3- The Secret

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{Spottedstorm is the cat above.}

Flamefoot yawned. Two days had passed since he had questioned Sootstar, but it seemed that there was never a good time to ask him again. Tired from the dawn patrol, Flamefoot made his way to the Warriors den, where he settled into his nest next to Rocktail's. Most of the cats were out in the camp or on patrols, so he had the side of the den to himself. On the opposite side lay a gray she-cat, Spottedstorm, who was known for her prickliness. Flamefoot didn't want to risk making her angry, and he was tired anyways, so he stayed silent and slowly drifted off into sleep.


Flamefoot blinked open his eyes. Something had woken him up, but thee wasn't any sign of his clanmates around. he got to his feet and padded outside, only to find that the clearing was absolutely barren. Alarm started to seep through him, but he told himself not to panic. The rest of ShadowClan was probably just outside of the camp for some reason. But when he sniffed, he smelled nothing. No cats, no ShadowClan, no nothing.

Fighting down the wave of panic that was threatening to overtake him, Flamefoot bounded over to the entrance tunnel, intending to search the entire territory if he needed to. But before he could get there, a strange cat appeared out of nowhere.

Flamefoot stared at the newcomer warily. Who is this cat? He wondered. Before he could say anything, however, the she-cat in front of him spoke.

"Greetings, Flamefoot. I know you must be very confused."

He nodded, and the cat continued. "Do not fear for your clan; this is only a dream. But I have come to tell you something. It is time for you to know the truth.

"Three sunrises ago, StarClan sent a warning. Four will become one, and nothing will be as it was. But till the fate-bound are sealed, peace will not come. The only way is through the new era, and the new era begins with Dusk."
As soon as she said dusk, he knew. He knew why he was having this dream, and he knew why it was sent to him.

Flamefoot was not always Flamefoot. Before he joined ShadowClan as a kit, his name was Dusk.

{author's note- sorry that this chapter was short. I'll try to make the next one longer. Also, if you see any mistakes, tell me! Don't forget to comment, and vote if you liked it!}

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