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AW : Swearing and Violent

TW : Verbal & Physical Bullying/Harassment

It's day two at Oxford university and It's lunchtime you Emma ,Billie,Darren,Cody, Austen and Finn sit together having pasta and meatballs in silent while Taissa, Evan, Gabby, Jamie,Lily and Niall sit on a table on the other side of the canteen eating pizza "so why I didn't see you or (y/n) when I woke up in our dorm this morning?" Billie asked concerned "it's because of your snoring" you replied honestly "my snoring isn't that bad is it?" Austen bite into his pasta, Darren and Finn laugh while you and Emma remained silent

"YES IT IS!" you and Emma yelled in unison and laughing Billie rolled her eyes impressed and lens back into her chair you quickly catch Cody's smiling at you before you smile back at him, Niall looks down at his food and playfully throws a bit of pizza at Cody's head "TAKE THAT LOSER!" he laughs "come on Niall cut it out" Evan exclaimed annoyed "yeah leave him alone" Taissa adds Niall ignores them and throws another piece of pizza at Cody "what the f*ck is wrong with you?" you said angrily "hey back off dude" Darren chimed in hostile

"It's ok you guys" Cody scoffed under his breath "no it's not" Emma said in raged "she's right Cody you gonna stand up to him and not let him push you around" Finn said confidently "if you don't say anything to him he's just gonna keep throwing pizza at you" Billie exclaimed pressed Niall suddenly throws his plate of half eaten pizza at you and friend's table causing a big mess while you saw it in horror "HEY YOU NEARLY FUCKING US!" Austen yelled  "STOP IT!" Gabby yells "it's not funny Niall" Lily said softly "stop being a dick" Jamie exclaimed

Cody cleans himself with a wipe before matching off to Niall in anger "LISTEN MAN YOUR REALLY GETTING ON MY F*CKING NEVRES YOU CAN PICK ON ME ALL YOU WANT BUT LEAVE (y/n) AND THE OTHERS COMPLETELY OUT OF THIS OR ELSE!" he yelled from the top of his lungs nothing but a pin could drop in the canteen "Or what loser, what are you gonna do? knock me out oh please" Niall smirked getting to intimate Cody "you couldn't even beat rocky in a boxing match"

He shoves Cody afterwards Cody shoves him back Darren jumps in to punch Niall onto the ground Cody then drags Niall off Darren and punches him, Niall pulls Cody up from the ground and pushes him onto one of the canteen table hitting one of his rubs "CODY!" you yelled out in horror

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