Farewell Oxford

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Your P.O.V

3 Years Later

*I couldn't believe that I've finished university for good and I was about to go outside to the world and follow my dreams*

I, Cody, Billie, Emma, Darren,Finn & Austen all hang out together and sit together after graduation at a local pub in the evening to celebrate with a few glass of beer  "wow we're all finally grade students, so how are you all feeling?" Darren exclaimed excitedly "pretty good Darren" Finn said having his arm around Emma's shoulder "it still feels weird" she smiles "i agree it still hasn't sunk in yet" I adds looking towards Cody who sat right beside me "I don't know ether babe, it's quite new to me too" he said kissing my cheek  "well I'm glad to say that I'm happy that I'm finally out of oxford university and I'm ready to face the real world again" Billie declared

"Me too Billie and I can't wait to pack up and get out of here and go travelling around the world" Austen pipped up cheerfully "and I can't wait to do the wild thing again" Billie adds chasing her kiss against Austens much to every else's pleasure "ok you two lovebirds that's enough ew get a room" Darren scoffed playfully Austen and Billie then quickly run off together and leave the bar hand in hand "hey wait you guys I didn't actually mean it was joke well I guess I'll see you both soon"

"Don't worry they know you didn't mean it" Emma consoled him "I guess sex is another way to celebrate graduating from Oxford" Finn joked Emma laughed and lightly nudged him on the shoulder then kissed him "well at least they having fun" I giggled "to the future" Cody raised his glass me and the others did the same "to the future"

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