Chapter 5 - Moonshadow's Tale

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"I was born in the far north; where the mountains meet the skies and the snow endlessly falls," Moonshadow began. "My mother was a Snowie named Moonlight and my father was a barn owl named Stormshadow."

"What's a Snowie?" Stardust tilted her head to the side.

"A Snowie is a snowy owl that belongs to an owl clan called the Snowies. Snowies have to stay loyal to their leader- which my mother didn't do after she became mates with my father. That's why I'm pale grey instead of snowy white. I was supposed to have a sister but she was born dead; if she had lived, my parents would have named her Stardust."

"So you named me after your sister!" Stardust exclaimed in surprise. "Well, I kind of remembered pointing at a really bright star a long time ago."

"Yes, you did," Moonshadow agreed, "but I also chose your name."

"Am I like a sister to you?" Stardust wondered.

"Um... I guess so," Moonshadow murmured. "After I was born, my father went off and my mother looked after me all by herself. It wasn't easy because I wasn't born a full Snowie which is why the Snowies rejected me and my mother and I were forced to leave. We lived in an oak forest for a while and when I was fully grown, my mother left me and I haven't seen her ever since."

"Why did she leave you?" Stardust mewed.

"I guess she tried to go back and live with the Snowies but I guess they wouldn't let her."

"What happened after she left you?"

"I searched the oaks for her but she was gone so I traveled east, away from the oak forest and tried to join the Snowies. They refused to let me stay, not even for one night. They chased me out so I fled, I flew a little down south towards a forest that was near the lake and there was lots of prey, shelter and a large water source. I lived there for a while and that's where I first met Dawnwing, we became good friends and when the giants invaded - big, tall creatures with no fur except for a tiny scrap on their heads, they walk on two legs and they have long front paws- they chopped down trees with strange cold objects and they had monsters with them; shiny pelts and large, round, black paws. They can go up to unimaginable speeds, even faster than the swiftest deer. When the lake forest was no more but deserted barren land, and Dawnwing's underground den had been uprooted and completely destroyed, we journeyed north-west and lived in a maple forest with a friendly herd of white-tailed deer living nearby. That was when I met Icefeather; she was pretty and really nice but Dawnwing didn't seem to like her very much so I kept my distance. Then we lost our home again; the giants with their monsters came storming back and chopped the forest down. The deer herd went a separate way and Dawnwing went with me. To Dawnwing's dismay; Icefeather followed us. We journeyed to a small oak forest."

"So Dawnwing didn't like Icefeather because she was jealous?" Stardust meowed.

"No, she said that she didn't trust Icefeather; "That owl's got something foxy and sly, I don't trust a feather on her." One night, I told Dawnwing that Icefeather was a nice friend and then she got mad at me," Moonshadow hooted. "I defended Icefeather and told Dawnwing that she was fussing over nothing and being a real pain in the tail. She wouldn't talk to me for days after that and I still regret what I said to her that night." Moonshadow sighed,"I said that I was sorry for what I had said to her and she said that she'd forgiven me, I asked her if we were still friends but she didn't answer back. Then she told me that she was going to leave and travel down south, I felt disappointed but I knew that once Dawnwing has made up her mind, there was no going back.

"Farewell Moonshadow, don't worry too much about me, I'll be fine. Just stay safe," She said before she left. I wished her good luck and farewell and then she was gone."

"Where did Dawnwing go?"

"Somewhere south, she never told me. Anyway, Icefeather stayed with me after she knew that Dawnwing was gone. We had fun together but then one day when I was out hunting where the maple forest once was, I accidentally bumped into a patrol of Snowies; they were really hostile and threatened that if I ever went anywhere near their new border, they would attack me. I didn't remember the Snowies patrolling their territory and being this territorial over their land so I asked them why they now had patrols. They told me of a danger which had recently been attacking the nearby north; "Haven't you heard of the danger? It's been attacking almost everywhere at the same time, a few civilisations have already been wiped out." One of the Snowies informed me; she was as white as snow with luminous green eyes, pale grey spotted wings and tail feathers."

"Did you find out her name?" Stardust mewed, already guessing that this Snowie was called Elitestar- Dawnwing had mentioned the name earlier.

"Well..." Moonshadow blushed and looked away, "I'll tell you next time."

"Please," Stardust pleaded, "I want to know what happened, I promise I won't laugh if it's embarrassing."

"Okay fine," Moonshadow hooted, "The next day-"


Dawnwing burst out of the tunnel entrance and into the cave. Her feathers were bushed up and she trembled with fear.

"The scarred wolf is here!"

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