Chapter 3

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Brandon woke up 2 hours later after I woke up. But I had fallen asleep again, my head against his chest. He shook me lightly. "Hannah? You have to get up." Brandon gently said. I groaned, and fluttered open my eyes. I blushed all over again as I glanced at his bright green eyes. Brandon chuckled. "You wouldn't stop crying unless I slept with you, so I did. Live with it. I promise I didn't do anything," he smiled. "Well... I suppose that's ok since you didn't do anything," I murmured. I got off him, but he only grabbed me again. "Don't move... I like this position," he confessed. I chuckled, and moved his hand away. "No, you can't sleep with me," I said. I got up, and off of the bed. "I'll cook breakfast- I'll make waffles, your favorite," exclaimed Brandon, and he got up quickly and ran to the kitchen. I laughed, and sat back down on the bed. I thought about mom. She must be worried sick about me. I promised to myself that I would come home and stay with her the whole day when I got home. I was about to reach into my shirt pocket for my phone, when I forgot that I left it at home. Instead of looking down at a screen, I decided to look around this room. I noticed a picture frame of Brandon and I, both proudly holding skiing sticks and smiling while our faces were coated with white snow. Zoe was in the background, making silly faces. I smiled. I remember that day. I also remember how much I fell and hurt my back that day. It was hilarious, me flip flopping in the snow while Brandon and Zoe were skiing like professionals. There were other portraits of Brandon and I in this room, one of us in prom, another at a concert, and another at his pool. There was also another one of us in front of his mansion. I didn't stutter. I said mansion. His father owns a huge company, and now he's filthy stinkin' rich. But of course Brandon never really cared about money. That's why he so easily said that he would pay for our college education. I felt something vibrate under me, and I sat up. It was Brandons phone. On the front was a text message from Zoe, basically her describing her college campus. I sighed, and put down his phone. I wasn't going to snoop in it, I'm not that kind of person. 

It was weird, being here, in pajamas, in front of a boy. Nerve racking to be honest. I didn't know what he was thinking. I know we learned all about this in health, but still, it was weird once you actually experience it. I stood up, and looked around the room for the baggy shorts I wore yesterday. I found them near the bed, and I slipped them on, along with the other items I took off. I left the room right on time, Brandon was yelling "Breakfast is ready!" I walked to the kitchen, and took a seat at a dark brown table. Brandon walked towards me, two plates in his hand. Both were filled with scrambled eggs and bacon, my favorite. "You little dog, you know that's my favorite," I smiled. He smiled back. "I know, I wanted you to have a good start. Say, do you want to head to the movies later today?" He asked. I shrugged. "If my mother is home, then no, I want to be able to stay with her today. But if not, I surely will." 

"Ok," he said. He put down the plates, one in front of me and the other where he was sitting. He plopped down in his chair. "Silverware?" I asked. "Oh, excuse me," He said, getting up. The chairs friction against the floor squeaked, and I made a small giggle. "It's the chair, Hannah," Brandon quickly said, his cheeks flushing with embarrassment. I nodded like 'sure it was the chair.' Brandon walked back to me with a fork, which I took from his hands. "Thanks," I mumbled to him as I immediately dived into my breakfast. He laughed. "Hungry one, aren't you?" he said. I didn't respond, half the plate of food already eaten. 

Brandon sat down, and began to eat. "So, if your mother isn't home, instead of the movies, why don't we go see if we could apply for that job we were talking about?" I nodded in between bites. "Sounds good."

I finished in a matter of minutes, and looked up at Brandon, who had also finished. "Oh, I'm not the only hungry one aren't I?" I giggled. "Well duh, I'm hungry too," he replied. I laughed. "Alright, I best be going. I'll call you if I can come over again," I said. "Wait! Don't you need your clothes?" 

"Oh, right," I blushed. Brandon laughed and stood up. "Alright, give me a few minutes to take out the laundry." I nodded. He got up, tucked his chair in, and left the kitchen. I didn't move from my chair, only simply glancing out a window near me. I saw the birds singing, and the drops of rain falling from the roof. I heard steps behind me. Before I had the chance to run away, a hurdle of clothes flew at me. "Gah!!" I yelled. As I struggled to move the clothes out of my face, I heard the hysterical sound of laughter. I felt Brandon grab the clothing that was on my face, and I glared at him when I was able to see again. "You butt," I said in a fake growl. He continued to chuckle. "Go and change, then I'll drive you home," he said. I raised an eyebrow. "Drive me? I can just walk, it's only a couple blocks-" 

"I insist," he interrupted. "Fine," I said while rolling my eyes. I got up, pushing my chair in. I walked into Brandons room, taking a quick glance at his guitar on the wall while I walked into the bathroom. I quickly changed back into my comfy MTV shirt and jeans with my leather jacket, and ran back out. Brandon was waiting in his room for me. "You ready, kit kat?"

"Kit kat?" I questioned. 

"That's it. Kit kat. That's your new nickname."

"Then you're bubblegum," I laughed. 

Brandon lightly punched me. "Haha Kit kat, now head out to the front porch, I'll take the car out." 

I giggled and smiled. He left the room, leaving me alone. I hadn't noticed until now, but all the clothing in his room was gone. "Was he cleaning before he heard me scream or is he magic?..." I thought to myself. You could finally see the color of his carpet, which was a dark blue. You could also finally see his bed posts. 

And a box under the bed...

I looked to my left, and to my right. "Should I snoop into the box?" I pondered for a moment. "He's waiting for me..." I shook my head. "I'll only take a peek." I took the medium sized box out, and opened it quickly. There was a large amount of photos, and a large sketchbook. I quickly grabbed the sketchbook and a handful of photos after I heard the large booming noise of the car horn. I stuck the sketchbook in my jacket and the photos in my pockets. I walked outside, Brandons red Subaru waiting for me. I opened the door to the front seat, and sat down. He turned to me and smiled. I glared at him playfully. "You're not driving drunk, right?" I growled. He chuckled. "No, of course not." He began to drive out of the driveway. I gasped when I heard a large clanking sound, and a yell. "Hey Brandon, your car sucks!" I hid my face in my hands, the sleeves over my hands. Brandon opened his window, and shouted out, "I'll call the cops if you don't get your punk-ass out of here, Mark!" I heard the faint sound of laughter, and then heard Mark run away. "Is it safe?" I whispered. "Yes, you're fine. The damn Bed Heads, I can't wait until one day their parents will find out about how bad they are." I nodded in agreement. He put down my hands and smiled. "Hey, no need to be scared. I'll make sure you're safe, I hate them as much as you do." I felt a pang of guilt in my chest as I remembered that I stole his notebook and photos. But I fake smiled and murmured a thanks. He continued to drive as I looked out the window distantly. "What photo's are those... and what's in that notebook?" I asked myself in my head. I felt the car stop. I shook my head, back in reality. He had parked in front of my large hill. "I'll get you later if your mother isn't home," he said. I nodded. "Bye!" I got out of the car, and slammed the door behind me. I began to run up the hill, holding my jacket in the front so the notebook wouldn't fall out. I ran into my house, and slammed the door shut. I went upstairs, closed my door, and laid down in the bed, taking out the notebook and photos. 

Time to investigate.

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