Chapter 14 - Resentful Times

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Moonshadow flapped his wings and flew after Talonswipe who led them to the top of the Snowie tree. They landed on a thick branch and Moonshaodw noticed that there was a large hole in the tree trunk right next to the thick branch they landed on. Talonswipe glanced behind him to check that Moonshadow had caught up to him and then he crawled into the hole, Moonshadow followed. In the hole, they found themselves in large nest. There was the scent of prey in the air and looking to his right, Moonshadow saw Talonswipe's father- the Snowie's great leader; Ember. Ember looked frailer and more ancient compared to the last time Moonshadow saw him. His white feathers weren't as sleek and white as they used to be but Ember's amber eyes still burned with strength and fire.

Ember turned his head around and scowled at Moonshadow then he turned towards his son.

"Why is he here?" Ember growled.

"He's only passing through, father." Talonswipe answered. "He and his companions will leave before sunset, Moonshadow is no trouble to us."

"No, tell them to leave immediately." Ember turned away.

"But-" Moonshadow tried to persuade Ember.

"You will leave," Ember spat, he looked at Talonswipe. "Talonswipe, escort him and his companions to the border. Now."

"Listen father, if you're telling him to leave just because of what happened before, that isn't a good reason," Talonswipe defended. "Elitestar's death wasn't his fault."

"Then who's responsible for her?" Ember challenged.

"The scarred wolf. He killed Elitestar, not Moonshadow." Talonswipe insisted. "Besides, if she still lived, I'm certain that she wouldn't agree with what you're doing now, would she?"

There was a heavy silence that filled the entire nest. I wouldn't blame Ember for being forever furious with me, Moonshadow sighed inwardly. Ember's still grieving for her. After all; Elitestar was his daughter.

"Fine," Ember sighed, reluctantly agreeing. "But I'm not happy about it."

"Thanks father, I promise they won't stay long," Talonswipe hooted his thanks, then he crawled out of the nest. Moonshadow glanced back at Ember, then followed Talonswipe out of the hole and back outside the nest.


"Right, you guys can have some prey and then you can rest. My father isn't really happy about your short visit so you can only stay until sunset, okay?" Talonswipe told Dawnwing, Stardust and Robintail.

"Sure, no problem," Dawnwing hooted.

"But why isn't your father happy?" Stardust mewed.

"I guess it's me," Robintail sighed. "I'm a fox, I'm too big. I'm very comparable to a wolf so he probably thinks I'm evil. Maybe your father is scared of me."

"Um... don't let him hear you say that or my father would get offended 'cause he believes he's the bravest Snowie in the world." Talonswipe chuckled uneasily. "Actually, it's not you. Just something else that's bothering him."

"Hey Talon," A voice greeted from behind them. It was the beautiful Snowie called Windblaze.

"Oh, hi Windy," Talonswipe hooted happily, "That's Windblaze, she's my mate."

"Oh that's nice," Dawnwing complimented. "How long's it been going?"

"A long time," Windblaze replied.

"Well, we'll leave you guys to eat and rest," Talonswipe told Moonshadow, "We'll come back to you at sunset."

"Bye!" Windblaze hooted before flying away into the oak forest.

"Bye," Dawnwing, Stardust and Robintail said together.

"Oh, um... Talonswipe?" Moonshadow hooted to Talonswipe just as he was about to fly off after Windblaze.


"Thanks for persuading your father to let us stay, we're really grateful to you." Moonshadow thanked him.

"Oh, no problem. You're my best friend; my father was being unreasonable towards you. Gotta go, bye!" Talonswipe flew away into the oak forest after Windblaze. 

Moonshadow watched him go before leading the others away towards a pile of prey and they began to eat.

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