Chapter 4

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I first took a look at the photos. I smiled when I noticed that the first picture was us at graduation, my hand around his shoulder, both of us grinning. I took another photo. This one was of... me. In 5th grade. Wow, I had the most geeky hair in existence! I kept flipping through the pictures, most of them just of us in our earlier years. I took a glance at the notebook when I was finished. "A diary?... A journal?..." I picked it up, placing the photos in a stack beside me. I sucked in a sharp breath, and opened it. The first thing that was written was a name and date. I raised an eyebrow. This notebook dated back 10 years ago! I quickly flipped to the next page.

This wasn't a journal...

It was a sketchpad.

Inside was a picture of 2 people, both near a river and holding hands. I assumed it was of me and him. I smiled bigger, and thought back to those days.

I walked along the edge of the river, barefoot, my jeans rolled up to my knees. I jumped on top of a boulder, and began to topple over. "Augh!" I yelped. But instead of my body meeting the water, it met the warm hands of Brandon. My eyes were shut due to the fact that I didn't want to see the water hit me. Brandon shook me lightly, causing me to open my eyes. "H-Huh? I didn't fall?"

"No, I would never let you fall," he smiled. I flushed and turned my head, standing up. I noticed the sunset. "Ooo! The sunset!" I shouted in excitement. I ran around the river, finding a grassy hill, and laying on the side. Brandon flopped beside me on the hill. As the sun disappeared over the horizon, the stars began to come out and the sky turned black. I pointed to the brightest star, the one that usually is beside the moon. "Brandon, look!" I yipped like a pup. He turned his head to where I was pointing. He made a look of confusion. "It looks like static," he said. I nudged him. "How?"

"The light is blinking..."

"It's a star. The light is supposed to do that," I said, feeling quite smart.

"Whatever you say," he said. I put my hand down, silence beginning to creep on us as we gazed at the stars that were appearing. I flushed a little more when I felt Brandon grab my hand.

I gasped, feeling a tear fall down my cheek and meet the page of the notebook. It splattered on it, thankfully not on the picture itself. "Do I really like Brandon like that?..." I crossed my arms and pondered for a moment. I groaned when I realized I couldn't answer that question. I flipped to the next page. It was a picture of 2 people, one a man and the other a boy. He... he was stabbing the man.

"What is this?..." I thought. It was scary, whatever it was, since the picture dated back to when he was 11. I shook my head, "Probably something inspired by a video game or something."

I flipped to the next page. There was a picture of me... behind me was the same man as before. My heart began to race. "Who is this man? And what does he want?" I looked behind me, but there was nobody there. I shuddered, a little bit of fear beginning to crawl up my back. I flipped to the next page.

The picture now was just the picture of the man... He had no face, and he wore a ragged shirt with baggy pants. I shuddered. "This man.. he looks like... my father."

I kept flipping through the pages, constant pictures of the man popping up. I stopped at one page in particular...

One drawn yesterday...

My heart stopped and I dropped the notebook. I panted and shook.

The picture was of the man, stabbing me, at the river. I felt a tear drop down my cheek in fear, and I shut the notebook. "Is this why he didn't show me this notebook?" Memories began to flash through my mind of Elementary and Middle School, of him holding the notebook. I put the notebook beside the bed, along with the photos, and just curled up on the bed.

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