Chapter 13 - The Snowie Owls

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The patrol escorted Moonshadow, Dawnwing, Stardust and Robintail towards an enormous sycamore tree.

"Welcome to our home, the great Snowie tree." Talonswipe hooted proudly.

Wow, their home is cool! Stardust gazed around her in amazement. There were nests all over the tree with Snowies swooping back with some mice in their beaks, some Snowies were feeding their chicks and a parliament of Snowies were gathered around training owlets some battle techniques and how to hunt.

"Alright everyone," Talonswipe hooted to his patrol. "Get something to eat and rest, you all fought well today against those wolves." The patrol flew off and Talonswipe turned towards Moonshadow. "Follow me, your friends can stay and wait here."

"Why?" Dawnwing asked.

"My father should know about you guys here," Talonswipe answered, then he flew up to the highest nest in the Snowie tree. Moonshadow followed him.

"I hope we don't have to wait long," Dawnwing hooted. "I'm hungry."

"Same," Stardust mewed.

"So, how did you guys get here?" Robintail asked.

"We traveled over the mountains," Stardust answered. "The scarred wolf is hunting us down, we're the fugitives those wolves were talking about."

"So, you're on his hit-list." Robintail chuckled. "At least you're not alone anymore, I bet my tail I'm another of his targets now."

"Um... yeah." Stardust agreed.

"Well, how did you get here?" Dawnwing asked.

"I was looking for Moonshadow; I wanted to say sorry after what I did that morning," Robintail answered shyly. "Remember, Stardust?"

"Oh, yeah," Stardust mumbled. She recalled that morning when Robintail made a trade to try to get her for his supper, Moonshadow had defended her and Stardust ran away. She remembered hunting an odd looking vole only to be led into a trap and caught by a weasel and a dark feathered eagle; Voleclaw and Darkmoon. That was what started all this trouble in the first place.

"So... yeah, I'm really sorry Stardust," Robintail apologized. "It was such an evil foxy thing to do, sorry."

"Oh, it's okay Robintail," Stardust was taken aback that Robintail was  being genuine. "I forgive you."

"Oh thanks," Robintail wagged his tail. "I promise I won't do it ever again."

"I'm sure you won't," Stardust purred, she started to feel at ease with the fox. I guess we're friends now, she thought.

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