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Cody's P.O.V

*I felt my body getting wrecker by the minute as Niall was punching me in my stomach and balls, I suddenly saw a bright light shine above the large canteen window and passed out a few later I found myself in the nurse room lay on a bed on my back and slowly coming around from my injures to see (y/n) sitting near my beside looking beautiful as always*

"How are you feeling Cody?" she asked "are you feeling any better?" "yeah I'm getting there slowly thanks for asking (y/n), where's are the others gone?" I said "Darren was set to Miss Lange's office and given a warring Finn and Emma when to the library together and Billie and Austen are hanging out together the student lounge" she explained "what about about Niall?" I asked "they kicked me out of here because he was bullying you and Miss Lange doesn't like bullies and ether do I" (y/n) exclaimed

"Finn and Darren asked me to check on you to see how you are doing because I was the only one free, You were really great out there Cody, like a superhero fighting the bad guys" "well what can I say (y/n) I'm really superman after all" I joked "hey Cody I was thinking after you're feeling a lot better maybe we could on a date sometime but only if you want to tho?"

Cody's P.O.V

*What a minute is (y/n) really asking me to go a date with her, well don't just look at her Cody say something you idiot*

"I would love to go a out date with (y/n) and don't worry I'll let you know when I'm feeling better and free to go out with you" I trailed on nervously trying to find my glasses on the side blinded as a bat "oh don't worry I'll help you Cody" (y/n) panicked kindly handing me my newly broken glasses from the side "I'm really sorry damn that Niall" "oh no that's ok (y/n) I've got spare ones at my dorm, I bring them everywhere I got incase I break my other glasses" I explained

"that's a really good idea Cody, I'm gonna let you rest more now and I'll let the others know how you're doing and I'll see you again tomorrow to check up on you again" she said before quickly lending in to kiss my check then she heads towards the door and leaves"Bye Cody" "Bye (y/n)" I exclaimed blushing

A/N : we really do have a lot real life superheroes out day and night fighting to save our lives not just today but everyday at this difficult time right now but I really hope all of you guys are staying safe and doing well while we are all at home protecting ourselves from harm ❤️😘👍🏾❤️

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