The Stars

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Your P.O.V

2 Hours Later

*You felt butterflies fill inside my stomach as i walked to the empty field alone by Evan's frat house to meet Cody for our date, I wasn't waiting long for him to finally arrive when he greeted me by kindly hugging me*

"Hi how are you?" I asked shyly "I'm doing good, how are you (y/n)" he replied softly "yeah I'm good thank you Cody" I said sitting down with him on the field and begin to glares at the stars as my mind drew off into my our world relying the thoughts in my head from earlier over and over again on replay

Your P.O.V

*What if Cody doesn't like at all I think going a date with him was a mistake*

Emma's P.O.V

*(y/n) what are you talking he definitely does he would be stupid if he didn't*

Billie's P.O.V

*Emma's right and besides (y/n) he would of asked you out if he didn't like you*

Your's P.O.V

*I was actually the one who asked him out first*

"(y/n) are you ok?" Cody asked concerned lightly touching my shoulder to put me out of my daydream as I smile to myself "yeah I'm fine Cody my mind just when all over the place sorry" "oh no that's ok my mind wonders like that too" "Really?" I beamed out excitedly "yup" he chimed in "look (y/n) a shooting star" I turned to see it in the sky as Cody points his direction at it passing by

"did you make a wish?" I asked honestly "yes" Cody said "what was it?" Cody lend a bit closer to me and looked me straight into my eyes "you" he said flirtatiously before pulling me into his tight embrace and kissing me

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