Entry 12 - Crayonsly

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In this entry we are going to discuss Crayonsly. That place is adorable. I stayed there for two weeks with my friend's sister's other friend's cousin. On his farm.

Ok, if Crayonsly was a Harry Potter house, it'd be Hufflepuff. All the people there are kind, helpful and generally nice, but also.... Kind of lacking in the brain department. I mean, I went to order a burger at a fast food place, and I asked for a Epicola (the best drink eva) as well. And the cashier smiled at me and she asked if I wanted a drink with that.

And another time I was heading for the library and found a Stickman pushing at a pull door with all his might, he was working so hard his nose was showing. I calmly walked up and pulled the handle and he looked at me like I was a god.

Crayonsly is extremely bright and colourful. The buildings are pretty basic, the usual four year old drawing of a house kind of design. There are tons of bright simple flowers, and a few But it has a dark side. The Led Mines.

The Led Mines
Okey dokely. I went down there with a miner I met. His name is Randy and he has swooshey hair, but it's lost its sparkle from spending so much time in the mines. Anyways, it is grim down there. Really dark, smells of dirty pencil cases and yoghurt cheese, and the miners develop loads of different back problems because they're constantly lugging huge containers of led around. I decided to become a Penitarian, which is like a vegetarian but it means instead of not eating meat you don't use pencils. I'm going to find this tough.

The miners do get perks though. There's this section of the city that's entirely dedicated to them, with houses and shops and such. And a barbershop for Randy.

The led is shipped off to Doodling to be manufactured into pencils, which are then sold everywhere. It's pretty nifty, there are like forty thousand peeps involved in the whole operation. I went on a (boring) tour round a pencil factory back in Doodling, and my mind turned grey with boredom. I started thinking of school, I was so bored. I swear I almost stood up and walked away, singing and flailing my arms randomly about.

And with that final thought, I will leave. Bye.

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