Entry 11 - Doodling

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Hello once again. The next five entries will be featuring a different city and will tell you a bit about it. This one's about Doodling, the capital city of Doodlidia. (And where I'm living at the mo)

If you want to go to Doodling, you have to know your compass points. Say you wanted to ask where the Royal District was, you'd walk up to a randomer and ask for directions. He'd answer "Ish'tz inna the thron finklefram, skye tha drivestrip. Art thou shortattentionspan inna chachinging-" which translates into "It's in the north sector, up that road. Are you interested in buying-" but you walk away at this point, because you are really not interested in what this slightly smelly man has to offer. Especially since he's holding a pink flick knife. Anywho, let's learn about the city.

The North Sector
This bit is the rich part of the city. King Tim's castle is in this part, And you can see the towers over the humongous wall surrounding it. The wall itself is amazing, as the young posh hoodlums have taken the opportunity to coat this big blank surface with graffiti and creative gum patterns. 

For Stickmen who like shopping, there's some pretty massive stores with clothes and meat and baby tickling guides. I know nothing about fashion, so I'm not sure about branding and stuff, but there are names like 'Scribble In Style' and 'Fancy Pants' if they mean anything. I bought a Fancy Pants hoodie which is really fluffy and has a secret pocket and everything.

There's also a really awesome zoo that has the almost extinct winged monkey. I went last week and they were doing 99% off sale for a ten minute petting session, and I was super excited. It bit me.
It was funny though. Kind of.

The East Sector
Ok, this place is bad salami. Riffraff town. "I'm going to punch your face unless you support that Doodle Jumper that I like and support whole heartedly," kind of neighbourhood.

I went there for one day to look around so I could write about it, and I had two guys offer to sell me Fuzziwuzz (a drug that contains such high levels of processed sugar you are sent on a permanent sugar rush. It's banned.) another group of girls laugh at the fact I was wearing my Fancy Pants hoodie, had a really big scary guy chase me down a street until another guy attacked the first guy and got into a huge fist fight and then a bunch of other guys came along to egg on the original two guys until a policeman showed up and broke up the mini war and let the two fist fight dudes off with a warning. I am now good friends with the person who 'saved' (to be honest I probably could of fought off Mr Scary using my Yellow belt karate skills) me. His name is Daniel McBallpoint.

AND the trains were late by a whole HOUR. I have a SCHEDULE people. I actually don't, I never have any sort of plan. It was still annoying though.

The South Sector
This is the city centre, even though it's not. All the big companies have their wear houses here, and basically everything that isn't houses, parks or art galleries is it this sector. It's my least favourite, but it smells of chicken, so that's a positive.

The West Sector
Most of the Doodling people live here. There is literally any kind of house here, and 43.326% of the West is parkland. My personal favourite one is Sir Shading Memorial Park, because they have a fountain shaped like an aqua cow and loads of trees.

I live here, in the North East bit. This part is really old and the streets are super narrow, and people actually hang their washing lines over the road. I have lost a lot of laundry because of my lousy pegging-clothes-to-a-gosh-darn-line skills. The best cafés are here, like the File Page. Really worth a visit, it's interior design is awesome.

Well, that's Doodling in a nutshell. Next city will be Crayonsly! Bye!

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