Chapter 5

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Mother didn't come home. I suspected she was still at work. I decided not to call Brandon, still a little frightened. I got up. "I have to go somewhere to calm myself..." The first thing that popped in my head was the river. "I can take a bus to the forest and head into the cabin... I'm sure Brandon won't mind." I walked downstairs, leaving my phone, and walked outside. I walked down my hill, and headed out of the neighborhood, knowing there was a bus stop right outside. I felt a mud ball hurtle itself toward me, and I dodged right on time. "You pig!" I heard. 

I snarled, picking up a stone, and throwing it the oak tree. I heard footsteps scuttling out of the way. "Get the hell away from me!" I shouted. I heard laughter, and then the laughter went distant. The Bed Heads left. "Thank god..." I murmured. I kept walking forward and around turns, and eventually got to the outside of the neighborhood. I sat at the bus stop. There was a man already sitting there, his hair hiding his face and his expression dark. He took my wrist and jerked it forward. I yelped and struggled. As I struggled, he shook, and his eyes stared straight into mine. "Danger is coming..." he murmured in a low and hoarse voice. I looked at him funny, and snapped my wrist away, right on time since I saw the bus stop at my stop. I shot up, and rushed onto the bus. "New Hope creek, please," I asked the driver. He nodded, and closed the doors, the creepy man still staring at me as the bus left. I took a seat in the very back. "I wonder what Brandon is doing right now?..." I thought to myself. I laid back in the seat, and stared out the window of the bus, my gaze distant. 

The bus was at its last stop, New Hope Creek. I got up, thanking the driver, and then got out of the bus. I began to walk down the trail of the dark forest, even though it was day, it was still dark. My head was down, staring at the ground as I walked. Most people would think, 'Why go to the river? Of all places?' As scary as it is, it soothes me. Even if all I see is my father, I will eventually forget as I will lay on the grassy hill. As I walked down the trail, I looked around. I could see broken trees, and dark leaves. I kept trudging forward.

After about 15 minutes of following this dark trail, I looked up and saw the lake. I smiled. That meant that I could go to the cabin, and the grassy hill, and escape from my nightmare. I began to sprint to the cabin, wanting water first if there was any. I opened the door. It was always open. The cabin was large, with a nice wood like smell and a wooden roof. I stepped in, closing the door behind me. I walked to the kitchen, happy memories of Brandon and I making cookies in this kitchen coming back to me. I took a cup from the cupboard above my head just slightly, and turned on the faucet in the sink. As water fell into the cup, I kept looking around. It as a little dusty in this cabin, like nobody had been here for a while. I mean, last time I was in here was when it was my freshman year of high school. I took the cup that was now filled with water, and took a few sips. Maybe I'll spend the night here. I had nothing to do, and I wasn't planning on seeing Brandon today. I finished my cup of my water, and put it in the sink. I decided to go out, and walk along the river. So I walked out of the cabin.The breeze was making goosebumps appear along my skin, and make my hair annoyingly fly in my face. But I didn't care. I turned my head, gazing at the still river water. Instead of water, I saw memories swimming all together. Some of the memories of Brandon, some of the nightmare, and some of me. The stupid little girl I was. 

When I was a little girl, I was the geekiest person alive. I had the huge Harry Potter glasses, I had the office looking outfit, hell I should have just taken a sharpie, and write "Geek" on my forehead. I sighed. As much as I wanted to look away from the river of memories, I didn't. I knew I had to learn to live with the past. As I continued to walk around the river, the sun began to go down, and before I knew it, it was dark. I was out here, walking around the river, for hours. I yawned in sudden exhaustion, and turned to the cabin. I began to head there, but then suddenly glanced to my left. The grassy hill. It was right there. I looked at the cabin, and then back at the grassy hill. I ran to the grassy hill, missing laying on it while looking up at the stars. I plopped myself on the soft grass, and looked up at the sky, murmuring, "what does the stars look like to you, Brandon?" I gasped as I felt someone plop down next to me in surprise. "It looks like static to me." I looked at Brandon in amazement. "H-How... Where..." 

"I entered in a different part of the forest. I thought you might be here," he explained. I stared at him for a couple moments, and then went back to looking up at the sky. "I'm sorry I didn't see you today, I was just... busy," I quickly lied. He made that 'Oh I know you're lying' face. "Mhm. Why don't you tell my why you really didn't see me today."

I groaned. He knew me so well. Too well. "I... I took your notebook before I left your house earlier today, and I looked in this notebook and saw... My nightmare." 

"Your nightmare? You mean my nightmare! I had that yesterday," Brandon said. I looked straight at him, dumbfounded. "I'm scared," I simply whispered. However, I wasn't really scared. Just amazed. I guess I said I was scared because it isn't normal for somebody to have the same dream as you. I felt warm, and safe all of a sudden. Brandon had wrapped his arms around me. "It's ok... no need to be scared," he mumbled to me. 'Is this real? Is Brandon really hugging me right now?" I thought to myself. Instead of moving his hands away, I snuggled closer to him. I didn't want him to go. "Is it your wish to stay at the cabin tonight?" He asked me quietly. I nodded. "Y-Yeah... If you don't mind," I said quietly. He shook his head. "No, I don't mind," He said. Like I weighed nothing, he easily picked me up, and started walking to the cabin. "Why, do you think the stars look like static, Brandon?" I whispered, recalling a memory. "Because it flashes like static. Over and over, black and white hover in my eyes, blinking constantly," he responded, hearing me. He walked inside the cabin, walking upstairs and plopping me on the bed. "Hungry?" he asked. I shook my head, surprisingly not hungry even though I had eaten nothing but his eggs this morning. He laid on the bed beside me, holding me close to him, and not letting go. I didn't move, not wanting him to leave me. It felt nice to be in his arms. "I came to find you because I was scared," confessed Brandon. "Why?" 

"Because there was news about disappearances around our area. They didn't mention who was kidnapped, but I was searching for you to make sure I won't be seeing you on tomorrow's news, announced dead." I nodded. "Well... that's scary." I muttered. He kissed my head, making me automatically blush. "I'm so glad to be seeing you."

My face was now entirely red, which was embarrassing to me. I put my hands on arms, and shut my eyes. "What would you do... If I was taken?" 

He was silent, pondering over the question. "I would personally look for your father. For it is him that I believe to be the kidnapper." 

I grew silent. 'My... father... a kidnapper?' I thought to myself. I shook my head. "O-Oh..." I shook as I felt a cool breeze fly past us. I made a small gasp as I felt him hold me tighter. I felt warmer. "Go to sleep... I'll keep an eye out for you," whispered Brandon. "I don't need to be protected... Why are you holding me, and pretending that I'm a queen or princess or something?" I felt Brandon's skin get hotter, and he pecked my cheek. "Because I love you." I felt my own skin get hot, my face already was red from earlier. "And because... I'm just scared that the nightmare will come true. That you'll stand on the other side of the river, while I get stabbed in the stomach by your father. I don't want that," Brandon murmured. I nodded. "O-Ok..." My eyes felt heavy with exhaustion. "Brandon?"


"I love you too," I whispered. I turned around, my face inches away from his. He leaned in, and kissed me. I had my arms around him, pulling him closer and closer to me as much as I physically could. When I pulled away, I snuggled closer to him, and let my eyes finally droop close.

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