

Meanwhile Rio and Simon were at the hospital helping the injured as they were talking.

Rio: Is the power back online?

Simon: I'm trying my best but all power plants are offline.

Rio: Simon, We don't have time.

Meanwhile In The Power Plant, Electro was looking for Desmond until Desmond punched him as Electro fired multiple electric bolts as he dodged the attacks until The Spider hit Electro with a...

Electro was angry as Desmond hit a swing kick on him. Max was angry as he was taunting Desmond.

Electro: Come on, you bastard.

Desmond and Electro were on the ground as The Spider began punching Electro until Electro punched him back as he hit Desmond with a...

Desmond immediately kicked him away as he shot two web lines at Electro as he tried to destroy the web shooters but it absorbed the electricity.

Desmond immediately threw Electro on the ground causing a huge shockwave which knocked him down as he was holding his gut.

Desmond was trying to get up as he was holding his gut until he noticed the power plant around was slowly coming back to life until....

Electro continued moving through the power plant as he continued beating Desmond down until he grabbed his leg and threw him around until he let out a huge shockwave causing Desmond to go flying.

Electro continued beating Desmond mid air as Ketch tried to shoot a web line but Electro grabbed him.

Electro continued electrocuting Ketch as he was struggling to break free as Max was mocking him.

Electro: This is the End Spider Man.

Desmond was slowly losing consciousness as Electro continued electrocuting him until...

Electro went flying as he hit the wall and was unconscious as Desmond also fell down. Harry exited the car as he went to help Spider Man as he looked at him.

Harry: You alright?

Desmond: What are you doing here?

Harry: I'm here to help you.

Desmond: No, You need to go. It's too dangerous for you.

Harry: Hey We both have lives to save, We need to work together.

Desmond: *Sighs* Your right. Listen, I'll reconnect the power lines. You just wait till I tell you to turn the power back online.

Electro immediately opened his eyes as his eyes were filled with hate and anger.

Desmond: Go Harry, Don't worry about me.

Desmond's Spider Senses went off as he turned around and saw Gionna smiling at him as he tilted his head.

Desmond: Liv?

Suddenly Electro tried to attack him as he dodged the attack as Electro was shooting electric bolts at Ketch as he was dodging it.

Desmond continued moving through the power plant as Harry was inside the command room and looked at the fight between Electro and Desmond.

Meanwhile Two Planes were coming close to each others pathes as The Controller was timing the impact.

Controller: Fifty Seconds to Impact.

Meanwhile In F.E.A.S.T, Miles was trying to calm everyone down as he was helping other civilians in the centre as he tried to call Harry and Desmond but none of them were answering their phones.

Meanwhile In The Hospital, Dori was holding Gionna's hand tightly as Otto and Rosie were worried about her condition.

Dori: Stay Strong Liv, For us.

Desmond continued dodging the attacks as Electro was starting to get annoyed as Ketch made it to the powerline and tried to reconnect it using webs as Electro tried to attack him but Desmond hit a spinning roundhouse kick before he shot a web at him.

Desmond began firing multiple web lines around the cables as Electro managed to break free and tried to attack Ketch but he dodged the attack and punched Electro. Desmond was almost done reconnecting the web lines until....

Electro continued to electrocute Desmond as he was struggling to get up as Harry was looking at the button to turn on the power as he watched Desmond.

Unknown to them Daniel and Scarlett saw Desmond getting electrocuted by Electro as Max let out a maniacal laugh.

Scarlett: *Grabs Sniper* Hold on Desmond.

Daniel: No, He's got this.

Scarlett: But-

Daniel: Don't worry, I believe in him.

Electro continued electrocuting Desmond as he was on the brink of losing consciousness until Desmond reconnected the cables.

Desmond: Harry, Do it now!

Harry turned on the power and then...

Desmond fell down on the ground as Electro was being overloaded with Electricity as The City had power again.

Electro was screaming in pain until a helicopter flew above Electro as The Pilot shot a cable at Max and it dragged him out of the power plant as Desmond watched Electro and the chopper leave.

Scarlett: He did it.

Daniel: Kid, You are one tough bastard.

Harry was gonna help Desmond but he was already gone as Harry decided to go back to F.E.A.S.T to help Miles and the others.

The Airport Command Tower had power as they told the pilots of two different planes to move out of the way as Both Planes managed to avoid crashing into each other as everyone in the planes were safe. The Airport Command Tower was filled with joy and happiness knowing everyone was safe.

Meanwhile Desmond made it to Mercy Hospital as he was weak and felt like he was gonna lose unconscious until he heard an argument as he was confused until he heard something.

George: Mrs. Morales, Your under arrest.

Rio: Wait why?

Simon: What did she do?

George: She started the Raft Breakout and we have video evidence to prove it.

Simon: There has to be a mistake, She can't do this.

George: She let out six of the most dangerous villians free and your telling me that she didn't do anything.

Desmond was shocked as Captain Stacy showed them the video evidence until he arrested Rio as Simon was trying to speak to him but he didn't listen.

Desmond began hearing Otto and Rosie's voice as his vision began to feel blurry until he collapsed on the floor as Otto and Rosie ran to check on him as Desmond was unconscious.

A/N: Thanks For Reading And Thank You All For The Birthday Wishes :D

Stay cool and stay safe everyone :D

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