Chapter 4 - Secrets

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The warm scent of fresh prey woke Stardust up. Blinking sleep from her eyes, Stardust saw a small dusky owl in front of her. Wondering where she was, Stardust remembered what had happened the night before; she and Moonshadow had decided to abandon their old home because the woodpecker nest was no longer safe for them after the scarred wolf's followers had tracked them. Moonshadow had suggested they go to visit an old friend of his, Dawnwing.

"Good morning Dawnwing," Stardust mewed.

"Morning, sorry I forgot to ask your name." Dawnwing hooted.

"I'm Stardust." Stardust meowed.

"Nice name. Slept well?"

"Yeah, I really miss our old home," Stardust sighed.

"I know how that feels," Dawnwing sympathized, "I've lost many homes before."


"Giants, they uprooted my first den."

"What's a giant?"

"Hasn't Moonshadow told you about them?" Dawnwing asked, surprised. "Well, basically they're really tall and they walk on two paws. They can be very dangerous at times so don't get in their way."

"He never said anything about them. Besides, yesterday when we were attacked, Moonshadow met a barn owl called Icefeather and he was angry at her because she tried to murder someone. Moonshadow didn't name the victim Icefeather tried to murder but that person was someone he loved. Why are there so many secrets?" Stardust asked, wanting to know the answer to everything.

Dawnwing bristled. "What! I thought you knew. Moonshadow, come over here."

Moonshadow limped slowly over, still half asleep.

"What's going on?" He yawned.

"I thought Stardust knew everything; about you, about other animals including giants and why didn't you tell her about Elitestar?" Dawnwing hooted.

"I... I just thought it wasn't important." Moonshadow looked away.

"Well, you raised her, she deserves to know about what's going on around her even if that involves your past."

"She doesn't need to know about Her."

"She wants to know."

"But-" Moonshadow protested.

"She should know." Dawnwing interrupted, "she has lived with you for so long and still she doesn't know much about you. I bet you didn't even tell her about your parents."

"Enough." Moonshadow sighed. "I told you, she doesn't need to know."

"Moonshadow," Stardust mewed, "why are you keeping so many secrets from me? Don't you trust me?"

Moonshadow stared at Stardust. "Sorry, I didn't mean it like that. I do trust you, honestly. It's just that I don't think you need to know, that's why I didn't tell you anything. I might tell you if you really want to know."

"I'll leave you two to talk about it," Dawnwing turned round to hop away, "I just think that it's only right to tell her, don't keep a burden to yourself when there's always someone there by your side."

Dawnwing hopped away into a tunnel and vanished through the darkness. Maybe Moonshadow will tell me everything now, Stardust thought hopefully, then I'll know what's going on.

"Follow me," Moonshadow limped away towards a different tunnel entrance. Stardust decided to follow him. Soon, they were swallowed up in darkness, only a few glowing fungus plants dimly lit the tunnel up.

"Won't we get lost?" Stardust mewed uncertainly.

"I've been through here before, a long time ago." Moonshadow answered.

"Okay... so... you know where we're going right?"

"Yes, don't worry. Even if we do get lost, I'll always be there and I'll find a way out for both of us." He turned around and gazed warmly at her, his amber eyes glowing like a warm fire. Moonshadow led the way through several paths and Stardust wondered if they would ever stop.

After what seemed like a century, Moonshadow led her into a small cave. A tiny opening above let in a thin beam of light, the cave was empty and scents were stale.

"Does Dawnwing use this cave for anything?" Stardust asked, "it's so empty."

"She made it seem empty," Moonshadow replied, "She has hidden many treasures in this cave, she has shown me a few and most of her treasures belong to her family."

"Wow." Stardust gazed around, "do you think Dawnwing would mind if you could show me a few of her treasures?"

"Well, I'd better ask. It's her treasure and it means a lot to her." Moonshadow answered. "Anyways, I only brought you here because... well... I decided that it's time I tell you everything. Dawnwing's right, I could have told you earlier. I'll tell you everything."

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