1- Life as Normal

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Flamefoot stretched luxuriously, soaking the midday sunlight into his ginger fur. He had just emerged from the warriors den, and the day ahead looked perfect. Clear skies, slight breeze, the sounds of prey coming from the forest.

Rocktail, a dark brown cat who happened to be Flamefoot's best friend, padded over and gave him a knowing look. "Enjoying the weather, are we?" He said, a playful gong in his eyes. Flamefoot purred. "Oh Rocktail, not even you can ruin this day. Hmm," he broke off, glancing at the fresh-kill pile. A rabbit, two squirrels, and large amount of mice, voles, and shrews made up the heap, but Flamefoot thought it looked a tad on the small side.

"Say, Rocktail, do you want to go hunting with me? I feel like stretching my legs, and we might as well make ourselves useful." Rocktail paused for a moment, then padded towards the camp entrance, signaling with his tail for to follow. Flamefoot's whiskers twitched in amusement. Rocktail was always acting as if he was in charge, but if they ever came across any trouble, he would be the first to step back.

To some, he was thought of as arrogant, but Flamefoot knew that despite his superior attitude, he had a kind heart and would always try to help if he could.

Flamefoot was pulled out of his thoughts when Darkwind, the ShadowClan medicine cat, came through the camp entrance. He looked flustered, and made his way purposefully across the clearing towards the leader's den. Sootstar, who had been enjoying a thrush outside with his mate, Gorseberry, looked up at Darkwind's figure. Flamefoot heard Darkwind say something he couldn't hear, and both cats stood up and padded over to Sootstar's den. Gorseberry continued to eat her thrush, but her twitching tail betrayed her worry.

That's odd, Flamefoot thought. What could be so important that his leader would leave his fresh-kill halfway through eating?

Flamefoot shook off his misgivings. Bounding over to Rocktail, the two cats slipped out of the bramble tunnel and into the surrounding forest.

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