True Colours

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TW: Some talks of insecurities, anxiety and depression

AW: Mild Swearing

You walk in the dead of night alone back the campus spotting Cody sitting on the bench in the courtyard by himself "hi" you shyly waved to him "hi' he said back looking down at his toes then up in the sky to look up at the stars while you sit beside him on the bench "why are you doing out here by yourself Cody?" you asked concerned "I needed some time to think that's all" he replied sheepishly smiling you "so how are Darren and Finn?" you questioned calmly to break the ice

"they're both really good, Darren is sleeping like a baby as we speak and Finn is sitting up in bed mending his broken nose and black eye" Cody replied with a bit of a confident tone in his voice

Cody's P.O.V

*What the f*ck is the matter with you Cody stop such a f*cking pussy, just be a man and grow some balls and tell (y/n) the truth about you feel about her for god sakes*

I quickly turned away from (y/n) to bury my face in my hands and cry "hey what's the matter Cody?" (y/n) asked me concerned putting her arm around while me closer to her soothing me "i'am always so useless all the thing, i'am nothing but a coward who can't tell the girl that he likes how he feels about her" i choked up without trying to stop misty-eyed looking straight into (y/n) in her big beautiful (y/e/c) "I understand how you feel Cody, I sometimes feel like I owe nothing to this world without having to live up to it all the time and prove myself and time and time, it's like your trying to break out of this so-called perfect world" (y/n) exclaimed softly

"Which doesn't exist the best person you can be is yourself" I lightly smiled at (y/n) wiping my eyes away as she took my hand in mine smiling back at me a silent filled the air between us creating a deep connect so strong, like we were the only two people in the world

Cody's P.O.V

*This is the right time just tell her and tell her now*

*He's looking at me differently then before should I tell him I like? i'am gonna just take a deep breath and do it  here goes nothing"

"I really like you" you and Cody say excitedly in unison surprising each other at the same time "Is it true (y/n)?" Cody questioned with tears deep inside his baby blue eyes "yes it's true Cody I like you a lot" you answered honestly "why do you ask?" "Because believe or not (y/n) I never actually thought you would wanna go out with me to begin with but Darren and Finn told that of shouldn't of worried about that, but I saw at Evan's party dancing with guy from law class I thought all my fears had come true and it bite me right on the ass" he declared mortified moving his hand from away yours to look over to the side

"I have anything to tell you too, I was disappointed when I didn't see you at the party at all but when you arrived with Finn and Darren I lit up like fireworks" you said softly "I wanted to dances with Niall because it wasn't like I really wanted to, I really wished it was you I was dancing with instead Cody" Cody slowly turn back around to face you and smile licking his lip while fixing his glasses to sit right on his face

"I really hate wearing these things it makes me look like Frankenstein's monster" he scoffed in anger "no they don't Cody made you look like a really sexy nerd" you said flirtatiously wapping your arms around him giggling looking into his eyes lending to kiss him both of you jump just as a light beams from an open door from one of the universities student buildings nearby Miss Paulson and Lily walk out together looking quite cosy with each other, Cody quickly grabs your hand and both of you hide under the bench without any of being seen

"Lily no one can find out about us being together" Miss Paulson whispers caresses Lily's face " I don't wanna be away from you Sarah" Lily demands lovingly "I know baby but we can't get caught because but I'll lose my job and you're be expelled, I can't risk it Lily we need to be careful incase Principal Lange or any of the other teachers find out" Sarah exclaimed rising her voice a little bit while looking carefully checking of anyone had heard what she just said

"No one will know Sarah just relax just can trust me babe I promise I won't tell a soul" Lily said flirtatiously giving Miss Paulson a quick kiss before they go they separate ways, you and Cody jump from the bench together shocked and confused "this isn't gonna end well (y/n) Cody said lowing his down voice  "I know if the hold university found out they be screwed" you said under you breath you and Cody share a smilie than before he kindly walks you back to your dorm room confidently holding your hand "thanks for walking back with me" exclaimed kindly smiling

"It's no problem you're really pretty (y/n) Cody muttered shyly making you blushes "Thank you you're not so bad yourself mr handsome" you said flirtatiously hugging him he then quickly pulls back to give you a soft unexpected kiss on the cheek "goodnight (y/n) he declared calmly "goodnight Cody" you said waving at him while watching him leave before you go inside your dorm

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